Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C315 Responsibility

C315 Responsibility

Lu Lee looked at Loong Hsingbahn, "Master, we can't stay in Hsinking for too long, look …" Before he finished, Loong Hsingbahn waved his hand with a smile: "Okay, let's go."    


The three of them took a taxi and arrived near the secret organization. Loong Hsingbahn led them to an inconspicuous small door. Loong Hsingbahn knocked on the door and it opened. A military police captain stuck his head out. When he saw Loong Hsingbahn, a smile appeared on his face, "Elder Loong, why are you here?" Then, he looked at Lu Lee and Zhangs, who were behind Loong Hsingbahn, and frowned. "Let us in first." Loong Hsingbahn said. There were two warriors beside the captain. They looked at Loong Hsingbahn in confusion.    


After thinking for a moment, Captain An still let the three in. He quickly closed the door and asked, "Elder Loong, what are you doing?" Loong Hsingbahn said, "I have urgent matters to attend to and must meet with the Chairman." Captain An said, "I'm sorry, Elder Loong. I didn't receive any notice from the Internal Security Bureau." Loong Hsingbahn said, "How about this, I won't make things difficult for you. I'll call the chairman myself and ask for his permission. How about it?" After thinking for a while, Captain An nodded his head. "Fine, I'll go with you to make a phone call." Then he looked at Lu Lee and Tsukiko. "Stay here and don't move."    


After saying that, he gave the two warriors a meaningful look. The two warriors held their guns, vigilantly looking at Lu Lee and Zhangs. The strings were a little uncomfortable, so they glared at them and wanted to get angry. Hearing Lu Lee's words, Yanzi held herself back. Loong Hsingbahn said to Lu Lee, "You guys wait here first, I'll go inside and make a phone call."    


After seven or eight minutes, Loong Hsingbahn and Captain An came out of the room. Loong Hsingbahn was still holding a piece of paper in his hand. He said to Lu Lee, "You go with me. The string will go back first." He had originally thought that he would be fortunate enough to see the head of China tonight. This was an incredible matter. According to the words of the ancient people, it would be like looking at the sky and seeing the face of the heavens.    


Lu Lee said to Zhangs gently: "You can go back first, make some preparations. Tomorrow morning, we will leave the Hsinking. As for meeting with the leader, I think there will be more opportunities in the future." After Lu Lee's words hit on his mind, String smiled embarrassedly. Then, she bid farewell to Elder Loong and left through the small door.    


Lu Lee followed Loong Hsingbahn into the house and passed through the house. It was a small path. Captain An saw them out of the house and respectfully said to Loong Hsingbahn, "Elder Loong, I won't accompany you." Loong Hsingbahn smiled, "Alright, you brat. I know this place better than you do. Go back to your work."    


Along the way, other than a few teams of patrolling armed police officers, Lu Lee didn't see anyone else. Every time the patrol team came up to investigate, Loong Hsingbahn would pass the paper in his hands to them. Loong Hsingbahn whispered, "Do you think the security isn't tight?" Lu Lee shook his head. "Even though it looks like that, there's a cold killing intent hidden everywhere." Loong Hsingbahn laughed, "Did you feel it?" Wu Tie nodded. Loong Hsingbahn said, "That's why I said if you try to barge in, you'll be courting death."    


He moved to Lu Lee's side again and said, "Compared to the real 'shadow' guards, Ye Tian and the others are just a vase." Lu Lee forced a smile, at the same time, he strengthened his determination to work hard. He suddenly felt that his field of vision was too narrow in the past, and he was too arrogant. The little ability he had in the past could not even be considered a decoration in the eyes of others, it was just like a child playing house.    


After walking for almost 40 minutes, the two of them arrived in front of a small courtyard. Three middle-aged men wearing black Chinese mountain suits stood at the entrance of the courtyard, and upon seeing Loong Hsingbahn and the others arrive, the man with glasses in the middle walked up and held Loong Hsingbahn's hands: "Elder Loong, the chairman told me to wait here for you, please come in!" As he spoke, he glanced at Lu Lee with arrogance in his eyes.    


Loong Hsingbahn said to Lu Lee, "This is Chairman Chen's secretary, Comrade Li Shan." Lu Lee stretched out his hands and greeted, "Hello, Secretary Li!" Li Shan reached out his hand and gently touched Lu Lee's hand before withdrawing it. Lu Lee frowned. This secretary was too arrogant! However, Lu Lee was not a stingy person and did not take it to heart. Lu Lee looked at the two middle-aged men behind Li Shan. Their eyes were indifferent, as if they hadn't noticed Li Shan's existence.    


Lu Lee could feel the killing intent radiating from their bodies. It seemed that these two people should be the bodyguards by the chairman's side, their skills should be similar to Ye Tian.    


He didn't have time to think because Li Shan had already led Loong Hsingbahn into the yard. Lu Lee quickly followed.    


Inside, Lu Lee saw the old man, the head of China whom he had only seen on television. It looked very kind, but it had a certain awe-inspiring majesty to it. Chairman Chen was sitting at his desk, smoking a cigarette. Seeing Loong Hsingbahn enter with Lu Lee, he smiled and waved his hand. Loong Hsingbahn sat down in the chair opposite the President, very respectfully, and though he was much older than the President, he could not resist the dignity of the President.    


