The Romantic Soldier King



There were only two options in front of Yan Maokuan, either to be eaten by a monster, or to surrender, and no matter what, it would not be better than the other one. He held onto his phone tightly and spoke to Qing Feng who was slowly approaching him: "Can you not kill me?"    


Ye Cheng turned around and faced the dramatic side.    


Qing Feng began to giggle, he turned to Ye Cheng and smiled, his mouth raised in a proud smile, his hands sliding down, completely enveloping Yan Maokuan within his black mist. His phone fell to the ground, and the woman's voice came out.    


Yan Maokuan did not have the chance to regret, he had already sold himself to the demons when he made his choice!    


He just stood there, welcoming the arrival of the black mist. Ye Cheng fearlessly looked at Qing Feng's face which had already changed beyond recognition, and thought that he had gotten what he wanted, but Ye Cheng felt that he had lost what he did not want to lose. " Goodbye, Senior Brother! "    


As the black mist gradually dissipated, the entire cell became clear. Everyone who was sleeping seemed to have the same dream, and at the same time, they all opened their eyes, stared at each other, and rushed towards the cell door.    


Ye Cheng stood on the aisle in the felon area, and there were still a few hours until daybreak. He stared at the empty prison cell with a dark and lost expression.    


"Han has already sent the video up. I'll have to trouble you for a few more hours." Chen Luoxue slowly walked behind Ye Cheng. She didn't know how to console him;    


"The killer's face?"    


"It is very clear that Yan Maokuan's confession has been recorded down, and is already being treated as an accomplice. If no accidents are to happen, once Wen Xiaojuan's suspect is caught, Ma Liangcun will be promoted to the position of Yan Maokuan, and everything will be according to your arrangements."    


Ye Cheng nodded, he walked into the cell and said: "Let's do it!"    


"I can't do it. Do you mind if he does it?"    


Han Qian walked out from behind Chen Luoxue, who started chuckling. Indeed! "Although I'm not the one who has the free will to do so, I still owe you this much!"    


As a man, he really should wave his fist towards Ye Cheng. His own woman had not even touched a little of his hands, and thus he had spent the night with other men, no matter what kind of situation he was in, a man who stole his future wife's heart away should be beaten! " You should be glad that you did not have any intention to harm her! "    


The first fist landed on Ye Cheng's nose, and after blood gushing out, his second foot stepped on's foot. Next, it should be his lifeblood, Ye Cheng thought to himself, and Han indeed twisted his right leg, grabbing onto his two shoulders and pressing hard on the bridge.    


"No!" Chen Luoxue instinctively shouted.    


Ye Cheng dropped to his knees and fell to the ground with a thud. He had fainted very miserably beside the police officer.    


"Don't worry!" How could I have the heart to let our adorable boss lose his sexual blessings? " Han Li mischievously gave Chen Luoxue a wink, and innocently said dirty words while looking at the woman's blush that was so bashful that it reached her neck. I just let him have a little wound on his abdomen and ripped some of his organs to make it look real, you're not going to hit me, are you? "    


"Keep your mouth shut, you won't!"    


"Aiyo, hey, I'm so scared. You brought them to the base already, so many people ?" What are you talking about? Don't tell me you want us to be your mutes? Also, Little Ju is the person closest to you, so why are you punishing her? "You can't do this kind of thing!"    


"Still talking!" Chen Luoxue's face was completely red. She should not have brought him back, and she should not have been softhearted. Without a smooth talker, you won't lose anything to me. I don't mind sending you to the island to be my companion in merman, there are many women there and you will be very happy. "    


Han Li covered his own mouth, and decided to let merman be his companion. It would be better to kill him, although his figure is good, but he really can't do anything about it. Boss, I was wrong! "    


"Then let's fight your case. We can discuss this further after Ye Cheng has gone out."    


Early in the morning, the moment the sun rose from the east, the entire sky was dyed gold. Just as people were feeling the energy of the sunrise, an email was sent to several people at the same time.    


The contents of the mail included a recording and a video screen, but the identification was extremely high, which made it even more frightening. This was no longer a normal murder case, but an unspeakable secret, the address of the mail had come from an office in West Side, the person who sent it directly delivered it to Chen Yifeng, copied it to the head of the three great families, as well as a person in charge of a special department, and lastly, it was an independent surnamed Zhang.    


Five people received the email at the same time, but their reactions were completely different. The people who received the email could see each other, and there was an encrypted file within the email that needed to be entered in order to see.    


The person who received the email began to make phone calls, not to air each other, but to find out who had the key to decrypt the document.    


After Chen Yifeng received the call, he immediately arranged for his men to check out the IP addresses. In a short period of time, the Municipal Bureau Police Force had controlled an office building in the West Side. As the owner of the building, An Taining and his younger brother An Yuhai also rushed over to the building to meet up with their police force.    


All the buildings in West Side were built by An Yuan Group's engineering company. An Yuhai, the manager of the company, brought out the blueprints of the building.    


At the same time, in the technical department of Municipal Bureau, Chen Yifeng nervously stared at the screen. After receiving the message from the West Side, he tapped on the person in charge of the special department, who began to type and reply to the contents of the mail!    


