Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C205 It's Hard to Do in Hood

C205 It's Hard to Do in Hood

James Bond's expression turned ugly. He stood up, walked around the room twice, then picked up the phone: "Get me the police chief's office."    


The call connected: "It's Bond. I would like to ask what exactly happened at Chinatown tonight."    


The police chief stuttered but couldn't answer. James Bond said angrily, "If you don't want to tell me, I will ask your superior."    


"We don't know," the police chief replied. "Chief Wu just told me to remove all the police officers from Chinatown tonight, and then did a road blockade two kilometers away from Chinatown. Mr. Bond, you should know that for Bureau of Military Intelligence to work, I am not allowed to ask. "    


James Bond's tone eased after hearing his explanation, "Was it Chief Hord personally giving you an order?"    


The police chief replied, "Yes, Mr. Bond, did something happen?"    


James Bond asked again, "Did you hear the gunshots in Chinatown?" The police chief said, "Yes, but it was just a few sporadic rings. Chief Hord told us that we are not allowed to enter unless he personally calls to remove the blockade."    


James Bond said, "When was the blockade lifted?" The police chief said, "In an hour and a half."    


When the Chief of Police put down the phone, his head was covered in sweat. He could not afford to offend the Bureau of Military Intelligence Elder, and this James Bond was not someone he could afford to offend. He let out a long breath, "What are you guys playing with?"    


James Bond already believed what Lu Lee said, but he still needed proof.    


Looking at Lu Lee, James Bond said, "Mr Lu, what do you want me to do?"    


Lu Lee said, "What can I hope for you to do? Then, you said that this is your family matter, and that I am an outsider who has only come to pass on a single message. "    


James Bond secretly cursed Lu Lee as a little fox in his heart. He clearly came here to cause trouble for him, but now, he acted as if nothing had happened.    


James Bond coughed lightly and said, "Mr Lu, speak your mind. If this is true, I won't stand idly by."    


Lu Lee sneered, "Hord is your superior."    


James Bond replied, "In my heart, there is only the country. Whoever harms the country will be my enemy. No matter who it is, he will be punished."    


Lu Lee said, "Alright, I just want you to capture Hord."    


James Bond said, "But I can't casually arrest someone without my superior's instructions. Plus, he's our bureau chief."    


Lu Lee said, "You still don't believe me? Actually, this doesn't make things difficult for you. I think he's the only one who can answer our questions. "    


James Bond sat down, took a sip of his wine and suddenly laughed: "Damn it, I was almost taken in by you again. Do you want to borrow a knife to kill someone?"    


Lu Lee shook his head and said, "No, it's just that this matter is more justifiable for you guys to handle." James Bond said, "You didn't do anything because you don't know what the situation is like around him. I'm sure it's not real?"    


Lu Lee nodded as he saw the sincerity in his words.    


James Bond said: "Alright, I agree, this is just a setup. However, there is one thing, I hope that you and your people can keep this matter a secret, I do not want this matter to affect our America in any way."    


Lu Lee said, "You don't have to worry about that."    


James Bond made a toast gesture: "Lu, you go back first. Wait for my news, I will inform you before we act."    


Lu Lee shook his head. "I'll wait here."    


James Bond understood Lu Lee's meaning. Lu Lee was afraid that he would leave them alone. James Bond smiled and said, "That's good too."    


James Bond immediately assigned a mission to his opponents to find out the whereabouts of Hord. Of course, he didn't forget to let his subordinates verify what Lu Lee had said.    


After everything was settled, he sat down and said to Lu Lee, "Lu, I'm very sad about your friend's misfortune." Of course Lu Lee knew that this was only a formality, Lu Lee slightly nodded his head.    


James Bond said, "Lu, I really admire you. Our game actually let you win so easily. It makes me lose a lot of face."    


Lu Lee said, "We were just lucky. Plus, we didn't have the chance to face them head on, so you can't be considered to have lost."    


James Bond said, "We still have a chance. Hopefully, our next game will be more exciting."    


Lu Lee lightly said, "Anytime."    


Little Wolf called and asked Lu Lee what the situation was. Lu Lee gave them a general explanation and told them to be ready. They waited until James Bond received news to coordinate their actions.    


James Bond's men were very efficient. In less than an hour, they had already locked down Hord's position. James Bond stood up and said to Lu Lee, "Mr Lu, Hord has been found. We are ready to set off now."    


Lu Lee quickly informed Little Wolf and the others. As they got in the car, James Bond said, "I have to remind you of one thing. Hord is not that easy to deal with. He has four guards under his command. They are all Adepts and very skilled."    


Lu Lee rolled his eyes at him. "That's your problem. I didn't say I would interfere. I just wanted to ask Hord a few questions."    


