The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng held Mu Lingdie's hand and quickly walked through the forest. The bullets whistled past, hitting the trees and dirt from time to time. They brushed past the two of them a few times, just short of being able to penetrate their bodies.    


The rain drenched their clothes and flowed down their faces. Because of the heavy rain and the rising fog, the forest was shrouded in a haze. Streams of streams formed on the ground, and the soil was even more slippery. There were even places with withered branches and fallen leaves, and if one stepped onto it, they would immediately sink in by more than half.    


"These people are well-trained and have surrounded us from three directions. If this goes on, it will be very dangerous." Ye Cheng looked up ahead. The forest was vast and he could not see the end of it. Xiao Ya, you go first, I'll stay behind to hold these bastards back. "    


"No, we have to leave together, stay together." Mu Lingdie tightly held onto Ye Cheng's hand with a determined and unwavering gaze.    


"Don't worry, I'll definitely be fine. It's not that easy for these bastards to kill me." Ye Cheng's eyes flashed with a dense coldness.    


"That won't do. They have guns, so it's dangerous for you to stay." Mu Lingdie couldn't be at ease. Even though Ye Cheng's techniques were very powerful, he was, after all, a flesh and blood body that simply couldn't block bullets.    


"Be good, be good!" Ye Cheng's tone softened, "I have experienced this kind of battle many times, so I am absolutely confident that I can break out."    


"That won't do. If you are injured now, it will affect your performance." No matter what Ye Cheng said, Mu Lingdie just did not agree to let him stay behind.    


Since escaping together with the two of us is very dangerous, could it be that you want us to die here? "    


"I don't care where I die, I just want to die with you." Mu Lingdie said with deep emotion.    


"Can you not be so impulsive? We both have a chance at survival, as long as you cooperate with me." Ye Cheng said with both the hard and the soft way.    


"Fine, how do you want me to cooperate with you?" Mu Lingdie compromised.    


"Continue running and attract the attention of these bastards. I'll hide myself to counterattack and lead them to another direction to meet up with you at the hotel." Ye Cheng said.    


"Alright, you will be in charge of attracting their attention. I will be in charge of counterattacking." Mu Lingdie said.    


It seems that she had hardened her heart to go against me. Ye Cheng noticed that a large area of dense shrubs had appeared in front of him, and it was precisely the best place to conceal her whereabouts. "Alright, then you will be in charge of counterattacking. We will split up in the shrubbery, you need to be careful."    


"You too, you must survive." Mu Lingdie said.    


The two talked for a minute or two and then ran into the bushes. Ye Cheng suddenly hugged Mu Lingdie, and gave her a deep kiss that sealed her red lips.    


Mu Lingdie fiercely kissed her back and felt Ye Cheng's finger poke her head before she fainted.    


Ye Cheng carried Mu Lingdie on his back and used his fastest speed to disappear into the bushes.    


"F * ck, these two are even faster than rabbits." The people in the back pursued them relentlessly, but they could not catch up to the two of them.    


The leader of the group warned, "Everyone, be careful. The shrubs here are very dense and are very suitable for hiding."    


"Those two are unarmed, they are fleeing like stray dogs. Even if they hide, they are just waiting for death."    


As he spoke, the big man brought the five of them into the shrubbery. There were fourteen of them in total, and they were divided into three groups. The other two teams had four people each, and they surrounded the bush.    


There were weeds growing in between, and the shorter ones were around half a meter tall. They were two to three meters tall, and vines were crisscrossing each other. The six of them followed the direction in which the grass had fallen, slowly groping their way forward. Not even two minutes had passed, Ye Cheng could easily discover traces of his movements.    


"How strange, how come there's only one person's trail? Where's the other person?" The leader discovered that there was only one trip, which meant that only one person had passed. He immediately ordered, "Scatter around. There might be someone lurking around. Search carefully."    


The other five immediately spread out, sweeping forward from two to three meters away.    


Lightning streaked across the sky as thunder rumbled. The curtain of rain pierced through the heavens and the earth, blurring everyone's line of sight.    


"Stop!" The leader of the group suddenly shouted loudly, telling the team to stop. Because he realized that the mixed grass in front of him was completely undamaged, there were no signs of it falling down or breaking apart, as though Ye Cheng had suddenly disappeared.    


"He raised his guard and pushed aside the weeds, clearly seeing two footprints. There was no more after that." It's really strange, could it be that Ye Cheng grew wings and flew away from the sky? "    


"Be more f * cking smart, Ye Cheng will definitely be hiding nearby." The leader of the men reminded them to continue forward.    


One of the six players in the group was on high alert. He scanned his surroundings, but couldn't clearly see more than a meter into the lush weeds and shrubs. He gripped the pistol, concentrated, and walked forward as slowly as he could.    


All of a sudden, a figure leapt out in front of him like a leopard pouncing on its prey.    


