The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng, An Gaohan and the members of the former Wolf Group gathered together and discussed their battle plan urgently. Although Chen Baixiang was also present, none of them took seriously, and had automatically ignored his retarded opinion.    


Chen Baixiang was truly worthy of being a member of a big family. He had thick skin and did not feel embarrassed at all. He was indeed a person with thick skin.    


"No matter what, we will have to pay a heavy price if we go up the stairs to kill them." Zhao Hongwu sighed lightly and shook his head. Originally, when Zha Cang died, he thought it was very easy to flatten the Inagawa-kai's base. However, no one could have imagined that the people from the Inagawa-kai were so cunning, hiding together and taking the upper hand.    


Let's cut off the water source and seal off the entrance. In less than half a month, the people of Inagawa-kai will definitely run out of food. An Gaohan revealed his plan.    


"This plan is feasible. However, things might change if they are late. The Inagawa-kai is extremely powerful in the East Ocean Continent and is not weaker than the Yamaguchi Group. I am afraid we do not have that much time to deal with him. " Zhao Hongwu said worriedly. The evil path of the Eastsea City had previously been occupied by the Yamaguchi Group, and the organization had spent a huge price to completely expel the Yamaguchi Group from the Eastsea City. At that time, when the people of the Yamaguchi Group were surrounded and prepared to exhaust their opponents, the Japanese government stepped in and took away the survivors of the Yamaguchi Group.    


Zhao Hongwu was worried that this situation would happen again, hence he worriedly said these words. In fact, his worries were correct. The Inagawa-kai had already contacted the Inagawa-kai Headquarters, and their headquarters was actively communicating with the officials of the East Ocean Continent. As long as they reached an agreement, the officials of the East Ocean Continent would ensure their safety.    


"I have an idea." Just as everyone was at a loss for words, Ye Cheng suddenly said that. As he was speaking, he moved his body and looked outside of the building, as if he was observing the surrounding terrain.    


"Speak." Zhao Hongwu said quickly, he was really looking forward to Ye Cheng's method.    


"Although the other party is at the top, but this abandoned building isn't safe at all. Look, the windows of this building don't even have glass, An Gaohan and I can go through the windows and enter the top floor from the north and south. At that time, with the help of the Flash Bullets, we can have the upper hand." Ye Cheng slowly said.    


"Not a bad idea, but isn't it too risky?" There was a trace of worry in his eyes. This method was good, but there was also a very big wound, if Ye Cheng and An Gaohan were to be discovered earlier, then what awaited them would be countless black holes.    


"Wealth comes from danger. Now, this is the only way." Ye Cheng said. Even though he suggested doing so, he was not very confident in himself, he was not very clear on how the defense at the top levels of the Inagawa-kai was conducted.    


However, relying on his rich experience, Ye Cheng believed that the probability of this happening was very low. The other party was too nervous to notice the small detail of the window, and it was precisely this detail that they normally would not notice that was their fatal loophole.    


However, to use this loophole, one would need to possess a terrifying skill like Ye Cheng and An Gaohan to do so. Otherwise, if it was a normal special forces unit that wanted to go from the fifth to sixth floor, it would be impossible to go up without a professional climbing tool.    


"Chief Zhao, I think Ye Cheng's idea is good, let's execute it according to this plan." He did not care whether Ye Cheng lived or died, as long as he could complete the mission, his political achievements would be increased by a lot. Although he had contributed the least, when it came to rewards, he had contributed the most.    


As for Ye Cheng and An Gaohan, if something were to happen to them, Chen Baixiang would feel that it would be a pity. However, after thinking about it, if he added on such a valiant political achievement, under the protection of his family, his future would be bright.    


With Chen Baixiang intervening, Zhao Hongwu persisted for a bit, and in the end, compromised. He looked at Ye Cheng and An Gaohan, and warned them, "You two be careful, if things go wrong, don't try to be brave, understand?"    


"En," Ye Cheng and An Gaohan nodded their heads at the same time.    


Top floor.    


The leader of the Inagawa-kai, the short, buzz cut man Chi Tian was holding a loaded gun in one hand and a cigar in the other. He sucked hard on his cigar, spitting out circles under his eyes.    


Although they had the advantage, he wasn't completely at ease. It was obvious that the other side had been slow to make their move, and thus he should have been aware of the situation at the top floor. If the enemy did not attack, it was highly likely that they would have mobilized their troops. If the army arrived, even if the hundred of them stood in the sky, they would still be annihilated.    


