Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C896 Tragedy!

C896 Tragedy!

Jin Hailoong exclaimed in realization, "Are you asking about the boss and the dead mistress? The person who just received the call was here to meet up. According to the timing, it should be here! Boss is a punctual person! " Jin Hailoong, who came from a secret service, naturally knew not to expose his target. When he spoke, he used the titles of "boss" and "mistress", respectively, to replace Lu Lee and Chen Zhen. This made Wu Tie, who was observing the situation from the side, laugh. This time, he was really hurt, so he hurried forward to talk to the people who came over and patted Jin Hailoong on the shoulder, indicating that he had arrived.    


However, before Jin Hailoong could react, Chen Zhen's universe exploded with anger and embarrassment. Without a second word, she went up to Jin Hailoong and twisted his ears, cursing loudly, "You are the Annihilation Grand Master, your entire family is the Annihilation Grand Master!" This time, her voice returned to its original voice. Luo Tianle immediately recognized junior sister's voice, and immediately exclaimed in surprise and delight, "You are junior sister? Why did it become like this, no one could recognize it! This dress of yours is so beautiful! "    


Jin Hailoong couldn't hear what they were saying. The moment his ears were twisted, he was stunned. What on earth is going on with a long-haired beauty shouting at him? For a moment, he was lost in thought. After being stunned for a moment, he finally realized that he didn't know her, so he grabbed Chen Zhen's ear and pulled it off, causing her to be unable to move! Luo Tianle saw that he couldn't take it anymore and quickly shouted and gestured at Jin Hailoong, saying, "Let go! Let go! She's one of us! " How could Jin Hailoong hear him? His hand showed no mercy and he exerted even more force.    


Chen Zhen saw this and suddenly remembered that Jin Hailoong was deafened by the explosion. She knew that no matter what she said, he wouldn't hear it, one of her arms was grabbed tightly by him, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't get rid of it. She simply used her other hand to pull off the wig, pointed at her nose and said: "It's me! Let go quickly! Look carefully, it's me! " This time, Jin Hailoong saw Chen Zhen's signature buzz cut clearly. He was so frightened that he quickly moved his hand away. He clasped his hands together and bowed to Chen Zhen repeatedly. How could this little miss be willing to comply? Waving the long hair in his hands, Jin Hailoong was forced to retreat step by step. In the end, he fell and sat in a puddle. His butt and body were covered in mud!    


Jin Hailoong's embarrassed look amused everyone. Chen Zhen also stopped taking revenge on him after seeing that he was doing well. Seeing how lively it was, he couldn't help but reveal a rare smile. He walked over and picked up Jin Hailoong, who was still sitting in the water, then stuffed a loudspeaker into his ear hole and gave him a big bag of drugs to treat his hearing. These were all prepared by Lu Lee last night. Jin Hailoong's hearing became normal this time, he gratefully said to Lu Lee: "Thank you Elder Brother Lee, I finally feel what it means to be ten deaf and nine stupid! I'm so depressed! " With the megaphone on, his voice was normal. He gave Chen Zhen, who had put on the wig again, a big thumbs up and said, "Dr. Chen, you look so beautiful. I didn't recognize you. Just keep on dressing like this!"    


Chen Zhen, who had been flustered and exasperated just a moment ago, was now flushed red with shyness when she heard Jin Hailoong's praise of the change in her image. For the first time, she didn't shout out loudly, but instead lowered her head and used the tip of her foot to rub a small leaf on the ground. Luo Tianle was so happy that he burst into laughter. He walked up to junior sister and said, "junior sister, come, let your Senior Brother take a photo of you and send it to Master. Let him be happy as well!" His name was Song Ge, Chen Zhen's name was Chen Xi, Luo Tianle's name was Fei Yunqing, and Jin Hailoong's name was Dai Zhizhong. Not only was their date of birth or birth changed, even their photo of an inch of free crown was changed to that of a Korean movie star. Where the facial features should have been adorned, they were all embellished by the designers, making them look hundreds of times more handsome, especially Chen Zhen, whose long hair already astonishingly turned out to be beautiful.    


