The Romantic Soldier King



There were already quite a number of men and women dancing on the dance floor. Multicolored light beams flashed back and forth. The bodies of the men and women shook crazily, like they were dancing in a demonic frenzy. Occasionally, there were even howls mixed within. In a corner of the border zone, Ye Cheng and Mu Lingdie stood facing each other.    


"It's fine for me to hit him, but I really don't know how to dance!" Mu Lingdie was in a dilemma.    


After drinking a few cups of wine, Ye Cheng actively invited Mu Lingdie to dance. In the end, Mu Lingdie said that she didn't know and she had never danced before. Ye Cheng forcefully pulled her to the dance floor. This was a good opportunity to teach her how to dance.    


"I'm a master dancer. I'll teach you. I guarantee that the teaching bag will be distributed. If you can't learn it next term, you can learn it again for free!" Ye Cheng smiled as he spoke.    


"Then I've stepped on your foot, don't blame me!" Mu Lingdie was tickled so much that he started to laugh.    


"Don't worry, I definitely won't blame you!" Relax, we're ready! " Ye Cheng smiled mischievously as both his hands slowly rested on Mu Lingdie's slender waist.    


Mu Lingdie raised his arm with a blank look, not knowing where to put his hand. " "What should I do?"    


Ye Cheng's eyes swept to his left and right, pouting: "See that pair, you can do whatever you want with that girl!"    


"Tsk, why don't you just say that you want me to hug your neck!" Mu Lingdie hesitated for a moment before she stretched out her jade arms that were like water snakes and wrapped them around Ye Cheng's neck.    


The two of them faced each other, their bodies only separated by a single punch. They could clearly feel each other's breath in their breaths. Just like that, they maintained the hugging posture, appearing intimate and ambiguous. This feeling of intimacy was very wonderful, causing one to let their imagination run wild.    


Mu Lingdie only felt a little bit embarrassed, but he did not show it as a woman's shyness. "What's next?"    


"It's simple. As long as you relax your whole body, you can jump however you want." Ye Cheng could not help but laugh.    


Mu Lingdie rolled his eyes at him, "Dizzy, I thought you were some kind of expert in dancing, but you actually tricked me. With your level, I can even be a dancing expert!"    


"This can only mean that my technique is superb. If I give you a few pointers, you will also be able to leave your apprenticeship and become a true expert of the martial arts world!" Ye Cheng laughed loudly.    


"It's not that you're skilled, it's that my perception is high, alright?" Mu Lingdie looked up, and glared at Ye Cheng, unwilling to be outdone.    


Ye Cheng's laughter suddenly stopped, because he realised that her alluring red lips were right in front of him, the smooth and gentle lines emitted a silent enticement. He looked deeply into Mu Lingdie's eyes as he slowly lowered his head.    


Mu Lingdie was well aware of what was going to happen next. The feeling of their first kiss was still fresh in her memory.    


The two of them were originally very close, and as they embraced and kissed, they became even more intimate. It was supposed to be a dance, but it turned into an even sexier kiss. Under Ye Cheng's lead, Mu Lingdie's response had already become not as clumsy as it was the first time, and it had become extremely flexible, causing him to feel that Mu Lingdie's comprehension ability was indeed high.    


After a long while, the two finally separated reluctantly. Mu Lingdie laid on Ye Cheng's shoulder like a little girl who had just opened her heart, and said tenderly: "I've been tricked by you again!"    


"I'm doing this for your own good, so that you'll feel more comfortable kissing!" Ye Cheng gently caressed her waist.    


Mu Lingdie felt that his waist was itchy and soft, that strange itchy feeling was hard to describe. Ripples surfaced in his heart, and his body felt a little hot and weak. She quickly straightened her body. "You said you were going to teach me how to dance. Hurry up and teach me. I've never danced before!"    


"This kind of dance is very simple. You can just follow the feeling of your body and dance however you want! If you really don't know how to start, you can learn from that girl, and she'll dance pretty well! " Ye Cheng looked at the girl who was doing a slapstick dance with her boyfriend and was extremely open with her actions.    


He originally thought that Mu Lingdie wouldn't learn, but who knew that Mu Lingdie would use the corner of his eyes to look at the girl.    


As their two bodies touched each other again, Ye Cheng could clearly feel the pair of soft meat on Mu Lingdie's chest touch his chest from time to time. His lower body also rubbed against it from time to time, which was ambiguous and stimulating.    


Mu Lingdie had the ability to back up. His body's flexibility was very good, and his movements were stiff at first, but as he felt that his body was getting better, it started to become gentle and rhythmic.    


Their bodies were like magnets pulling each other closer and closer, leaving not even the slightest gap between them. His firm twin peaks, his sweet and soft body, and especially the fatal friction between his legs, stimulated the blood boiling feeling in Ye Cheng's body even more intensely.    


Mu Lingdie could already feel his lower body raising, every time he rubbed against her, it was like being electrocuted, causing her to feel an indescribable pleasure. This wondrous feeling made her somewhat flustered in her heart, yet also made her look forward to it. Her eyes became hazy, and her body became soft, as though she had to rely on hanging on to Ye Cheng's body to support herself.    


This kind of environment on the dance floor was easy to get lost in. Unknowingly, the two of them tightly embraced each other as their lower bodies chafed against the music ?    


