The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng did not know if Han had seen anyone, but he knew that this Dongshan sanatorium was not simple, so he did not plan to follow him.    


Standing far away, Ye Cheng used his binoculars to observe the path from the bottom of the mountain to the top. The nursing home was built halfway up the mountain, and the mountain road led to other towns and cities behind the mountain. This was the biggest difference between the nursing home and Qingshan's, and Dongshan looked more like a nursing home with a broken foot.    


Most of the patients had been here since the hospital was opened, and the patients who entered afterwards were all distinguished in status. The average age of the patients was not very old, and between twenty to twenty-five years of age, the cause of their illness was very strange, with very complicated specific nouns.    


"Boss, the Lawyer Han's car!"    


A silver arc passed on the mountain road. The car stopped in front of the sanatorium and stopped in front of the new building. Someone else got off the car.    


"This guy is really ?"    


Ye Cheng laughed, and Lin Xi, who was beside him, tilted his head for some unknown reason. "Why is it not me?"    


"He'll be out in five minutes. We can't find him here."    


"The boss has made inquiries?"    


Ye Cheng lifted the corner of his mouth, and the two of them carried their bags and climbed up the mountain.    


At the same time, a sapphire blue car stopped in front of the grocery store near the old city center.    


Han Li took off his sunglasses and looked at the recently renovated grocery store. Inside, a middle-aged couple was packing up. Although it was the old city district, because it was close to the city center's edge, the price here wasn't that cheap. Of course, compared to the center, every square meter here was cheaper by tens of thousands of dollars.    


"Does Li Fugui live here?"    


It was a woman who raised her head. Han Li walked into the grocery store, and the smell of wood filled the air. It's just been renovated! "    


"Who are you?" The woman asked cautiously.    


"My surname is Han. Is Li Fugui here?" With that, Han looked at the middle-aged man who was doing his work without saying anything.    


"He's not here. Why are you looking for him?"    


"You are?"    


"We are his parents. He hasn't come back for several days."    




Han mistook Li Fugui for a middle-aged man, obviously not. He showed his name card and explained his origins. He thought that he would be treated with courtesy, but in the end, he was chased out by a broom. As a lawyer, he had never encountered such a thing.    


When he came back to explain what had happened, he was laughed at by Chen Luoxue for an entire day.    


"This family is really strange. They attack people without even knowing the reason, as if they knew beforehand that a lawyer would visit them."    


Chen Luoxue pushed the tea leaves to Han Qian. Ye Cheng warned you before when he left that you wouldn't be able to see this cleaner. "    


"What do you mean? "Ah, is he dead?"    


"It's been almost a week since they started their business. What did the old couple say, Li Fugui hasn't been home for a few days, calculating the time carefully, for someone who knows the secret, the time it takes to disappear is over 72 hours. It's not likely that he's still alive."    


"Therefore, it is very possible that Ouyang Qichen was not pushed down the stairs by Ouyang Xiongyan, but was instead pushed down the stairs by this janitor."    


"It's not that it doesn't exist, but it's also possible for the cleaners to know who the culprit is. This person's identity is very noble, regardless of whether he's dead or alive, we'll first find this Li Fugui." Chen Luoxue played with the water in the water bottle, the water flowing back and forth from left to right, it was extremely beautiful.    


Finding a missing person wasn't Han's forte, but he could track down the grocery store easily.    


Residents living in the Old City generally didn't earn a lot of money. Even the shops near the center of the city weren't enough to support the cost of the whole outfit. From this point on, Han once again walked into the grocery store.    


Today, when the hot-tempered male host was not at home, the hostess did not seem to be on guard. Her tone was unpleasant to hear, but she still sat down.    


In addition to his professional knowledge, lawyers were also a form of learning. The mistress's uneasiness and vigilance came entirely from the male owner.    


After asking around, they found out that Li Fugui was not their own child. After dropping out of school, he helped some acquaintances enter Dongshan sanatorium to work. He was an honest man and did not like to talk much.    


Before he went missing, Li Fugui called back, saying that he was going to travel far, he even sent a savings card over, saying that it was money saved from work, and even found a shop for us husband and wife. My old man felt that something was wrong, where did a cleaner get so much money from, so he went to look for someone in the nursing home, and found out that he had already been gone for a few days.    


It doesn't matter if it's true or not, there's no time for it.    


Ouyang Qichen's death occurred six days ago, and according to the description of Li Fugui's adoptive mother, Li Fugui should have disappeared before the incident happened. The package that they received was sent over three days ago, which was when the couple found out that their adopted son had disappeared. Then, what happened to the phone call before that?    


As the sky gradually darkened, Han Li left the grocery store. Before he left, he left his contact details for those who remembered to call him, or for those who had other problems to resolve.    


Li Fugui's foster mother only asked meekly after sending her out to the streets, "Did my child commit a crime?"    


Facing an honest woman, Han didn't speak the truth.    


After passing by the nearby pub, Han noticed that the man sitting inside and drinking alone walked in and sat opposite him.    


Li Fugui's adoptive father's surname was Li as well. Back then, it was precisely because of the same surname that he adopted a child to replace his lost son. Now, he was already sixty to seventy percent drunk. It's you again. Why are you still here? "    


"You went to a sanatorium and hated lawyers because Li Fugui died. The lawyer asked you to shut up and gave you a lot of money, didn't he?"    


