The Romantic Soldier King



"Ye Cheng, here you are, we finally found you!" Jiajia and Xiaoxiao had come together, and when they saw Ye Cheng, they couldn't help but feel excited in their hearts.    


The two of them were pressed into sleep by Ye Cheng and hid in the wardrobe. Before they clear their acupoints in advance, they would automatically wake up at the right time. When the two of them woke up, they were shocked to find that they were lying in the wardrobe, but Ye Cheng didn't know where he had gone to.    


The two of them couldn't find Ye Cheng on the boat, but after hearing about Ye Cheng's achievements, they immediately understood why he was lying in the wardrobe. It must have been Ye Cheng who noticed the danger and hid the two of them inside. Although the two of them did not personally experience the incident of the hijacking, their eyes could not help but twitch when they heard the discussion. They could imagine how dangerous it was last night.    


"Thank you for hiding us last night, otherwise we would definitely have been scared to death." Xiaoxiao still had some lingering fear in his heart. He felt frightened by the threat of the group of thugs, but luckily he didn't experience it personally, otherwise, who knew how many days of nightmares he would have had.    


"Just a trivial matter in the district is nothing to worry about. Besides, all of you have already given out the compensation!" Ye Cheng blinked his eyes, looking like he understood what was going on.    


Ning Xiang, who was listening to the conversation between the three of them, immediately understood what the word 'reward' meant. Last night, Ye Cheng had spent the night in their room.    


Jiajia and Xiaoxiao had personally experienced Ye Cheng's might and strength, and both of them deeply liked that feeling. The Jiajia was even more so, it was the unprecedented pleasure of her husband, and it was a hundred times stronger than his.    


Jiajia put a hand on Ye Cheng's shoulder, and charmingly smiled: "The reward I gave you last night is only a very small part of it. As for the rest, whenever you want to contact me and Xiaoxiao, I guarantee that you will be satisfied."    


Ye Cheng laughed, "Then I will not be polite, I will remember your rewards. In the future, take it slowly, but I'm afraid that the two of you will not be able to satisfy my needs!"    


"Women can't breathe, men can squeeze it out. There is no land to plough, only dead cows. Have you never heard of that?" Jiajia said as she gave her a flirtatious look.    


"It's not suitable for me here. Be careful that the cow doesn't die from exhaustion, or the ground might break first!" Ye Cheng teased.    


"Then should we try it now?" Jiajia stuck out her chest and took the initiative to throw herself into her arms as a luring.    


"I'll give it a try then. I'm not afraid of you!" Ye Cheng said without showing any weakness. As a man, this sort of thing couldn't be avoided. Otherwise, he would be looked down upon by a woman. Who would be willing to admit that they didn't have strong abilities in that aspect?    


"With..." How about you bring me along? " Ning Xiang mustered the courage to interrupt. At a glance, these two women could tell that she was a rich woman. Since she dared to play with Ye Cheng, what was there for me to be shy about? They're both women, don't joke with me about my little affair with a man.    


Jiajia looked at the two playfully, as if he was clear of the situation. The two must have had something going on. Ye Cheng was too quick to seduce women, she had only gambled on the female dealer's gambling table once, and already had the dealer in her hands. She teased, "Great! We warmly welcome him as many people as we can, hoping to exhaust this old ox that only knows how to toil!"    


"You can call me Old Ox, but I'm not yellow!" The words that popped out of Ye Cheng's mouth made the three beauties laugh nonstop. The flowers on the trees were trembling, it was extremely seductive.    


"When I squeeze you dry, the old ox will become an old cow, and you will never be able to return to your old self again!" Jiajia laughed in response.    


"The old ox is so old that it can't walk anymore. It definitely doesn't have the strength to plow the farmland, so it can only drool while looking at the ground." Ning Xiang pursed his lips and laughed.    


"Don't worry, Niu Li has been around for a lifetime. He has plenty of experience, and he can guarantee that he'll be able to enjoy every piece of land!" Ye Cheng made a harmless joke.    


The moment before the party officially began, under the close protection of eight bodyguards dressed in black, Tao Youlan, who was wearing an elegant evening dress, walked in with graceful steps, swaying her charming body as she arrived at the scene. After what happened last night, she had purposely strengthened her security, so it was not too late for her to make up for her loss.    


Tao Youlan slowly walked to the stage in the front of the hall. Four bodyguards stood two metres away from her, while the other four bodyguards stood guard around the stage, raising security to the highest level.    


She looked around at the crowd, seemingly searching for someone. After looking for someone for a while, she failed to find anything, so she asked in disappointment: "May I ask if the noble Mr. Ye has arrived?"    


Everyone's gaze turned towards the same direction, only then did Tao Youlan notice Ye Cheng eating, and was shocked. He turned to and smiled: "Everyone claps, Mr. Ye, please come up!"    


Lei Ming's applause immediately sounded from the audience, it was extremely warm, some people's hands were even red without them knowing. The crowd automatically opened up a path, just like welcoming a certain grand character.    


Standing in the corner, Bi Xingui looked at those wealthy people who normally hated being unable to rule over an entire street and had a value of over a hundred million, and happily took the initiative to make way for Ye Cheng. The corners of his mouth continuously twitched, and he was extremely depressed.    


