The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng did not answer the question. Instead, he squatted down in front of the corpse once again, pointed at the hole in his chest and said: "Look at the shape of the wound, the weapon is a normal boning knife.    


Seeing Su Wan's confused and doubtful expression, Ye Cheng rubbed her head and smiled, and started to explain with good intentions. Ordinary people usually used to using their right hand. When they used the knife, the cut would be pushed to the bottom left corner or the top left corner of the knife's blade. If one didn't carefully examine it, these lines would be buried in the cut. However, the murderer was quite crafty. In order to prevent anyone from discovering that he was left-handed, he would be reattached with his right hand after the first strike. Therefore, there would be an anti-cross window.    


As he said that, he pointed the tip of the blade towards the failure pen the other party left behind, allowing Su Wan to take a closer look. To add insult to injury is superfluous. "    


Su Wan curled her lips. Even though she felt that Ye Cheng was deliberately putting on a show, if it was her instead, she might not be able to find such a small loophole. What do we do now? Go back the way we came from? "    


Ye Cheng shook his head, he firmly believed that there was a way out. Rest first, I'll look around. Although there are no birds or beasts here, you still have to be careful of poisonous insects or things. The key thing is that I'm not here, so don't act recklessly.    


Ye Cheng, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly thought of something and asked: "Do you know how to whistle? Uh, generally, those guys... "Uh, a kid who has never tasted anything, doesn't know how to whistle!"    


Su Wan glared at Ye Cheng angrily, pouted her lips, and started to play a melodious tune. Her normal breathing, and the slow rhythm, were facts more eloquent than words. Ye Cheng shamelessly gave her a thumbs up. It's not a woman's right to whistle. Does it mean that every man who knows how to whistle knows how to play the flute?! "    


"Uhh," Ye Cheng opened his mouth wide, only now did he remember that this woman had been beaten up by a bunch of men. If you meet with any danger, just three short whistles and I'll come find you. "    


Ye Cheng turned around and threw himself into the dense forest. Walking in a circle according to his original position, Ye Cheng roughly estimated the size of the entire cave entrance. The forest was humid. After walking for less than an hour, their bodies were drenched in water. Fortunately, there were no insects or insects in the forest. Most of them were brightly colored reptiles.    


Passing through the rainforest, Ye Cheng was surprised to find a Deep Pool, about 3 metres tall.    


Ye Cheng estimated that the pool was at least ten meters deep. Without any diving equipment, they would not be able to hold on for three minutes.    


He walked around the pond and arrived at the edge of the lake. He turned left after walking for about three meters, and soon, he could see the rainforest he had just passed. He also couldn't walk more than three meters back to the edge of the rainforest.    


The entire terrain had been figured out, and Ye Cheng had a feeling that something was amiss with this Deep Pool.    


After throwing a rock into the pool and stirring up a few meters of water, the rock sank to the bottom of the lake and did not move. Even with his Golden Eyes, he was unable to see where the rock that had fallen into the Deep Pool had fallen.    


Ye Cheng squinted his eyes. Just as he threw the stone again, a short whistle came from the sky, and he turned to dive into the rain forest. With his fastest speed, he rushed to the place where Su Wan had landed, but there was no one on the tree, only her belt.    


He had already meticulously explored the entire terrain, there would not be a third person at the bottom of this hole.    


Ye Cheng climbed up the tree and stood at the highest point on the forest, looking around him. In the middle of a forest, he suddenly discovered that about nine o'clock in the distance, there was an irregular rhythm coming from there. Like a great roc diving down into the forest, he rushed into the heart of the disturbance, only to discover Su Wan's shoes and traces of blood.    


Not good!    


Ye Cheng picked up the shoes as he was still warm. Su Wan should be nearby.    


Back at the top of the treetops, the rain forest was still. Even if there was a difference in power between the two, it wouldn't be able to cause the slightest bit of movement in the treetops. This made it much more difficult to search for them.    


When Ye Cheng returned to the Rain Forest, what was strange was that there were no footprints left on the ground. Even the place where he had noticed Su Wan holding him hostage had disappeared. This discovery sent chills down his spine, as if he had walked into the wrong space.    


A mechanism!    


Ye Cheng calmed down, he picked up a few stones and placed it on his fingertips, then shot it out in all directions with his ears perked up to listen. The stone that was sent flying followed the rhythm of the finger tip as it moved forward. It met with an obstacle and fell to the ground. Out of the four stones that had been shot out, only one remained to continue forward. Ye Cheng sprinted towards the direction of the stone, and followed the trail until he reached the front of the Deep Pool.    


"Su Wan!"    


Ye Cheng's call echoed at the bottom of the cave, alarming the birds with their wings.    


The echoes disappeared in midair, followed by a rustling sound, coming from all directions. Ye Cheng held his breath, and when the commotion suddenly broke out behind him, he got up from his original position, followed by the escape of seven or eight yellow and black striped hyenas. They bared their fangs and pounced towards Ye Cheng.    


With two bangs, Ye Cheng stomped on the top of his legs, and after kicking the two hyenas that pounced towards him, he stepped on their bodies and jumped again, jumping forward until he landed on top of a tree.    


As soon as his feet touched the ground, a chilly wind blew from behind him, and a fishy stench assaulted his nostrils. Ye Cheng did not dare to turn back. Why would these hyenas be in this kind of place? They were hunters from the plains, ruthless killers.    