Zhou Tie stood beside Loong Hsingbahn and said softly, "Hello, Chairman Chen!" Lu Lee was a little nervous, but he did not show it on his face. Chairman Chen smiled and looked at him, "Lu, right? "Sit!" He pointed at the other chair in front of him. Lu Lee did not sit down, but stood up and replied, "President, I will not sit down. You and Elder Loong are both my elders, so Zhou Tie does not dare to be overbearing in front of your elders." Chairman Chen was stunned for a moment and then laughed. "Alright then. Hur Hur, Lu Guoguang is a good home tutor!"    


Loong Hsingbahn also smiled and said, "This kid is not bad."    


Chairman Chen ignored Loong Hsingbahn's words and just stared at Lu Lee. Lu Lee was unexpectedly at a loss under his gaze. Chairman Chen asked after a long while, "Have you suffered a lot these days?" "Never in his wildest dreams had Lu Lee thought that Chairman Chen would say such a thing. He felt a trace of warmth in his heart and his eyes felt a bit sore.    


Chairman Chen said, "Ye Tian went to the Brazil, but you came." Lu Lee raised his head and softly said, "I came here to report on an important matter to the former Chairman." Chairman Chen lightly said, "You should sit down first!" Lu Lee obediently sat down. Li Shan served tea to Loong Hsingbahn and Sun Tie. Chairman Chen said, "Li Shan, you two go out first." Li Shan nodded and left with the two men, closing the door behind them.    


Chairman Chen looked at Lu Lee. "Speak!" Lu Lee said, "I suspect that there is a traitor in the upper echelons who is familiar with 'Eagle Group'!" Chairman Chen frowned: "Go on." Lu Lee then told him the whole story of how something had happened to the Iran Station and the Brazil Station, as well as several times his own whereabouts. After Chairman Chen heard this, he said, "Any suspects?" Lu Lee shook his head: "No, I know that Eagle Group is under the direct control of the Chairman, but I don't know who else knows the secret of Eagle Group other than the Chairman."    


"There are a total of five people, including Ye Tian and me, who know this secret. The other three are General Xu Nanzhou, the overall concept of 'Eagle Group' was proposed by him, which is also his responsibility for the 'Eagle Eye' construction. The other is your father, Lu Lei, who has implemented the design of the 'Eagle Group' organization and the allocation of intelligence personnel." Hearing this, Zhou Tie was shocked. He had never heard his father mention this before, but after thinking about it, he understood why his father told him to personally rescue General Xu. He naturally knew the importance of General Xu Nanzhou.    


Chairman Chen paused and said, "The other one is Elder Loong."    


He turned around and glanced at Loong Hsingbahn. Loong Hsingbahn smiled awkwardly: "This, it's not that my old man is deliberately hiding this from you, but after all, the examination of the commander in chief of the 'Eagle Group' is a very confidential and very serious matter. I have been entrusted by the chairman, so of course I have to be careful. However, your performance is quite good, I am very satisfied. "    


Lu Lee did not have any intention to investigate further as he was trying to figure out who sold out the 'Eagle Group'.    


In his heart, he also clearly knew that Lu Lee's suspicions were not without reason. What Lu Lee said was the truth, and on the day that the incident occurred at Iran Information Station, he already thought that something must have happened inside. However, in his position of power, there was no way he could truly observe everything. He even felt that out of the five people, other than himself, everyone else was suspicious, including this Loong Hsingbahn in front of him.    


Of course, he had his own thoughts about Ye Tian, even though he thought he knew Ye Tian very well. Ye Tian was a talented person. He was skilled, meticulous and decisive in his actions. It's just that he was a bit too petty and didn't care that things went well in the long run. Just as he said, Ye Tian's pattern wasn't enough.    


Chairman Chen's eyes moved from Lu Lee's body to Loong Hsingbahn's face. Loong Hsingbahn felt uncomfortable under Chairman Chen's torch-like gaze. Although Loong Hsingbahn's face was calm, his heart was in turmoil. What does Chairman Chen mean by this, he can't be suspecting me as well, right? Loong Hsingbahn thought to himself.    


After they sat in silence for more than ten minutes, Chairman Chen asked, "Lu, what do you think?" Lu Lee said, "I have an idea, but it needs the President's full support." Chairman Chen said, "Say it." Lu Lee said, "Since I am now the commander of the 'Eagle Group', I hope that I can have absolute control over it. I am only responsible to you, Chairman Chen, and no one in any organization has the right to interfere with or question the 'Eagle Group'."    


When Loong Hsingbahn heard Lu Lee's words, he couldn't help but frown. This boy, his courage is too big. He has absolute control over it. He isn't afraid that the chairman will think that he has ulterior motives. Indeed, in the eyes of ordinary people, Lu Lee's request was a taboo. Unexpectedly, Chairman Chen replied without thinking, "Sure, I'll give you the right to do so right now." After he finished speaking, he wrote down an order in his hand and sealed his own seal. He then took out a document bag from the drawer and passed it to Lu Lee, "Take this. With these, you can use all the resources available to 'Eagle Group'. The document bag contains all the information related to 'Eagle Group'."    


Lu Lee took it over and glanced at Chairman Chen's personal order. He then said, "Chairman Chen, the absolute control I'm referring to includes personnel rights." Chairman Chen laughed, "You little rascal, from today onwards, you have the final say in the 'Eagle Group'. I only see the result, as for the core members, all you need to do is report it to me. Including the documents you can issue by yourselves, do a good number and record, timely and I report. This should count as giving you absolute authority, right? "    


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