"This ?" Old Li froze for a moment, then finished the wine in his cup in one gulp. I don't know what you're talking about, hurry up and f * ck off. "    


The person who called you was not Li Li Fugui, but his lawyer. He gave you a hundred thousand yuan in fees to keep your mouth shut and even went to a shop, but you didn't tell your wife yet got drunk here because you felt guilty and your conscience wasn't right?    


"What are you talking about? Who the fuck are you? "Beep beep at me, scram for laozi, if you don't scram, I'll hit you!"    


Old Li Yang stood up shakily, raised his fist as if he was going to attack, but was stopped by the customers at the other tables. They were all neighbors, they did not want to see Old Li in trouble, so they tried to persuade him.    


A person could lie, but emotions could not deceive a person.    


The person who was sent out answered on the third day. About five kilometers away from Dongshan sanatorium, he found a body that had been bitten by a wild beast.    


Mother Li could not accept the truth and fainted in the sanatorium.    


It could really be said that one man was dead while the other two were alive. Their entire family had been defeated just like that.    


The bereaved families did not have any objections to the cause of death, Li Fugui's death ended with an accidental death.    


Without witnesses, it would be impossible to prove that Ouyang Xiongyan was innocent, and similarly, it would be impossible to confirm that he was the murderer. Han's statement on the discussion is indeed a bit of a rogue, but it is also a supporting argument.    


In the report, Han only questioned Li Fugui's death, but he did not provide any more valid evidence in the case where Ouyang Xiongyan tried to kill him. In regards to this, Ouyang Xiongyan was extremely honest.    


Returning from the mountain, Ye Cheng took a backpack.    


The bag was full of daily necessities, and the documents showed that they were the bags that Li Fugui had used before he left.    


The distance between the corpse and the backpack was around 50 metres. The first person who found the corpse, the village man in the mountain, and when the police investigated the scene, Ye Cheng and Lin Xi were right nearby. They recorded the entire process of the investigation. Under the full scope of the loopholes, they drew an unfair treatment.    


"With this, how does Lawyer Han plan to start?"    


"Since the three cities in the southeast region are unreliable, let's start with the North Side!" "Back up the video and light up the cigarette." There's one thing I'm curious about. How did you know this cleaner was going to go to the back of the mountain? "    


"I've never read about criminal psychology! I've seen a detective movie recently, but there's something going on in there! "Although it's just bullshit, if we try our luck, there's a good chance that we'll run into each other!"    


Han clicked his tongue, what kind of bullshit answer was this!    


Seeing that Han Li was at a loss, Ye Cheng laughed complacently. Firstly, he could rule out the fact that Li Fugui was the murderer. Secondly, this murderer had the right to control the East Side police. "From the three points of view, the murderer appeared."    


"There is already a lot of evidence to testify against Ouyang Xiongyan. Just the amount of money he embezzled is more than enough for him to stay in this prison for his entire life. Why is Ouyang Xiaoxiao going overboard?" It wasn't hard to guess, but what was the motive? He must have had a motive for killing someone. Why did he give himself so much trouble when he had already gained the upper hand? Han didn't understand.    


"In your calculations, you have missed out on a key figure!"    




Ye Cheng laughed. I have already told the Meier to send you a copy of Ouyang Xiaoxiao's background.    


"When Han Qian opened the mail in front of Ye Cheng, he couldn't help but suck in a cold breath of air. Ouyang Xiaoxiao is the Buddha's son? No wonder you have endured it so much. "    


"It's hard to imagine! When we first entered the capital, I had people study on the inner relationships between the four sects. It was only when the Meier arrived that the information started to be assembled bit by bit. "    


"Ouyang Xiaoxiao does not simply want to become the Sect Leader of the Gate of Heaven, but to seek revenge!"    


"I don't know what his mother went through, but Ouyang Xiongyan and Ouyang Qichen probably don't know about Ouyang Xiaoxiao's true identity. Back then, the two of them were afraid that Ouyang Xiaoxiao's mother would pregnant the old Buddha so they did not hesitate to kill her.    


"In order to protect Ouyang Xiaoxiao, he allowed his own son to kill his own lover. What the f * ck is this?"    


Ye Cheng began to giggle. Ouyang Xiaoxiao and I have fought a few times. Although this person looks impetuous on the surface, he is actually quite a good opponent. According to Meizi, this person has been extraordinary since birth. He was held inside his dead mother's womb for several hours before being rescued, then sent by the Buddha to another country to recuperate. There's no guarantee that he won't have any other abilities.    


Not knowing why, Ye Cheng's tone of voice was extremely calm, but when Han Li heard it, he couldn't help but shiver.    


In ancient times, people took a child that was born from a dead person's stomach as an unlucky thing. It smelled like a rotting corpse when it was born, so who was the unlucky bastard that got into trouble with. At that time, with the Old Buddha's power, concealing the identity of a child was very simple. There was no need to send a baby overseas. There was only one reason for it: to ward off evil!    


"According to you, there's no need for this case to continue."    


"To keep an eye on Li Fugui's case, is to help Ouyang Xiongyan. Without him, we cannot enter the Dongshan sanatorium, and there must be some secret that we cannot divulge to others."    


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