Before he even pulled the trigger, he felt his vision go black. He didn't even make a sound before fainting.    


Ye Cheng held onto his fallen body with one hand and took his gun with the other. With lightning speed, he shot left and right, followed by two miserable shrieks.    


"Ye Cheng is over there!" The leader immediately crouched down and determined Ye Cheng's position, then pulled the trigger. The other two people also started shooting randomly, sending bits of grass and debris flying into the air.    


Ah!" Another person screamed and fell to the ground.    


In less than a minute, the four of them were killed on the spot.    


"F * ck!" They all had guns and a large number of people, but they were still killed by Ye Cheng. What was even more freaking funny was that he didn't see Ye Cheng's figure. He slightly changed his position and squatted down on the ground, not moving at all.    


Right now, he still hadn't found out Ye Cheng's exact location, so it would be easy for him to expose his location if he recklessly moved. He wiped off the rain on his face, and looked towards the gap between the herbs. Looking to the left, he saw that the four people that died were all on his left side, meaning that Ye Cheng was there. Even though he had widened his eyes, his vision was limited, and he could not see Ye Cheng at all. He could only prick up his ears and listen carefully for any movements.    


"Swoosh swoosh!" The sound of grass swaying could be heard as the man in the lead shot without hesitation. Not only him, another member also pulled the trigger and fired at the same time.    


"Bam!" After a few shots, there was another sound like a rock hitting the ground.    


"Damn, I've been tricked!" The leader suddenly had a bad premonition and immediately rolled to the side. The moment he rolled, several bullets flew over, and two of them hit his body.    


The waves of heart-piercing pain were unbearable, and he couldn't help but let out a low, miserable cry.    


Ye Cheng intentionally picked up a rock and threw it at them, asking for directions. As expected, the other two bastards were tricked. From the sound of the bullets passing through the bushes, he was able to pinpoint the location of the two men and shoot continuously.    


To be able to discern one's position by listening to the voice was a piece of cake to Ye Cheng. When the leader screamed, he was even more certain of where that fellow was. He only needed 0.5 seconds to fire again.    


The bullet's speed was slightly faster than the speed of sound. It was over a hundred times faster than the human body's rolling speed. Before the leader could finish his first scream, a second one rang out and he was shot three times. One of the shots hit him in the head and his body struggled twice before he died. The wailing also came to an abrupt stop.    


"Brother Chai, what's wrong?" The surviving man walked through the bushes to the side of the leader. He picked up the leader's body and found that there was a fatal bullet in his head.    


In less than a minute, he was the only team member left. Fear filled his heart as he threw away the corpse in his arms and turned around to run. The enemy's strength was too terrifying, like a murderous ghost.    


He ran around for two steps and felt a sharp pain in his back. A dog fell to the ground and couldn't stand up again.    


The other two teams also rushed over, and the sound of swaying grass and trees could be heard. Ye Cheng threw away his gun, picked up another gun from the corpse, and hid it in the grass.    


The pouring rain landed on the cold corpses, dying the ground red.    


"Brother Chai and the rest are most likely in trouble. Everyone must be extra careful, no matter what happens, you must kill Ye Cheng." A man around thirty years old with a sinister look on his face called for his teammates to gather together and grope for the location of the accident.    


Aside from the weeds and shrubs, they could not even see a shadow of Ye Cheng. He had completely lost track of him. Everyone's heart leaped to their throats as they nervously pulled the triggers of their pistols. If they noticed any movement, they would immediately fire.    


The situation was a little strange, no one knew where Ye Cheng would appear from.    


"Brother, I think we should leave first!" Surrounded by shrubs, waiting for Ye Cheng to come out. A short man's legs were twisted and it was difficult for him to lift them. On the other side, no one was looking for Ye Cheng.    


The man who was called Brother Yu scolded: "F * ck, what are you afraid of, show off! If the four of us move together, the four spears would still fear his spear. If he dares to show his face, we will kill him without a burial ground. "    


"I'm not afraid. I'm thinking of everyone's safety." The short man tried to defend himself as he thought to himself, "He's already annihilated Brother Chai's team. Who knows if he's hiding somewhere in the dark and waiting for us to die?"    


The more this fellow thought about it, the more afraid he became. His legs trembled and he intentionally slowed down his footsteps. When he was about two meters behind and couldn't see his friends, he turned around and ran out of the bushes. A bunch of idiots. Laozi won't accompany you to your deaths.    


"F * ck, this coward!" Brother You heard the sound of running behind him and cursed silently.    


"You little rascal, don't tell me you were scared off?" The skinny man realized that he was missing a person and said, "Brother, should we call him back?"    


"You coward, ignore him. It's more important to kill Ye Cheng." Ye Zichen replied angrily.    


The guy with the nickname 'Squirrel' was secretly enjoying himself. Finally, he didn't have to throw away his life. Suddenly, a big hand reached out from beside him and grabbed his throat with a strength as strong as an ox.    


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