The Romantic Soldier King



"Come, brothers, let's go one more time!"    


At the night market's food stall, Ye Cheng, Wu Da, Ge Jun and more than ten other people gathered around the table. They were drinking and eating merrily. There were hundreds of empty beer bottles on the ground beside them. On average, one person drank ten bottles, which attracted the attention of other customers.    


Drinking and drinking with a group of straightforward men, what he wanted to say, was truly pleasurable. It had been a long time since Ye Cheng had such a carefree feeling. He drank another half a bottle of beer, then picked up the chicken leg and bit off a chunk.    


"Ye Cheng, all of you are really magnanimous. How about you bring me along with you guys?"    


"Me too!"    


The first to speak was a man, his voice loud and full of spirit. The second speaker was a woman. Her voice was not as soft as that of a woman, but it had a hint of masculine rigidity to it.     


Ye Cheng looked over, only to see a sturdy man around 1.9 metres tall, accompanied by a beautiful lady dressed in neutral attire walking over, he immediately recognized that this sturdy man was the person he had exchanged blows with at the Rose Bar, and that beautiful lady was someone he had never seen before.    


"Great fortune? Meeting each other is fate. It would be too much for me to not bring you to drink, come and sit! "    


Ye Cheng also never thought that he would be able to get lucky here. Although the two of them had fought before, they did not have any enmity towards each other. Plus, he wasn't a narrow-minded person, so he quickly got the boss to add two more chairs for them and asked them to sit down. He couldn't help but take a few more glances at the Asian beauty that came with Big Fortune.    


Shocked cries came from all directions, and it was not only Ye Cheng, almost all of the men at the food stall looked at this beautiful lady's body at the same time.    


In this period of time, Ye Cheng had seen a lot of beauties, whether it was his girlfriend Chen Luoxue, little girlfriend Lu Mengzhu, or the one who had intimate relationships with him before, they all had their own unique beauties. The woman in front of him was not any less beautiful than Chen Luoxue, but her beauty was different from the majority of girls.    


She was tall and wore a stylish tennis hat that hid her hair. She wore a plain face without any makeup, her skin was fair and smooth, and under her curved eyebrows was a pair of eyes with thick, long eyelashes. She had a gaze that could pierce through the hearts of men. She had a tall, slender nose and slightly thick lips.    


This beauty was not of the delicate type. She had a delicate face, and there was even some male rugged look on her face. He was dressed in a masculine manner, with a black shirt and black trousers. He was a handsome and feminine beauty, which made him more attractive. "If it were not for the high, full breasts, one would easily mistake him for a beautiful man.    


Sensing Ye Cheng's peeping, she smiled generously, revealing a row of neat and pure white teeth, like a black rose in full bloom.    


Being caught peeping, Ye Cheng did not feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he smiled and replied to the beauty. From the way the woman walked, Ye Cheng determined that she had definitely learnt martial arts. Her footsteps were powerful, without the slightest bit of pretence of a woman.    


Ye Cheng stood up and laughed: "Come, let me introduce her to everyone. This is my friend Great Fortune, this is a beauty I don't know how to address!"    


"If you want to know my name, then just say so." The beautiful woman's words revealed Ye Cheng's intentions. Facing the gazes of all the men, she did not hesitate at all and freely introduced herself: "I am Mu Lingdie, and am very happy to meet all of you."    


This woman was very direct, and her personality was a bit like a man's. Ye Cheng stretched out his hand and said: "Mu Lingdie, this name sounds nice, but it's filled with gentleness and strength. I'm very happy to meet you as well."    


"It's Gangzhong and Gou Rou!" Mu Lingdie casually extended her fair and long jade hand, and held it in Ye Cheng's hand.    


Holding both of his hands, Ye Cheng could clearly feel that Mu Lingdie's jade hands were full of bones, and were completely unlike the other women's hands that were soft without bones, and also that the strength of Mu Lingdie's hands was growing stronger and stronger. If it was a normal man, he definitely wouldn't be able to withstand this kind of strength and couldn't help but cry out in pain.    


It was still a rose with thorns, and she wanted to show me her hand. Ye Cheng smiled and easily retracted his hand. "Indeed, they are both firm and soft, just like their names!"    


"I'm here to drink with you, not to listen to your riddles." Great Fortune picked up a bottle of beer and cheerfully said, "We're friends since we're sitting together, I'll drink a bottle with everyone first, and then we'll do it as a form of respect."    


"Wait!" Ge Jun was drunk from drinking, and his face had a blush similar to that of a big girl. Each of us has already drank ten bottles. Since you guys are only halfway there, one bottle is no good. We have to get three bottles. "    


"That's right. Drinking three cups in a row is the best sign of sincerity ?" Wu Dai and the others jeered.    


"Great Fortune will definitely drink three bottles!" Ye Cheng flattered her first, then looked towards Mu Lingdie and said: "But Miss Mu, as long as you mean well."    


Mu Lingdie smiled and said: "Ye Cheng, you have offended me with these words. First of all, I don't like others to call me miss, or whatever they are, just call me by my name. Besides, you obviously underestimate us women. "    


Ye Cheng had originally wanted to protect this beauty, but it had instead turned into his own fault. That's my fault, I apologize, but I don't mean to look down on women. "    


Mu Lingdie picked up a bottle of beer and placed it in front of Ye Cheng. Then, he picked up a bottle himself. Since you know you are in the wrong, you should also be punished.    


