Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C236 My Father Is a Veterinarian

C236 My Father Is a Veterinarian

Carrey snatched the remote control from Jilovitch's hand and pressed it hard.    


Suddenly, the speeding car flew towards the cliff, followed by a "boom" sound. After the fire, the smoke rose again. Carrey glanced at Jilovitch and said, "Look at your looks. Let's go and take a look." Jilovich nodded, followed behind Carrey and ran towards the explosion point.    


The explosion point was about seven to eight hundred meters away. Carrey didn't ride the car but chose to hurry over. From time to time his eyes darted about. Jilovitch cursed in his heart, "This old fox." However, he had a smile on his face, "Carrey, what are you looking for?" Carrey said, "Just look around."    


When he reached the cliff, Carrey looked down at the wreckage of the car that was still smoking: "Call the transportation department and tell them there's a car accident." "Carrey, we can't call the police." Carrey said, "Ask the police to help us check if there are any dead people." "Do you think they could still be alive?" Carrey shook his head. "That may not be the case." Carrey glanced at Jilovich. "If someone had warned them in advance, they could have escaped." Jilovich's heartbeat sped up, but he shouted with a stern face, "Carrey, what do you mean by this? "You suspect me?"    


Carrey lightly said, "I don't believe anyone if I didn't see his body."    


After saying that, Carrey took out his phone, reported the location and location, then took his people and left!    


Victoria heaved a sigh of relief and said softly, "Elder Brother Lee, that was close." Lu Lee laughed lightly, "It's fine. It's normal for this thing to fail occasionally. But did you hear what Carrey said just now? " Victoria nodded. Lu Lee said, "Once he calls the police, the news will report about the accident tomorrow. If no one is found dead or injured, what do you think the outcome will be?"    


Victoria said, "This Carrey is very crafty. It seems like it's not easy to fool him." Lu Lee said, "There's only one way left for us to have Little Wolf and the others forge the scene." Victoria said, "No, you should let James Bond take care of the aftermath." Lu Lee thought about it and smiled, "Alright, let James Bond come. Oh yeah, just call him. I didn't bring my phone out." Victoria took out her phone, turned it on and called James Bond.    


"Victoria, you're still alive? "Where's Lu Lee?" James Bond asked anxiously. Victoria replied, "He's right beside me. Wait a moment." She handed the phone to Lu Lee, who said coldly, "James Bond, what are you up to?" James Bond hurriedly said: "Lu, you misunderstood, I did not betray you, but there was a problem within our family. That old couple leaked the news to the Russia of the Russia, that's why they did this."    


James Bond continued without waiting for Lu Lee to speak, "It's great that you're still alive. Thank god, where are you now?" Lu Lee replied, "We're still about 4 kilometers away from the safe zone that you provided." James Bond said, "I'll come pick you guys up immediately, I'll be at the safe house." Lu Lee said, "Find a way to get a corpse. Its body characteristics are similar to mine." James Bond said, "Alright, I'll be there immediately."    


Lu Lee hung up the phone and said to Victoria, "Let's find a place to hide." Victoria said, "Lu, I don't really believe that James Bond did it." Lu Lee said, "I don't believe it either, but it's always good to be careful. James Bond has a traitor, what if they find out about it again?"    


James Bond came. He only brought two men with him. He got out of the car and dialed Victoria's number. Victoria's phone was muted. She looked at Lu Lee and said, "Go out and tell him what to do." Victoria felt that Lu Lee was being overly cautious. However, she still obeyed Lu Lee's instructions and walked out.    


Lu Lee saw that Victoria was talking to James Bond, and James Bond told his men to bring out a dead body from the car. Victoria and James Bond brought their two bodyguards to the place where the explosion took place. Lu Lee quietly approached James Bond's car, climbed in, started the car, stepped on the accelerator and the car disappeared at the end of the road like an arrow.    


James Bond reacted too late. He looked at Victoria with a wry smile, "It seems like Lu Li doesn't believe me anymore this time." Victoria didn't say anything. She had the same idea in her mind. Lu Lee had actually used her and dumped her once again. She said lightly, "Can you blame him? He has already been shot once, and then there was the assassination attempt by the Federation's Security Bureau. Even I had almost disappeared from the face of the earth with him. "    


James Bond shrugged, "Sorry." Victoria said, "It's better to keep that to Lu Lee. But I want to apologize to him, so I might as well help him. Otherwise, he won't feel relieved in his heart." James Bond asked, "How can I help you? He's making it clear that he doesn't trust anyone. " Victoria thought about how Lu Lee had left on his own without consulting her. She also felt a little upset, thinking that Lu Lee didn't even believe her.    


