The Romantic Soldier King



Song Liangjun found an excuse to leave the golf course and prepared to take his car's wireless notebook to search for the website that Su Mingxuan had told him to find a good way to make it so that Ye Cheng would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.    


The moment he walked out of the reception hall, he saw more than ten bodyguards wailing on the ground, while Ye Cheng stood at the side leisurely smoking. He naturally knew where the bodyguards were coming from, and upon seeing that, he immediately guessed what was going on. All of them were not able to get Zhou Jialin's name card, and were even taken care of by Ye Cheng.    


Song Liangjun immediately realized that the chance to take revenge on Ye Cheng had come, so he retreated back to the main hall and made a call to the police. After that, he would wait for the arrival of the police. After seeing Ye Cheng being captured with his own eyes, even if they couldn't sentence him to a few years, at the very least letting him stay in the prison for a while was equivalent to venting his anger.    


Seeing that the bodyguards on the ground had been dealt miserably, Ye Cheng stopped Mu Lingdie and advised: "It's more or less time, tell them to scram!"    


Only then did Mu Lingdie stop. He crossed his hands on his waist and shouted: "Tell your master to prepare 100 million to buy that name card." She was still concerned about the splitting of the money, she decided to leave a bunch of rich dandy s alone.    


Ye Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Enough, don't think about continuing to split the money. No idiot would be willing to pay a hundred million to buy a name card."    


Mu Lingdie thought about it and agreed, "Even if we don't take out a hundred million, we should at least take out a few tens of millions. Also, if you want to fight in the future, you must send more people.    


The slightly injured bodyguard painfully crawled to his feet, supporting the slightly injured out of the parking lot. More than ten good fighters failed to beat Ye Cheng up, and were instead beaten up. They all felt that this had nothing to do with it, and couldn't go back to report.    


When the group of bodyguards shakily walked to the reception hall, they saw Song Liangjun whose face was darker than the bottom of a pot. Before they could even speak, they were severely scolded.    


"You ten people aren't able to deal with one person, why do you have to eat when you're raised? You usually boast about how great you are, but at crucial moments, you're just a bunch of trash. A rice bucket ?" Song Liangjun vented all his anger towards Ye Cheng onto the bodyguards and cursed continuously. He suddenly felt much better, and had never scolded so happily before.    


The bodyguards were not only beaten up, they were also scolded badly. They were even more unhappy and each and every one of their expressions was uglier than if they had swallowed a dead rat. If not for Song Liangjun's identity, these people would have already ganged up on him.    


Faintly, a siren sounded out. Song Liangjun tidied his clothes and regained his gentleman demeanor. When you see the police later on, you don't even need me to teach you guys how to testify against Ye Cheng! "    


"I know, I know!" The bodyguards saw that Song Liangjun had finally finished cursing, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


Not long after, a police car stopped in front of the main hall entrance, the car door opened, and Lei Ming walked down with a police officer.    


Song Liangjun hurried over and welcomed him with a smile: "Brother Ming, you're finally here."    


Song Liangjun and Lei Ming were not strangers, the two families' older generation were friends through generations, they had a close relationship with each other and the younger generation was familiar with each other. However, later on, Lei Ming's grandfather continued to stay in the army to develop his skills, while Song Liangjun's grandfather returned to his hometown to do business, and established the Sung Group s by himself.    


"When I received your call, I immediately rushed over." Lei Ming asked: "Where are the people who injured your bodyguards?"    


"I'll take you there!" Song Liangjun pointed to Ye Cheng who was leaning against the carriage and said: "The guy who injured me, you have to take care of him seriously and help me vent my anger."    


Lei Ming looked in the direction that Song Liangjun was pointing and recognized him with a single glance. " "He's just a friend of mine, how did he come into conflict with your bodyguard?"    


"Your friend?" Song Liangjun stared blankly at him before asking in puzzlement, "Brother Ming, why would you befriend someone like that?"    


"If they don't fight, then we won't get to know each other!" Lei Ming explained in a simple manner and advised: "I think we should just resolve this matter like that."    


Ye Cheng saw Lei Ming, who was dressed in police uniform, walk over with Song Liangjun. Taking two steps forward, he grabbed Lei Ming's hand and laughed, "Captain Lei, what wind blew you here?"    


"Of course, someone is calling the police!" Both of them were familiar faces, so Lei Ming smiled and said, "There are no outsiders. Let me introduce them to you first ?"    


Ye Cheng immediately guessed that it was Song Liangjun who called the police, and interrupted: "You don't need to introduce me, Young Master Song and I are considered old friends, right, Young Master Song?"    


Song Liangjun coldly snorted: "Who's friends with you, stop putting gold on your face."    


Lei Ming anxiously tried to resolve the conflict: "You are all my friends, give me some face, if no one is injured, I think you guys should settle it privately?"    


