The Romantic Soldier King



In the eyes of the rich man, only a woman like Tao Youlan was worthy of Ye Cheng.    


The women did not dare to argue. Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, they felt a little dizzy.    


Tao Youlan bent his body and took a deep breath. He opened his sexy and tender lips and pressed them against Ye Cheng's mouth, blowing the air out of his mouth. Then, he pressed both of his hands onto Ye Cheng's chest.    


She had learned artificial respiration before, but it was only in theory. She had never had the chance to practice it before, and today, she was willing to practice it on Ye Cheng. Her movements were awkward, but she was very attentive, completely ignoring the surrounding crowd of onlookers.    


After several consecutive breaths by mouth, Ye Cheng's eyelids twitched, as if she was about to open her eyes.    


"Ye Cheng, wake up!" Tao Youlan was overjoyed, and called out with her charming voice, then took the initiative to press the cherry lips into Ye Cheng's mouth, as she tried even harder to breathe.    


Ye Cheng vaguely felt something sweet and soft seal his mouth, and reflexively kissed back. His hands even wrapped around Tao Youlan's slender waist, and held her in his arms.    


This sudden turn of events caught Tao Youlan off guard, and her delicate body fell down, pressing onto Ye Cheng's body.    


The surrounding people were all dumbfounded. Sure enough, the beauty's charm was really great, and with just a few breaths, she had managed to wake Mr. Ye up.    


Tao Youlan did not dare to struggle at all, he was worried that Ye Cheng's injuries would worsen after a few struggles, and he felt extremely guilty. No matter what, if he wanted to kiss her, he would just let her kiss him enough! At that moment, Tao Youlan had completely let go of his modesty, and was not worried at all.    


Ye Cheng rolled over his heavy eyelids. Seeing that the person kissing him right now was Tao Youlan, he closed his eyes and relaxed. The kiss, which was even hotter, made Tao Youlan feel like he was suffocating.    


The crowd burst into applause, giving the two of them their heroes and goddesses. If only the two of them could get together, then that would be perfect.    


All the women had faces full of envy and jealousy, fantasizing how good it would be if Ye Cheng kissed them all right now, really such a good opportunity had all been snatched away by Tao Youlan.    


Ye Cheng's soft tongue pried open her teeth, and immediately followed Tao Youlan's slippery and fragrant tongue to entangle with it. Tao Youlan could no longer suppress her emotions, and she responded with enthusiasm, kissing herself until the sky went dark.    


"Boss Tao, your kiss is not over! Hmph, you really think we don't exist! " A woman complained in dissatisfaction.    


When these words fell into Tao Youlan's ears, he suddenly woke up. In his excitement, he had forgotten about the people around him. She hurriedly opened her mouth, thinking to use Ye Cheng as a shield, as she gently swayed and called out, "Ye Cheng, are you awake? Open your eyes and say hello to everyone. Everyone's worried about you! "    


Ye Cheng had thought that only he and Tao Youlan would forget about hugging and kissing endlessly. Hearing the voice, he slowly opened his eyes. He forced out a smile and said weakly, "Hello everyone. I have made everyone worry."    


"He struggled to get up, but was stopped by the rich." Mr. Ye, you don't have to stand up.    


"Doctor, where is the private doctor? "F * ck, hurry up and check the Great Hero Ye. If he's even the slightest bit injured, then I won't forgive you!" Some of the rich men started to curse excitedly.    


First, bring Ye Cheng back to his room, give him a hot bath to drive out the cold, then let the doctors check him! Tao Youlan said.    


"Alright, let's follow Boss Tao's arrangements!" The rich men who were normally too lazy to even run immediately became excited, they carried Ye Cheng and rushed to the highest class presidential suite.    


When they arrived at the presidential suite, all the rich people left. Of course they wouldn't be needed to bathe Ye Cheng, only Tao Youlan and Qiao Rubing stayed behind.    


The two of them supported Ye Cheng to the luxurious bathroom from the left and right, and placed him in the bathtub.    


Although Ye Cheng had woken up, his body was extremely tired. All he wanted to do was to have a good sleep, as he laid in the bathtub and closed his eyes.    


"About that, are you going to help Ye Cheng bathe, or should I?" Tao Youlan asked Qiao Rubing in a shy voice.    


She had never served a man before, let alone personally bathing him. Just thinking about it made her feel incomparably shy. But since she had personally washed Ye Cheng, she clearly remembered that as long as Ye Cheng could save the people on the ship, she would repay them with her body. She had always kept her word, even if it meant that she had to promise him something like that.    


Ye Cheng had already saved everyone on the boat without a care for himself. Tao Youlan felt that he would get his body saved sooner or later so it wouldn't matter even if he gave Ye Cheng a bath, right? Furthermore, she did not want to give this opportunity to Qiao Rubing. This was because she had already determined from Qiao Rubing's every move that Qiao Rubing had also fallen for Ye Cheng.    


"How about we... The two of us together? " Qiao Rubing did not want to leave, she saw that Tao Youlan did not have any intentions of leaving, and could only make such a shameful suggestion. If it was the past, she wouldn't even dare to think about it. However, Ye Cheng repeatedly risked her life to save a man, so bathing him was equivalent to repaying his gratitude.    


