The Romantic Soldier King



The sky brightened as Zhang Kejia slowly woke up. He felt that this sleep was especially sweet and peaceful. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man's face with sharp angles, and his breathing was filled with the masculine aura of a man.    


She tightly hugged onto one of Ye Cheng's arms, her head leaning on Ye Cheng's shoulder, and her thigh that was still indecently pressing down on Ye Cheng's body. The bath towel slid down to her thigh, exposing a large half of her fragrant butt. As long as the bath towel slipped a little bit more, it would completely appear in the spring.    


Seeing himself in such an indecent and ambiguous position, Zhang Kejia's face immediately flushed red. Seeing that Ye Cheng was still sleeping, he rejoiced to himself. Luckily he did not discover it, otherwise I would have been greatly embarrassed. "    


Zhang Kejia immediately and gently moved his body away, and then sat up and wrapped a towel around himself and got off the bed. Her sleeping posture was equally indecent, and her body was nestled tightly in Ye Cheng's embrace. A snow-white beautiful leg was also wrapped around Ye Cheng's body.    


"The two of us are indeed twins. We even sleep in the same posture." Zhang Kejia shook his head and laughed as he walked towards the bathroom.    


"The moment Zhang Kejia got up, Ye Cheng sensed something and slowly opened his eyes. After being hugged by the twin sisters for an entire night without anything happening, I truly admire myself. " He looked at the bathroom and an idea popped into his mind. How could he miss such a rare opportunity?    


Ye Cheng carefully moved Zhang Kewei away, slowly sat up and tiptoed to the bathroom door. Through the translucent glass door, a graceful silhouette could be vaguely seen. He pretended to yawn, turned the lock on the door, and walked in sleepily.    


Zhang Kejia was looking in the mirror, but was naked. The bath towel dropped to the ground and her beautiful body was completely exposed, she even put up a pose that would cause nosebleeds, grudgingly muttering to herself: "My figure and appearance is almost the same as Xiao Wei's, why can't I see a man like Ye Cheng! Sigh, Xiao Wei got in first, if not, I really want to chase after him. It seems like the two of us are fated to have no fate ? "    


Ye Cheng did not hear what he had said previously, but he heard the last sentence clearly. He thought Zhang Kejia was going to the bathroom, but when he saw the scene in the bathroom, he opened his eyes wide in shock.    


Her delicate and exquisite body, snow-white skin, twin peaks of Kui Wei, two pink buds embedded on the peak, her smooth lower abdomen, and her slim thighs and long legs filled with lush and mysterious grass, all of it could be seen clearly. Coupled with his seductive posture, he was able to arouse the most primitive impulses.    


Ah!" Zhang Kexin suddenly saw Ye Cheng barge in with a look of shock on her face. She instinctively let out a soft exclamation.    


Ye Cheng was even more surprised, with his mouth agape and his eyes wide open, his gaze was like an electronic scanner that quickly swept over Zhang Kejia's body time and time again, imprinting this scene into his mind. Her figure was indescribably beautiful. She was an extremely beautiful woman!    


After five or six seconds, Zhang Kejia finally reacted as she hurriedly grabbed onto her towel and wrapped it tightly around her body, blocking Ye Cheng's line of sight. You... Look, get out of here quickly! "    


"Right... "I'm sorry!" Ye Cheng had no choice but to withdraw his gaze, close the door and leave the room. I'm sorry, I didn't see anything. "    


With this explanation, Zhang Kejia's face turned even redder, and her heart started beating even faster. I'm hardly wearing any clothes. Can you see anything? Just lock the door.    


"After feeling shy and embarrassed, she mumbled to herself, at a loss what to do." Didn't Ye Cheng fall asleep? Why did he suddenly wake up? He didn't wake up earlier or later, but he woke up at this time instead. This was really infuriating. How am I going to deal with him in the future? My posture just now was so coquettish, what should he think of me? Did he hear what I said ? "    


Ye Cheng laughed in his heart, then laid back on the bed as if nothing had happened, and succeeded in creating a dubious relationship! What did Zhang Kejia mean by those words, could it be that she likes me too? Then wouldn't it be easier for me to take her down?    


After staying in the bathroom for more than 20 minutes, recovering from his shy, panicked and embarrassed state of mind, Zhang Kejia finally walked out. It was only half past five, it was still too early to go to work, and she couldn't possibly stay in the bathroom for more than a few hours, so she had to force herself to go back to her bed quietly and lie down on her side, trying to stay as far away from Ye Cheng as possible, using the sheets to cover her entire body.    


Ye Cheng coughed and explained, "Xiao Jia, I am truly sorry for what happened just now. I thought I was at home and I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I didn't expect you to be there. "    


"You ? Just pretend that nothing happened! " Zhang Kejia's face which had finally returned to normal with great difficulty, blushed once again as she stuttered with an extremely embarrassed voice like a mosquito.    


"Alright, I'll just pretend I didn't see anything." When the words left his mouth, Ye Cheng immediately explained, "No, what I mean is that I really didn't see anything."    


Zhang Kejia was so shy that she wanted to find a hole to hide in. Her face was burning as she whispered in embarrassment, "Don't ? Stop talking, you must not tell my sister. "    


"Don't worry, I definitely won't tell anyone. It was originally a misunderstanding, so there's nothing much to say. " Ye Cheng secretly laughed in his heart.    