There were too many doubts in his heart, but his messy thoughts did not affect Ye Cheng's ability to deal with the cunning hunters behind him. He gripped his military knife tightly and hacked backwards without even turning his head. As he stood on one leg of the tree, he leaned to the right due to the gravity while a large empty space appeared on the left side, allowing the other hyena to enter while he was still in the air. With its four legs bunched together, it jumped up using its force, and then its entire body seemed to jump onto the top of Ye Cheng's head.    


Ye Cheng's strong body did not allow him to retreat. This hyena dog was extremely smart as it charged towards the left side of the opponent, opening up its sharp fangs and biting onto the wrist.    


A dull pain hit him. Ye Cheng bellowed angrily, unable to get rid of the hyena. He simply allowed the plant to tip to the right and fall to the ground. He jumped up on one foot and stabbed the hyena in the neck, which had been cut by the sword.    




Even with the help of his companion, he wouldn't be able to let this hyena escape death. Ye Cheng twisted his blade and tore his throat apart, then he quickly took out his blade and swung it towards the other hyena that was biting onto his wrist.    


The hyena seemed to have seen its companion killed in an instant. Just as it was about to let go of the fangs and retreat, a black shadow darted over from the left.    


Ye Cheng's head tilted to the side as he was forced to jump, kicking away the black shadow that was running towards him. He used his body to forcefully suppress his left arm, forcefully nullifying the hyena, he raised his blade and stabbed it into its abdomen. After the blade had completely submerged into the hyena dog's body, Ye Cheng supported its cries as he extracted his left arm, knocked off its head with a punch, and pressed down with his right wrist. With a ripping sound, he ripped open the belly of the hyena, pulled out its internal organs and threw it on the ground.    


Blood splattered all over Ye Cheng's face and body. He looked like a blood man crawling out of a pool of blood as he roared at the remaining three hyenas.    


They waited for the pair of small eyes to continuously bark at Ye Cheng, trying to stop him from coming closer. However, even if the sound of the barking spread in the wind, it would still not be able to stop their opponent's approach. In the end, the three hyenas stepped on their front legs, raising up the sand and ground.    


After making sure that the three hyenas would not jump out again, Ye Cheng finally sat down beside a tree and began to silently tend to his wounds.    


The place where the fang had bitten him left three teeth holes, and black blood began to flow out of them. Even by sealing the acupuncture points on his left arm, he was still unable to stop the black blood from flowing out. Ye Cheng forced himself up. At this time, he felt dizzy and his vision turned black, he did not expect the hyena to have poison on its teeth, he had been too careless.    


Step by step, he arrived beside the Deep Pool. Ye Cheng soaked his left arm in the ice-cold water and tried to numb the pain with cold. He could not fall down now, he had to find Su Wan before the hyenas appeared again, otherwise he would not be able to explain to Ye Chen.    


Under the bone-piercing cold of the water, the cave started to contract and contract itself. Ye Cheng could easily feel the nerves around the wound twitching.    


Only after his left arm lost consciousness did Ye Cheng roll over and lie on the ground, looking up at the gradually darkening sky and exhaling.    


The water in the pool around the wound had turned white, but the black blood had stopped, and started to stink. Ye Cheng gritted his teeth to dig out the fresh blood from the rotten meat before tearing off his clothes to bandage his wound and throwing it into the rainforest.    


The hyena hurriedly escaped, leaving behind a large amount of tracks. Following which, Ye Cheng discovered that the footprints had disappeared right in front of a cliff. "It's weird, there are no hidden tunnels behind the mountains, where will these hyenas go?"    


Ye Cheng touched the rock wall, his fingers touching something that looked rough like a piece of hemp rope and ignited the ignition. Ye Cheng discovered a rope that was as thick as a forearm, he took a few steps back and raised his head to look, there was only a single rope hanging on the rock wall, and he was at the other end of the cave where he was previously.    


Ye Cheng was sure that this rope was put down later on. Maybe Su Wan wasn't taken away by the hyena but had escaped from here.    


Without much thought, Ye Cheng pulled the rope and climbed up the cliff wall. A few minutes later, he was already halfway up the cliff.    


Ye Cheng climbed out of the cave in one go and looked outside, this place was no longer the same place they had entered.    


"Su Wan?"    


There was a large patch of grass at the mouth of the cave, Ye Cheng stared at the restless grass and shouted, he quietly snuck in front of the grass, suddenly pouncing in, grabbing onto the shadow that was hiding in the darkness, he dragged it out. Grandma? "    


Shadow was an old, ugly woman in minority clothes, with a large, loose scarf stained with blood.    


At first, the old granny was still struggling nonstop, but after she saw Ye Cheng, she let out a long breath and complained, "Why did you only appear now?    


Ye Cheng grabbed the old granny's shoulder, letting her look straight at him. Grandma, have you seen Su Wan? "    


"Who is it? Oh, that little girl. There's no saving her. There's no saving her. "    


"Where is she?"    


The old granny was pulled so hard that she started to cry out in pain. She pointed to the northern skies and shouted, "Where did you get captured by the Mountain Ghost?    


Isn't the north the direction of the Tujia stronghold? Ye Cheng retracted his gaze, and realized that the old granny was about to escape, he snorted, and scuttled in front of her to block her way. Since Grandma gave me the hint, why don't you throw yourself into the karst cave? What are those people trying to disturb? "    


The old granny started to pretend to be stupid. She whooped for a long time, but still did not manage to garner Ye Cheng's sympathy. Her chaotic eyes flashed with cunning as she deliberately picked up a handful of sand and scattered it towards Ye Cheng, taking advantage of the chaos to hide in the grass.    


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