The Romantic Soldier King



When the beautiful guy and handsome guy saw that Ye Cheng was still sitting at the white round table and had not left, they were instantly overjoyed. All of a sudden, they saw another beautiful woman with an exceptional appearance and temperament appear next to them. They all stared at her. Four beauties in swimsuits were sitting together. Spring, orchid, and autumn flowers bloomed in the spring. Each of them had their own good fortune. It was truly breathtaking.    


We must teach that ugly man a lesson, save our face just now, and show off our mighty side, then use some tricks to get the four beauties in our hands. The two young men glanced at each other, and their eyes revealed a trace of vulture viciousness.    


"Yingshi, who do you think those women are?" The handsome guy Sunshine said as he walked.    


"What is your identity? Can't you see it? " The beautiful guy Su Yingshi laughed with ill intentions.    


The handsome guy smiled obscenely and said, "I really don't know about that, but it looks like the women are quite coquettish."    


Su Yingshi winked and said, "Xuexian, have you never met the green tea girl before? This kind of woman looks more serious during the day, more pure, more fucking loose at night, especially in bed. "    


The handsome guy, Zhu Xueqian, looked like he had suddenly realized something and laughed, "I know, haha, they were all here to sell."    


Don't look at the fact that Ye Cheng was enthusiastically narrating his glorious history, with his eyes fixated on the situation around him, he had long seen two young men with seven bodyguards walking over aggressively.    


He was extremely unhappy. It was with great difficulty that he was able to appreciate the sexy side of these four women's swimsuits. Before he had even seen enough, his mood had been ruined by these two fellows. Damn it!    


seven bodyguards followed behind him. Su Yingshi walked to the round table confidently, stared at Ye Cheng complacently, and spoke arrogantly: "I, Su Yingshi, am back! "Brat, hurry up and kowtow to me and apologize. I can still leave you with a complete corpse, otherwise I'll throw you into the sea to feed Bastard."    


"Brat, I advise you to kowtow and apologize quickly. Our adults can still let bygones be bygones for what happened just now." Zhu Xueqian straightened his back, trying to make himself look more powerful.    


The four beauties couldn't help but frown as they saw the two youths return with quite a few people. Furthermore, they spoke rudely and stared at them with a cold expression.    


Ye Cheng pricked his ears and looked at the two rich young masters disdainfully, then continued, "I heard two dogs barking, did you guys hear that?"    


Mu Lingdie very obediently nodded his head, and intentionally or unwittingly glanced at the two young men who were talking. If you hear it, it's said that biting dogs don't bark, only dogs that don't bite will bark! "    


It was understandable for a beauty to insult him. However, if his uncle could endure the insult from a poor boy, even his aunt could not. Su Yingshi was furious, he immediately pointed at Ye Cheng's nose and roared: Who the fuck are you calling a dog?    


"Kid, are you courting death?" Zhu Xueqian also bellowed.    


Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, "It's not like I said you were. If you really think so, then I have no choice.    


"Ye Cheng, you're too bad. You can just directly say that they are dogs." Mu Lingdie desired for the world to not be in chaos, so he added fuel to the fire.    


Su Yingshi was instantly angered to the point that his face turned green and he flew into a rage. He wanted to go up and slap Ye Cheng twice, but he was afraid that if he didn't hit him, he would instead get slapped. He turned around and shouted at the leader of his bodyguards: "A Quan, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and hold this brat down.    


Although A Quan and the other bodyguards did not specially protect Su Yingshi, Ye Cheng insulting Su Yingshi as a dog was equivalent to insulting their master. However, A Quan was still a few years older than him, and was much older than his age. He knew that those who came to the VIP area, more or less, had some background, and did not immediately make a move.    


At this time, Zhu Xueqian indignantly chimed in, "That's right, slap his mouth until it's rotten, and then throw him into the ocean to feed bastard!" Then, he looked at Mu Lingdie with a wretched smile, "Bring her back to us. We need to properly train her and let her know the consequences of cursing us."    


Just as he finished speaking, he saw Mu Lingdie's eyebrows slanted inwards as she suddenly picked up a cup of water from the table and threw it away.    


"Pah!" Zhu Xueqian only felt his face go cold as the entire cup of water smashed into his face. The juice splattered all over and wetted a portion of his chest. He wiped his face and shook off his short hair. He pretended to be confident and said, "Awesome!"    


"Then I'll let you have your fill." The more Mu Lingdie looked at this fellow, the more he seemed to be asking for a beating. She raised her hand frequently and threw all the drinks on the table towards Zhu Xueqian. She accurately threw all the cold drinks onto Zhu Xueqian's face.    


After the sounds of collisions, Zhu Xueqian's head was filled with colors, his face was also a mixture of yellow and green, as though he was a clown.    


Qiao Rubing, Chen Luoxue, and Ning Luochan did not expect Mu Lingdie to be so powerful. Looking at Zhu Xueqian's miserable state, they could not help but laugh, as if he was a blossoming flower brimming with spring energy.    


After being played like this, Zhu Xueqian was burning with anger. However, looking at the beauties smiling like flowers and moon, he forced himself to calm down. I have to be magnanimous, I have to be a gentleman, not a woman.    


He revealed a lustful smile as he looked at Mu Lingdie, and said to himself intoxicatedly: "This is too great, when we train you later, I hope you can let us feel that way too!"    


