The Romantic Soldier King



Bang! Ye Cheng fell onto the hard paint pavement. Although he used the momentum to roll a few times to reduce the force of the explosion, he was still smashed to the point where his entire body was sore and sore. He clenched his teeth as he got up. His face was a bit dirty. Fortunately, his bones were not broken. He used the smoke to block the criminal's line of sight. He held onto the submachine gun and moved towards luxurious Bentley.    


As soon as he walked forward, he felt a sharp pain on his butt. He reached out his hand to touch a piece of hard glass and pulled it out with all his might. "It hurts so bad!" It must have been the explosion. The blast from the explosion had pierced his butt with the glass. Luckily, the injury wasn't too deep, so it shouldn't have much of an impact on his movements.    


At this moment, a few masked thugs had already surrounded the Bentley and were shooting at it. Ye Cheng turned pale with fright. At the same time, he suddenly shot out his submachine gun and fired out rows and rows of bullets in quick succession. Da Da Da. Several figures were penetrated by the powerful bullets and fell to the ground.    


Ye Cheng rushed to the side of the luxurious Bentley car in a few steps. In a hurry, she opened the car door, and Zhou Jialin's beautiful face that was filled with terror and a deathly white complexion appeared in front of her. He heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily, the young miss was fine.    


The bodyguard in the driver's seat was lying on his back on the seat, one of his arms stuck in the deformed door. The bodyguard in the driver's seat was lying on his back on the seat, one of his arm stuck in the deformed door.    


The other bodyguard was lying inside the car, his entire body was filled with bullet holes, and he died a violent death.    


"Scram!" Zhou Jialin couldn't even see who it was, and was attacking Ye Cheng randomly, like a shrew. It didn't match her identity at all, and at this life or death moment, she couldn't care less about her status.    


"Miss Lynn, it's me!" Ye Cheng immediately grabbed onto Zhou Jialin's arm, preventing her from moving recklessly. I am Ye Cheng, are you alright? "    


"Ye Cheng?" It was only then that Zhou Jialin focused his eyes and looked at the person. After seeing that it was indeed Ye Cheng, his frightened face revealed a look of pleasant surprise. Why are you here? "    


"I just happened to pass by and saw you being attacked, so I rushed over." Ye Cheng's gaze quickly swept across Zhou Jialin's body. Seeing that she did not have any gun wounds on her body, he asked worriedly: "Miss Lynn, are you injured?"    


Zhou Jialin answered with lingering fear: "No, those criminals did not shoot at me."    


Just then, the sound of engines resonating could be heard one after another on the road. Ye Cheng quickly looked over and saw that it was the two Toyota vehicles with slightly damaged heads. Miss Lynn, hide here and don't move. "    


He grabbed his submachine gun and quickly rushed to the side of the SUV. He had to attract the attention of the firepower and thugs to prevent Zhou Jialin from getting hurt.    


"Be careful!" Zhou Jialin shouted out in concern. All of her bodyguards had been killed, and all the hope for her to escape rested with Ye Cheng.    


"Since when did this girl learn to care about others!?" Ye Cheng laughed, and then hid behind the SUV, raised his submachine gun and shot a barrage of bullets at the rushing Toyota.    


"Tat tat tat." Along with the dazzling flame from the muzzle of the gun, a burst of intense gunfire rang out. The windshield of the Toyota that was at the forefront suddenly shattered and flew into the air.    


Ye Cheng continued to pull the trigger, the bullet whizzed out at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye, and entered the front tire of the Toyota. Soon after, the car's rear end was tilted, and the body of the car was lifted off the ground. The fast inertia caused the body to fly into the air.    


Another round of bullets entered the gas tank this time. A deafening "hong" sound was heard. Flames shot up into the sky and the gas tank exploded. The car was immediately blown into pieces. The broken door and the burning tires danced in the air. The hot waves surged and the burning car fell heavily to the ground.    


The raging flames reflected Ye Cheng's face red, the air was filled with a pungent smell of burning flesh, the criminals on the carriage screamed miserably, not a single one of them managed to escape.    


The Toyota behind them quickly braked, and the ear-piercing sound of tires grinding against the ground sounded. Before the car could stop completely, three doors opened on both sides, and four or five meters long masked gangsters raised their guns and fired.    


Ye Cheng anxiously lowered his body, and hid behind the SUV, as bullets flew above his head. He did not show his face even after the fire subsided. Instead, he held his submachine gun in front of him and fired back at the Toyota. After a volley of gunfire, there was a series of empty "ka ka ka" sounds, and there were no more bullets in the gun. He had the urge to curse out loud.    


As soon as he stopped, the gangsters fired madly, causing the sound of metal hitting metal to ring out incessantly.    


"Fuck, I ran out of bullets at the most critical moment!" Ye Cheng dropped his gun and looked around. There was a criminal lying on the ground not more than two or three meters away from the SUV, his hands still holding onto his AK-47. He wasn't in a hurry and waited for the gangster's firepower to slow down a little.    


One of the criminals shouted, "Hey, the person behind the car quickly get out. We can still consider letting you live."    


"Fine, don't shoot, I surrender immediately, you can't kill me." Of course, Ye Cheng did not believe the words of the criminal.    