"Alright then!" Tao Youlan nodded and chased Qiao Rubing out, but she still could not do it.    


Ye Cheng listened to their soft conversation in a daze. When he heard that the two great beauties were going to help him bathe, he immediately became spirited again. He had never enjoyed the top treatment that every man would yearn for so much. If you want to sleep, you have to watch them bathe me first! Persistence!    


Tao Youlan and Qiao Rubing glanced at Ye Cheng at the same time. Fortunately he had closed his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep.    


Qiao Rubing gently lifted Ye Cheng, and Tao Youlan carefully unbuttoned his shirt. With a flushed face, he took off Ye Cheng's shirt, and the two of them cooperated very well. Anyone who didn't know would think that they did it often.    


Tao Youlan secretly glanced at Ye Cheng's naked body and could not help but be extremely surprised. She first noticed Ye Cheng's scars and then his muscles.    


From the outside, Ye Cheng did not look strong at all. After taking off his shirt, one would find that his muscles were fine and well-proportioned, with distinct edges and angles. Every inch of his muscles seemed to be filled with explosive power.    


"No wonder he was so powerful!" Tao Youlan sighed inwardly and said: "Ru Bing, do you know how to get rid of these terrifying scars on Ye Cheng's body?"    


"I heard him say it was when he was a soldier!" Qiao Rubing said.    


"Soldier?" "Tao Youlan realized that he knew almost nothing about Ye Cheng, so he tried to trick him out of it. What soldier was he? " She felt that with Ye Cheng's powerful and almost abnormal skills, he must be from a special forces background. However, she did not discover anything when she sent her men to investigate Ye Cheng.    


"He said that he was a normal soldier, but my cousin saw Ye Cheng wearing a military uniform on a mission once. He was wearing the uniform of the armed police!" Qiao Rubing answered, it was not a secret anyway, so there was no harm in telling Tao Youlan.    


"It seems like there are many stories about this man!" Tao Youlan said as he looked on, only to see Qiao Rubing lifting up his legs, waiting for her to take off Ye Cheng's pants.    


Tao Youlan's heart started beating faster, he pretended to be indifferent as he untied Ye Cheng's belt and grabbed his pants to take off Ye Cheng's pants. She was still thinking that Ye Cheng would definitely wear underwear, but when she took off her pants and realized that Ye Cheng's underwear was empty, she immediately saw an ugly thing, causing her face to flush red.    


Qiao Rubing did not directly look at it, but the corner of her eyes still swept across the space between Ye Cheng's legs. Perhaps it was because of the fact that the thing called man had some sort of attraction towards women, and furthermore, she had already felt the majesty of Ye Cheng's thing before.    


The two of them stopped what they were doing at the same time as if they had forgotten what to do next. The two of them did not realize that Ye Cheng was not wearing underwear, and did not have the time to rest and adapt at all.    


Just as the two were in a daze, Ye Cheng's eyelids twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes.    


Sensing Ye Cheng's gaze on them, Qiao Rubing and Tao Youlan's beautiful face became even redder. The two hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look into Ye Cheng's eyes. He didn't open his eyes earlier, and he didn't open his eyes later. Yet, he opened his eyes at this time. It was simply embarrassing for us!    


"It seems like it's time to throw in water!" Tao Youlan and Qiao Rubing used the water faucets to cover the awkward atmosphere.    


Ye Cheng was secretly pleased, the two great beauties were so beautiful that he almost missed out on them.    


The bathroom sunk into silence, only the sound of water flowing could be heard. Qiao Rubing and Tao Youlan stood in front of the tap, recovering their shy and embarrassed feelings. Ye Cheng, on the other hand, was happily lying in the bathtub, waiting for the two great beauties to bathe him.    


"Hua, Hua!" The water in the bathtub flowed out, only then did Tao Youlan react and turned off the water. She looked at Qiao Rubing, seemingly saying: "Ye Cheng is awake again, what should I do?" Do you want to wash it or do I want to?    


Qiao Rubing understood tacitly and steeled his courage to look at him with a determined gaze: "Wash him together."    


Tao Youlan nodded his head, and thought to himself: Since you are so proactive, how can I retreat and give Ye Cheng up to you?    


The two of them silently arrived in front of the bath and supported Ye Cheng up. One in front and one behind, they lifted up the water and washed it off Ye Cheng's body. Although it was only touching Ye Cheng's skin passively, it made them feel like they had been electrocuted.    


Four soft and white hands caressed Ye Cheng's skin, as if thousands of ants crawling on it, causing Ye Cheng to feel itchy and comfortable, her heart was bubbling with happiness. It was worth it to let the two beauties bathe together. Many people would never have such an alluring treatment in their lives.    


With every movement, the two of them let go of their modesty and became more and more natural. But Ye Cheng could not help but feel his heart racing, the flame of desire rampaging in his body became more and more vigorous, and he could not help but feel a primal impulse, to the point he was unable to suppress it even if he wanted to!    


Tao Youlan bent in front of Ye Cheng, and if she was any more careful, she would have been able to see a sinister being when she washed Ye Cheng's legs. He ? His ? So strong, so big!    


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