The Romantic Soldier King



The heir to the Sun Yee On, Xiao Miao, was kidnapped, and the Second Boss was detained for murder. In an instant, the third power of the Hong Kong Island was facing the possibility of collapsing, and those people who were hiding in the darkness began to make their moves.    


As the Hong Alliance was prepared to issue a challenge to the Sun Yee On due to the death of their Grand Master, the tension was about to rise.    


Faced with the Hong Alliance's provocation, the interior of the Sun Yee On began to shake. According to the past history, when the stewards were not around, there were a few big shots who came out to watch. Strangely enough, the people who were not yet the heirs of the family, but were now shunning them for various reasons, no longer caring about the affairs of the martial arts world.    


Smiling Tiger, who was still in custody, passed his decision through the mouths of the lawyers to the few stewards in Sun Yee On. In an instant, an uproar broke out in Sun Yee On.    


No one would be willing to allow an outsider to take the helm!    


But Smiling Face's words were everything, even if he refused to accept it, he had to submit, unless he did not want to stay in the Sun Yee On anymore!    


It started to secretly fight for the position of the boss of the Sun Yee On. Rather than listening to a suspect whose future was unknown, it would be better to stand up straight and be the king, and the person who sat on the chair that was handed over first would be the boss.    


There was still one more key person who wanted to become the leader of Sun Yee On, and that was Xiao Miao's fianc?. The two most competitive of them were one missing and one taken into custody, while the other one was completely harmless.    


The assassination plan began after nightfall. Facing the common enemy, the people of Sun Yee On were very united. Every competitor would send out a killer to infiltrate the Zhang Family villa from different places. Ever since Smiling Tiger brought his fiance into the Sun Yee On, he had been arranged to live in Xiao Miao's residence. This place was originally the Mrs. Zhang's personal property, and now it was inherited by Xiao Miao.    


When the assassin sneaked into the bedroom, Ye Cheng was already awake. He purposely flipped his back to give the assassin. In the darkness, one of his hands slipped under the pillow.    


After discovering the opportunity, the assassin didn't attack immediately. Instead, he carefully leaned against the wall and slowly entered the attacking range.    


Although it was a collaboration, it was still possible for them to become the big boss of the Sun Yee On whoever first got rid of Ye Cheng, so none of them wanted to fall behind.    


The first hitman who snuck into the bedroom missed the opportunity because he was too careful, and the hitman who snuck into the villa already pushed open the door, and the moment their eyes met, the first hitman who entered already pounced on Ye Cheng who was on the bed, and the hitman who entered later on made two 'bang' sounds towards the person on the bed.    


The moment the bullet left the shell, the outcome was already decided.    


The first bullet went to the man on the bed, and the second went to the killer.    


Two grunts came from inside the room. The first assassin slowly fell onto the bed with his eyes wide open. The bullet accurately shot through his heart! Another muffled groan was heard almost at the same time as the first bullet was fired, but it was the assassin himself who fell.    


A delicate military knife stabbed into the assassin's throat. He knelt on the ground, facing his neck, his empty eyes staring straight ahead, his gaze just happening to collide with another assassin. Both of their expressions were identical, shock and disbelief mixed with fear.    


Ye Cheng put on his pajamas and took his blade out from the assassin's neck. Then, he walked to the counter and poured himself a cup of wine.    


Three down, two down, one left.    


Turning on the small light, Ye Cheng comfortably lay on the soft chair, next to his feet were the killers, in front of him was a flowery shelf, with a few pieces of hemp rope holding onto the gun, the top of the wall was aimed at the door of the bedroom, a thin rope was tied to the trigger, and as long as Ye Cheng pulled the rope, the bullets would come out.    


Ye Cheng was confident that the last assassin would come in through the door, so he was prepared to give this person a surprise.    


Time passed by slowly. After the time it took to drink a cup of wine, steady footsteps could be heard from the corridor outside.    


The third assassin gently pushed open the door, and the smell of blood in the room assaulted his face. The hand with the black leather glove opened skillfully, and just as he was about to press it, the gun fired.    


In his panic, the killer should have backed out of the door, but he subconsciously felt the bullet was not aimed at him, so he slipped inside the room and hid next to the cabinet while leaning against the wall.    


The impact of the bullet caused a hole to appear in the middle of the bedroom door. The light from outside shone into the room and onto a face. The face of the white man was staring with eyes filled with grievance.    


The third assassin tried his best to control his own breathing, but his voice sounded as if he was breathing very clearly by Ye Cheng's ear. Mr. Da Chetian, when did you change your profession to become a killer? "    


"When the third assassin heard the other party address him by his name, he suddenly straightened his back and looked towards Ye Cheng's position. From the voice, he had some suspicions regarding the identity of the person. "Who are you?"    


"I am someone who will help others get rid of their misfortune!"    


The first thing Da Chetian wanted to do was to turn on the light, but the gunshot rang again, hitting the light switch unerringly.    


"The second warning, if you don't want to leave your life here, then think about it! "Bullets don't have eyes."    


"What do you want?"    


"Someone wants me to tell you that the goods are in his hands!"    


Da Chetian squinted his eyes as he asked carefully, "Do the Montes family members want to help?"    


"Who doesn't want to make money? Rather than working with unreliable people in the martial arts world, it would be better to talk to people with strength! "    


"The goods are not in my hands!"    