These were all arranged by Lu Lee last night. He didn't expect his subordinates to be so efficient in their work and did everything without any arrangements. Now that he thought about the small details, he actually made everyone's photos look like beautiful Korean celebrities. Chen Zhen followed Lu Lee and got into his car, murmuring, "Great Hero Lu, I think it's safer to follow you. I still haven't lived enough!" The main reason was that the outfit Lu Lee gave her was too much to her liking! Especially after last night, when Chen Zhen looked at this man again, her gaze became especially gentle and complicated.    


"Miss Chen Xi, my name is Song Ge. May I ask who is Hero Lu?" The previous four people no longer existed, and had long been scared out of their wits by the two explosions yesterday. Now, if they wanted to avoid the assassination of their opponents, they could only temporarily conceal their identities and quietly move towards the border, so from now on, they couldn't mention their original names anymore.    


After all, Chen Zhen was an extremely intelligent woman. She had long understood that Lu Lee didn't need to go into detail when she heard him call her that. She quickly changed her way of addressing him, and happily exclaimed, "Song Ge, right? I, Sun Tie, must be feeling wronged to sit in your car!" Hearing her say that, Luo Tianle and Jin Hailoong, who were beside her, laughed. They called each other by their new names and got into the car. "Fei Yunqing, please get in the car!" Hehe, Dai Zhizhong, then I'll have to trouble you to drive the car! " After Jin Hailoong put on the loudspeaker, he no longer had to shout with all his might.    


My grandson, Erlang, has been in a good mood these days. All the news that has come back to him is beneficial to him, especially after getting rid of Lu Lee, this big trouble. This is not only avenging his beloved daughter, Ling Zi, but also losing a strong competitor on the way to finding the treasure. At the start, Jiro simply couldn't believe that the news was real. He told Shimo and Ono to continue searching for the whereabouts of Lu Lee's group of four, but he didn't give any precise information, and just now, when he received a few photos from Ono, one of them was actually the spirit hall set up by Hsinking for Lu Lee, and the other one was the grief-stricken Old Man Lu. The next photo he looked at was a farewell ceremony for the high-ranking officials and military of China.    


After saying this, my grandson, Erlang, laid down on the bed behind me and let out a long breath. This time, he got rid of a big problem, which was very satisfying to him. If this was the case, he could comfort Ling Zi and focus on dealing with Xiao Quan's group. He had to make Chuan and the others pay a heavy price for his cruelty, which could relieve the great hatred in his heart! After relaxing his nerves, Jiro fell asleep on the bed without realizing it.    


As the sky gradually darkened, the sleepy Erlang wanted to get up and turn on the light, but his entire body was sore. He truly did not want to get up, so he continued to stay in bed. Just then, he felt the door of the room being pushed open. The person who heard the sound of footsteps was a young woman, but he could not open his eyes, so he asked, "Who is it? I didn't open the door for you. How did you get in? " Because there was a rule in the hotel, even if the waiters cleaned, they would only come in to clean after the guest had given permission. As for the rest of the people, if they didn't have the room card, or if no customer opened the door from the inside, outsiders wouldn't be able to come in at all.    


little girl, who came in, did not answer Jiro's question, but instead asked him very sternly, "Father! How long has it been since you've forgotten your daughter, Silk? This really makes me sad! " When Jiro heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat. He struggled to sit up and realized that the person who had entered was his beloved daughter, Ling Zi. Her body was covered in blood and she was still the same as the day she was shot. Jiro felt a sharp pain in his chest, and tears came to his eyes. He reached out to his daughter and said, "Silk! My poor child! How could Father forget you? "Ever since the incident with you the other day, I was unable to eat or sleep well. I wanted to kill your enemy immediately and avenge you. Come here, let me see, does your wound still hurt?"    


My grandson, Jiro, didn't care about the pain in his chest. He struggled out of bed and tried to hug his daughter, but Hiroko took a few very light steps back, and Jiro couldn't see how she moved, so he kept trying to get close to her, but he just couldn't get close to her. "Father, why are you so confused?" she asked, suddenly angry. Have you forgotten who killed me? " At this moment, Jiro's face was covered in tears. He spread his hands and called out to his beloved daughter, Silk. "My child, how could I forget our enemy? It's that Chinese Lu Lee, if it wasn't for him betraying his word and leaving, why would such a tragedy have occurred that day when he thought that he had left? "    


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