Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C687 I Can Play but I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I

C687 I Can Play but I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I Can't Play I

He only knew that after a burst of cold light, there was no more sound. His killing technique was clean and carried a trace of coldness.    


When Yuwen Kai looked at Qing He again, he didn't treat the woman in front of him as if she was an ordinary person. He clearly understood that no ordinary woman would have such courage like her.    


To Yuwen Kai, the woman in front of him was not only a woman, but also an opponent that he revered. Thinking about this, Yuwen Kai's gaze became even more excited.    


He immediately shouted to Zhangs, "Leave her to me, you guys deal with the rest of the people quickly. If you don't kill everyone when I finish dealing with her, how about you treat me to a drink?"    


"No problem. If you lose, just write me a note." As he spoke, he wielded his blade and cut towards the crowd.    


The lackeys on the side also saw this and their eyes turned red. The blades in their hands continuously danced in the air. Even Lu Lee couldn't help but be shocked by this momentum, but he knew that this wasn't the most important thing.    


It would be very troublesome if they were let go of the life and death of the decision makers. Lu Lee planned to go to the easiest place to set up the secret passage.    


Sure enough, after some fiddling around, Lu Lee successfully saw the entrance, so he chased after it. Judging from the tire tracks, Lu Lee naturally knew that they didn't run far.    


"F * ck!" "How can we find a car in this situation!" Lu Lee cursed silently. Seeing an unlocked motorcycle not far away, he immediately got on it without caring about anything else.    


With an extremely fast speed, he rushed towards the direction that Yunze Family and the rest were driving in, and caught sight of a crazy woman in the mirror at the back of the car.    


Lu Lee was surprised when he chased after the motorcycle with his full speed. However, the woman was unable to keep up after chasing for a while.    


Only then did Lu Lee speed up the throttle and run towards the highway. He only stopped after he chased for a few kilometers until the motorcycle ran out of gas.    


Yuwen Kai took out his cell phone and called Yuwen Kai. When he received Lu Lee's call, Yuwen Kai said excitedly, "We've already settled Lu Lee. Where did you go to the capital?"    


"I'm on the highway, come pick me up quickly. The upper levels of Yunze Family have run away, if you don't hurry up and prepare, I'm afraid there will be danger."    


"Got it. Wait right where you are. We'll be there shortly." Yuwen Kai said in a low voice, he suppressed Qing He with one hand and said, "Tie her up for me."    


"Yes sir!" The lackeys answered in unison, and tied up Qing He. In order to prevent Qing He from escaping, Yuwen Kai tied her and his hands together.    


Coincidentally, Chang Wu and coincidentally saw it, so they revealed an expression that all men understood.    


After settling the Yunze Family, everyone left behind a few cleaning locations, while the others headed off to other places. The main purpose was to not attract attention, and the first batch of people were brought there by strings.    


Their destination was the highway where Lu Lee was at. Intuition told him that today's incident wasn't over, so Lu Lee must have other plans.    


After all, he didn't think that Lu Lee was someone who would give up so easily. It wasn't that easy to get rid of weeds.    


The string sat inside the bullet and thought to itself as the car drove towards Lu Lee's direction at its fastest speed.    


Half an hour later, Lu Lee met up with Zhangs on the highway.    


Knowing that the battlefield had been cleaned up, Lu Lee nodded his head. However, his intuition told him that things would not be so simple. There must be something else. At least from the authorities' perspective, there must be something else.    


Sure enough, Lu Lee's cell phone rang. Lu Lee saw the name of Oda's home as he wished it to be.    


Sitting in the car, Lu Lee pressed the answer button and Old Man Oda's old voice entered his ears.    


"Li brat, did you just go to the Yunze Family?" Old Man Oda said lightly. His tone was full of probing, but Lu Lee knew that he had come prepared.    


"Yes, you received the news so quickly." "Hehe." Lu Lee answered indifferently. Although he relied on Oda's family, he was not worried about what Oda's family would do.    


Sure enough, after hearing Lu Lee's promise, Old Man Oda went silent. After a long while, he asked sternly, "Have you considered the consequences of this matter? Aren't you worried that something might happen?" If the authorities want to hold you accountable, even I won't be able to protect you. "    


"I know, I know, but I'm not trying to suppress the temper of others. I think you should understand." Lu Lee said while smoking his cigarette. There was no intention to retreat.    


Old Man Oda originally wanted to use this opportunity to suppress Lu Lee, but after hearing his reply, he seemed to have no other choice. Since Wu Tie had already said so, there was no other way. "You! "Sigh!"    


"Rest assured old man, I will not make things difficult for you. If you need to do something, you can do it." Lu Lee said nonchalantly, but there was something in his tone.    


Old Man Oda, who had been on the throne for a long time, didn't know what Lu Lee meant. After all, the two of them were on the same side.    


