Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C235 The Wrong Man Is Being Pursued

C235 The Wrong Man Is Being Pursued

Victoria asked, "What about you?" Lu Lee said, "I'll go and greet them. As long as you attract them, I'll be fine." Victoria said, "Your leg …" Lu Lee said with a wry smile, "If I don't get rid of them, my legs might really not be able to hold on." With that, Lu Lee quietly crawled over from the side. He bit his lips and endured the pain in his leg.    


Victoria followed Lu Lee's instructions and fired at that direction every minute and a half. She didn't look up and didn't know what was going on.    


In fact, the gunshots just now, Lu Lee and Victoria had both hit their targets, leaving only two of the four enemies behind. That was why the two of them didn't dare to act rashly. One of them finally mustered up the courage to raise his head and scout, but who knew that Lili's gunshot would ring out?    


The other one said, "Call Carrey and tell him to bring reinforcements. We'll hold them here, and I don't think they'll dare move. Listen to me and shoot them every now and then. " He had also thought of this, but he did not expect that Lu Lee was getting closer and closer to them.    


Lu Lee finally realized that there were only two of them. He heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out those two still hit the target.    


Lu Lee was just behind them, about five to six meters away. Lu Lee sat up and a gun appeared in his hand: "Don't move, throw the gun away, put your hands on your head, and then slowly stand up." Neither of them moved, and one of them said, "Hey, man, I bet he doesn't have a gun in his hand." The other one said, "I think so too!"    


With that, the two of them rolled to the sides. Lu Lee opened fire, and the two shots hit the place where the two of them rolled to, but they missed. The two stopped moving, and one of them said, "Don't, don't shoot!" He held his head and slowly stood up, while the other rolled again and shot at Lu Lee at the same time. But he was too slow, Lu Lee's gun went off first and the person fell down first.    


There was only one left. He looked at Lu Lee with fear in his eyes and looked at the black barrel that was still emitting smoke. Lu Lee shook his gun: "Come here, help me up."    


Victoria ran over due to the gunfire. She didn't dare to shoot recklessly as it was too dark for her to hurt Lu Lee.    


She saw an unfamiliar man helping Lu Lee stand up. He pointed a gun at the man and asked nervously, "Don't move, what are you going to do?" Lu Lee smiled and said, "It's fine, let him help me up. We have to leave as soon as possible!" Victoria ran over to support Lu Lee and said to the man, "Go to the front and don't play any tricks. If not, I'll shoot you."    


The three of them got into the car that the man and the woman were driving. Victoria drove while the man and Lu Lee sat in the back. Lu Lee held a gun in his hand and asked softly, "Tell me, who are you?" The man said, "I said, can you let me go?" Lu Lee replied, "As long as you answer honestly, I'll let you go." The man said, "Chibuyev sent us." Lu Lee asked, "You are from the Federation's Security Bureau?" Lu Lee knew that Chibuyev was the Chief of Security Bureau of the Russia.    


The man nodded, but Lu Lee frowned: "How did you know where I was?" The man shook his head. "I don't know. Our orders are to intercept you halfway through."    


Lu Lee's heart sank. He was not afraid of the Federation Security Bureau assassinating him. What he was worried about was whether this plan to feign death had already failed. He had planned this with James Bond, and it was James Bond who betrayed him. Anger arose in Lu Lee's heart.    


Lu Lee pointed the gun at the man's head and said, "Tell your head that you've succeeded." The man shook his head and said, "They won't believe it. We've already called them to ask for help." The man smiled bitterly and said, "None of the four of them can do anything to you. Now that I'm the only one left, I told them that I've already killed you. Would they believe me?" Lu Lee listened to what he said and felt that it made sense. However, he did not know what he should do to fake his death!    


Victoria stopped the car and said, "I have an idea!" Lu Lee asked, "What way?" Victoria said, "We also need his cooperation." Lu Lee looked at the man, who nodded helplessly. Victoria said, "If we hadn't gotten out of the car earlier, would we have died?" Lu Lee's eyes lit up: "Are you saying that he should tell his accomplices that they are chasing the wrong person?" Victoria nodded her head, "But if you want to do this, Lu, you must think of a way to leave. I'll deal with them here."    


How could Lu Lee not know what she was thinking. She wanted to use him to confuse the enemy, but this way, Victoria would be in real danger. Lu Lee said, "No, I can't let you take the risk. I'd rather the plan failed." Victoria said, "Lu, don't worry. I'll be fine." Lu Lee said firmly, "No, I don't agree. Drive!" Victoria wanted to say something, but Lu Lee, your face sank: "This is an order!"    


