The Romantic Soldier King



Inside a certain villa in Eastsea City, Lei Baihu was holding a cup of white wine as he quietly stood in front of a french window, looking at the endless darkness in the distance, and lost in thought.    


Even if the kidnapping of Lu Mengzhu was exposed, it should still be handled by the police. Furthermore, even after the Named Nightclub was sealed in surprise attack, he still did not manage to get a single sound in advance, so he could faintly smell a sense of impending danger.    


"Watch out for a ten-thousand-year ship!" Lei Baihu muttered to himself as he took out a cell phone that he rarely used and gave an order: Stop all activities for now.    


He was able to hold the position of the head of the Black Tiger Gang for more than ten years. Other than being ruthless, he had also always done things with caution.    


For example, using this kidnapping of Lu Mengzhu to deal with Ye Cheng, Lei Baihu had only hinted at a few things to Yue Fengxiong, even if they traced him, they would not be able to find anything. Furthermore, Yue Fengxiong was already dead, so all the responsibility could be pushed onto a dead person.    


"Ye Cheng, a young man who had just arrived in Eastsea City not long ago actually dared to provoke my Black Tiger Gang again and again without knowing his limits, and caused me to lose my best fighter on the surface, and even caused my nightclub to be sealed indefinitely.    


Lei Baihu fiercely drank the white wine within the cup. The spicy taste quickly spread from his mouth to his stomach, and it was as if a ball of fire was burning. A cold light flashed in his eyes. "If you want to die, I'll help you. It's time for those fellows from the island to do something."    


Ye Cheng was not sure if Xiao Ya would sincerely submit to him, but he still treated her with 100% sincerity. He repeatedly reminded her to be careful of her safety during this period of time, and left methods of communication to each other before sending Xiao Ya out of the guest room.    


Xiao Ya's parents died when he was young and he was adopted by a killer's master. Five years ago, her master failed on an assassination mission and was killed on the spot. After that, she lived alone in Eastsea City.    


For so many years, no one cared, no one took care of her, and not even a friend who could speak with their hearts, Ye Cheng's care and concern made her heart warm. If Ye Cheng really treated her sincerely, she really planned to withdraw from the ranks of the assassins and live a normal life.    


It was only because she was forced into the martial arts world, that Xiao Ya knew that even if he himself wanted to leave, hematite would not let her off easily.    


"If this man is really strong enough to destroy all of hematite, it wouldn't be a bad thing to follow him ?" Xiao Ya let his imagination run wild as he disappeared into the night.    


On the second day, Chen Luoxue woke up and slowly opened his eyes. He felt extremely comfortable and didn't want to get up at all. She lazily took out her cell phone from her pocket. When she saw that it was already 9 o'clock, she was shocked and hurriedly sat up.    


"Ah, I overslept. The damned Ye Cheng didn't wake me up." Chen Luoxue hastily put on his clothes and ran out of the guest room.    


She walked around Qiao Rubing's and Ning Luochan's room, only to find that there was no one around. After she met a bodyguard who asked them about it, she found out that Ye Cheng had followed Qiao Rubing out for some matters. After she woke up, the bodyguards sent her back to the company.    


Early in the morning, Qiao Rubing personally contacted Zhou Jialin, in hopes that he could arrange a time to visit the Miss Lynn. Originally, Qiao Rubing did not hold much hope, and did not think that Zhou Jialin would invite her to play golf with him. Instead, he made a ridiculous request, for her driver from last night to pick it up.    


In order to express enough sincerity, Qiao Rubing had specially rushed to another villa in the East Sea's Pearl Hotel before the appointed time.    


Ye Cheng was still unclear of where Qiao Rubing had come from, but when he leaned on the carriage and looked around, he suddenly saw the East China Sea Four Young Masters in the hall of the first floor accompanying Zhou Jialin.    


"I'm dizzy. Why did I meet her again?" Seeing that he had nowhere to run, Ye Cheng anxiously returned to the car, and said to Mu Lingdie who was in the front passenger seat: "Ling Die, later you get off and watch out."    


Mu Lingdie was very dissatisfied, he snorted and said: "Why should I go? The business of serving people is your responsibility. "    


Ye Cheng coaxed him: "This is a chance for you to show off, to be able to do better in front of Chairman Qiao, I can give you some good words, to guarantee your promotion, I am truly kind."    


"I would rather not have this opportunity, I don't want any promotion." Mu Lingdie remained unmoved and instead warned him: "In the future when it's matters of being my personal bodyguard, don't call me over. I won't serve anyone."    


Seeing that it was useless, Ye Cheng spoke in an official tone. "You are now one of my security guards, don't be picky about the work I give you, be careful that I don't deduct your salary."    


Mu Lingdie became even more dissatisfied: "Even if you are my boss, you can't arrange jobs that I don't like."    


"You're rebelling, this time you have to get off the car and watch, otherwise ?" Ye Cheng also did not threaten her with anything. He paused and said, "Otherwise, I will expel you."    


"Whatever. I'm never afraid of any threats." As he said that, Mu Lingdie hugged his shoulders and leaned on the chair indifferently, as if he wanted to say "I'm not going" and wanted to see how you would take me.    


