The Romantic Soldier King



When Ye Cheng woke up, it was already close to noon. His stomach was growling wildly, and after a simple wash, he arrived at the living room.    


Mu Lingdie went to work first. Lu Mengzhu and He Tong didn't come back from the hotel, and Jiang Chuyao didn't seem to be home either. Ye Cheng wandered around the kitchen for a bit. Realizing that he didn't have anything to eat, he decided to go downstairs to eat, then go to work.    


When he opened the door, he saw the beautiful neighbor, Pu Wanqing, waiting for the elevator.    


She was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of worn-out jeans. Especially the shorts that tightly wrapped around her thighs, revealing her slim and straight beautiful legs without a doubt, even more so revealing her sexy figure and exquisite curves. In addition, she exuded a scholarly aura, giving off a unique charm.    


This outfit was way too beautiful! Ye Cheng looked up and down at Pu Wanqing as he walked over, and greeted him: "Teacher Wanqing, are you going out?"    


"No, I'm going out to eat!" Pu Wanqing was a little embarrassed from seeing Ye Cheng, but he still replied with a polite smile.    


"Perfect, I'm going to eat too. Let's go together!" Forget about when Ye Cheng actually went to eat, even if he didn't want to, he would have had to take the opportunity to go eat with him.    


"Then I'll ask you, the last time you helped me with the power supply, I haven't thanked you for that!" Pu Wanqing said sincerely.    


"It's my honor to be invited to dinner by such a beautiful woman!" Ye Cheng habitually made fun of her.    


Pu Wanqing's face turned slightly red, as if she had no way of dealing with Ye Cheng's way of speaking.    


Ye Cheng snickered: Your skin is pretty thin, in the modern world, beauties like this are rare.    


"You ? You're not working today? " Pu Wanqing asked gently.    


"I have a headache. I've taken a leave of absence for the whole morning!" Ye Cheng said without thinking.    


"You need to eat some medicine for your headache. It will hurt if it gets worse." Does your family have a headache medicine? If not, I have it at home. " Pu Wanqing said in concern, believing it to be true.    


Ye Cheng couldn't help but cry out in his heart when he heard that her tone wasn't just for show, and that her words carried a hint of sincerity that was hard to refuse. "It doesn't hurt anymore now. If it does, I'll definitely go to your house and get the medicine the next time." He wondered if he would have to pretend to have a headache one day and try to get close to this beautiful lady teacher.    


As they were talking, the elevator arrived. The two of them walked in, one in front of the other. Ye Cheng stood next to Pu Wanqing to admire the beautiful teacher's elegance from afar.    


When he reached the 20th floor, a man wearing a suit came in. He looked like a successful person. The man looked around at the people in the elevator and slowly walked to Pu Wanqing's side.    


As the elevator went down, from time to time, people would enter. As long as there was one person inside, the man in the suit would intentionally or unintentionally walk closer to Pu Wanqing.    


Pu Wanqing was too embarrassed to say anything, he slowly moved closer to Ye Cheng, getting closer and closer to him. She squeezed again, and their arms came together.    


Wearing a shirt with half a sleeve, Ye Cheng could clearly feel the exquisite softness of her skin, and a pleasant fragrance continuously entered his nose. He felt a little strange. There was clearly more than half of the elevator's space left. Why is this beautiful teacher trying to squeeze me around? Could it be that she was interested in me? Impossible. We've met at most three times.    


He observed carefully, and only then did he realise that the man in the suit was squeezing Pu Wanqing. F * ck, aren't you trying to take advantage of me? F * ck you, I've never touched a cheap woman before, how dare you!    


Ye Cheng touched Pu Wanqing, and the two exchanged places. Pu Wanqing's face slightly flushed, giving Ye Cheng a grateful look.    


The man in the suit realized that the person beside him had changed, and glared at Ye Cheng, his mouth twitching, as if saying that he was f * cking meddling in other people's business. He then put on a serious expression as he looked at the numbers on the elevator.    


You still dare to scold me? You're courting death, yet you gave me the chance to show off in front of a beautiful teacher. Ye Cheng smiled and decided to take care of this pervert.    


Finally reaching the first floor of the elevator, the crowd swarmed out like a swarm of bees. The man in the suit deliberately dragged his feet and walked behind Pu Wanqing, brazenly staring at her, especially at Pu Wanqing's butt, while forcefully swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva. He didn't want to miss the chance to steal something when he met such a beautiful woman.    


He slowly raised his hand, pretending as if nothing had happened, and sneakily touched Pu Wanqing's butt. As long as he could touch it after entering a little bit, he would feel a burst of excitement in his heart.    


Don't just look at Ye Cheng who stood shoulder to shoulder. Out of the corner of his eyes, he was already paying attention to this vulgar fellow's every move. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed the man in the suit by the arm. He twisted the arm fiercely, and the crisp sound of a broken bone could be heard.    


Ah!" The suited man howled like a pig being butchered. His forehead was covered in cold sweat as he shouted in pain, "Are you crazy? Why did you break my hand?    


His shout immediately attracted everyone's attention, causing Pu Wanqing to hurriedly move closer to Ye Cheng.    


"Don't you know why I broke your hand?" Ye Cheng sneered.    