China didn't have much else, just a large number of people. The regular army alone had a few million people, and these were the statistics of the several great disarmament events that followed. In the Eastsea City, there were always tens of thousands of troops stationed there. If the enemy decided to dispatch cannons and warships to attack at all costs, then all of their hundred lives would be lost here.    


Chi Tian was under a lot of stress. The way he could relieve it was to smoke a cigar and rely on nicotine to numb his nerves, so that he could relax.    


Ye Cheng stuck his head out of the window and carefully observed the distance between the fifth and sixth floor. This was an old building that had existed for generations, the distance between the floors was not high, only about two metres. To Ye Cheng, this distance was not very large.    


"This is a flash bomb." Zhao Hongwu gave Ye Cheng and An Gaohan three Flash Bullets each. As the ones that were temporarily transferred here were from the garrison area, and not the military area, the number of Flash Bullets was extremely limited. It took Zhao Hongwu a good half a day to collect six Flash Bullets.    


"Yes." The gunshot is the signal. " After Ye Cheng finished speaking, his gaze turned cold. He walked to the window with the three Flash Bullets in his hands and looked at An Gaohan in the eye. The two of them kicked off from the edge of the bed and, like a rocket, flew up to the top floor.    


Due to the gravity and various other aspects, they rose about two metres before starting to descend. They were not Avians, so being able to fly in the air, Ye Cheng grabbed onto the side of the window on the sixth floor, his eyes constantly observing the situation on the top floor.    


"God bestowed upon me." The people of the Inagawa-kai, all of their firepower were gathered at the staircase, and everyone had their backs facing him. Only a small portion of them were facing him.    


On An Gaohan's side, the situation was similar to his. The two of them had worked together for many years, and their teamwork was extremely tacit. The two of them, simply didn't need to communicate, and following the explosion of Ye Cheng's first Flash Bullet in the upper left corner of the top floor, An Gaohan also threw a Flash Bullet in the opposite direction.    


This was a cross throw that would cause everyone present, whether they were facing him or facing him, to close their eyes for a few seconds because of the intense light. After throwing the flash grenades, the two of them exerted force on their hands and jumped to the top floor. With the help of the buildings on the top floor, they followed suit and each threw a flash bullet.    


With the four balls of light, Ye Cheng and An Gaohan successfully entered the top floor. The two of them did not stop and each took out a dagger, running towards the closest Inagawa-kai member.    


"Pfft." Ye Cheng's movements were nimble and cleanly, with a single slash, he slashed his opponent's neck. The opponent did not even make a sound of a pit before falling into a pool of blood.    


"Da Da Da." His first reaction was that the flash grenades had been thrown by someone downstairs. After recovering his sight, he immediately ordered his men to shoot, but after the gunfire, he didn't find any enemies.    


"Ah!" A blood-curdling screech sounded, attracting the attention of everyone in Inagawa-kai. At this moment, most of the people noticed that there were two Chinese people beside them, and that with each swing of their blades, one of their teammates would silently fall to the ground.    


In just a blink of an eye, more than ten Inagawa-kai s were killed by Ye Cheng and her. The enemy was like a ghost that was devouring their lives. This caused the group of crazed mafias that thought they were fearless to be terrified of to feel a chill in their hearts.    


Putting aside the fact that the other party had appeared before their eyes, just the way they had taken their lives was even more professional than the sharpest of executioners. Chi Tian did not even need to give the order to shoot a few machine guns at Ye Cheng and An Gaohan.    


At such a close distance, how could Ye Cheng and An Gaohan allow their opponents to hit? Ye Cheng's body was like a fallen leaf, swaying within the crowd, causing them to be unable to lock onto him. As for An Gaohan, he simply pulled a behind him to block the attack.    


"Don't shoot." Looking at the few Inagawa-kai members who were shot by their comrades, Chi Tian scolded angrily. It was one thing for Ye Cheng to kill more than a dozen of his people, but he himself was in a state of chaos. How could it be possible for a spear to land on his comrade's body?    


On the ground floor, Zhao Hongwu heard the gunshots and decisively waved his hand. The elite soldiers of the garrison, holding the enhanced version of the 54 rifle, rushed towards the top floor. An Gaohan and Ye Cheng, were not afraid of death and directly went through the windows to injure themselves.    


"Eight." Chi Tian cursed with an ashen face as he looked at the guards rushing in from the stairs. At this time, all of his men were pointing their guns at Ye Cheng and An Gaohan. As for the stairs, they had completely forgotten about it.    


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