"The criminal waved his hand and everyone stopped firing." "You can come out now, we must catch Miss Zhou, we promise we won't kill you."    


Only a fool would believe that, when the criminal had just finished speaking, Ye Cheng quickly jumped out like a rabbit and rolled to the front of the criminal's corpse. He picked up the submachine gun like lightning and raised his hand to call out to him with bullets, then his body quickly rolled back in a flash.    


All the movements were done in one go, and were unbelievably fast. Before the gangsters could react, the incoming bullets had already arrived in front of them, quickly dodging the bullets. The bandit who was in the front passenger seat couldn't dodge in time and was killed by the gunshot. He screamed miserably as he died.    


"F * ck, you little brat, you're just courting death!" The criminal who was shouting was so angry that he was about to die. He scolded and dodged the bullet to counterattack. Call me, hit on the gas tank! "    


After striking the criminal from above, Ye Cheng quickly crawled onto the ground, and with the help of the thick smoke from the carriage, he quietly moved forward.    


The gangsters didn't notice him at all. They all recklessly shot at the SUV's fuel tank, but were unable to hit it for a long time. The SUV rolled sideways to the ground, one side of the tank pressed to the ground.    


Just as these people were cursing incessantly, a fire dragon suddenly swept across the ground. The exposed calves of these people were hit by it one after another, followed by miserable wails, then by the sound of them falling to the ground.    


Ye Cheng flew into the air, at the same time, he pointed his submachine gun at the criminals who had fallen to the ground. With a trajectory that couldn't be seen with the naked eye, the bullets had turned the people on the other side of the Toyota into a sieve.    


A cold smile appeared on his face. He raised his hand and a bullet accurately entered the fuel tank. Flames sprung up and a loud explosion followed. A black shadow was blown up and blood and flesh flew everywhere.    


"Fuck, my car!" Ye Cheng was too focused on killing people that he suddenly remembered his own car. His car was stuck between two burning cars and the flames were just about to burn the car tires.    


He rushed over, opened the door, quickly got into the driver's seat, and quickly started his dodge, pulling the car out of the danger zone. There was nothing wrong with his car, but the front cover was deformed from the impact and the paint had been roasted all over, which made him very sad.    


Ye Cheng returned to the side of the Bentley car, seeing Zhou Jialin obediently curling up under the carriage, he seemed to be in a sorry state, but it was not at all inferior to her beauty. Miss Lynn, everything is fine now! "    


Zhou Jialin looked up, her beautiful face still carrying the expression of panic that had yet to calm down. Thank you! Are you hurt? "    


Ye Cheng was in a very sorry state. His face was black, one white and one gaudy, and his clothes were tattered. There were some places with blood stains, and there were even some of his own bandits. They were all small wounds, so it was no big deal! In case the criminals continue to chase us, let's quickly leave! "    


Saying that, he reached out and helped Zhou Jialin off the carriage. Zhou Jialin was so shocked that his legs became weak and he fell into Ye Cheng's arms.    


"Be careful!" Ye Cheng anxiously held onto her small waist, and immediately, a fragrant aroma wafted into his nose. Her arm could still feel the pressure of half of her chest, which brought along with it an alluring elasticity.    


Zhou Jialin blushed and quickly left Ye Cheng's embrace, but allowed him to support her onto the Mercedes-Benz 500.    


The junkies still burned with flames and billowing smoke, and the pungent smell in the air became stronger. The ground was a mess, with flesh and blood scattered everywhere. Bullets littered the ground, revealing the bloodstains on the ground.    


"Miss Lynn, where are you going now?" Ye Cheng's butt still faintly hurt, he didn't dare to sit still at all. He turned his body slightly, and relied on the other half of his butt to support the weight of his body.    


"Follow this road and go straight to the East Sea Pearl Hotel." Zhou Jialin's mind became a little calmer, and said sincerely: "This time, I really want to thank you. If you didn't just happen to pass by, I'm afraid that I would have already fallen into the hands of those bad people. The consequences are unimaginable."    


Ye Cheng asked anxiously: "Who exactly are those people that tried to kidnap you?"    


Zhou Jialin's beautiful eyes revealed a perplexed look, and she gently shook her head: "I'm not sure either!"    


There were definitely a lot of people who had ideas about her like Zhou Jialin, but there weren't many who actually dared to act against her. Ye Cheng reminded him: "These people are specialized in techniques, and they carry heavy weapons, killing without blinking, and are definitely not ordinary criminals. Think about it carefully, who could it be?"    


Zhou Jialin frowned, she could not think of anything, and seemed to be thinking of something. After a long while, she sighed and continued to shake her head, "I really don't know what kind of person it is, sigh ? "I didn't expect my bodyguards to ?" As she said this, her voice became choked with sobs, and her eyes became moist.    


Ye Cheng's heart was moved, he did not expect Zhou Jialin to be so kind, he did not realise it in the past. He advised: "Miss Lynn, humans cannot be revived. Since those bodyguards chose to protect you, they are also prepared for an accident to happen, so don't think too much. "    


As he was talking, several lights flashed on the road in front of him and a convoy of carriages rushed towards him. Ye Cheng could not help but become more vigilant, holding onto the steering wheel with one hand, and raising his submachine gun with the other.    


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