When he said that, Su Yingshi smiled sinisterly and extended his thumb towards Zhu Xueqian. These words were very well said. Killing people without blood, flirting with people without blood.    


He really deserved a slap! Without waiting for Ye Cheng to stand up and teach them a lesson, Mu Lingdie took the initiative and stood up with a dark face. How could she just let it go when she was being taken advantage of like this?    


She walked towards Zhu Xueqian, and said with a fake smile: "Do you want to feel better?"    


"Of course!" Zhu Xueqian's lustful eyes randomly glanced at Mu Lingdie's sexy body, unscrupulously looking at it.    


Not waiting for him to take a look, a fist filled with anger arrived. Zhu Xueqian suddenly felt a sharp pain in her nose, as if there was a 'kacha' sound coming from it. A mass of dark red blood flowed from his nose in an instant. His nose was broken, causing him to hold his nose and cry out in pain.    


Mu Lingdie retracted her fist, feeling that she had not resolved the hatred in her heart, her long and beautiful legs suddenly rose up.    


Boom! * Zhu Xueqian's figure immediately flew out, the drops of blood that dripped from his nose created a sad and beautiful arc as they rolled onto the beach.    


It was not over yet. That sexy and graceful body that wore a black bikini followed suit, and with a flash of her beautiful legs, she kicked Zhu Xueqian who had not gotten up yet.    


Bang! Zhu Xueqian screamed miserably as he rolled on the beach. Along the way, many tourists avoided bumping into them.    


After being kicked twice, Zhu Xueqian looked to be in an extremely sorry state, and struggled to get up. Just as he half kneeled up, Mu Lingdie's beautiful leg carried a fragrant wind as it quickly arrived. Zhu Xueqian didn't have time to react as his body once again flew up and tumbled onto the beach.    


Mu Lingdie's movements were smooth, beautiful and handsome, and after three kicks in a row, Zhu Xueqian was kicked not far from the shore.    


Ye Cheng laughed coldly: What an ignorant fellow, daring to take liberties with Mu Lingdie, you are simply slapping yourself.    


Qiao Rubing, Chen Luoxue, Ning Luochan and the others were all stupefied. The three women stared straight at Mu Lingdie who continued to walk forward, their eyes filled with worship. Originally, they thought that president Ye recruiting Mu Lingdie into the security department was because of her beauty. However, after witnessing Mu Lingdie's skills, they realized that she was stronger than most men, and was more than enough to be considered a security officer.    


Not only them, even the nearby tourists were all dumbstruck by Mu Lingdie's actions, as if that beautiful and sexy figure of his possessed an unparalleled devil's charm.    


Su Yingshi swallowed his saliva and stared at Mu Lingdie's graceful back with a strange light in his eyes. He suddenly reacted and shouted: "A Quan, quickly get someone to save Zhu Xueqian and bring him back." This woman was not only as beautiful as a flower, but her skills were also extraordinary. He didn't know what it felt like to be able to get her into bed, but he began to imagine things.    


The two bodyguards had just taken a few steps when a black shadow flashed by and someone blocked their way.    


Ye Cheng saw that Mu Lingdie seemed to want to kick that blind guy into the ocean, so of course he had to help her. He blocked the path of the bodyguard and laughed: "I am the one driving, you guys should go back!"    


Su Yingshi had long wanted to teach Ye Cheng a lesson, he was interrupted just now and almost forgot about this. Seeing Ye Cheng taking the initiative to jump out, he anxiously shouted: "A Quan, hurry up and get this guy over here, I haven't even slapped him!"    


Without waiting for the leader of the bodyguards named A Quan to give the command, the two bodyguards in front of Ye Cheng rushed forward together from left to right, cooperating extremely well.    


Ye Cheng suddenly raised his leg, causing a large cloud of sand to fly out, flying straight towards the two bodyguards that were pouncing on him.    


The two of them subconsciously raised their hands to cover their eyes, not to be blinded by the sand. At the same time, Ye Cheng also followed suit and flew up, kicking the two of their chests.    


Two muffled sounds could be heard, as the two bodyguards flew out and crashed onto the beach. Fortunately, the beach was relatively soft and the impact was not too strong. If they were to change to a concrete floor, they would have to fall heavily onto the ground.    


Just then, a 'plop' sound came from the shore as Zhu Xueqian was also thrown into the sea. Mu Lingdie no longer bothered to look at Zhu Xueqian. She twisted her waist and turned back.    


After his bodyguards were pushed to the ground in a single move, A Quan felt embarrassed. With a wave of his hand, the other bodyguards all rushed forward.    


"The more people there are, the more they'll bully the fewer people!" Seeing that, Mu Lingdie stepped forward to Ye Cheng's side, and stood shoulder to shoulder with him, fist in front and back up, gesturing with attack and defense, hooking his fingers together, he said disdainfully: "Come!"    


A Quan shouted, "One of you stall the woman, and the rest deal with the man."    


"You look down on me!" Mu Lingdie's face darkened, he snorted, and took the initiative to kick the bodyguard in front of him.    


"Other places are fine, but this little bit of impulse is too unlike a woman's." Ye Cheng was worried that Mu Lingdie would suffer, hence he followed along and fought with the six bodyguards.    


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