Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C338 Lingering Ghost

C338 Lingering Ghost

Victoria was oblivious to it as she followed behind Lu Lee and the others, curiously admiring the quiet place.    


Lu Lee also noticed the two people who were following them. He quietly gave a signal to Lu Ao, who nodded and then went into hiding behind a big tree. Lu Lee accompanied Victoria, giving directions as they walked. Not long later, Lu Ao returned. He carried a man and said, "Done. You can go bring the other one." Lu Lee smiled and said to Victoria, "Accompany Uncle Ao back first, I'll be right there."    


A few minutes later, Lu Lee also came back with a man.    


Lu Ao was sitting on the sofa. The man he brought back was right under his feet. Victoria was asking in fluent Chinese, "Tell me, who are you?" That person had his eyes closed and did not speak. Lu Lee threw the man on the ground. The man had already fainted. Then she smiled and said to Victoria, "You won't be able to get anything out of me like this." With that, he walked in front of Lu Ao. Lu Ao moved his foot and Lu Lee brought that person out.    


Lu Lee asked with a smile, "Speak, who sent you here?" That man was still holding on to his life. Lu Lee raised his hand and a Willow Leaf Knife appeared in it, "You guys should know who I am by now, right?" Lu Lee didn't say anything further and slashed at the man's left wrist. The man felt some pain and opened his eyes, blood flowing from his wrist.    


Lu Lee then said, "When do you want me to open my mouth? When can I help you stop the bleeding?" If you want to see yourself bleed to death, I don't care. I think your companions understand the value of life better than you do, and they will cooperate with us obediently. " The man wanted to use his right hand to grab the wrist of his left hand to stop the flow of blood, but how could Lu Lee let him succeed? Lu Lee grabbed his right hand and stepped on it.    


Victoria was a woman after all, so she couldn't bear to see such a scene unfold. "Say it, you won't be able to hold on for long." Lu Ao, on the other hand, didn't look over and focused on brewing the tea.    


The man's face began to turn pale and beads of sweat began to appear. Lu Lee smiled and said, "Look down, how much blood did you lose? Let's guess how long you can last. "Victoria, how long do you think he'll be able to last?" Victoria said, "I estimate that he will be able to hold on for another half an hour." Lu Lee shook his head, "I drew deeper. I feel that if we don't stop his bleeding immediately, he can only last 15 minutes at most."    


The servants left behind by Lee Hao had obviously seen the world. They didn't seem to see what Lu Lee and the others were doing and what they should do, so they didn't feel flustered. Lu Lee waved his hand and called Butler Li over. "Prepare a box and dig a hole in the back garden. After this fellow's blood runs out, use the box to bury him." Housekeeper Li indifferently looked at the man on the ground and said, "Yes, sir, I will go and prepare it." It was as if the person lying on the ground was already dead.    


The man's spirit had completely collapsed. "I'll say!" Lu Lee pretended not to hear him, and the man quickly said, "I'll say, I'll say, is that alright?" Lu Lee glanced at him and said: "If I had told you earlier, I would have done it. But I love to suffer this kind of pain." Then he called out, "Butler Li, bring some blood medicine and bandages here. Let's bandage him up first."    


Steward Li brought something over and began to seriously bandage the man's wounds. Housekeeper Li was extremely skilled. Lu Lee smiled and said, "Housekeeper Li, you're a doctor?" Butler Li smiled, "Sir, I used to be a soldier." Lu Lee said, "No wonder, these people are all from the military?" Butler Li shook his head, "They were all once Mr. Lee Hao's subordinates." Lu Lee understood that these people were all trained agents.    


The fact that Housekeeper Li could tell him all of this showed that Lee Hao was doing it for his own safety and privacy. Lu Lee laughed, "So that's how it is." Butler Li lightly asked after bandaging the man, "Mr Lu, is there anything else?" Lu Lee replied, "For the time being, I don't have any. You can go."    


After Butler Li left, Lu Lee looked at the man coldly, "You should be glad that your choice allowed you to retrieve your life. However, your life is still in my hands, next time you might not be so lucky." The man was already sweating profusely: "I say, my name is Zhong Yu and he is Zhong Wu. We are all people of Zhong Family at the Southern Mountain." Lu Lee said: "I know, I want to know who Zhong Family is this time?"    


Zhong Yu said: "It's Zhong Bingkun." Lu Lee did not know Zhong Bingkun, but according to the name, he should be the brother of Zhong Binngliang and Zhong Binngtai. Lu Ao said lightly: "Zhong Bingkun, an expert at the eighth level of the Zhong Family." "Who else?" Lu Lee asked. Zhong Yu shook her head. "He's the only one here. The others are just some errands runners like us." Lu Lee asked, "Where's Zhong Binngliang?" Zhong Yu replied, "I don't know. Our mission this time is only to monitor you. We must firmly lock onto your whereabouts."    


As a small character in the Zhong Family, naturally, he would not know what the upper echelons wanted to do. However, Lu Lee felt that it was impossible for the Zhong Family to send only one level eight expert to the Lion City, and he believed more that Zhong Binngliang would arrive as well. It was just that he did not know where he was at the moment, or what he wanted to do. But Lu Lee secretly became vigilant. He frowned and asked Lu Ao, "Uncle Ao, what should we do with these two?"    