Master of communication, with just a few words, he started to pour me a drink. Mu Lingdie's words were reasonable and well-founded. Ye Cheng also could not admit his wrongs in front of her, otherwise she would definitely look down on him. It's just a bottle of beer. I'll just accompany you and treat it as a form of apology. "    


"This bottle is for you to drink with us." Mu Lingdie extended two fingers that seemed like they were cutting chopped roots as he smiled and said: "If you want to apologize to me, you have to add another two bottles."    


Wu Da and the others saw how Mu Lingdie repeatedly targeted Ye Cheng, and seemed to hold some interest in him, and all started to jeer: "Ye Cheng, you must drink this wine."    


"If you don't drink it, this beauty will look down on you. It doesn't matter if you lose face, but don't lose face for us men."    


A straightforward man only needed to drink a single mouthful of wine before he would be considered a true man. The relationship between the temporary security guards and Ye Cheng had instantly increased, and they wanted to say whatever they wanted to say without any hesitation or restraints.    


"You bad friends, you really aren't afraid of getting into big trouble." Ye Cheng took the initiative to take two bottles of beer and put them in front of Mu Lingdie. Then, he took another two bottles and placed them in front of himself. Three bottles for each person, that should be fine, right? "    


Since you took the initiative to drink my wine, I have to return the favor.    


"That's more like a man!" Mu Lingdie didn't reject any of the beers that Ye Cheng had brought in front of him.    


"Then let's do it, all the love is in this wine!"    


Ye Cheng, Mu Lingdie and Big Fortune all raised up a bottle of beer, raised their heads and started gulping down the beer, which was pretty much like drinking cold water. It wasn't long before he reached the bottom of the bottle.    


"Good, this is the second bottle!" Seeing the three of them gulping down a bottle, the others hurriedly passed another one to them.    


Ye Cheng wiped off the wine from the corner of his mouth, then picked up the second bottle and gulped it down. He stole a glance at Mu Lingdie and proudly raised his swan's neck with a beautiful curve. She drank the second beer in one gulp, almost as fast as the first.    


The third bottle of beer was still finished in one gulp. Great Fortune's speed was slightly faster, and Mu Lingdie's speed was slightly slower.    


The three of them put down the empty bottles and smiled at each other. Drinking one bottle in one go was nothing, but drinking three bottles in a row required a certain amount of alcohol.    


Mu Lingdie picked up the napkin and wiped off the wine stains on her mouth. She didn't change her expression at all, she seemed to be really good at drinking. If a woman could drink wine, she would definitely be better than a man. Ye Cheng did not have a good impression of Mu Lingdie, who had a manly personality.    


"Good, we are all men!" The group of security guards applauded.    


After the three bottles of wine, the atmosphere became more lively. Everyone at the table became familiar with the two newbies. Everyone was talking and laughing, and the dozen or so men were all shouting loudly, bustling with noise and excitement. Drinking at a roadside stall had its benefits. No matter how noisy they were, they wouldn't worry about affecting others.    


Ye Cheng asked casually: "I say, blessings, why did you come to the roadside stall to drink instead of drinking all kinds of fine wine from the Rose Bar?"    


"Didn't I say I wanted to accompany Xiao Die? Furthermore, a normal bottle of wine in the bar is equivalent to ten bottles of beer outside, I can't afford to drink it." Great Fortune said.    


"That's because you're in the wrong. Why don't you pick a better place to drink with a beauty?" Ye Cheng asked about the relationship between Big Blessing and Mu Lingdie.    


Da Fu looked at Xiao Die and said softly, "You don't know how drunk Xiao Die is, so if you drink good wine, you'll definitely drink me dry. "It's fine if I go there occasionally, but I can't afford to go there too much."    


Mu Lingdie feigned anger: "Great Fu, why are you saying those bad things about me again?"    


"Great Fortune is praising your alcohol tolerance. You're a true heroine." Ye Cheng could tell from Great Fortune's words that the two of them seemed to drink together quite a bit. The two were very close, but they didn't seem to be a couple. He raised the wine bottle and said to Mu Lingdie: "From the first time we met, we have been friends. Come, let me give you a toast. "Don't drink too much, just half a bottle will do."    


Mu Lingdie gave a shallow smile and said: "Then I'll be making friends with you. Half a bottle for you, one for me."    


"She really is a female hero." Ye Cheng raised his head and quickly reached the bottom of the bottle of beer. He turned the bottle upside down and raised it towards Mu Lingdie. Not a single drop of wine flowed down.    


Mu Lingdie did the same with the empty wine bottle that he had just drunk.    


In a few minutes, she had drunk four bottles of beer. Her face was still the same as before, without the slightest hint of drunkenness. Upon seeing this, Wu Da and the others thought that this woman seemed to be more drinkable and started to toast her.    


Mu Lingdie did not reject any of them, and drank another five bottles of beer as if nothing had happened.    


Just as everyone was chatting merrily, a dozen more people arrived at the roadside stall. The leader was a twenty-seven or twenty-eight year old man with a medium build and a refined appearance. Beside him was the delinquent Lei Zihan, and behind him were more than ten youths, all wearing the same kind of underpants and sneakers. "Furthermore, each of them had golden words engraved on their chests: Ming Shan Martial Arts School.    


Lei Zihan pointed to Ye Cheng's table, and the man in the lead led the group towards it.    


He came to Ye Cheng's side and raised his voice: "Everyone, I'm sorry to bother you. I have something to talk to Ye Cheng about."    


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