Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C71 Ya Qi Was Pregnant

C71 Ya Qi Was Pregnant

Liu Ye said: "Liu Xu and I will go with you tomorrow, and then we will stay there for two days to accompany her."    


Lu Lee was thinking about Yan Xiaoxue, making Yan Xiaoxue enter Hongxing to find Xu Jing was the best way. However, he didn't care about how he told Xu Jing or how he told her about his relationship with Yan Xiaoxue.    


Not long after Liu Ye went down, the strings arrived at Lu Lee's room.    


Lu Lee briefly explained what had happened to Yan Xiaoxue to Tiezi, who said, "This woman is not simple at all. She's a double agent, no wonder Hee Xiao was scared."    


Lu Lee said: "Don't worry, she isn't enough to pose a threat to us. You should still pay more attention to your home during this period of time. She also mentioned that Yagyu Family people might already be lurking around us."    


"I'll find him as soon as I can," he said.    


Lu Lee shook his head. "It's not that easy. We just need to be careful not to get into trouble."    


The next day, Lu Lee and Liu sisters went to Xu Jing's residence. Xu Jing was quite sick and looked a bit haggard. Seeing Lu Lee trying to sit up with a smile, Lu Lee stopped her and said: "Sis, don't move, I just came to see you."    


Xu Jing said, "I already told them not to tell you. I know you've been busy lately, so I don't want to distract you."    


Lu Lee said, "It's fine. No matter how busy you are, you still have to check on you. These few days, let Liu Ye and the others accompany you, I might have less time to come over. "    


Xu Jing said, "If you have something to do, just do it. Don't worry about me."    


Lu Lee nodded his head, "Rest in peace. Oh right, who is mainly taking care of the Phoenix Hall right now?"    


Xu Jing said, "Jiang Lan, what's wrong? What's the matter? "    


Lu Lee said, "I'm just a little sister, and I always want to get into this business."    


Xu Jing said, "Tell her to go directly to Jiang Lan."    


Lu Lee said, "Alright, I'll personally lead her there. When the time comes, I'll have to trouble you to greet her first."    


Xu Jing said, "Why didn't you leave her at the Wolf Hall?"    


Lu Lee said, "Those are all women that you have. They're relatively simpler."    


Xu Jing shook her head. "A few gangsters are innocent."    


Lu Lee said, "Who cares, she was originally in the mainland. Since she wants to enter Hongxing, I'll help her this time. I can't do anything about it in the future."    


Xu Jing said, "Alright, I'll get Liu Ye to give Jiang Lan a call later."    


After exiting Xu Jing's place, Lu Lee contacted Yan Xiaoxue and told her about this matter. He also told her that he would accompany her personally this afternoon.    


At two in the afternoon, Lu Lee and Yan Xiaoxue arrived at Phoenix Hall. Jiang Lan knew Lu Lee, so when she saw Lu Lee and the others, she hurriedly came up to them and respectfully called out to Elder Brother Fei. Lu Lee smiled and said, "Elder Sister Xu told you, right?"    


Jiang Lan replied, "Yes, Elder Sister Xu called this morning."    


She looked at Yan Xiaoxue. "She's Anfei, isn't she?"    


Yan Xiaoxue obediently called out, "Lan jie, I'm Anfei. Please take care of me in the future, Lan jie."    


Jiang Lan smiled and said, "You were introduced to us by Elder Brother Fei, so there's no need to talk about this. In the future, we will all be sisters, so there's no need to be so polite."    


Lu Lee said, "Since that's the case, I'll leave the person to you. I have to leave first."    


Jiang Lan said, "Don't worry, Elder Brother Fei. I know what to do."    


Lu Lee glanced at Yan Xiaoxue and said in a double entendre, "You got your wish. Remember what you promised me. Also, don't give me any trouble."    


Yan Xiaoxue said, "Got it, Elder Brother Fei."    


Lu Lee was about to leave when his phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. Lu Lee answered the phone. A man's voice came from the other side: "Lu Lee?"    


Lu Lee recognized who it was and said to Jiang Lan and Yan Xiaoxue, "You guys continue chatting. I'll be leaving first."    


After walking to the door, Lu Lee said, "Uncle, is something the matter?"    


It was Bai Changnian. Bai Changnian said, "You only spoke up after a long time. What the hell are you doing?"    


Lu Lee said, "Sorry Uncle, it was a small matter just now."    


Bai Changnian said, "Come to Victoria Hotel, I'll be in room 3103."    


Lu Lee answered and hung up the phone.    


