The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng returned to the dining table, looking as if nothing had happened with a calm face. He could not even remember how much had happened, so naturally, he could easily hide the emotional fluctuations caused by the little matter of kidnapping.    


He smiled apologetically at Pu Wanqing, "Teacher Wanqing, I am really sorry, my friend called me because he has urgent business, I need to go out for a while, so I can't accompany you to dinner."    


"If you have something urgent, you can go ahead and do it first. No need to specially greet me." Pu Wanqing said in a reasonable manner.    


Then, Ye Cheng turned to Mu Lingdie and said: "Xiao Die, help me greet Teacher Wanqing. I'm going out for a while.    


"Alright, go and come back early." Mu Lingdie did not ask Ye Cheng in detail what he wanted to do.    


"Brother, come back early. We'll leave some food for you." Lu Mengzhu said obediently.    


"Sure, you guys eat more!" Ye Cheng greeted the five beauties and went to his bedroom.    


The millions of cash that Ye Cheng had gotten from his wife had not even been deposited into the bank yet, of which, he counted out a hundred thousand and put into a black backpack. From the ransom the other party asked for, he could determine that the kidnappers were just some small fry. A single kidnapping was only a hundred thousand dollars, it was not enough to take a risk.    


Carrying the money, he went downstairs and drove straight to the seaside on Coastal Avenue. On the way, he called Zhang Kejia a few times, but all of them were turned off.    


When he left home, it was a little past eight. Ye Cheng arrived at the Coastal Avenue before eight-thirty. He called back and found that the other party had turned off their phone. It seemed like these guys were quite vigilant. He parked the car by the side of the road and lit a cigarette.    


At half past eight, the criminal changed his number and called Ye Cheng's phone.    


"I'm already here. Where should we go next?" Ye Cheng asked first.    


The strange man asked, "Did you bring the money?"    


"Yes, I brought it. 100,000 credits are not too little!" Ye Cheng said.    


"Alright, go to the bottom of Lotus Flower Mountain and wait for our next instructions!"    


Ye Cheng was no stranger to Lotus Flower Mountain, and had been there many times. He followed the coastal road all the way, and after about ten minutes, he arrived at the foot of the Lotus Mountain.    


Very quickly, another unfamiliar number called Ye Cheng's cell phone, instructing him to the rear mountain of the Lotus Flower Mountain.    


When they arrived at the foot of the mountain at the back of the Lotus Flower Mountain, the criminal once again instructed Ye Cheng to take some money up the mountain. There was no road at the back of the mountain, only a winding road. Ye Cheng had to abandon his car and walk up the mountain.    


The date was approaching 15 and the moonlight was bright. It was as if the moonlight had enveloped the entire mountain with a layer of silver splendor. With a cigarette in his mouth, Ye Cheng climbed along the small mountain path for five to six minutes. Suddenly, four people jumped out from the small forest beside the road.    


All four wore black masks over their heads, exposing only their eyes, nostrils, and mouths. One of them pointed his gun at Ye Cheng and shouted: "Stop, do not move!"    


Ye Cheng stopped and asked, "Are you the kidnappers?"    


"Cut the crap, have you brought the money?" The man with the gun swore.    


"Yes, it's all here." Ye Cheng raised the black backpack in his hands and said.    


"Throw it over!" The man shook his gun as if he was afraid that Ye Cheng wouldn't be able to see that he had a gun in his hand.    


Being pointed at with a gun, Ye Cheng was fearless. He said calmly, "I can give you guys the money, but you have to let me see that Zhang Kejia is safe and sound first."    


"At this point, you have to listen to our arrangements, or else we'll shoot you." The man aimed his gun at Ye Cheng's head, "Wait until we reach the rundown temple in front, you will naturally meet Zhang Kejia. Let our boss verify that the amount of money is correct and then we will let you guys go."    


Ye Cheng thought it was funny. You wanted to use a simulation gun to scare me, even if it was a real gun, I could still kill you with a second. He did not point it out and just threw the backpack over.    


A masked man stepped forward and picked up the backpack. Opening the lock, he saw a bundle of red notes inside, his eyes revealing a greedy look. He casually took out a bundle and took out a dozen of them. Then, he said to the man that was picking them up, "Old Six, the money inside is real. It should be around a hundred thousand yuan."    


"Take it back for boss to see!" The sixth brother waved at the other two and said, "Tie him up. We must tie him up firmly. If we let him escape, we won't be his match."    


"Brat, you'd better behave, or else your girlfriend will suffer a bad end." The other two masked men first threatened Ye Cheng, then used a rope to carefully move closer to Ye Cheng.    


With your little guts, you dare to become a kidnapper? You sure are disgraceful to a kidnapper, Ye Cheng disdained in his heart.    


Ye Cheng, on the other hand, was extremely cooperative, and was tightly tied up by the two masked men. His upper limbs and body were tightly bound together. His hands were crossed together and his thighs were also tied together. He could only take small steps or jump around.    


The other two masked men had tied a leash around Ye Cheng's neck and were holding onto it with ropes. If Ye Cheng made any unusual movements, he only needed to pull the rope to tighten his neck.    


The two of them held Ye Cheng's hand and continued to walk up the mountain. The other two people followed behind Ye Cheng, while the Sixth Brother aimed his gun at Ye Cheng's head.    