Didn't Da Chetian have a close relationship with the Hong Alliance? It was in the hands of the Hong Alliance three days ago, don't you know?    




"I have already told you the news. It is up to you to believe me or not, Donghu warehouse, 5-10! Go and check if we have any good intentions, and if you want to find him, then you have to find out where he is. "    


Amidst the black shadows, Ye Cheng stood up. His tall and big body looked like a black king descending from the sky, overbearing and domineering.    


"Who the hell are you? How can I contact you? "    


"You're the one who brought calamity to me. You're out of luck. If your opponent finds me, we'll meet again in the future. Remember this sound, or else I'll have to find someone to complain to down there."    


While the voice was moving, Da Chetian had already jumped down from the roof and disappeared under the night sky.    


He pushed his way through the garden with a wave of his hand. After a rustle, several men in black emerged from the bushes and dashed in the direction of Ye Cheng's disappearance. The man who came out took off his veil and revealed his ice-cold face.    


The mission failed!    


The two assassins were carried back to the Sun Yee On. Not everyone could kill them with a single slash, and at that moment, the people of Sun Yee On had a whole new level of respect for their fiance who suddenly popped up, and were forced to accept this replacement. They silently allowed him to take the place of the Smiling Tiger to lead the Sun Yee On in facing all kinds of provocations from the Hong Alliance, but they still did not give up on the idea of getting rid of him.    


The next afternoon, Ye Cheng and Jiang Dazhuang appeared at the police station. Without any further evidence, Smiling Tiger was still the biggest suspect.    


"Ye Cheng sat opposite to Smiling Tiger. Through the glass window, he seemed to be looking good to the other party. This is Hong Kong Island's famous black case, I won't make any more introductions, the current situation isn't good for you! Let me ask you, why did you go to see Grand Master that night? "    


"He wants me to save him!"    


Ye Cheng pouted his lips, then moved his lips towards Smiling Tiger, patted his shoulders, and walked out.    


Smiling Tiger stared at Ye Cheng's back for a long time without recovering, and only looked at when he slammed his hand on the glass. " You tell me how to get out of here. "    


"First, you have to prove that you are not going to see the Grand Master alone. In other words, you have to prove that your two subordinates are lying."    


"Haha." "What's the difference between this and you asking me to prove that I am me?"    


Jiang Dazhuang was embarrassed, he wanted someone who could not prove his innocence to prove that there were two people who were able to do so, it was as unreasonable as proving that he was me. It's always safe to be inside. "    


Smiling Tiger knocked on the table, and the guard led him out.    


Ye Cheng stood outside, leaning on the wall, he had just received news from the capital, Ouyang Xiaoxiao had arrived at Hong Kong Island last night, the purpose of this trip was inauspicious, but in the second week after the East Side's special group caught the culprit, there was a huge explosion again, five people died under the incident, An Yuhai's daughter and son were among them.    


Currently, An Gaohan and An Ningxuan had already rushed back to the An family residence, and the matter was still being investigated. Sang Huihui hoped that Ye Cheng could return to the capital city as soon as possible.    


While the public opinion was growing, the South Side, who was in the middle of the two cities, still did not make any declaration or big achievements. However, after receiving the news, the Meier sent a website message and the 'Silver Number' symbol appeared on one of the websites. Some people revealed the details of the explosion and admitted that this case was related to them.    


However, the personal website was forcefully blocked less than a day after it came online.    


After Ye Cheng opened the website, all he saw was a LOGO image, followed by an error message that didn't exist on the webpage.    


The disturbance in the capital started again, but Ye Chen still had not sent any message, so there shouldn't be any big loopholes appearing.    


After deleting the message, Ye Cheng walked towards Jiang Dazhuang. "How about it?"    


"We'll talk to the police officer in charge of the case!"    


Wang Dazhi was completely confused while holding the photo. I've seen this photo many times. Is there a problem? Jiang Dazhuang, I know you're powerful, but everyone here is busy, so it's still simpler. "    


Jiang Dazhuang coughed twice and said: "I believe that my client is not lying, from this photo, he has indeed seen the Master before, and he admitted this in his statement, but I have to listen to Group Leader Wang, from the lens, the picture is not very clear, and from the distance, the person who took the picture should be nearby. From the angle of the camera, this person should be in the same position as us, using our phone to take a picture, can you confirm my deduction?"    


Wang Dazhi looked at Ye Cheng, then took out his phone and made the same gesture and took a picture, raising his eyebrows. But we can't send him out to kill Grand Master! "    


"I just wanted to tell Group Leader Wang that my client wasn't lying. He did bring his people there, but I don't know why his subordinates lied. However, I suspect that it had something to do with Mr. Noye's assassination last night."    


"Assassinate? When did this happen? "    


"The hitman has already been killed, so he doesn't want to blow the whole thing up. I'll leave Smiling Face to Group Leader Wang."    


Jiang Dazhuang and Ye Cheng parted ways at the entrance of the police station, a car stopped in front of the entrance to the police station. Da Chetian got off the car and walked towards Ye Cheng.    


"The police station is right in front!"    


"Give me ten minutes!" Da Chetian pointed to the car, then walked towards the police station.    


The sudden appearance of a person whom he could not see by any means was not a good feeling.    


No. 1    


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