The Romantic Soldier King



"Forward!" The armed police anti-riot square array took orderly steps, gradually moving forward into the crowd. In the face of the powerful armed forces of the State, the crowd that was watching the fight began to move aside, pushing and pushing against each other and scattering in all directions.    


A scene like this where riots were being suppressed was something that was hard to see in the country. Most of the crowd did not run far. They crowded on both sides of the street and stretched out their necks to watch the police force move in. They were afraid that they would miss a rare scene.    


The riot police were moving at a very high speed, but they did not take excessive action in the face of ordinary people. The armed police officers following behind quickly spread out, pulling up the cordon to disperse the crowd in an orderly manner.    


Just as the armed police suppressed the chaos, underneath a tall wall of the hospital, Ye Cheng jumped onto the wall after disguising himself, and took the chance to leave the hospital. His hair was disheveled, and he wore glasses with no lenses and black frames. His eyebrows were narrow and his nose was bulging, and his lips were slightly thick. He was very different from his original appearance, so he wouldn't be recognized even if he were to face the police.    


He had been trained in face-changing techniques to change the fine muscles of his face so that his entire appearance would undergo a complete change, such as pursing his lips, pulling back his cheeks, spreading his eyebrows, and so on. However, the time limit was limited. It could last for at most half an hour.    


Ye Cheng was calm and composed, he sauntered out onto the street and into the crowd, who were watching the show, no one noticed that there was an extra person around. He patted the shoulder of a forty year old middle-aged man and asked hoarsely, "Brother, what's going on?"    


"You still don't know?" The middle-aged man excitedly introduced, "A Town Security captain was killed by someone. The Town Security came to the hospital to demonstrate and had a huge conflict with the police. Aren't they sending troops to suppress them?" "The scene is even more exciting than in the movies, it's a pity that you came too late ?"    


Ye Cheng stood on his tiptoes and looked ahead, only seeing the black mass of heads, at least a thousand people. The scene was extremely lively, and in the direction of the hospital, there was still fire and smoke.    


"Look, an army with guns is coming!"    


Ye Cheng also looked over, only to see two fully armed, armed, and grim-looking armed police soldiers running along the passage inside the police ring, each holding a submachine gun.    


This was a truly powerful organization. With the appearance of soldiers armed with weapons, it meant that the riot was not far away! In the face of these armed policemen armed with killing weapons, the insurgents could only surrender.    


Not long after, Ye Cheng saw more than a dozen streams of tear gas, which had been rolling in the air in a beautiful arc, falling at the place with the densest crowd of rioters.    


In a split-second, white smoke filled the air. The pungent smell of the tear gas caused a commotion among the insurgents. Coughs, coughs, and screams rang out as the crowd scattered and fled. On the outside, however, were armed policemen with shields and a human wall. There was no way for these people to escape, they were like turtles in a jar.    


The police officers with gas masks charged into the crowd. When they encountered the guards with the intention to defend themselves and the idle citizens who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to make a dangerous move, they started to beat the crap out of them. Using violence to suppress violence was simple but effective.    


The thugs who had not been trained were not even on the same level as the riot police. They had been controlled from the moment the tear gas was released to the moment they lost control of their manners. It had only been a few minutes.    


The Town Security and the Town Security who were squatting on the ground had not expected that the situation would escalate into a chaotic riot. They had heard that some of their colleagues, the Town Security members, were killed while enforcing the law, and all of them gathered together just to pressure the police and punish the culprits. When his head turned hot, he became muddle-headed and clashed with the police, which eventually turned into a riot. After calming down, many people began to feel dejected and fearful.    


"When the middle-aged man next to Ye Cheng saw that the situation had been brought under control so quickly, he lost all interest in continuing to watch. "It's boring, I should call my wife, it's time to go home." When he took out his phone, there was no signal at all. He turned the phone around, but there was still no signal. He mumbled, "Why isn't there a signal?"    


"It could be that there are a lot of people around, preventing the signal from spreading." Ye Cheng explained in a mess of words. He knew in his heart that all the cell phone signals within a certain range of the riot scene had been blocked out. This was also the national method to deal with the riot.    


Afterwards, he would ban the media and prohibit all media reports. They would also monitor the internet, block any videos or statements that the netizens passed on, and keep the information of the riots to a minimum. They would absolutely not be able to further expand the situation and cause any negative effects.    


Just as Ye Cheng was about to leave, he felt his phone vibrate. Without even looking, he could guess that it was someone from the National Security Agency looking for him. Ordinary cell phone signals were blocked, but special signals could still be received by special agents. He put the phone close to his ear. After he answered the call, he did not say anything. He nodded and hung up, then left the crowd.    


Ye Cheng was still as sloppy as ever as he walked into an alley close to the hospital. He saw a black business car with a radar installed on the roof of the car. He wiped his face a few times with his hand and returned to his normal appearance.    


Just as Ye Cheng arrived in front of the car, the car door opened, and he directly entered without looking around.    


