The Romantic Soldier King



The three of them were sleeping together. Lu Mengzhu had never thought of this, but when Ye Cheng suggested it, she did not speak up and agreed.    


After experiencing that indescribable pleasure, Mu Lingdie was extremely reluctant to leave Ye Cheng's embrace, and he didn't say anything. She thought that Lu Mengzhu would object, but in the end, even he was unable to say anything.    


Therefore, Ye Cheng's dream of three people sleeping together was successful.    


Hugging on both sides, with two fiery and delicate bodies squeezed into his embrace, Ye Cheng slept soundly and peacefully, even in her dreams, as she giggled foolishly.    


The next day, Ye Cheng woke up. The sky was bright as the bright sunlight shone into his bedroom. He looked to his left and right. Two delicate bodies were pressing down on him like octopus.    


Lu Mengzhu and Mu Lingdie were both sleeping soundly with sweet smiles on their faces. The pajamas and sling slipped onto his shoulder, and with a flash of spring light, two one-eyed white rabbits, one big and one small, jumped out. Ye Cheng's hands just happened to be on them.    


"I really admire myself. Two beauties, accompany me to sleep. I actually didn't push them down even after such an alluring treatment!" Ye Cheng shook his head and quietly got up, afraid that he would wake the two of them up.    


After getting off the bed and putting on his clothes, Ye Cheng hummed a song as he walked out of his bedroom with a stretch of his body. When he took two steps forward, he was immediately dumbfounded.    


Pu Wanqing and He Tong were sitting on a small table in front of a window in the living room, reading English.    


"Good morning, Teacher Wanqing, good morning!" Ye Cheng laughed, since he was discovered, then so be it, sooner or later.    


"Morning!" Pu Wanqing replied in shock. He slept with Mu Lingdie and Lu Mengzhu? Private life is too messy! I have nothing to do with Ye Cheng, at most we can only be considered good friends, his private life is none of my business! What am I nervous about?    


"Teacher Wanqing, let's eat breakfast here, I'll go buy some!" Ye Cheng went downstairs to buy breakfast.    


After Ye Cheng left the room, Pu Wanqing could not help but ask in a low voice, "Xiao Tong, does Ye Cheng live in the same room as and the small bamboo?"    


"Nope, the elder brother Ye rarely comes into our bedroom!" He Tong answered very seriously, it seemed like Brother Ye Cheng rarely stayed at home!    


"Then why did he come out of your bedroom?" Pu Wanqing asked.    


"Maybe Sister Xiao Die or Sister Meng Zhu has something to talk to him about!" He Tong said.    


"Oh, so it's like that!" Pu Wanqing suddenly realized that he had misunderstood. I say, it's not possible for one man and two women to sleep together!    


The whole morning, Ye Cheng stayed at home to accompany Lu Mengzhu and Mu Lingdie to watch movies. This time, it was not as if the adults on the island were making small movies.    


About eleven o'clock, Ye Cheng received a call from Wen Shiman to go to Qin Li's home. She wanted to go to the kitchen to treat Ye Cheng to a meal together with Qin Li, she had already bought all the dishes.    


After agreeing to it last night, Ye Cheng had no choice but to go. Furthermore, the two great beauties had joined hands to cook, so he had to go as well.    


Around 11: 15 PM, Qin Li's doorbell rang.    


After hearing the doorbell, Qin Li, who was wearing a loose sleeveless top and an extremely short pair of hot pants, wrapped in an apron, quickly went to open the door. Ye Cheng, you arrived really fast, you haven't finished cooking yet ? "    


When Qin Li opened the door, he saw two unfamiliar men standing outside. He could not help but ask suspiciously, "Who are you looking for?"    


"Of course I'm looking for you!" A man suddenly pounced over, one hand covering Qin Li's mouth, the other holding a dagger pressed against her neck, he threatened sinisterly: "Don't move, if not I'll kill you!"    


The sudden change scared Qin Li to the point that his face drained of blood. His face turned pale and he became extremely nervous.    


After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng left home. He drove for an hour before arriving at Qin Li's house.    


He pressed the doorbell and waited for a long time before a woman's voice asked, "Who is it?"    


Ye Cheng could tell that it was Wen Shiman's voice, but his voice was slightly trembling, and he did not mind it. It's me, Ye Cheng, open the door quickly! "    


"Qin Li and I ? Uncomfortable, you... "Let's go!" Wen Shiman's nervous, stammering voice came from behind the door.    


"Hmm?" Ye Cheng was suspicious. "Are you feeling uncomfortable now that you called me to come over for dinner?" Shiman, stop messing around, even if I reject your sincere invitation twice, you shouldn't be messing with me, quickly open the door! "    


Wen Shiman seemed to be hesitating. After a minute or two of silence, the door finally opened, but only opened a small crack. She revealed half of her head and looked at Ye Cheng with a complicated expression. We Really... "I'm not feeling well. I'll invite you again another day!"    


Ye Cheng saw that Wen Shiman's hair was in a mess, he was still wearing his pajamas, but it was a bit messy. His eyes were red as if he had been crying, and there were still tears at the corners of his eyes. His hands were clasped behind his back. Her eyes that looked at Ye Cheng flickered unsteadily, revealing a hint of fear and nervousness, her expression complex.    


