The Romantic Soldier King



"Xiao Die, are you hurt?" Ye Cheng rushed to Mu Lingdie's doorstep as fast as he could, without looking at the criminal who fainted on the ground, he asked worriedly.    


"No, these dregs whose IQ and martial arts value are close to zero, still can't harm me!" Mu Lingdie was still excited from knocking out the criminal.    


"If you're fine, then I'm relieved!" Ye Cheng was deeply moved that Mu Lingdie was not an ordinary woman. A normal woman would definitely be scared to death when facing this kind of matter, but she was as excited as if she were dead.    


"How should we deal with this criminal?" Mu Lingdie kicked the criminal and asked.    


Ye Cheng bent down and took off the criminal's cap, and immediately recognized him. Xiong Pengkun, it's actually this guy! "    


"You know him?" Mu Lingdie asked doubtfully.    


Ye Cheng nodded his head, "He had a small conflict with me, I did not expect that he would follow me for an entire night and kidnap you, he is truly courting death! Indeed, if you agree to that, you will definitely die! "    


"So what are you going to do with him? To be killed or buried alive? "    


"Don't be so violent, I'll find a trash can and put him inside!" Ye Cheng's eyes flashed with a cold light, daring to attack my woman is seeking death, how can I forgive you?    


"This idea is not bad, I'll go with you!" Mu Lingdie said excitedly.    


"The trash can is stinky and dirty, so don't follow me. Prepare the coffee and wait for me to come back for a drink!" Ye Cheng originally thought that he would not have the chance to enter Mu Lingdie's home tonight.    


"Alright, I'll go heat up the water!"    


Ye Cheng carried the unconscious Xiong Pengkun down the stairs. If one looked carefully, one could see that Xiong Pengkun's legs were not close to the ground, which showed just how much strength he had.    


Walking out of the neighborhood, Ye Cheng strolled around the area twice and very quickly found the black car in an alley that was right next to the neighborhood. He stuffed Xiong Pengkun inside and drove away from the small district.    


After walking for around four to five hundred meters, Ye Cheng stopped the car by the side of the road, placed Xiong Pengkun on the driver's seat, and nudged him a few times, waking him up.    


"Hmm?" Xiong Pengkun slowly woke up, his head shaking in pain, as if he was trying to recall what happened before he fainted.    


"HOLLE, driver, may I ask if this car is going to hell?" Ye Cheng leaned on the carriage window, and waved his hand in front of Xiong Pengkun's eyes and laughed.    


"Madman!" Xiong Pengkun scolded, he turned and looked at the person outside the window that looked familiar, and subconsciously shouted in shock: "Ye Cheng!"    


"That's me!" Ye Cheng said while beaming.    


However, in Xiong Pengkun's eyes, his smile was filled with a sinister sense of death. "You ?" He wanted to struggle, but only now did he realize that other than his head being able to move freely, the rest of his body was actually unable to move, as if it was rusted to death. What did you do to me? "    


"I have casually pressed two of your acupoints, rest assured that I won't die!" Ye Cheng knocked on Xiong Pengkun's head, "May I ask if your car is bound to hell?"    


"You're f * cking finishing up in heaven! Let go of me!" Xiong Pengkun angrily shouted.    


"You can't go to heaven, you can only go to hell!" Ye Cheng laughed mischievously.    


"Why am I here? "F * ck, hurry up and release my acupuncture points." Xiong Pengkun's mouth was agape, he could only wish to bite Ye Cheng a few times, but was unable to reach him at all.    


"Before you go to hell, I will make you understand." After discovering that it was Xiong Pengkun who wanted to abduct Mu Lingdie, Ye Cheng did not plan to let him go. If anyone dares to touch my, Ye Cheng's, then the only outcome will be death. " Do you remember following me all night? Do you think you're smart? Don't be silly and naive, I was busy picking up girls and didn't want to talk to you. "    


Xiong Pengkun was shocked, the technique I used to follow him was so hidden, to think that I would be discovered. "So what if you're found out? Hurry up and let me go!"    


Ye Cheng didn't care about Xiong Pengkun's angry roar at all, and continued: "I originally thought that you would continue to follow me, but you didn't expect that you would actually think of abducting Mu Lingdie after getting kicked in the head by a donkey, and then use her to threaten my thoughts of courting death."    


"Among my girlfriend, Mu Lingdie is definitely the best. If I didn't cripple your martial arts, you might have been able to compare yourself with her. But you're a cripple right now. Wanting to kidnap her is purely looking for torture, and the feeling of falling into the hands of a woman is pretty comfortable right? "    


"Cut the crap, kill me if you dare!" Xiong Pengkun became even more furious, his eyes opened wide, if looks could kill, he wanted to cut Ye Cheng into ten thousand pieces.    


"I'll kill you and it'll dirty my hands. This car is the taxi that will take you to hell. Enjoy the last few minutes!" Ye Cheng opened the car door, turned the key and hit the car.    


"No, no, you can't kill me. Killing people is against the law, and you won't have a good ending even if you kill me!" Xiong Pengkun turned pale with fright, and from the bottom of his feet to his scalp.    


"I didn't kill you, who can you blame if you got into a car accident!" Ye Cheng lifted Xiong Pengkun's left foot that was stepping on the clutch, lightly pushing the speed changing pole onto the third stage.    


Xiong Pengkun's face quickly turned as white as paper, his forehead was drenched in cold sweat as he angrily shouted: "No, I don't want to die yet! If I die, even if I become a ghost I won't let you off!"    