You are sick and I did not provoke you so I broke my hand for no reason. "Damn it, I'm going to call the police to arrest you!" "Ahh!" The man in the suit shouted as he grimaced in pain. "Damn, it hurts!    


"You did such a wretched thing and you still have the face to call the police? Go report it!" Ye Cheng raised his leg and directly kicked the man out.    


"If you have the ability, just you wait!" The man in the suit shouted in anger as he got up and left in a hurry.    


"Thank you, Ye Cheng!" Pu Wanqing was shocked, Ye Cheng was too powerful, with one hand he could break a person's hand.    


"You're welcome. This kind of elevator pervert needs to be killed!" Ye Cheng said with righteous indignation.    


"If you beat him up, would it bring you any trouble? If he calls the police, will they arrest you? " After Pu Wanqing recovered from his shock, he started to worry about Ye Cheng very much.    


"Don't worry, even if the police came, wouldn't you be my witness?" Ye Cheng said without the slightest worry.    


"That's right, I must properly invite you to this meal, otherwise, I would really be taken advantage of by that man." Pu Wanqing was extremely grateful, Ye Cheng was truly a good person!    


The two of them did not walk too far, and arrived at a pretty good restaurant near the small district. Pu Wanqing carefully ordered four different dishes.    


After the incident with the vulgar man elevator, the relationship between the two had deepened by quite a bit.    


"Teacher Wanqing, if I remember correctly, you taught Donghai University Affiliated High School, right?" Ye Cheng asked while eating.    


Pu Wanqing nodded his head, "From now on, call me Wanqing or Xiao Qing, no need to always call me teacher."    


"Alright, then I'll call you Wanqing!" Ye Cheng continued to ask: "Which year will you teach?"    


"Last semester taught the second year of high school. If it's the next semester, you should follow the class to teach the third year!" Pu Wanqing replied.    


Ye Cheng's heart stirred, and he said: "I have a little sister who goes to your school to attend your school after summer vacation. She is also in her third year, I have something that I need your help with."    


"Don't say whether you want it or not. If you have anything, just say it. As long as I can help, I'll definitely help you." Pu Wanqing laughed.    


"My little sister had been out of school for a year. I'm afraid that she might not be able to keep up with the classes in her third year. I'd like you to help me teach her." Of course I didn't help for nothing. I'll just hire you as my home tutor, one hundred yuan an hour! " Ye Cheng also suddenly thought of He Tong, and almost forgot about whether she could follow him to class.    


"It's fine to teach her. I have nothing to do during the summer anyway." Saying that, Pu Wanqing intentionally scrunched her face, pretending to be angry: "But, don't mention the money to me, otherwise I won't be able to help."    


Ye Cheng saw that her pretty face had turned serious and pretended to be angry, but now it had become even more cute and pretty, and she really wanted to reach out and pinch it a few times. It's not like I'll be helping you for free. Besides, it's not like it's just a day or two. Maybe she'll need you to give her supplementary lessons after school starts! "    


"Just consider it as neighbors helping each other. Who knows, maybe I'll need your help in the future!" Pu Wanqing saw that Ye Cheng wanted to continue, and anxiously said: "Alright, it's decided then. Where's your sister? I can let her come to my house for supplementary lessons. "    


"Just stay in the same house as me. When we get back, I'll tell her to look for you." Ye Cheng didn't expect Pu Wanqing to be so easy to talk to. He was kind enough to help He Tong with his supplementary lessons without asking for anything in return.    


"Fine, I can go to your house and visit her after dinner!" Pu Wanqing did not care that much. In her opinion, Ye Cheng had helped her twice before, so this time, she could be considered as repayment for helping his sister with her supplementary lessons.    


"She's not home. I'll call her back." With regards to finalizing the supplementary lessons for He Tong, Ye Cheng was overjoyed. Forget about the supplementary lessons at someone else's house, in the future, I will have the opportunity and excuse to interact more with this top quality beauty teacher.    


The more the two chatted, the more they speculated about each other. Pu Wanqing couldn't help but laugh at Ye Cheng's humorous words that came out from time to time.    


When they were settling the bill, Ye Cheng would definitely not make Pu Wanqing pay. Eating with a beauty, a man should pay with his own money. Of course, he didn't mind such a small amount of money.    


When the two of them returned to the residential complex, talking and laughing, they saw seven to eight men surrounding the building with sticks and other things in their hands. The residents who were entering and exiting the building were all hiding far away, afraid of getting into trouble.    


The elevator vulgar man who was scolded by Ye Cheng saw Pu Wanqing, when his gaze moved to Ye Cheng's side, his eyes revealed a sinister look, and pointed at Ye Cheng's nose and shouted: "It's him, hit him, cripple me!"    


The seven to eight men successively pounced and surrounded Ye Cheng and Pu Wanqing in the middle.    


"What are you doing? It's illegal to hit someone in broad daylight." Facing seven to eight aggressively grown men, Pu Wanqing was a little afraid, but he still very bravely spread his arms and covered Ye Cheng behind him.    


The man in the suit walked into the crowd with an arrogant look on his face. "He's the one who beat me up first. He didn't want to get beaten up and get a hundred and eighty thousand yuan in medical fees, or ?" He lewdly stared at Pu Wanqing, and lewdly laughed: "I can use you to pay for the medical fees too!"    


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