Time passed minute after minute, Chen Yifeng's secretary quietly went in and whispered a few words into his ear, then he quickly left the technical department. The old Buddha and Bai Qi arrived at almost the same time, maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe they had already talked about it before coming here, because the contents of the mail were too special, so people had to be cautious.    


Chen Yifeng invited the two old men into his own office and explained the situation to them. Now, he had already ordered the relevant departments to put in the necessary effort to encircle and annihilate them.    


Currently, there was still one more important person who had yet to arrive at Municipal Bureau, but he had already confirmed through the phone that the five people who received the mail did not know about the secret key. The other party had probably set up this trap to stir up their relationship in order to achieve some sort of goal.    


After reporting the process of the encirclement, Chen Yifeng went back to the frontline, where the other party had not come online yet. However, the West Side had sent news, and all the people who entered the building had confirmed their identities, so far, no one could be found suspicious. Furthermore, all the businesses in the building had been investigated, and there weren't any companies that had broken the rules, but there was one particular business that combined its recent activities and the content of the email.    


The technician had already printed out the information about the company, so Chen Yifeng asked his subordinates to continue tracking him down. Once there was any news, he immediately reported it to the office, then took the printed information and headed over to the Municipal Bureau. He came from West Side, so he had a direct impact on the buildings there.    


"Buddha, North Side Sub-bureau has already confirmed that Yan Maokuan is missing, the thing you were worried about did not happen, Ye Cheng is still locked up in the prison. During last night's attack, he was severely injured, and now he has been sent to the hospital with the other injured people.    


The old buddha whispered to Bai Qi and the jade tree beside him. He coughed and said, "The investigation is a matter of your police department. I just want to know who sent this email."    


"Buddha, I know how the three of you are feeling. Based on my experience, the person who sent the email didn't mean any harm. Instead, it was a reminder or a hint, so please take note."    


"Chief Chen, the most important thing to do now is to figure out the sender's motive!" Bai Qi tapped his jade tree fingers on the table, the vulture's eyes stared at Chen Yifeng. After a long time, he continued to speak in a deep voice: "I do not know how to think about this mail. Don't you guys feel that the evil incident with Hong Kong Island is very close? Back then, the Cellular ghost case caused a huge sensation in China. It is said that even until now, this case has not yet been investigated as to the truth behind the virgin ghost. "    


"Brother Yushu's reminder is right. This reminds me of one thing, wasn't Ye Cheng, who was imprisoned in North Side Sub-bureau, from there? When we were in Hong Kong Island, he cooperated with the local authorities to investigate the case of the Cellular ghost. Brother Yu Hai, you can go back and ask Xuanxuan about this matter. She seems to also be part of the investigation team. "    


An Yuhai's face revealed awkwardness. However, recently I returned to the capital, where I had some conflicts with Chief Chen. I will ask her in detail later, if it's really as Brother Yushu said, I hope that Chief Chen will let bygones be bygones! "    


"Old Master An is overthinking it, Miss An's working ability has always been appreciated by me. Her being able to enter the Six Departments of State Security is also an affirmation of her work, to be able to work with such an outstanding officer is my honor."    


No one was willing to shoulder this responsibility, but Chen Yifeng's words had reached the heart of the three of them. Whether it was a warning or a threat, it was hard to say, but in short, the thing that had appeared in the video had already completely knocked over their friendship boat.    


Chen Yifeng wisely chose to remain silent. While paying attention to the subtle relationship between the three of them, he considered which side he should choose, and the other party might send the mail to him. This person's goal might not be the three great families, but he was definitely here for the Ye Cheng imprisoned by the North Side Sub-bureau. He didn't tell this guess to the three people in front of him because he had his own selfish thoughts.    


It was almost noon when Chen Yifeng's secretary came in with the latest news. The person who sent the mail went online, but he was not at West Side's office building.    


Chen Yifeng let the people from the Technology Department continue to track him. After finding his location, he called the Deputy Director and had them coordinate with him secretly.    


"Old Chen, you should still go personally. North Side Sub-bureau should be in a mess right now." Old Chen, you should go personally.    


As there was no knocking at the door, he was scolded by Chen Yifeng. He brought another piece of news, the North Side District Court had called to inquire about Ye Cheng's case, and Shanshan Law Firm had brought a second lawsuit against Chen Yifeng this morning.    


What the hell is Shanshan Law Firm?    


Chen Yifeng was dumbstruck for a full half a second after hearing this news. The Ye Cheng case had nothing to do with him, this Shanshan firm had taken the wrong medicine and sued him! Feeling the concentration in those six eyes, I couldn't help but explain, "There must be some misunderstanding. I'll go to North Side Sub-bureau right now to take a look at the situation."    


"That young man, did the North Side District Court accept the lawsuit against the legal firm?" Bai Qi and Yushu suddenly called out to the police officer who had just barged in. The latter nodded in hesitation. "Hmm, if it's accepted, it would be inappropriate for you to go over, senior Chen. Let the Deputy Bureau head over there and see what's going on!"    


Just like this, Chen Yifeng was separated out from the leading position. Bai Qi and the jade tree's words were like an imperial edict, his vulture's eyes were filled with aggression.    


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