"Shiman, what's wrong?" Ye Cheng was puzzled, and gently pushed the door.    


Wen Shiman's delicate body blocked the door, and did not have any intention of letting Ye Cheng in. Although Ye Cheng gave a light push, he still felt that there was someone else supporting the door from the inside, which made him even more suspicious.    


"I'm not feeling well, and... "If there's nothing else, then go!" Wen Shiman was extremely nervous as he gave Ye Cheng a strange look, as if he wanted to express something.    


Ye Cheng's heart skipped a beat as he wondered what she meant by that. Why would she be so nervous when she saw me? Are you guys really okay? " His gaze immediately became sharp as he scanned the room through the gap in the door. He could not see anyone else, but he could feel that there was someone behind the door.    


"True... It's really nothing! " Wen Shiman's body tensed up, as if something was supporting her from behind, the expression in her eyes became even more complicated, it was sadness, fear, and panic.    


"Then you guys take a good rest, I'm leaving!" Ye Cheng said indifferently, but he knew there must be a problem!    


"Oh!" Wen Shiman stared deeply at Ye Cheng, his eyes revealing a trace of despair, his mouth slightly moving twice.    


Ye Cheng's heart tightened, he knew how to speak. From Wen Shiman's mouth, he knew that it meant 'save me'. He pretended as if nothing had happened and walked down the stairs.    


"Bam!" With a light sound, the door closed.    


"There must be someone threatening Wen Shiman. Otherwise, they would not let me in and even sent me a distress signal!" Ye Cheng clenched his fist tightly, and turned around to look at the stairs. He did not continue going down, but instead squatted down and hid himself.    


Qin Li's door opened once again, and a head peeked out sneakily while scanning around. When he did not find anyone, he retreated, and the door closed again with a light sound.    


As expected, they were in trouble. Ye Cheng agilely and quickly jumped up the stairs and arrived in front of Qin Li's house for the second time. He stuck his ear to the door and listened carefully to the sounds inside the house.    


From Wen Shiman's cry for help, Ye Cheng guessed that she and Qin Li were in an extremely dangerous situation.    


Ye Cheng touched his belt, took out a steel needle and gently inserted it into the keyhole. With a 'ka' sound, the lock opened.    


He pushed the door open a crack and did not see anyone. The deafening music came from the bedroom. He no longer hesitated as he opened the door wide and entered the room. He gently closed the door and looked around the living room.    


There was no one in the living room, and some vegetables had fallen at the kitchen door. The bedroom door was ajar, looking very wretched. Although it was covered up by the loud music, Ye Cheng could still hear it.    


"Your sister, you dare to commit murder in broad daylight!" Ye Cheng was enraged, he approached the bedroom quickly, like a nimble cat.    


"Don't... "I'm begging you ?" A begging voice came out from the bedroom, it sounded like Qin Li's voice.    


"Don't worry, we will be very gentle. As long as you agree to be Old Su and I's long-term lover and serve us well, we will definitely not leak out what you took." Following that was two unbridled laughter filled with lust.    


"Beasts, beasts, if you dare to touch Qin Li, you will die a horrible death ?" Wen Shiman cursed, his mouth seemed to be sealed, releasing suppressed wuwu sounds.    


"Since you are here, wait till Qin Li who is a bitch finishes serving us, it will be your turn!" Another man laughed complacently, followed by the sound of clothes being torn.    


As if there were four of them, Ye Cheng gently pushed open the bedroom door and slipped inside like a loach.    


Wen Shiman sat on the ground, his hands tied behind his back, his mouth full of flesh-colored stockings. His pajamas were ripped apart, revealing half of his fan's bra. A man was staring at her snow-white neck with a dagger, holding a DV on the bed with his other hand.    


Qin Li laid on the bed with his back arched, wearing a purple sexy underwear, it was extremely transparent and his body was tied up tightly with a rope, his face was flushed red. The other man who was only wearing underwear was half-kneeling beside her with a vulgar smile on his face.    


Ye Cheng's eyes swept past like lightning, and took in everything in the room. Like a ferocious tiger pouncing on its prey, he rushed forward and fiercely punched out with a gust of wind, heavily smashing onto the head of the man beside Wen Shiman.    


"Bam!" The man howled miserably like a pig being butchered. His eyes turned black and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Dagger and DV fell to the ground.    


Ye Cheng did not stop, he immediately jumped onto the bed. The man on the bed hastily got off the bed, and fumbled for the dagger on the bed. Just as his hand touched the dagger, Ye Cheng was already in front of him, and with a powerful kick, hit him squarely in the chest.    


The man roared in pain as his body flew up into the air. Ye Cheng charged forward like a shadow, and before the person could fall to the ground, he kicked out again. The man soared into the air, heavily smashing into the wall, and rebounded back to the ground. Ye Cheng flew over quickly, raised his knee and smashed onto the man's chest like a heavy hammer.    


"Crack!" This man's ribs were broken by the iron knee, and he let out a short, short, stuffy groan. He fell to the ground, his body twitching a few times in pain before fainting.    


Ye Cheng's series of movements was fast, ferocious, and it took less than five seconds to complete.    


Wen Shiman's face was filled with shock, his eyes were wide open, but he was still unable to clearly see some of Ye Cheng's movements.    


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