Ye Cheng took the lead and said, "Originally, it was the people from the Young Master Song who first sought to cause trouble. I was only acting in self-defense and did not intend to hold them accountable. Since Captain Lei has spoken, I will definitely give face and will not pursue the matter. "    


Song Liangjun was furious in his heart, after hearing Ye Cheng's words, he had completely taken advantage of her, but he could not refute Lei Ming's dignity in front of him. He racked his brains: "Ye Cheng had injured not only my bodyguards, but also the bodyguards of Lin Tianjiao, Wang Kai, and Su Mingxuan.    


realized that things were not as simple as he had imagined. If the three of them were to use their clan's relationship to pressure the police, and not bring Ye Cheng back for a proper interrogation, things would not be easy. He asked: "Good Jun, why did Ye Cheng clash with the bodyguards?"    


"What's the reason is not important. The important thing is that Ye Cheng injured the bodyguards, even if I do not pursue the matter, the other three East China Sea Four Young Masters s will definitely investigate it to the end." Song Liangjun advised: "Brother Ming, I don't think you should talk about this matter. Capture Ye Cheng and bring him back to the police station to interrogate him."    


Ye Cheng said: "Lei Ming, as a police officer, you must do things fairly, those bodyguards were the ones who made a move against me first, if you want to catch them, you must at least do so."    


"It's not a big deal. Why did we have to go to the police station?" Lei Ming knew that Ye Cheng was born in the special forces, so it was normal for those bodyguards to be injured by him. He looked at Song Liangjun and said, "If this matter was really caused by the bodyguards who made the first move, Ye Cheng will not take much responsibility. "Good Jun, I think we can forget about this matter. If it gets out of hand, we won't be able to end it."    


He told Song Liangjun very clearly that even if they were to cause a ruckus at the police station, your people wouldn't be able to take any advantage of them.    


Song Liangjun was depressed. If it was someone else who had injured his bodyguard, Lei Ming would definitely side with them, but since Lei Ming knew him, and heard his tone, he would adopt a neutral attitude and deal with him fairly. This way, it would be beneficial to Ye Cheng.    


He never expected that Ye Cheng would recognize Lei Ming. If he knew earlier, he would have called the other policemen over, he really would have wasted his time and time, and said helplessly: "Alright, I will let this matter go on account of Brother Ming."    


"How good it is to settle this matter peacefully. You two have a good relationship with me, so when we meet in the future, we'll be friends. " With the matter resolved, Lei Ming still had to help resolve the conflict between the two.    


Ye Cheng laughed: "If Young Master Song views me as a friend, I will definitely treat him as a friend."    


In front of Lei Ming, Song Liangjun nodded his head reluctantly, thinking: If he wants Ye Cheng to be my friend, he isn't qualified.    


Seeing that the two sides had settled the dispute, Lei Ming said: "I still have things to do at the police station, I have to go now."    


Ye Cheng said, "Captain Lei, take care. I'll treat you to a meal another day."    


Song Liangjun sent Lei Ming off gloomily, and before he got on the carriage, Lei Ming warned him again: "Good Jun, I have something I need to tell you. Take care of the bodyguards by your side, and don't come into conflict with Ye Cheng no matter what. "He comes from a special forces background, so eight or ten people aren't his match at all."    


No wonder this brat was so strong, he actually was a commando before. Song Liangjun rejoiced inwardly, luckily he had called Lei Ming here today. Otherwise, finding someone to deal with Ye Cheng would not be an advantage.    


After sending Lei Ming off, Song Liangjun returned to his own car. He opened up his notebook and entered the website that Su Mingxuan had told him.    


A small game popped up on the web page. He easily cleared the first test. After killing the little BOSS, the game's page suddenly turned bright red and a bloody skull popped out.    


Following the method that Su Mingxuan told him, Song Liangjun moved the mouse and tapped the left eye of the skull three times, then jumped out of another page.    


Do you want revenge?" A million dollars helped you solve all your problems. Below the words, there were two choices: Want to, don't want to. He unhesitatingly clicked on 'Want'.    


After that, there were some small words that introduced the general meaning: 1 million for 1 life, pay all the money in one go. After 3 days, the target is not dead yet, the original amount of money will be returned.    


"It's actually a hitman website!" Song Liangjun muttered in his heart: It's not like he has never seen killers before, is it reliable or not? If the other party was a scammer, then wouldn't a million dollars be wasted? Furthermore, he knew that Ye Cheng was powerful, and would not be easy to deal with in terms of martial power.    


"After pondering for a long time, he called Su Mingxuan. Prince Su, is the website you gave me accurate? "    


Su Mingxuan replied: I've never tried it before, and I'm not sure if it is accurate or not, but I heard that your reputation is good, as for how you choose it, that's your Young Master Song's decision.    


Song Liangjun lowered his voice and cautiously asked, "If something happens, you won't find me, right?"    


Su Mingxuan laughed: "I don't need to hand this over to you, since your Young Master Song is not personally involved in this matter."    


Song Liangjun secretly cursed himself for being stupid, finding someone else to pay would not have anything to do with him, even if the matter were to be exposed, it would be his own fault.    


After hesitating for a while, he finally made up his mind. A sinister light flashed across his eyes. If three million is wasted, why would I care about another million! Even if you are from a special forces background, it's still hard for you to escape death! "    


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