The Romantic Soldier King



Sang Huihui swore with both hands that she did not call these people over. When she went out to buy breakfast, she saw these people knocking on the door.    


This seemed to be something that these people could do, but this place could be considered to be a hotel with stars, why is my safety awareness so poor? Ye Cheng would definitely complain.    


Complaining didn't have much use for these people, they were all people with strong personalities. Ye Cheng thought that his temper was a hundred times better than these guys.    


The few of them enjoyed the peace and quiet that could only be felt during meals, but they were quickly disrupted by the visitors.    


On the third day after Ye Cheng arrived at the capital, Deng Mengxiu and Ah San had already paid their visit.    


Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Cheng and the rest looked at each other, then came to the living room of the suite. At the same time, two people walked in from outside, both of them had old faces, after greeting each other, Sang Huihui cordially pulled up the curtain, blocking the view of the outside.    


Ye Cheng indicated for Sang Huihui to stay in his room. There were still three days, and it was already the weekend. He had to bring a different kind of surprise to the hospitable people in the capital.    


Deng Mengxiu was the first person to arrive at the capital, so he was relatively more familiar with the environment here. Furthermore, with the help from the Old Master, the Heaven Gate had occupied a seat at the north side of the capital, allowing Ye Cheng to stay as long as he wanted.    


After Ah San arrived at the capital city one after another, using the northern gates of heaven as the base area, he arranged the entire capital city's area of influence a few times.    


There were many heroes in the ancient city, but there weren't many who could stand tall and mighty. In the succession of generations of survival of the fittest, there weren't many ancient families that had passed down their legacy.    


The capital was divided into 16 districts, 147 streets, 38 townships, and 144 towns. There were traces of the historical evolution that could be seen everywhere.    


Whether they were outsiders or not, they didn't need to be called by the family name. Instead, they used their family's power to replace them with the heaven, earth, and human.    


The heavens, of course there was no need to say it, Ye Cheng knew who it was in his heart. He was curious about the corresponding earth and what it was like, there seemed to be very little rumors about it in the martial arts world, and the way he discussed it did not seem like he was a person who roamed the martial arts world.    


As Ye Chen sat down, he replaced Ah San and answered his question. Because the clan was special, Ah San did not know much about the Earth Door, but he did not know everything.    


Before Ye Chen lifted up the ground, he first mentioned a person.    


When Ye Cheng heard about Bai Qi's surname, he could not help but exclaim, a look of surprise flashing past his eyes.    


"So it's him!"    


The two brothers looked at each other. Their hearts were filled with envy and jealousy.    


Bai Qi's surname could be traced back to an ancient child who had grown up in a pack of wolves. "Bai Qi was not a last name but a first name, but the reason why he was used in the family name needs further study.    


The name wasn't important, what was important was the fact that the Earth Door held a high position and was far away from the Gate of Heaven, yet was willing to rush up to the Green Leaf. It was truly amazing.    


The capital was not a Hong Kong Island, so they had to be careful. One step wrong, and every step wrong.    


Ye Cheng wiped away his anxious emotions with his hands and revealed a smiling face. He did not plan to stay here for long. He only had one goal, to appear openly at the engagement banquet, and then bring An Ningxuan away in front of everyone. This was the reason why he came to the capital.    


However, everyone knew that this idea was very good. However, it was very difficult to implement it.    


In order to prevent An Ningxuan from escaping, An Taining had sent a platoon of people to take charge of the wedding. With his second aunt An Yanlan accompanying him, as her lobbyist, he was unable to leave her side and it was very difficult to get close to him.    


"No one needs to follow me tonight."    


No matter how difficult it was, he still had to meet her once. Otherwise, he would be in a hundred different situations.    


"It's because of me that An Ran will settle down. I can't let her face it alone."    


"She doesn't need it now." "Sang Huihui replied Ye Cheng impolitely, these words did not come from jealousy, but from deep inside his heart. That's not what she wants! "    


Ye Cheng stared at Sang Huihui, and the others naturally disappeared one by one, leaving the two of them with the possibility of shooting at the wrong direction at any time.    


Compared to the weekend, don't you think that you should care more about the snow? An Ningxuan is not a child, she knows what she wants, furthermore, there is An Gaohan at the An clan.    


"Others might not understand, but you do. What did the An family do to her? An An never said anything about her background, if not for that damnable Ouyang Xiaoxiao, even now I still don't know why she is part of the An clan, and why is she so hard to hide? How can I ? "    


Sang Huihui wanted to give the excited Ye Cheng a slap to the face to calm him down, but when his palm reached's face, it turned into a gentle caress and a warm kiss.    


Ye Cheng was a gentle man. His love for them was never in his mouth, but in his heart. Because of snow, he was willing to fight his way into the Hong Kong Island and bear all the attacks. Because of Mei-zi, he was willing to let go. How could she not understand this man? Now, for An Ningxuan, he was willing to go against the three great families of the capital, and for his beloved girl, he was willing to do anything.    


With his forehead, Sang Huihui used his endless love to hold Ye Cheng's face, and looked at him and said: "Idiot! You are courting death, I dare say those people sitting outside won't even frown as they accompany you to walk through fire and water, but is there any meaning? Did you say that you would give those flames a different type than the one before?    


"I didn't ask them to."    