Zhang Kejia did not dare speak another word, in case it got even more awkward, his mind would only be filled with random thoughts. It's all Xiao Wei's fault, he had to make Ye Cheng stay. Now that I've been seen through by him, what am I supposed to do in the future ? "    


After a long time, she finally managed to stealthily get out of bed at seven o'clock. She went to the bathroom to change her clothes and left the guest room in a hurry.    


When the sun rose, Zhang Kewei woke up and opened her eyes. Her delicate body pressed against Ye Cheng's body and an arm wrapped around Ye Cheng's neck at some point in time. She blinked twice, raised her head and looked at Ye Cheng, just in time to meet his gaze.    


"Disciple, you've awoken. How do you feel now?" Ye Cheng smiled.    


"Good ?" "Much better!" Zhang Kewei was embarrassed, her beautiful face flushed red.    


At this moment, Zhang Kejia had also realized that the two were extremely close, like a couple who shared a bed and a pillow. Just as she was about to pull back her arm, Ye Cheng held her back. Having clearly felt Ye Cheng's warm and broad embrace, she instantly became incomparably nervous, but she did not want to leave.    


He held Zhang Kewei tightly in his arms. Ye Cheng really wanted to protect her this way for the rest of her life. Be my girlfriend, okay? Let me take care of you for the rest of your life. "    


A few short words pierced through the layer of silk, causing Zhang Kewei's heart to be filled with excitement. He heavily nodded his head, and snuggled into Ye Cheng's embrace like a little kitten.    


"You should know that I have a girlfriend. I admit that I'm a philandering man, but my love and care for you definitely aren't any less than theirs." Ye Cheng's expression revealed sincere and deep emotions. I won't say much about love, but I can promise my conscience that as long as I, Ye Cheng, am still alive, I will always protect you. Even if a bullet were to come, it will first pass through my body ? "    


"Ye Cheng's confession came too suddenly. Zhang Kewei was so moved that her eyes turned red. She extended a finger that was like an onion and pressed it to Ye Cheng's lips. I won't allow you to say such unlucky words, I believe you! "    


The two of them embraced each other wholeheartedly, as if they wanted to merge into each other's bodies. They didn't want to be separated even for a second.    


Zhang Kewei rested his head on Ye Cheng's shoulder and said sincerely: "I understand. I know that you are destined to be an extraordinary man, and there will definitely be many girls who like you. No matter how many women you have in the future, as long as you have a place for me in your heart, I will be satisfied."    


"You will always occupy the most important place in my heart, the most important woman in my life." Ye Cheng said solemnly.    


The two of them raised their heads at the same time and stared at each other. A deep love reverberated between them.    


Ye Cheng suddenly kissed Zhang Kewei's cherry red lips, greedily sucking on it. The intense feeling of being electrocuted stimulated Zhang Kewei, causing her to gradually let go of her reservations, her arms tightly wrapped around Ye Cheng's neck, and she tenderly and enthusiastically started to cater to it.    


Ye Cheng's tongue pried open her teeth, reaching into Zhang Kewei's fragrant mouth, their two tongues touching. Her small tongue was smooth and soft, flexible and small, and salivated from mouth to mouth. Under Ye Cheng's guidance, her two tongues intertwined and intertwined together.    


The temperature of their bodies rapidly increased as Ye Cheng's large hand restlessly moved around Zhang Kewei's body, easily slipping into the towel that was only wrapped around her.    


Zhang Kewei's delicate body trembled slightly, her breathing became hurried, and she muttered a few words in a low voice.    


As Ye Cheng skillfully petted and teased her, Zhang Kewei's breathing became more and more ragged, and her body involuntarily twisted, burrowing into Ye Cheng's embrace as if she wanted to get closer to him. She did not even realize that the towel had slipped away.    


Inside was a vacuum. The towel fell and the spring sunlight shone through. Ye Cheng gently turned over and pressed her beneath him. He climbed up the mountain with one hand, and then held the playful and upright bud inside his mouth of the other mountain.    


"En!" Zhang Kewei let out a coquettish moan, the unspeakable pleasure stimulating his entire body. She felt as if there was a furnace in her body, burning with an indescribable desire.    


At this moment, Ye Cheng's entire body was burning with desire, his heart yearning for Zhang Kewei, so he took the opportunity to develop, and everything else would naturally come to fruition.    


Zhang Kewei suddenly became alert. Although he had never experienced the affairs of a man and a woman, he still knew what would happen next. She anxiously grabbed onto the big hand of Ye Cheng, who was already in the secret area, and said shyly: "Can you come another day? My first time will not be given to you here, right? "    


"Alright!" Ye Cheng also woke up, a little unreconciled, but still chose to respect Zhang Kewei's suggestion.    


"Don't be unhappy, I'll be yours sooner or later." Zhang Kewei took the initiative to give him a comforting kiss. With a blushing face, she said, "I don't want to throw my first time in a hotel. It's not romantic at all.    


In any case, Zhang Kewei had already agreed to be his girlfriend. Sooner or later, it would all be his, so Ye Cheng was not in a rush. I promise you, I'll give you the most romantic first time. "    


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