Lu Ao said lightly, "Throw them out. You promised to let them go. Just throw them out. I believe they won't be able to create any big waves." Lu Lee laughed bitterly, "It seems that the Zhong Family has already haunted us." Then, he looked at Zhong Yu and said, "I'll let you guys go, but I hope you guys can keep your mouths shut for today's matter. I think if you let them know that you've sold out your Zhong Family, they'll definitely not let you guys go."    


Lu Lee walked up to the unconscious man and gave him a powerful kick. "You're still pretending to be dead? Get up and get lost!" "Don't worry, Mr Lu. We won't say a word." With that, he supported Zhong Yu and ran away.    


Steward Li appeared out of nowhere. He brought a servant with him to quickly clean up the bloodstains on the ground before disappearing from the sight of Lu Lee and the others. Lu Lee was very satisfied with the few people that Lee Hao left for him, especially this butler.    


Lu Ao brewed another pot of tea and poured himself a cup before sipping it carefully. "Lee, what do you think?" Lu Lee said, "Not at the moment, but I think Zhong Binngliang is here too." Liu Tie nodded his head: "En, I think that Zhong Family should already know that I'm by your side, since they are so interested in your whereabouts, their goal is to kill you, Zhong Bingkun doesn't have that ability, even if they can't estimate your strength correctly, they shouldn't ignore my existence."    


Lu Lee said, "So I think they will attack us at night. I just don't know which night they will choose." Lu Ao smiled and said, "Come on, I think you don't mind leaving Zhong Binngliang behind, right?" Lu Lee also laughed, "Of course not. Such an opponent is one less."    


Victoria didn't say anything. She seemed to be deep in thought. Lu Lee waved his hand in front of her face, startling her. Lu Lee asked, "What are you thinking about?" Victoria said, "I'm listening to what you guys are saying." Lu Lee said, "Tell me your opinion." Victoria said, "I don't think they would directly attack us if they knew Uncle Ao was here." Although Victoria's Mandarin sounded fluent, there were occasionally some grammatical problems, which did not hinder Lu Lee from communicating with her.    


Lu Lee said, "Oh? "What do you mean?" Victoria said, "I don't think they would threaten us with anything." Lu Lee was surprised, but when he thought about it, there was nothing he could be the opponent's weight, so he didn't put it to heart.    


Housekeeper Li walked over: "Mr Lu, Jin Family has sent an invitation, inviting you to dinner." Lu Lee forced a smile and said: "Seems like this Jin Family really likes treating people to food." Butler Li revealed a strange smile. "The person who sent the post to you was not Jinshan, but Jin Linglin." Lu Lee stared blankly for a moment before accepting the invitation. The signature on the invitation was indeed Jin Linglin, and she had only invited Lu Lee himself.    


Victoria snatched the invitation from him and glanced at it, "Lu, looks like the Jin Family girl has fallen for you." Lu Lee laughed, "What's wrong?" Are you jealous? " Victoria smiled sweetly. "Whoever gets jealous of you will feel uncomfortable. Can you finish them all?" Then, Victoria said, "You seem to be quite concerned about Jin Family." Lu Lee nodded. "Yes, this is indeed abnormal." Victoria said, "Will you be going then?" Lu Lee replied: "Go, why wouldn't he go? I want to see what exactly his Jin Family is capable of."    


At Jin Family, Jinshan was currently accompanying his daughter and drinking coffee.    


"Daddy, why do you think so highly of that Lu guy?" Jin Linglin asked, puzzled. Jinshan smiled and said, "Linglin, what do you think of that Lu Lee?" Jin Linglin thought about it and said, "Young, handsome and has a good temperament, but it doesn't feel like a young person. He's too shrewd." Jinshan nodded. "It seems that you've observed it quite meticulously." Lili said, "But is it worth it for you to think so highly of it?"    


Jinshan said, "Have you heard of the Lu Family in the capital?" Jin Linglin said: "I've heard of it, the one in charge of Lu Family right now seems to be a high ranking official of the China army." Jinshan nodded his head, "There are a few leaders of Lu Family in the military, and Lu Lei, who is in charge of the family, has a lot of authority. However, the Lu Family is in some trouble right now, that's why Lu Lee is traveling far away. " Jin Linglin said, "Why?" Jinshan laughed, "The Lu Family paid the price of abandoning Lu Lee, and got the Lu Family out of its predicament."    


Jin Linglin said, "Since Lu Family has already given up on him, why do you still think so highly of him?" Jinshan said, "You don't know about this, do you think that Lu Family will really give up on him? He is the person with the most future prospects in Lu Family. " Jin Linglin said, "But will he be able to help us out?" Jinshan said, "Actually, I don't know either, but I can guarantee one thing. If Lu Lee is truly able to become the person in charge of Lu Family in the future, then the investment we made in him today will definitely bear fruit. As for our trouble, as long as Lu Family is willing to help, I think we can solve it."    


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