The soothing music came to an abrupt end, suddenly transforming into a deafening, passionate music. Mu Lingdie suddenly woke up from her stupor and whispered into Ye Cheng's ear with her lips pressed together: "I'm going home!"    


Was this a hint? If it was another woman, Ye Cheng would think that this was a hint at himself, but from Mu Lingdie's mouth, he was a little unsure. "Then I'll send you off!"    


Mu Lingdie took the initiative to hold onto Ye Cheng's arm affectionately, half of her body leaning on his body, her eyes still drifting about.    


The two of them left the dance floor and passed through the crowd and booths. Soon, they arrived at the bar's entrance. When the two of them walked out, the mute woman raised her head, drank the red wine in her glass and also left the bar.    


Along the way, Ye Cheng and Mu Lingdie both simultaneously maintained their silence, as if they were still immersed in the indescribably ambiguous excitement of the dance floor. Ye Cheng noticed that the black car was following him once again. F * * k, they really are lingering around like ghosts! "You are ruining my good fortune!"    


Forty minutes later, Ye Cheng arrived at the entrance to Mu Lingdie's residence.    


"Why don't you come to my house and have a cup of coffee before you go?" Mu Lingdie invited.    


If it were any other time, Ye Cheng would really want to go. With some intimate contact on the dance floor, it would be easy to capture Mu Lingdie tonight. However, there was an unidentified follower following closely behind him. For the sake of Mu Lingdie's safety, he decisively gave up on this idea. It's very late today, let's have another day! "    


"Alright then!" Be careful on your way home! " Mu Lingdie bent his body down towards Ye Cheng and used both hands to embrace his face. He then proactively gave him a kiss and then opened the door and got off the car with Xiang Feng.    


"Wait, take the gift I gave you!" Ye Cheng caressed her lips that still had a lingering fragrance, and resisted the urge to follow along as she shouted.    


"Oh!" Mu Lingdie turned around and took the computer and clothes from the window, then waved goodbye to Ye Cheng with a sweet smile.    


"I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!" Ye Cheng took the car and drove away.    


After driving for a while, Ye Cheng did not find the black car. He was confused, "Why haven't the guy who was following me at night followed along? Did you lose him or give him up, or did you not catch up? "    


Mu Lingdie stood at the entrance of the small sector and watched Ye Cheng's car disappear into the night before slowly turning around and entering the small sector. Was the strange thrill of being on the dance floor the feeling of doing that sort of thing? "It feels even more difficult to control than kissing. It's a weird feeling, and I don't know how to describe it. It's so wonderful, so memorable ?"    


She didn't notice that after she walked into the residential complex, a figure wearing a cap came out from the corner of the street and walked towards the entrance of the residential complex.    


Mu Lingdie's mind was filled with memories of the time when he had danced with Ye Cheng on the bar's dance floor, but he had not paid attention to the situation around him.    


The man wearing the peaked cap followed her at a moderate pace, maintaining a distance of more than a dozen meters from start to finish, his eyes constantly flickering.    


When Mu Lingdie walked in, the man wearing the peaked cap suddenly increased his speed and ran over with light footsteps. Just as Mu Lingdie turned to take the first floor of the staircase, this person also walked in. He first took a glance inside vigilantly, and then walked towards the stairs with light footsteps.    


Mu Lingdie stayed on the third floor and placed the things in his hands on the floor in front of his house. He then took out the key from his pocket.    


The man wearing the peaked cap appeared at the corner of the corridor as if nothing had happened. Seeing that Mu Lingdie was about to open the door, he immediately quickened his pace. "Just as Mu Lingdie opened the door, he suddenly took out a dagger and pounced on her from behind. His left hand covered her mouth and at the same time, the dagger was aimed at her neck. Don't move, if you move, I'll kill you! "    


I've met a criminal, that's great! Mu Lingdie was also startled by the sudden appearance of the man, but immediately revealed a look of excitement in his eyes. He raised both his hands and quickly grabbed the man in the peaked cap's right arm. He twisted his arm with great force and his body spun along with him. The man's arm was twisted behind the man's back in an instant. She raised her beautiful legs and heavily kicked the man's knee.    


"Plop!" The gangster in the peaked cap knelt on one knee and hit his knee painfully. He was only on guard against Mu Lingdie's shouts, but never in his wildest dreams would he expect that this woman would be so powerful, to the point of being completely defenseless. He could only blame his bad luck, failing to investigate the background of the person he kidnapped previously.    


Just at that moment, Mu Lingdie's series of actions had been completed in one go. He used just a second. The moment the criminal fell to his knees, she quickly let go with her left hand, grabbing his hat and hair with all her strength and pressing her knee against his back.    


"Bam!" Followed by a dull thumping sound, the criminal's head solidly hit the wall, making him dizzy all of a sudden.    


Mu Lingdie grabbed the criminal and smashed him a few more times, causing him to faint. She viciously kicked the fainted criminal a few more times to vent her hatred, disdainfully saying, "Idiot like you, you still want to kidnap me? Go back and practice for a few more years!"    


"Yea, I finally caught a bad guy!" She excitedly took out her phone and called Ye Cheng.    


When Ye Cheng picked up the call, he could not wait and started chattering, "Ye Cheng, I caught a bad guy who tried to rob me. He had already been knocked out by me, this guy is really stupid. Alright, I'll wait for you. Come quickly! "Haha, I'm so happy!"    


If the criminal saw her, he would be so happy that he would dance with joy. He would definitely be angered to death!    


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