Victoria was wrong about Lu Lee. In Lu Lee's heart, he didn't suspect Victoria at all. He had already planned to act alone. Once he truly disappeared, everyone's behavior would be normal and the other party wouldn't notice any flaws.    


Lu Lee drove for more than ten kilometers and abandoned the car to walk. James Bond must have a GPS in his car. Lu Lee dragged his injured leg and left the highway, walking on a small path that led to who knows where. The wound was still bleeding. Lu Lee didn't know how long he had walked for, but he felt a bit dizzy. He knew that this was caused by excessive blood loss. If he didn't treat the wound soon, he might not be able to hold on!    


There was light in the distance.    


Lu Lee clenched his teeth and continued to walk forward. Every step he took was extremely difficult. Twenty meters, ten meters, five meters … Lu Lee's vision darkened as he finally fell to the ground, unconscious.    


"Special news is being broadcast at 10: 40 last night, 45 kilometers outside Moscow on the 220 national highway. A black Hummer fell off a cliff at too high a speed, resulting in an explosion. According to the police, the driver of the car was a Chinese national. Several surgical blades were found at the scene, but no identification was found. The police suspected that the man had entered our country through illegal means... "    


Carrey smiled and said to Chibuyev, "Chief, don't worry about me." Chiyev turned off the television and frowned. "But you can be sure that he is Lu Lee before the identity of the deceased is confirmed?" Carrey said, "No mistake. I saw him jump onto the car with my own eyes. Plus, I personally detonated the bomb." Chibuyev was also an old cunning fox. He said, "Logically speaking, even if it explodes, a car shouldn't be able to climb down the cliff, right?"    


Carrey asked, "What's so strange about that?" It must have been the force of the bomb that sent the car flying. "Don't worry, I've checked it myself. He won't be able to escape from the car." Chibuyev said, "Yes, I hope so. In a while, you should call 'Monkey' and tell him that we've helped him settle the problem, so it's time for us to talk about business. " Carrey replied, "Alright."    


Everyone was paying close attention to the news that was being broadcasted on television.    


Faang Shaojun asked, "Did you contact Victoria?" Little Wolf shook his head. "It must have been James Bond's doing. Elder Brother Lee actually believed him. Hee Xiao, let's go and destroy him. " Sun Tie said in a deep voice, "Yinzi, don't act recklessly. Before this matter is clear, no one is allowed to act rashly."    


Liu Xu said, "How else can we be clear about it? Elder Brother Lee must have been harmed by those America fellows. They borrowed this plan to kill Lu Lee." Faang Shaojun didn't say anything. He couldn't figure out what was going on. Little Wolf said, "Well, I'll see Elder Brother Lee Bond and see what he has to say. You all stay in the hotel, Faang Shaojunson. Look at them.    


Faang Shaojun said, "In view of the current situation, Little Wolf, I feel that it isn't appropriate for you to meet James Bond alone. You should bring Hee Xiao along." After thinking for a moment, Little Wolf replied, "Alright." He turned to look at the string. "String, remember what I said. It will all be up to me to figure it out."    


"You're awake?" Lu Lee opened his eyes and saw a thirteen or fourteen year old girl with Russia smiling as she asked with a tender voice. Lu Lee struggled to sit up: "Where is this?" The girl said, "This is my house. You fainted at my house. Father and I brought you back."    


Lu Lee nodded. "Thank you. Where's your father?" The girl said, "He went to the town to buy medicine." Lu Lee saw that his leg was already bandaged. He said, "Did you help me get it?" The girl nodded her head, "You were shot. Father took the bullet for you. I helped you bandage it." Who are you? How could I have been shot? " Lu Lee replied, "I'm a tourist. I met a bandit, and they robbed everything on my body. They even shot and injured me."    


Lu Lee looked outside and saw that it was already dawn. "What time is it?" The girl replied, "Around 8 in the morning." Lu Lee got down from the bed. The girl hurriedly helped him up: "Your injury hasn't recovered yet, you can't move around too much." Lu Lee said, "But I still have something very important to do." The girl stubbornly said, "No matter how important it is, it won't do. Daddy said that you can't go down."    


"Is your dad a doctor?" Lu Lee asked. The girl nodded. "Yes, he's a famous veterinarian in the town." Lu Lee shook his head and smiled bitterly. The girl said, "Just lie down on the bed. You can't go anywhere until Daddy comes back." Lu Lee thought that he should see the girl's father. After all, she had saved him, so it was necessary for him to thank her face to face. Thus, he laid back on the bed.    


The girl asked, "Are you hungry?" Lu Lee nodded. He was indeed hungry. The girl poured a glass of milk, cut a few pieces of bread and brought them to Lu Lee. Lu Lee wiped them all out in the blink of an eye. The girl said, "Or what?" Lu Lee nodded again, this time the girl cut the whole bread.    


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