Previously, when he was wandering amongst the rich and powerful gentlemen and famous beauties, he had always wanted to ask Ye Cheng about his situation. The moment he mentioned that Ye Cheng was wrong, he would be scolded badly.    


As a result, wherever Bi Xingui appeared, everyone's actions were surprisingly consistent, they turned around and left, and as if he was a god of pests, they were almost beaten up like mice crossing the street, causing Bi Xingui to be so angry that he almost vomited blood.    


Under the crowd's welcome and attention, Ye Cheng stepped onto the stage and waved to the audience. Only then did the applause that was as warm as Lei Ming stop.    


Tao Youlan graciously laughed: "Next, I would like to invite Mr. Ye to say a few words for everyone!"    


The applause that had just stopped was struck again like thunder. When they fell into Bi Xingui's ears, it was like a resounding slap, causing him to not be able to find any clues and he felt an intense pain in his head.    


Ye Cheng did not think that there would be such a situation, he took the wireless microphone from Tao Youlan and cleared his throat: "I do not have anything to say, I hope everyone can open your hearts and have a good time tonight, the past events will be lost to the wind, I wish everyone a happy day, today will come year, today will be the year you all are!"    


The applause and cheers from the audience were like thunder once again as they went into an uproar.    


"A bunch of lunatics, Ye Cheng just said a few words, but he's not that crazy, he has never seen the world before!" Bi Xingui didn't dare to speak anymore, and could only silently look down on Ye Cheng in his heart. If he said more bad things about Ye Cheng, he would really be thrown into the ocean by the militants.    


Once again, the applause stopped, and Tao Youlan continued, "In order to thank the Mr. Ye for his contributions to this ship, I have proposed to set up a 'Ye Cheng Fund', which would be used to help the people who are in deep pain, to awaken the conscience and love in their hearts!"    




"To become a charity under the name of a great hero, we raise our hands and agree!"    


"Right, we must spread the name of the great hero to every corner of China!"    


"I plan to donate 50 million privately for the operation of the 'Ye Cheng Fund'. The reason why I mentioned it to everyone was because I want everyone to supervise the use of this charity. I don't want anyone to say that I'm just putting on a show! " Tao Youlan thought about how he could use this special method to promise Ye Cheng to save everyone on the ship.    


Ye Cheng could not help but laugh bitterly, it was impossible for him to keep a low profile anymore, wouldn't that mean increasing my exposure rate would increase the difficulty of the secret mission that was assigned to him by the National Security! He whispered: "Boss Tao, this is impossible!"    


"I have already announced it in front of everyone. There's no other way around it, the 'Ye Cheng Fund' must operate and become the largest civil charity fund in the country!" Tao Youlan revealed a rare mischievous smile.    


"I'll donate 10 million!"    


"I donate 20 million!"    


"50 million!"    


The crowd below the stage was clamoring to donate their money, but at least ten million had been shouted out in front of the crowd, so even if it was less than ten million, it would still be embarrassing to speak.    


"Those who want to solicit donations will definitely warmly welcome you. But tonight is a carnival, so let's enjoy and relax for the time being. We can discuss the matter of donating money in detail tomorrow!" Tao Youlan said.    


Ye Cheng knew that this matter could no longer be changed, being able to do charity was a good thing, so he did not stop him. With a thought, many rich and powerful people, including the CEO of a company took the chance to push Qiao Rubing to the front desk. If they could get some business from these people, then Winning Group's predicament would be easily solved!    


"It seems that everyone has a burning heart. Thank you for your support!" Ye Cheng paused for a moment, and then continued: "I am a barbarian, I do not know anything about funds, so let our Winning Group's Chairman, Miss Qiao Rubing, be my representative. As for the specific matters, she will represent me and discuss them with everyone!"    


He pushed Qiao Rubing to the front desk, using this to create an opportunity for Qiao Rubing to interact with these wealthy merchants, with Qiao Rubing's business skills, it would be easy for him to find a partner.    


No one noticed that a man with an unassuming appearance took out a high-pixel phone, zoomed in, took a few pictures of Ye Cheng, and casually sent it out. Many people were taking their pictures, and Ye Cheng did not notice him.    


Very quickly, the fox-hunting mercenary base received a few clear pictures, the person on top was Ye Cheng.    


"It's him. He destroyed almost all the members of this operation by himself and destroyed our great plan! If it were not for the fact that one of our men disguised as a tourist boarded the ship and did not reveal his identity, I'm afraid he would have buried himself under his gun. " A burly black man said in fluent English.    


Another white man who was smoking a cigar looked at the person in the photo and bellowed: "Trash! A bunch of trash! Forty or so members are actually unable to kill a yellow skinned fella! Even if we leave them alone, they will only ruin the reputation of our fox-hunting!"    


"According to Crow's report, his name is Ye Cheng. He is very powerful and has precise spear skills. He could be one of the special forces in Hua Xia ?" The black man introduced, his tone filled with disdain, looking down on Ye Cheng.    


"If he dares to disrupt the movements of my fox-hunting, there can only be one outcome ?" The Caucasian man quickly grabbed the gold gun on the table and with a raise of his hand, he shot. The bullet directly shot through the middle of Ye Cheng's eyebrows in one of the photos. Order the crow to kill this person within three days! "    


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