"What do you think?"    


Ye Cheng sighed, he missed that kiss just now, it was said that a woman's kiss was a good medicine, from the bottom of his heart, he was truly grateful to this woman that did not ask for anything in return. What's the good plan? "    


Sang Huihui laughed and held Ye Cheng's hand to help her return back to their good brothers. A few days ago, she had met Ye Chen in private when she went to the capital, and under Ah San's guidance, she stepped on the capital a little.    


Deng Mengxiu will be in charge of hiding. Lin Xi and Pan Yue will be in charge of external affairs, and Ye Chen will be your substitute. You just need to bring An Ran with you and leave.    


Everyone's plans sounded flawless, but it made Ye Cheng frown. Was he just an embroidered pillow? From the beginning to the end, he had just played the role of an addict. No danger had anything to do with him. Then, he would take some kind of transportation and bring his woman along as he ran. What about the rest?    


No matter how they rehearsed their marriage, the result was always the same, provoking the three great families.    


Who would be able to escape the provocation and retaliation, and perhaps An Ningxuan and I could just run away. But how many people in this large group would become his stepping stone, and how many would die?    


Ye Cheng silently stood on the deck, silently smoking.    


Sang Huihui used reality to teach him a lesson without any retribution, allowing him to clearly see the reality of his face.    


The betrothal banquet was a trap, a way to set off a war.    


"They've all gone back!"    


"We've long since become the food in other people's eyes, haven't we?"    


Sang Huihui leaned into Ye Cheng and nodded. They all know, that's why they have always been bold people who would not hide their intentions.    


"Wife, am I very selfish?"    


"Sang Huihui turned around and stood on his tiptoes to wrap his arms around Ye Cheng's neck. I know that you won't let it go. When I set foot on this land, I had a feeling that there was the answer you were looking for. You won't run away right? "    


Sang Huihui said out the fear that was buried in the bottom of Ye Cheng's heart.    


The old man had used the fate of the Soul House to kidnap Ye Cheng, so it was impossible for him to be let off just like that. This was a completely new challenge.    


Escape! Could he escape?    


Ye Cheng laughed bitterly as he raised his long hair. Looking at the unfamiliar city, he exhaled.    


A group of pigeons flew past in front of him. Ye Cheng felt that he was like the leading white pigeon, if he lost his target and direction, then where would the group of pigeons go?    


That night, Sang Huihui checked out of the room and rented a car to take Ye Cheng around the streets of the capital.    


The two of them were like a pair of newlyweds who would get off the car to play after passing by a historic site, then drive to another attraction. When they were tired of playing, they would sit at an old store on the street and eat some local delicacies before taking selfies without anyone else around them.    


The two of them were so ordinary that they would be drowned if they were thrown into the crowd. Sang Huihui took off her beloved black lace clothing, putting on a sports attire. The truck cap covered most of her face, and her ponytail was erected, treating her as a university student.    


Ye Cheng was even more so a complete little hooligan. She hooked up with her own woman and ran around everywhere to take pictures. From time to time, she would secretly kiss Sang Huihui in front of everyone, making the people on the streets cry out in annoyance and roll their eyes.    


After being scolded by their seniors, the two of them shrugged their shoulders and left with their bags on their backs. They went around to the next area and started doing the whole thing again.    


Over the past few hours, they had harvested a lot of photos and eaten a lot of food. After returning to the hotel that Deng Mengxiu had arranged for them to stay, the two of them put down their pretense and turned on their computers.    


The photos were scanned into the computer. After distinguishing between the two categories, they were looked at separately.    


By nightfall, seven people had been listed in hundreds of photos.    


The next morning, the hotel staff knocked on the door and entered the room. The waiter pushed breakfast into the room, placed the food behind the table, packed up the stuff and left.    


"What do you think about Little Deng leaving his forces in the north and staying away from the three great families?"    


"Shadow Fighter!"    


Before Deng Mengxiu left the Hong Kong Island, he had once revealed that in one of the conflicts, there was someone that died at the hands of the Shadow Fighter. He suspected that the Ouyang family was hiding fellow disciples of the same sect, and that person was the person who sold them out.    


It was cold to the north, but it was an evil!    


In order to resolve the awkwardness of the north, they would draw large prices on their own land to create something to put pressure on others. They had heard that there were places where the higher ups could do even more evil things in order to keep their momentum.    


Although there was no power in the north, it was not the same. As a part of the capital city, the area was huge and there were many industries involved. How could the three great clans not care about this piece of fat?    


In the capital, there was an ancient saying that was very interesting. Four sects, four flags, twelve sects, they were referring to the division of powers within the capital.    


The four gates were the four ancient clans of the capital, the Heavens! Earth! Human! Ghost!    


The people of the Old Jiang Hu all knew about these four gates, but with the evolution of time, only the three great clans knew about them. The people of the Old Jiang Hu all knew about these four gates, but with the evolution of time, only the three great clans knew about them.    


The four flags were a symbol of the four ancient clans. Each of them controlled one of the four ancient sects.    


Some of them were destroyed by the combined forces of the other three great clans, while others said that the yin qi was too much, and that they would only seek their own demise if they were unlucky. In short, the Ghost sect had already disappeared from the eyes of the people during the early stages of liberation.    


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