James Bond was furious, but he couldn't say a word.    


James Bond paused for a while before continuing, "And Hord himself is a core member of the 'Hermitage Society'." Lu Lee was surprised to hear that. He didn't expect Hord to be an advanced level Adept. No wonder there weren't many guards around him. Fortunately, he wasn't impulsive enough to take them on a risk.    


Lu Lee looked at James Bond: "You aren't also a member of 'Hermitage Society' right?"    


James Bond shook his head. "Oh, I don't want to join them. I'm not used to having too many restrictions. Hord's skin will release toxins, will cause people to lose consciousness, and then the whole body will stiffen. His mouth will also emit smoke, and then you have to close your eyes quickly or you will go blind. "    


Lu Lee asked, "Where are the four under him?"    


James Bond said, "I don't know, but I think you should be able to deal with his subordinates."    


Lu Lee shrugged. "I'm not an Adept. You're overestimating me."    


James Bond lightly said, "But you are a cultivator, an expert in martial arts!" Lu Lee couldn't help but to look at James Bond in a new light. His eyes were actually quite vicious as well.    


At first, Lu Lee thought that he knew about Bond, but Bond didn't know that he would have the advantage in a real fight. Who knew that James Bond also understood him so well, he awkwardly smiled and said, "Seems like Mr. Bond knows me quite well!"    


The car stopped. Lu Lee was too familiar with this place, Notting Mountain.    


Lu Lee looked at James Bond, James Bond said, "Hord's mistress, Yi Lian, lives here, and he is at Yi Lian's home tonight."    


Liu Tie nodded. James Bond looked at the time and saw that it was not even 11 o'clock. He said, "Let's sit at Mr Ian's house for a while, it's still early. We can have a drink and wait for your people to come over."    


Helen opened the door and was first surprised to see James Bond and Lu Lee together. She immediately returned to normal, "Mr Lu, Mr. Bond, please come in!"    


She dodged to the side, allowing the group to enter the house. After entering the living room, he didn't see Ian. James Bond smiled and asked, "Is Mr Ian asleep?"    


Helen said, "No, it's in the study room." She glanced at Lu Lee, "He's recording Mr Lu's story. Mr Ian said that Mr Lu's appearance at 007 would increase a lot!"    


Lu Lee shook his head with a bitter smile, "Mr Ian wants me to be the green leaf for red flowers."    


James Bond said, "What Mr Lu said makes me feel that I'm Green Leaf when I'm with you."    


The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Helen let them sit in the living room, saying, "I will call the old master."    


James Bond's men did not sit down. Instead, they stood by the door and behind him while Lu Lee and Victoria sat down.    


James Bond looked at Victoria and said, "Victoria, aren't you happier following me than following me?"    


Victoria's face reddened, "It's already impossible for me to return to the Bureau of Military Intelligence."    


James Bond nodded seriously: "Not only that, you also have to leave the America."    


Lu Lee did not say anything. James Bond was right, Victoria's actions were already considered a crime of treason towards the America. Although there was no lack of James Bond's designs, there were many things that were unclear.    


Victoria nodded and said dejectedly, "I know." She looked at Lu Lee: "Before I leave, can I go see my mother?"    


Lu Lee smiled and said, "Of course, if she is willing, I will help you arrange for her to go to China or other countries."    


Victoria replied, "No, my mother will not leave. As for me, I want to follow you, is that okay?"    


Lu Lee nodded without hesitation. "Of course." James Bond didn't say anything and just smiled at them.    


Mr Ian came down with Helen's help. The three of them stood up from the sofa. Ian smiled and waved them to sit down. "Helen, pour them some tea."    


James Bond quickly said, "I want a glass of whisky."    


Helen looked at Lu Lee. "Where's Mr Lu?"    


Lu Lee said, "Tea, thank you!"    


Ian sat down and asked, "You didn't just come to see me, did you?" James Bond said, "I have some official matters to attend to, so I came to visit you on the way. Are you sure you don't want to disturb me?"    


Ian shook his head, "I won't disturb you. I'm glad that you came to see this old man."    


Ian looked at the person James Bond brought and asked softly, "Did something happen?"    


James Bond nodded. "Hord colluded with the base and attacked Mr Lu."    


Ian said, "Are you here to find trouble with Hord?"    


"He has to be responsible for his actions," James Bond said. Ian slightly nodded his head, "If that's really the case, then Hord is going too far."    


Lu Lee's phone rang. It was Little Wolf. "Elder Brother Lee, we are at Notting Mountain."    


Lu Lee acknowledged and said softly, "Ok, I will have Victoria come out and pick you all up."    


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