The Romantic Soldier King



The sea below midnight was shrouded in boundless darkness. Looking around, it was impossible to tell where the sky and the sea were. The only thing that could be seen was the dazzling lights that sparkled on the surface of the ship. Under the cover of the pitch black night, it was exceptionally beautiful.    


This extremely luxurious cruise ship could be said to be a moving Nightless City. Even though it was the latter half of the night, the amusement district was still bustling with activity as figures flashed past. Most of the rooms in the lounge area were dark. Except for the people who slept, most of the visitors were concentrated in the entertainment area.    


In the first class, the guest room where Ye Cheng and the other two were was completely quiet, the air was filled with a depressing aura, the three naked fruits on the bed were all entwined together.    


"Click, click!" A faint sound suddenly came from the door, as if someone was unlocking it from the outside, or as if a rat was nibbling on the wood.    


Ye Cheng who was half asleep suddenly opened her eyes, quietly pushing away the white jade arms and beautiful legs that were pressing down on him, she flipped over and sat up, vigilantly looking towards the door. Just as Ning Xiang was about to lock the door, he purposely touched the door.    


Ever since he met that man with a scar on his face, Ye Cheng had always felt that that guy had ill intentions. Furthermore, he had won more than a hundred and fifty million in public, and there were many who were jealous, so it was hard to avoid people with ill intentions becoming interested in money. Therefore, he purposely kept an eye out, just in case. This was a good habit that had been developed over the years as a special forces soldier. He had to predict the danger and prevent the unforeseen from happening.    


"There really is someone who wants to sneak in!" When Ye Cheng woke up from his stupor and listened carefully, the sounds coming from the door became clearer. He got out of bed and pulled the towel around his waist.    


The entire room was pitch black, and with his senses, Ye Cheng quietly hid behind the door while holding his breath, he listened attentively for any sounds that came from outside.    


It was not long before the lock was broken and the door opened a crack and bright light from the corridor came into the room.    


"Damn it, it's even called a five-star luxurious cruise! What kind of broken door is installed on it, it's actually useless!" As they cursed in extremely low voices, two figures entered in a flash.    


After entering the room, the person behind carefully closed the door. The two of them did not realize that there was someone behind the door, who was staring at them with a cold gaze, like a ferocious beast hiding in the darkness, waiting to hunt.    


In the two to three seconds after the light from the corridor entered the room, Ye Cheng noticed that the two people were holding onto pistols with silencers in their hands.    


Ye Cheng suddenly moved, he extended his hands out like lightning and grabbed towards the two people's heads.    


"Pa!" The two tough heads collided with each other. The duo had yet to react to what was going on as their minds buzzed, golden stars flashed wildly, and their vision turned dark. Suddenly, they slumped onto the ground, unconscious.    


"It is fortunate that I have foresight. Otherwise, it is really possible that these two fellows would have gotten their hands on me!" Ye Cheng picked up the gun on the floor and put it on his waist. He picked up one in each hand and dragged the two into the bathroom.    


He turned on the light and took a closer look. One of them was the man with the scar on his face, and both of them wore headphones.    


"They're pretty professional!" Ye Cheng took off the two people's earphones and the infinite call box on his waist. He quickly tapped them a few times to prevent the two people from moving and shouting after waking up.    


He found something to block the toilet's drain and slowed down the water inside. Then, he carried the two of them to the toilet and fiercely pushed their heads into the water. There was no need to be courteous to those people with ill intentions.    


Under the stimulation of both cold water and choking water, the two of them slowly woke up after only a few times. They kept coughing and drooling from their mouths and noses. The two of them clearly understood what was going on. They must have suffered some backlash, but when they tried to struggle, they realized that their bodies could not move at all.    


"Who are you? Let go of me if you know what's good for you... "Sob, sob ?" Before the scarred man could finish his arrogant words, his entire head was once again pushed into the water.    


"If you don't want to drown in the toilet, then behave yourself!" Ye Cheng pressed on it for half a minute before he pulled the man's head out of the water.    


This fellow almost suffocated to death. After leaving the water, he started to breathe fresh air hurriedly in big gulps. For the time being, he didn't dare to act so arrogantly. The other fellow was extremely tactful, and silently sized Ye Cheng up.    


Ye Cheng casually threw the two fellows onto the ground. The two of them had their acupoints pierced, if one did not understand the meaning of the acupoints, they cannot move freely. Even if the door was opened right now, the two of them would not be able to escape.    


"Tell me, where did you two come from? What do you want to sneak in here in the middle of the night?" Ye Cheng's words did not contain any anger, and he asked like a chatterbox.    


"Humph!" The man with the scar snorted and said, "This ship has been completely controlled by our people. You won't be able to escape even if you have wings. If you still want to live, then obediently let us go. I can even plead for you."    


"Motherf * cker, you still dare to threaten me as a prisoner!" Ye Cheng's expression immediately turned cold. He raised his hands, pulled out his two spears, and pointed them at the two men's heads from the left and right sides, and coldly said: "I'll give you three seconds to answer my question.    