The black business car started up and headed towards the suburbs. The one driving the car was An Gaohan, and at the back was a middle-aged man. The middle aged man nodded his head towards Ye Cheng, he continuously used the car phone to give out orders, all aimed at tonight's riot.    


Ye Cheng did not say anything as he looked around the carriage. The back seat of the commercial vehicle is quite spacious. The mobile telephone, satellite positioning system, wireless information receiving system and the vehicle display screen are all equipped with electronic equipment.    


Finally, the MPV arrived at a deserted street. After parking the car, the middle-aged man made a call and reached out his hand to Ye Cheng: "Hello, Ye Cheng. I'm Liang Chaohui, from Six Departments of State Security."    


Ye Cheng laughed: "Good day, girder!" He had heard the Old Company Commander's introduction before, that the person in charge of the Six Departments of State Security's permanent residence, was Liang Chaohui.    


After a brief introduction, Liang Chaohui opened the car display screen, which displayed the scene of a riot in the hospital. This is the scene of the riot that we filmed! "    


Following the broadcast, the screen suddenly froze, the screen continued to enlarge, Ye Cheng could clearly see a policeman on the screen who had just taken out his gun.    


Liang Chaohui introduced: "He is the police officer who shot and injured the Town Security. His name is Ma Chuqing, and he has been killed in the riots. The reason why the hospital's Town Security suddenly and uncontrollably went into an uproar, is because he shot and injured the Town Security. "    


Ye Cheng stared at the screen, and asked suspiciously: "He is the mastermind?"    


"I'm not sure." Liang Chaohui said: "According to the information we have, Ma Chuqing did not have any bad habits, and even performed a level 3 meritorious service. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have suddenly fired. We called his call log and found that he had received a mysterious phone call a few seconds before he fired. Clearly the caller had a high anti-reconnaissance capability and had been calling for very short periods of time, making it impossible to trace the source. The reason for Ma Chuqing's shooting might have something to do with this phone call. There have been agents rushing to his house to investigate and I believe they will soon find clues. "    


After introducing Ye Cheng, Liang Chaohui pressed the button again, and the image on the display continued to play. There was a change between a stop and a stop, four images were filtered out and all that was on the screen was a man wearing a peaked cap. One of the clearest was enlarged, giving a close-up of the man's head.    


Ye Cheng asked: "girder, who is this guy?"    


This guy is probably the mastermind behind this riot. His name is Hashimoto, and he's Japanese. He was once a foreign student at Donghai University and majored in Chinese. He is currently a Chinese translator for a Japanese multinational company. He is a Japanese spy and a member of the Kawasaki Society of Japan. We've been eyeing him for a long time. Tonight, we finally couldn't stand the loneliness anymore and came to cause trouble.     


The man who was suspected by the National Security Agency to be a Japanese spy could clearly be seen mixed in with the riot scene. Unfortunately, he was still unable to escape the surveillance of the secret service.    


Liang Chaohui patted Ye Cheng's shoulder and said: "I never thought that you would be able to get a big fish out of a few Town Security members you've taken care of.    


"girder, since I have rendered meritorious service, can my action against the Town Security be canceled?" Ye Cheng sighed deeply. He had accidentally become the fuse that led to the rebellion. There was also the National Security Agency behind him, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to wash his face even if he jumped into the Yellow River!    


"Kid, you're getting lucky yet you're still acting good." Liang Chaohui laughed, "I can help you settle the matters concerning the Town Security. However, Hao Tengshun's death is a huge problem. "    


Ye Cheng curled his lips and said: "Hao TengShun's death has nothing to do with me."    


Liang Chaohui said unhurriedly: "But there are a lot of witnesses that have proven that you deliberately beat Hao Tengshun up. Moreover, with your ability, you can definitely cause Hao Tengshun's heart to rupture, so your suspicion is still the greatest."    


Ye Cheng tried his best to defend himself: "I dare to guarantee that during the process of beating him up, I definitely wouldn't hurt his heart. I only hit his face."    


"Although I believe you, the police might not believe you. Tonight, the Town Security had come to the hospital to demonstrate their might. The police would definitely find out who the culprit was and give all the Town Security an explanation. The police will definitely arrest you. If you cannot prove your innocence, then you will definitely not be able to get rid of the crime of murder. " Liang Chaohui said clearly. The Six Departments of State Security really wanted to protect you, but there was a huge uproar tonight, and it even alerted the entire, which is why this matter is very troublesome. "    


Ye Cheng also knew that Hao Tengshun's death would be very disadvantageous for him. However, he would not sit still and wait for death to happen. I will find evidence to prove my innocence. "    


"Bureau Chief Zhao appreciates you very much. Under the pressure, I managed to buy you one day's worth of time." Liang Chaohui said: "I'll have Gao Han cooperate with you. In one day, you must find the culprit and prove your innocence. The other agents will also do their best to help you find clues."    


Ugh, he owed Old Company Commander a favor. Ye Cheng said gratefully: "Thank you, girder."    


Liang Chaohui laughed: "It's useless to thank me on the surface. If you really want to thank me, you have to grab Qiao Benjunyi this guy's secret."    


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