"Damn, he's pulling me along like an ox!" "Damn it!" Ye Cheng stared coldly at the two people in front of him. To dare insult him like this, he decided that these two fellows deserved to die.    


"Hurry up, you're a snail!" The sixth brother urged her while cursing.    


Ye Cheng hopped and followed the group of people for around 10 minutes, after which a run-down temple appeared in front of them. The four of them pushed and shoved, bringing Ye Cheng into the center of the temple.    


It was unknown when the broken temple was built, but it only had three rooms, and they were in a dilapidated state. If there was a single rainstorm, it was very likely to collapse.    


In the temple, Zhang Kejia lied on the ground with his hands behind his back, tied up to his legs, his face was pale white, his complexion was pale, his soul was in danger, his mouth was stuffed with flesh-colored stockings. There were four masked men standing beside her. Three of them had daggers in their hands, while the other one had a simulation 54 pistol.    


"Since we've already given you the money, shouldn't you let us go?" When Ye Cheng saw Zhang Kejia's pitiful and panic-stricken look, the flames of fury in his heart burned.    


"Woo woo!" Seeing Ye Cheng, Zhang Kejia struggled as if he wanted to say something, but unfortunately, he couldn't say anything with the stocking stuck in his mouth.    


"Brat, stop dreaming. We never planned on letting you off after bringing you here." The man with the gun laughed. "You from the wilderness, we did this to you. Tell me, when will you be found?"    


The moment he said that, Ye Cheng immediately recognized that he was the little hoodlum who had the nickname of 'rat eye'. You're right, the wilderness is indeed a good place to kill and rob. I'm afraid that if you guys can't kill me, you'll end up throwing your lives away instead. "    


"You brat, you're so arrogant. Do you believe that I won't shoot you right now?" rat eye threatened with a handgun.    


"Little Jia, close your eyes. I don't want to scare you later." Ye Cheng said.    


Zhang Kejia thought that Ye Cheng would be harmed, so she closed her beautiful eyes helplessly. Sparkling tears dripped from the corner of her eyes.    


Ye Cheng's eyes flashed with a cold light, his arms and legs exerted force at the same time, and with a bang, the rope binding him was forcibly snapped.    


These people had all experienced Ye Cheng's super strong skills at noon, but never would they have thought that Ye Cheng would be abnormal to such a degree, to the point that he could easily break the rope.    


The man who was pulling the rope around Ye Cheng's neck turned pale with fright, and started to pull on the rope hurriedly. In the split second he was panicking, Ye Cheng had already grabbed onto the other end of the rope.    


"Come here!" With a fierce tug from Ye Cheng, the man staggered over. He took the opportunity to raise his foot and kicked fiercely at the man's crotch.    


The man screamed out in incomparable pain, as he fell to the ground while clutching his crotch, rolling around in a mess. Traces of blood flowed out from his crotch, as Ye Cheng unreservedly broke his egg with a kick.    


"Don't move, if you dare touch me again, I'll shoot her." rat eye was clever, seeing that the situation was not right, he immediately pointed his spear at Zhang Kejia's head.    


Ye Cheng did not even look at the rat eye, and casually swung out a throwing knife. At the same time, he sprinted out like a rabbit, straight towards the two masked men with daggers.    


rat eye saw a hint of cold light, but before he could dodge, he felt a chill on his neck. He opened his mouth to shout, but was unable to do so.    


At this time, Ye Cheng reached out his hands and grabbed onto the two masked men's hands. The strength of the two was not on the same level as Ye Cheng. As he flipped his arm, the daggers in both of their hands seemed to grow eyes as they stabbed into their own hearts.    


In the next second, Ye Cheng raised his leg and kicked both of them away, two daggers covered in blood appearing in his hands. His body leaped up and flashed with a cold light. A bloody wound appeared on the necks of the other two masked men who were wielding daggers. Fresh blood gushed out from their wounds.    


Within two seconds, the five of them were lying in a pool of blood.    


Ah!" Scared to the point that Ol 'Six's legs went weak, he turned around and ran.    


"Die!" Ye Cheng waved his hands, and two daggers flew out and instantly pierced the sixth brother's neck and the other masked man's heart, killing him with one strike.    


The last masked man was scared out of his wits. He knelt on the ground and begged while trembling in pain: "Please spare me, I am just following orders and do not want to harm you guys. This is the idea of rat eye and Brother Hong. "I really don't want to die. Please spare my pathetic life ?"    


"If it were not for me, would you guys have let Zhang Kejia off? If it were anyone else, they would have already been ruined by trash like you. " Ye Cheng extended both his hands out, and with a 'kacha' sound, he snapped the person's neck.    


Ye Cheng often carried out missions of killing enemies when he was in the special forces. He was like a sharp knife that stabbed into the heart of his enemies, and the number of lives that he saw reduced by a lot. Just like many other special forces, they were used to living a life of slaughter and killing. After leaving the army, many of them would choose to join organizations like mercenaries to live a life of bloodshed.    


Ye Cheng also realized that he was being too bloodthirsty, but once he displayed his might, it was difficult for him to control his own merciless killing intent, so he could only kill those who deserved to be killed.    


"I'm fine!" Ye Cheng carried Zhang Kejia and buried her head in his chest, afraid that she would see a scene filled with blood. He carried her and left the temple.    


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