"For the sake of great fortune, I'm not going to bother with you." Ye Cheng didn't have any other choice but to get off the car and watch, and lamented in his heart: I, the boss, really failed to do this, I can't even order my subordinates to do it ?    


Qiao Rubing brought Ning Luochan to welcome him, and after conversing with Zhou Jialin and the others for a bit, he took the initiative to invite them: "Miss Lynn, please get on my carriage, we will go to the golf course together!"    


"Alright, we can communicate more on the way." Zhou Jialin happily agreed, and then walked down the stairs under the escort of a group of people.    


"This way please!" Qiao Rubing arrived in front of the MPV ahead of time and gestured for them to get inside.    


Seeing Zhou Jialin rushing straight towards the car, Ye Cheng cursed from the bottom of his heart, it would be difficult for them not to meet. He lowered his head, trying his best to not let Zhou Jialin see his true face, and pulled open the door of the car.    


Just as Zhou Jialin was about to bend over and sit in the car, he suddenly stopped and looked at Ye Cheng. This time, it looked so light and delicate. It was exactly the same as Ye Sheng, who lost his life in a car accident. Surprise flashed through her beautiful eyes. Xiao Xiang opened her mouth slightly, and said with a hint of joy, "Mister, have we met before?"    


Everyone present was astonished, especially the East China Sea Four Young Masters like Lin Tianjiao. How could Zhou Jialin with his noble identity possibly know a small fry like the driver?    


Ye Cheng acted as if he was overwhelmed by the unexpected favor, and flattered: "Miss Lynn, you must have recognized the wrong person, right? It's the first time I've had the pleasure of seeing you. "    


"Is that so?" Zhou Jialin didn't think that there would be anyone in this world who looked exactly the same, unless they were twins. I wonder if you've ever been to Hong Kong? " She stared intently at Ye Cheng, as if trying to figure out if he and Ye Sheng looked the same in any way.    


Ye Cheng acted as if he had never seen the world, and said: "I'm just a child who grew up in the countryside, I've never been that far away."    


"I always felt that you were very similar to a friend of mine." Zhou Jialin felt that other than the way he spoke, he looked extremely similar to Ye Sheng in every other aspect. Do you know Ye Sheng? "    


A woman's intuition was always very sensitive. Ye Cheng knew that he wouldn't be able to fool her, so he quickly replied, "I do. Ye Sheng is my twin brother, but ?" He did not continue, but his expression was one of grief and sorrow.    


I say, why do they look the same? They're twins. Zhou Jialin was a little disappointed in his heart. He solemnly bowed to Ye Cheng and said, "I express my deep apologies regarding your brother."    


Could it be that this young miss' personality had changed? In Ye Cheng's impression, Zhou Jialin was unruly and willful, the young miss had a full temper, and was not that easy to talk to. He had to feign surprise. "You know my brother?"    


Seeing Zhou Jialin sincerely bowing and apologizing to the driver, East China Sea Four Young Masters and the others were greatly taken aback. Don't look at how this Miss Lynn was normally graceful and decent with good upbringing. However, after coming into contact with her, he could feel that she was extremely arrogant.    


Zhou Jialin nodded, and said simply: "Ye Sheng was my bodyguard for a period of time, I never thought that something would happen to him."    


Ye Cheng could feel that there was no resentment in Zhou Jialin's tone, and instead a hint of self-blame. He was greatly astonished in his heart. It seemed that this young miss had really changed her temperament.    


Zhou Jialin continued: "If you need anything, you can come find me. If I can help, I'll definitely help you with it."    


East China Sea Four Young Masters and the rest were dumbstruck once again, some were even a little jealous and envious. One had to know that with Miss Lin's ridiculously powerful background, her words could be said to be worth a million gold coins. No one could even ask for them.    


Song Liangjun muttered in his heart: I really wonder what kind of dog shit luck this idiot has for him to actually be able to get into a relationship with the Miss Lynn.    


Ye Cheng did not want to owe Zhou Jialin any favors, so he pretended to look anxious and fearful, and fawned over Zhou Jialin as he flattered: "Thank you, Miss Lynn for your love, I don't have anything that you can help me with, when I face any problems, I will definitely look for you, at that time, don't tell me that you don't know me."    


His words immediately attracted quite a few contemptuous looks. What kind of status did Miss Lin have? Was there really a need to lie to a small fry like her? He really had never seen the world before.    


"Don't worry, I won't break my promise." Zhou Jialin did not believe that the extremely haggard Ye Sheng would be so submissive in trying to curry favor with him. The doubt in his heart was completely dispelled as he got on the carriage.    


When Qiao Rubing got on the carriage, she intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Ye Cheng. She kept having the feeling that today's Ye Cheng was a little abnormal, as if he was a completely different person. Could he really be the Ye Sheng that Miss Zhou Jialin mentioned?    


Ye Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, closed the door, and sat in the driver's seat.    


East China Sea Four Young Masters and the rest also got on their luxury cars, and a group of people rushed to the golf course.    


All along the way, Zhou Jialin had been chatting with Qiao Rubing and did not pay any more attention to him.    


When they arrived at the golf course, Zhou Jialin was immediately escorted by a group of people to play tennis. As a driver and bodyguard, Ye Cheng naturally didn't need to follow along.    


Song Liangjun intentionally shot a glance at the bodyguard he brought, then quickly followed the crowd.    


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