"I say ?" The other man tried to talk to first to stabilize's body, then to think of a way to escape or to notify Ye Cheng, regardless of whether what Ye Cheng said was true or not.    


The moment he opened his mouth, Ye Cheng unhesitatingly pulled the trigger. With a light sound, the bullet instantly shot into the head of the man with Dao Ba on his face.    


Blood splattered as it landed on the face of another man. He could clearly feel the temperature of the blood. In an instant, his face turned as pale as paper and his heart trembled. Damn it, he's even more ruthless than us! Killing people without blinking, you can tell from the scars on his body that he isn't a good person!    


The scarred man had a look of disbelief, his eyes were wide open, and he died with grievance. He firmly believed that Ye Cheng did not dare to shoot in order to scare others, and the result was completely out of his expectations. Of course, it was too late to think about it now.    


Previously, Ye Cheng was still acting amiable, but in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a cold-blooded and merciless killer.    


Ye Cheng raised his right hand and blew at the muzzle of the gun. I gave you the chance to cherish it, but you can't blame me for that! " Soon after, he looked towards the man that was scared witless. Speak, if you dare to lie, you will end up like him. He hasn't gone far on the Road to River Styx. If you want to go down and chase after him, I don't mind sending you two along as companions! "    


"Don't... Don't shoot, I said. I will tell you everything! " Having learned his lesson, this fellow dared not challenge Ye Cheng's bottom line. He swallowed hard, and said anxiously: "We are from the fox-hunting's Mercenary Group, and we have come to kidnap you, to take away all the money you have won in the gambling den."    


"fox-hunting Mercenary Group?" Ye Cheng's face sank, "What is your final goal? How many of your people are on the boat?"    


A while ago, he had fought with the mercenaries of the fox-hunting. He knew that these people were all vicious and desperate people who would kill and rob others for money. Qiao Rubing's father had died in the hands of this mercenary, and Ye Cheng had even personally crippled Phantom Fox, the leader of the mercenaries.    


The man did not dare to hesitate and replied: "Abducting all the people on the boat, stealing the money, using it to threaten the family of the hostage to take the money away, and threatening the Chinese side to hand over the Phantom Fox! Almost all the sailors below the first mate are ours, and some are even dressed up as tourists to board the ship. I really don't know how many of them actually have come, but there are about forty to fifty of them, maybe more! "    


He spoke everything he knew, afraid that if Ye Cheng was not satisfied with anything, he would be killed in one shot. Having seen Ye Cheng's vicious and thunderous methods, she thought to herself that she should protect her own life first.    


Ye Cheng asked in detail, feeling that the matter was extremely troublesome to handle. All of them were equipped with weapons, internal communication walkie-talkies, and had over a hundred hostages in their hands. Furthermore, they were on the high seas, so it was unrealistic for him to single-handedly turn the tide. Although he had the courage, he was also good at fighting.    


"One last question, does the owner of this ship, Tao Youlan, have been controlled by you guys?" Ye Cheng asked in a low voice. He immediately thought of Tao Youlan and had to inform her immediately.    


"I'm not sure, but someone has already gone!" The man immediately replied.    


"Since you've told me so much, I'll tell you something as well!" Ye Cheng laughed: "Phantom Fox was captured by me with my own hands!"    


After he finished speaking, he laughed and pulled the trigger, sending this fellow to hell with a single shot.    


This room was not safe, if any other mercenaries from the fox-hunting noticed that these two guys had not come out yet, they would definitely come to check. Bringing along Jiajia and Xiaoxiao was also not safe and convenient. Ye Cheng could only point at their sleeping quarters and hide them in the closet, covering them up with his clothes.    


After hiding Xiaoxiao and Jiajia, Ye Cheng swiftly changed into a new set of clothes, skillfully placing the Infinite Summoning Box at his waist, then put on his headphones and went to the window.    


The entrance to the first class corridor was already controlled by the people of the fox-hunting, if Ye Cheng were to go out recklessly, it would definitely cause a conflict. Right now was not the time to fight with the people of fox-hunting, the most important thing was to see how Tao Youlan was doing. Without Tao Youlan's cooperation, he could only die on the ship.    


It was already late in the night, and it was dark outside. He couldn't see the magnificent view of the sea outside the window.    


Ye Cheng unlocked the window, pushed open the window, and stuck his head out. He saw that the window was only four to five centimeters wide with a metal outer edge. There was no place for him to set his feet. Looking down, he could vaguely see the lowest deck by the light of the lantern. It was over ten meters high, and if he fell down and did not die, he would end up as a cripple. Looking up, about three meters was the upper level. Putting down the curtains, there were faint lights shining through.    


From what Ning Xiang said, the room upstairs was Tao Youlan's residence, luckily he had casually asked, otherwise he would have been blinded.    


"It's really difficult to sneak in through the window!" Ye Cheng lamented, no matter how difficult it was, he had to bite the bullet and charge forward. He jumped up to the window, leaned out, and began to move.    


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