Victoria could not hold on any longer and started the car.    


"Wait, if you can trust me, I think I have a way to help you!" The man spoke. Victoria went silent again and turned around. "Why are you helping us?" The man smiled bitterly, "Because I don't want to die. I know that if I don't have any value in using him, you won't let me go."    


Lu Lee lightly said, "How can I trust you?" The man said, "I know who you are. I think it shouldn't be too difficult for you to find my family and me with your ability, right?" Lu Lee stared at him, then the man said, "If I lied to you, you can find me or my family for revenge."    


Lu Lee knew what he said was the truth. In this business, there was an unwritten rule that families wouldn't be easily harmed. What a man said was equivalent to using the life of his entire family as a guarantee. Lu Lee said, "Alright, what do you plan to do?"    


The man said, "There were explosives on the car. That was to prevent you guys from escaping while stealing the car. As long as the car explodes, your death fraud will succeed. However, the corpse is a problem." Lu Lee felt that what he said was a really good idea, but this corpse was indeed a problem, the three dead people couldn't have any ideas.    


Lu Lee said, "What if the car blew up and climbed down the cliff?" The man thought about it and said, "That's a good idea, I can keep it a secret for at least three to five days." Lu Lee said, "Three to five days is enough. As long as you can insist that you see me dead, I think I can finish it in three to five days."    


Lu Lee then asked the man, "Aren't you afraid that Chibuyev will not let you off when he finds out?" The man said, "So you'll have to wait for our reinforcements to arrive. You can throw me out of the car, do the job according to plan, explode, flip the car over, and everyone will see that even if you don't die, I won't be in trouble, because no one can prove that I told you about the explosives on the car, unless you tell them yourself."    


Lu Lee looked at Victoria, who also nodded, "I think it's feasible!" The man fished a gadget out of his pocket. "This is the remote control," he said. Lu Lee took it. "Only this one?" The man nodded.    


Lu Lee said to Victoria, "Check those three corpses!" Victoria jumped out of the car and searched carefully. Everyone had a remote control in their pocket. Lu Lee looked at the man coldly. "Is this your sincerity?" The man did not speak. Lu Lee sneered, "It looks like you're planning on doing a great deed!" The man quickly said, "No, I didn't know they had it too!" "Is that so?" Lu Lee asked. The man said, "I swear, I really don't know. Chibuyev told me that this is the only one. He also said that if someone is caught as a hostage, we don't have to care about the life and death of the hostage."    


Lu Lee understood that this was Chibuyev's trick. He must have said this to everyone. The man also understood what was going on. He looked at Lu Lee and said, "I'm not lying to you, I really don't know." Wu Tie nodded his head, "I believe you. I hope you remember your words. Don't let me deal with you!"    


The man said, "I swear to God!" Lu Lee looked at his watch: "When will your people arrive?" The man said, "It should be soon. We said that we'll be there in half an hour." The man looked at his watch. "We'll be there in five minutes." Lu Lee said, "Get off the car! Find a place to hide. " He handed the other three remote controls to the man. "Put them back so they won't be suspicious." The man took the remote control in confusion. Lu Lee said, "Go, we'll just shoot a few rounds here and then jump into the car to escape when your people come."    


The man got off the car. Victoria looked at Lu Lee. She didn't know why Lu Lee would give the remote control to the man. If the man had a bad heart, wouldn't that be equivalent to suicide?    


Lu Lee smiled at her and opened his right hand. It was the explosive device. Victoria smiled. "You gave me a fright!" Lu Lee said, "Get out of the car. Find a place near the car and deal with a few shots!" The two of them got out of the car and started shooting around, like shooting randomly when they couldn't find their target. A few minutes later, a light came from the distance. Lu Lee said, "Quickly, get in the car." He fired a few more shots and then pulled Victoria into the car, which started up and rushed out.    


"Carrey, you finally came!" The man jumped out of the shadows. Carrey looked at the man. "Jilovitch, why are you hiding here?" The man said, "That bastard is too powerful. All of our men are dead." Carrey sneered, "They must have gotten on the car already, right?" Jilovich nodded. "Luckily, I'm smart. Otherwise, I would have been a ghost under his gun long ago." Carrey said, "What are you waiting for? Why are you still not activating the explosive device? "    


He pulled out the remote control and pressed it hard, but the car didn't explode. Carrey asked, "What happened?" A look of helplessness appeared on Jilovitch's face as he tapped the red button repeatedly with his finger. Carrey looked at Jilovitch in confusion. He reached out to grab the remote control in his hand and pressed it forcefully …    


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