"Then go and become a ghost!" Ye Cheng pulled back Xiong Pengkun's left foot, and fiercely stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot. The moment the car jumped out, he closed the car door with force. Then, he waved his hand towards the car that was getting faster and faster, and left in a natural and unrestrained manner.    


"No ?" A hysterical and terrifying roar came from inside the car. The car sped up to its limit and then crashed into the overpass pier in front of them.    


After a loud "hong" sound, the front part of the black car was completely smashed apart. A figure flew out of the front window gracefully.    


The huge impact of the collision between the car and the bridge pillar caused Xiong Pengkun, who wasn't wearing a seat belt at all, to instantly pierce through the front windshield.    


Xiong Pengkun's body was drenched in blood. After twitching a few times, he was completely still, and the probability of surviving such a violent attack would not exceed one percent.    


Hearing the loud sound coming from far away, Ye Cheng did not even turn his head as he muttered to himself with the cigarette in his mouth: "Being able to survive, even if you don't deserve to die, I wish you good luck!"    


Ten-odd minutes later, Ye Cheng once again returned to Mu Lingdie's house and knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" Mu Lingdie's voice came from inside the house.    


"To collect electricity fees!"    


"Collecting electricity fees in the middle of the night. Are you crazy?" Following Mu Lingdie's laughter, the gatehouse door opened.    


"Ye Cheng entered in a flash, and suddenly reached out and struck her forehead." You still dare to scold me because I'm sick! "    


Mu Lingdie made a fist and pretended to be angry: "After throwing away this trash for so long, I thought you had also fallen into the trash can."    


"I did fall in. Luckily, I climbed out agilely. If you don't believe me, you can smell the rotten smell from my body!" Ye Cheng laughed, and placed his arm close to Mu Lingdie's nose.    


Mu Lingdie immediately covered his nose, and smashed his arm. Stupid, stay away from me! "    


Ye Cheng swung his arms twice, "I went through so much trouble to throw away the trash, but you didn't even ask me if it was hard work for me?"    


"Thank goodness. I'll make you some coffee. That should be fine, right?" Mu Lingdie laughed.    


She was already wearing a white cotton pajamas that were almost transparent. However, Ye Cheng still saw two points on her cherry-like chest and it was obvious that the inside of her body was empty. This glance made Ye Cheng's heart jump. Are you trying to tempt me on purpose, or are you trying to seduce me on purpose? "    


Her jet-black hair was scattered over her shoulders. Occasionally, a few stray strands would float in front of her towering breasts, adding to her formless allure.    


Mu Lingdie, who was wearing a halter top, was a fatal temptation to any man. Her whole body attracted the attention of Ye Cheng, and he could not help but react normally. Dressed like this, this is clearly a test of my endurance and perseverance.    


Mu Lingdie looked at Ye Cheng, and realised that he was scanning her body back and forth with his thief eyes, his expression changed slightly, and he snorted: "Hey, what are you looking at?"    


"Appreciating an alluring portrait of a beauty!" Ye Cheng laughed and forced himself to shift his gaze towards her.    


Seeing Ye Cheng's pair of thief eyes shift away from his chest, Mu Lingdie gave him a disdainful look. Whether intentionally or not, she stuck out her chest and walked over to the tea table gracefully.    


Don't stand up straight, if you stand up straight, do you want me to look at it, or do you want me to look at it, or do you want me to look at it? Ye Cheng considered about choosing one of the three, and his gaze landed on Mu Lingdie's beautiful and equally enchanting back.    


Mu Lingdie bent over and picked up the thermos, pouring hot water into the cup on the tea table, leaving Ye Cheng with a beautiful curve. Her plump butt was slightly raised, and one could vaguely see the marks of her buttocks. The hem of her skirt was also raised, revealing half of her snow-white thighs. This was truly a fatal blow!    


Ye Cheng also saw that her big lethal weapon seemed to have fallen down a little, the cherry like protrusion became even more obvious, he couldn't help but to gulp down a few mouthfuls of saliva. If I had known she would pour the water, I would have sat on the sofa.    


That, I bet she's got a vacuum underneath, who's betting fifty cents on me! Ye Cheng groaned in his heart, and calmly took two steps forward.    


In the end, Mu Lingdie had already filled his cup with water and stood up, letting him miss out on the rare scenery. Here's your coffee. Drink it and leave after you've finished drinking it! "    


"You're saying that if I can't finish the wine, then there's no need to leave tonight!" Ye Cheng rubbed his nose, feeling that something was about to flow out.    


"Feel free to go. If you don't want to, then sleep in that bedroom!" Mu Lingdie raised his hand and pointed to the bedroom on the left, then vigilantly said, "The other room is my room, don't you dare sneak in here in the middle of the night!"    


"I'm not a sleepwalker. Why would I go to your room in the middle of the night?" However, Ye Cheng was muttering in his heart: I almost forgot if you didn't remind me, you reminded me now. I'm an expert at unlocking locks, and this kind of spherical lock can't stop me at all!    


"Hurry up and drink your coffee. I'm going to take a bath and then rest!" Mu Lingdie yawned, and stretched her waist seductively, causing the mountain range to tremble.    


Ye Cheng's heart was thumping once again. There's no need to be so straightforward, you should be afraid that I don't have enough imagination, could it be that you want to remind me to wait for a beauty to come out for a bath?    


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