While struggling internally, Old Man Oda finally said slowly: "I hope there won't be a next time, if possible."    


"Of course, I hope so as well. After all, I am not the one who has taken the initiative to cause trouble for others. "I hope everyone will be fine if they don't have to." Lu Lee replied quickly.    


Lu Lee hung up after exchanging a few more pleasantries. Then, he started to plan in his mind.    


Looks like people who are weak will always be suppressed by others. Lu Lee self-deprecatingly laughed as he thought about Smith. Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind and he typed out a text message to Smith.    


The content was probably the negotiation of the arms business and so on. As expected, it was as Lu Lee thought, Smith quickly replied after receiving the text message. The message was very clear.    


However, Lu Lee wouldn't believe that he was in the front line just because of this. After thinking about it, he finally confirmed that it was better to meet up. He remembered the place Fujiwara Jing brought him to, so he pressed the send button.    


Three minutes later, Ye Zichen's phone lit up. Although he was a bit hesitant, he still confirmed it in the end.    


After Lu Lee told him the address, he stepped on the accelerator and headed towards his destination. Not long later, Lu Lee arrived outside the coffee shop.    


He opened the door and whispered, "Do you need me to go in with you?"    


"No way, I will make the arrangements. Go back and let them prepare, if nothing unexpected happens, Yunze Family's revenge will soon begin."    


"Yes, I will." The string nodded as it answered, but the worry in its eyes didn't diminish at all. It was better to follow Lu Lee in.    


Just when he was about to open his mouth, Lu Lee turned around and casually left without giving him a chance to speak again.    


After that, Lu Lee turned around and walked towards the coffee shop. Looking at the ambiguous signboard, Lu Lee couldn't help but sigh at the first scene.    


He really didn't expect to meet a man in such an ambiguous coffee shop. If Fujiwara Jing knew that he had come with a man, he really didn't know how she would react.    


Thinking about this, Lu Lee's mouth split into a smile. When he saw all the pretty guests at the entrance, he subconsciously took out his money and stuffed it into one of their business lines. The smiling faces of the guests blossomed like petals.    


"Sir, please come in. We have already prepared a private room." The receptionist said with a professional smile. She led Lu Lee out of the room. Sure enough, it was the room they first saw.    


It had already been one or two months. What Lu Lee didn't expect was that not only his disguise, but even the sandalwood fragrance didn't change at all. It was just that his state of mind was different.    


"Hur hur." Lu Lee said in a bland voice. He took out his phone and checked the time. He guessed that Smith would appear within a few minutes. Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility of Smith putting him down.    


Time passed minute by minute, second by second, Lu Lee looked at the surrounding scene in boredom, Fujiwara Jing's beautiful body appeared in his mind. At this moment, Smith pushed open the door to the room.    


Seeing Lu Lee lost in thought, he immediately said apologetically, "I'm sorry for disturbing Mr Lu."    


"It's okay, sit down. First of all, I'm very glad you're not late because I hate people like that. " Lu Lee said with a smile, his eyes seemed to be searching for something.    


Hearing Lu Lee's words, Smith bowed politely with a plain smile on his face, "We English have always abided by our understanding, please trust me, Mr Lu."    


"Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't have invited you here." Lu Lee sipped a mouthful of coffee and said. His gaze was still on Smith. When he noticed the sincerity in Smith's eyes, he nodded repeatedly.    


"Not bad, very sincere eyes. I think we can start talking about the following matters."    


"I also have the same idea. I don't know what Mr Lu thinks about the things between us, and I have always been very curious why Mr Lu would cooperate with Japanese. Is there something wrong with this?" Smith did not hide anything and asked directly.    


"Yeah, listen to me tell a story." Lu Lee said blandly and then roughly added the details between him and Oda. Of course, he had made some changes to the necessary areas.    


After listening to Lu Lee's story, Smith fell into deep thought. He seemed to be considering whether Lu Lee's words were trustworthy or not, or whether such a partner was trustworthy. After all, he did not wish for the last time to happen again.    


After hesitating for a while, Smith slowly said, "Mr Lu, how can I believe what you just said? Since you said that Japanese wanted you to pretend to be the crown prince to trick me, then how could I believe that you didn't? "    


"That depends on you. If you don't want to trust me, then our conversation can end here. I believe that I can find a better partner, and you are the same, right? See you later." Lu Lee said forcefully, then turned around and left.    


Seeing that Lu Lee had made up his mind, a flash of anxiety passed through Smith's eyes. Finally, when Lu Lee walked to the door, he suddenly exclaimed: "No! "Don't go, Mr Lu. I think we should talk about the things that we might have. After all, the weapons in my hands are very good, aren't they?"    


"No, what I have my eyes on is not what you have in your hands, but you. However, it is clear that you do not trust me, and there is no need for us to continue talking. I'm sorry, I have things I need to do." Lu Lee opened the door as he spoke.    


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