The Romantic Soldier King



Seeing Ye Cheng going crazy, Wu Jingyi cheered for him in his heart: My brother is still the best, killing four Town Security members in a matter of seconds, he's too mighty and domineering. If the elder brother Ye was a hoodlum, sooner or later, he would be the boss of a hoodlum.    


As for Lu Mengzhu, Xiao Lin and the Auntie Liu, they were completely dumbfounded. They never thought that Ye Cheng would actually dare to go against the law and beat up the Town Security.    


The rest of the stalls and customers eating at the stalls all felt relieved. Someone should have long dealt with these bandits and Town Security long ago, there were even some who couldn't help but applaud Ye Cheng.    


Captain Hao secretly rejoiced after he felt shocked: Let's make it a big issue, the bigger the better, violence against the law, beating up the Town Security, and there are so many witnesses, I'll see how you deal with this, I'll definitely beat you to death this time. He raised his arms and shouted, "All of you, charge!"    


He was extremely crafty, but he quietly retreated after his shout. It was not only him, no one from the other genuine Town Security stepped forward, only the experts from the Black Tiger Gang, who were disguised as an assistant manager, rushed forward.    


Ye Cheng had already realized that these accomplices were not ordinary people, as if they were some kind of thug that was purposely targeting him. Who cares what your background is? Let's just get down on the floor first. He wanted to let these Town Security have a taste of what violence against the law and injustice was. The state gives you the right not to be bandits.    


His body was as slippery as a loach, and he was like a butterfly that flew through the flowers as he moved between the people in charge, preventing them from easily forming a circle around him. His figure was strange and his speed was extraordinarily fast. His moves were not fancy at all. All of his moves were intended to suppress the enemy in one move. He was displaying his fighting technique to the fullest extent.    


Although they had all learnt some martial arts, they were not Ye Cheng's match at all. In front of the experienced Ye Cheng, he was no different from an ordinary person. Human figures flew around while wailing incessantly.    


The battle lasted no more than three minutes, and all ten of them fell to the ground. After the last muscular man flew through the air in a beautiful parabola, and landed more than two meters away, Ye Cheng was the only one left standing on the field with a dignified air.    


The originally noisy crowd turned deathly silent. Everyone stared at the heroic and domineering man in the arena.    


These were all the elite warriors of the Black Tiger Gang who were fighting one against ten. The ten of them fell down just like that, without even a chance to retaliate. Captain Hao finally experienced what true violence was. His scalp went numb and he felt a chill down his spine. Thinking about the miserable state of his big brother Hao Tengda and his nephew Hao Feihuang, he felt fear in his heart.    


Ye Cheng stared coldly at Captain Hao, scaring him to the point that he retreated continuously. Speak, where are these people from? "    


"What background? They're all Town Security." Captain Hao felt that Ye Cheng's eyes were too scary. He did not dare to look straight into Ye Cheng's eyes as he answered guiltily.    


"Don't be so sloppy, I won't let you suffer. It seems like you won't tell the truth!" Ye Cheng's figure moved, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Captain Hao, with a stomp full of strength.    


Captain Hao felt a huge pain in his lower abdomen, and his body flew like a kite with its string cut, falling to the ground.    


Ye Cheng leisurely walked closer to Captain Hao, his expression as calm as water, his eyes filled with ruthlessness and cruelty. "Still not speaking the truth!"    


The Captain Hao wailed: "I'll say, I'll say everything." He endured the pain and struggled to get up from the ground, his legs trembling. "These people are ?" When he bent over and stood up, his feet were unsteady. He staggered and then fell to the side.    


"Seeing that, Auntie Liu supported Captain Hao out of good intentions." "Be careful!"    


"Thank you!" Captain Hao took a deep breath, rolled her eyes and suddenly grabbed Auntie Liu, and hid behind her. Ye Cheng would definitely not show mercy to his big brother, who was a Deputy Director of a police station, since he dared to hit him. He had no choice but to pull out a meat shield to resolve this desperate situation and take the opportunity to escape.    


"What are you doing?" Auntie Liu was shocked, if he knew earlier, he would not have helped this damn Town Security. At first, she had even thought of helping the Town Security get back the things they plundered, and perhaps she would be able to reduce the penalty.    


Ye Cheng never thought that this big belly Town Security who had many tricks would actually "take this hostage". It seemed like he had completely messed up his mind.    


"Don't come over." Captain Hao was so frightened by Ye Cheng that he immediately took out a switchblade he had prepared beforehand. With a push of his hand, a blade more than ten centimeters long shot out. He held onto his blade with some confidence, "Ye Cheng, don't come over. It's your responsibility to harm innocent people."    


Ye Cheng stared intently at Captain Hao, and asked with a cold expression: "How did you know I'm called Ye Cheng?"    


"That's none of your business. Violent defiance of the law and beatings of the Town Security is a serious crime, why aren't you stopping." The Captain Hao waved his switchblade to act like he was brave.    


"Mom!" Xiao Lin grabbed tightly onto his mother's arm and said angrily, "Are you a Town Security officer or a bandit? Quickly, let go of my mother."    


"Get out of the way!" With one hand, the Captain Hao grabbed the Auntie Liu and with the other, he swung his blade recklessly to scare Xiao Lin. I was forced to do this by Ye Cheng.    


Lu Mengzhu grabbed onto Ye Cheng's big hands, "Brother, don't go over." When she saw how Ye Cheng violently fought against the law, beating up the law enforcement officials was no joke, she could not help but be worried for Ye Cheng.    


"Ye Cheng caressed Lu Mengzhu's head, trying his best to show a calm smile. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."    


Wu Jingyi said: "Brother, no matter what you do, I will support you. If you beat up all these Town Security, at worst, I will just run away with you, if there's any trouble, we can bear it together."    


"Good brother!" Ye Cheng patted Wu Jingyi's shoulder, feeling gratified.    


Just as Ye Cheng and the other two were talking, an unexpected change happened. Xiao Lin was worried about his mother's safety, and without a care for his own safety, he grabbed onto Captain Hao's hand that was holding the switchblade. On the other hand, Captain Hao struggled with all his might, wanting to shake Xiao Lin off. Seeing that, the Auntie Liu broke free from Captain Hao and protected Xiao Lin.    


The three of them went into a circle, amidst the chaos, Captain Hao used too much strength and accidentally stabbed the switchblade into his lower abdomen.    


"Mom!" Xiao Lin turned pale and shouted loudly, in a hurry to support her mother. Looking at her mother's stomach, which was bright red, she felt heartbroken and disordered.    


"I didn't mean to." Captain Hao was also frightened to the point that his face was pale, his mind was buzzing as he frantically loosened his grip on the switchblade.    


The kind Auntie Liu was injured for no reason. Ye Cheng flew into a rage, went forward and grabbed the Captain Hao by the neck, and smashed him onto the ground while lifting him up explosively. How the fuck did you become a Town Security officer? "    


Ye Cheng rode on Captain Hao's body and smashed his fist into his face. After two consecutive punches, Captain Hao's face was immediately beaten black and blue. Golden stars appeared in his eyes, his cheeks were burning hot, blood spurted out from his mouth and nose, and even several of his teeth were broken.    


"Auntie Liu!" Wu Jingyi and Lu Mengzhu anxiously came over to Xiao Lin's side and supported Auntie Liu.    


"The Town Security is killing someone!" Someone from the crowd shouted, "Capture the Town Security and smash the Town Security's car. We cannot let the Town Security commit murder again. We cannot be bullied by them again."    


These words completely ignited the public's anger. Someone grabbed a bench and threw it at the Town Security car. With someone taking the lead, the others also started to move. The scene immediately became extremely chaotic. The indignant students and citizens also joined in, pushing and shoving and clamoring.    


The scene suddenly went out of control and turned into a small riot. The power of the masses was strong. Someone had organized the lifting of the Town Security car and overturned it. On the other hand, some people grabbed the Town Security and started beating them. A few restless social workers also joined in, fanning the flames and angering the people.    


Ye Cheng realized that the situation was bad. Things had happened too fast and he had lost control of them.    


"Everyone stop!" He roared a few times, but was drowned out by the clamor and noise.    


"Mom, I'll take you to the hospital." Xiao Lin and Lu Mengzhu supported their mother as they walked through the crowd with difficulty. However, they were pushed to the side by the crowd that was as crowded as the tidewater, and almost fell down a few times. Fortunately, Wu Jingyi was helping out, he used his fat body to force his way through the crowd.    


Ye Cheng gave Captain Hao another ruthless punch as he stood up and chased after Xiao Lin and the others. "Since the situation has gone out of control, it's better to save them first." Little Wu, pick up Auntie Liu and I'll lead the way. "    


Hearing that, Wu Jingyi scolded himself for being stupid, he bent down and used a bit of strength to hug Auntie Liu at his waist.    


"Everyone, move out of the way!" Ye Cheng opened up a path in front, cleverly squeezed open a crack, Wu Jingyi and the rest followed closely behind.    


There were at least two to three hundred people gathered around. There were also quite a few citizens who came from all directions to take advantage of the chaotic situation. It took them three to four minutes to squeeze out of the crowd and arrive in front of Ye Cheng's car.    


Ye Cheng anxiously opened the car door and said quickly: "Quickly, I will drive Auntie Liu to the hospital."    


Xiao Lin sat in the back seat first. Wu Jingyi bent down and gently placed Auntie Liu inside, allowing her to lie down as flat as possible with her head resting on Xiao Lin's thigh. Lu Mengzhu also sat in the back and helped take care of her.    


At this moment, the faint sound of sirens could be heard coming from afar. Someone had already reported the crime, and the police were rushing over to the scene.    


Ye Cheng didn't want to deal with the police at this time. He quickly went to the other side and jumped into the driver's seat.    


"Everyone, sit down!" Ye Cheng started the car, honked his horn and dispersed the crowd, then stepped on the gas pedal and rushed out.    


In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, Ye Cheng pressed a button, and the license plate of the Mercedes-Benz 500 or so turned into an army plate. The roar of an engine, the speed of a car soaring.    


Along the way, Ye Cheng met many police cars which were speeding towards the direction of the small uprising, among them were ambulances and fire trucks. A string of lights flashed and sirens whistled, giving off the feeling that something big had happened. He couldn't care less. The car was still speeding past a squad of screaming police cars.    


Ye Cheng's Mercedes-Benz was traveling at an astonishing speed and had long surpassed the speed limit, so it naturally attracted the attention of the police. Firstly, he wore a military tag, and secondly, the police didn't care about him and didn't turn around to give chase.    


Along the way, Ye Cheng rushed to the hospital at the fastest speed possible. Before the car could stop, Wu Jingyi jumped down from the back and rushed to the emergency room with Auntie Liu in his arms. At the same time, he shouted, "Doctor, hurry up and help to save her!"    


Wu Jingyi's loud voice immediately alarmed the nurse on duty, upon seeing an emergency room, one of the nurses immediately informed the doctor on duty, while the other nurse pushed the cart forward and helped place Auntie Liu on it, pushing it into the emergency room.    


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