Bai Changnian came to Xiangjiang? Judging from his tone, it seemed like he was very angry. Had something happened to Bai Yaqi? Anxious, Lu Lee dialed Yaqi's number, rang twice, and answered. Bai Yaqi asked, "Lu Lee?"    


Lu Lee said, "It's me."    


She said, "Why did you want to call me?"    


Lu Lee asked: "Why did your father come to Xiangjiang?"    


Yaqi said in surprise, "What?" He went to the Xiangjiang? Oh no, he must know. "    


Lu Lee quickly asked, "What happened?"    


She replied softly, "I have it."    


Lu Lee didn't understand what she meant, so he asked again: "What's there?"    


Yaqi said, "I should have come last week for a month. I didn't come, so I quietly went to check it out. The doctor told me that I was pregnant. Maybe my father found out about the test form I hid."    


Lu Lee was a bit surprised and said, "Why didn't you tell me on the phone?"    


Yaqi felt wronged and said, "You said it's best not to call you. It's not safe."    


"Idiot, this is a big matter." Lu Lee said.    


Yaqi said, "I want to keep this child, is that okay?"    


Lu Lee said, "Sure, Yaqi. I'll definitely marry you."    


Bai Yaqi said happily, "I believe in you."    


Then, she worriedly asked, "But what about you, my dad?"    


Lu Lee said, "Don't worry, I'll explain everything to him."    


Yaqi said, "Li, promise me one thing."    


Lu Lee said, "Just say it, no matter what you say, I'll promise you."    


Yaqi said, "You can only love me in this life."    


Lu Lee said, "I love you. I only love you."    


She said, "Although I love you for sleeping with other women, I don't want to say much about you. I only want you to not fall in love with other women no matter what, even if it's just a little bit."    


Lu Lee said, "Yes, I'll remember. I only love you, Yaqi."    


After hanging up the phone with Bai Yaqi, Lu Lee got into a taxi. He was thinking about how to face Bai Changnian, but how to face Bai Changnian suddenly wasn't the crux of the problem. The real problem was not the Bai Family but the Lu Family. Lu Lee took out a telephone card and put it on. Then, he dialed Lu Lei's number.    


Lu Lee called after the call connected: "Dad."    


Lu Lei asked, "What's the matter?"    


"Bai Yaqi is pregnant, so we've decided to keep the child." Lu Lee said.    


Lu Lei said after a while, "What do you mean by that?"    


Lu Lee said, "I want to marry Yaqi, and I hope you can agree to that."    


Lu Lei replied, "Right now? Do you know how much it would affect your mission to marry her now? "    


Lu Lee said, "Dad, I can't let Yaqi down."    


Lu Lei sighed and said, "Must we do this? Can't you wait until you finish your mission? "    


Lu Lee said, "I want to give her an explanation, give her parents an explanation."    


Lu Lei was silent for a long time: "Alright, but we have to keep a low profile at the wedding, and we have to consider the details carefully."    


Lu Lee rushed to the Victoria Hotel. When he arrived at the door of Room 3103, he felt a little awkward. Luckily, he had a plan in his heart. His father didn't oppose the marriage, but he didn't know what his father meant by being low-key.    


He took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. Bai Changnian opened the door and saw it was Lu Lee. He snorted lightly and turned around to walk into the room. Lu Lee closed the door and followed in. Bai Changnian sat on the sofa and stared at Lu Lee. There was another person in the room, it was Lu Yu.    


Lu Lee just stood there in a daze, not moving at all.    


When Lu Yu saw Lu Lee, he smiled and said, "Lu Lee is here? Sit down. "    


Lu Lee glanced at Bai Changnian, then gently sat on the sofa on the side. Lu Lee asked, "Uncle, why did you call me here?"    


Lu Lee pretended that he didn't know Bai Changnian's purpose for coming here, so of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to bring up this matter first.    


Bai Changnian's face was gloomy. He looked at Lu Lee and said, "Don't you know what you've done?"    


Lu Lee shook his head and said, "I really don't know."    


Bai Changnian said, "Yaqi is pregnant. Don't tell me you don't even have the guts to admit it?"    


Lu Lee was surprised: "Really?"    


Bai Changnian said bitterly, "What are you so happy about? "Even so, I still can't agree that Yaqi is with you."    


Lu Lee said, "Uncle, I will be responsible for Yaqi."    


Bai Changnian sneered: "Responsible? What are you responsible for? Let Yaqi accompany you in this life? Fear for you all day? "Even if Yaqi wanted to, I wouldn't agree."    


Lu Lee said, "Uncle, this is only temporary. Everything will be fine."    


Bai Changnian said, "Everything will be fine? What's good? "No matter how good it is, you are just a gangster."    


Lu Yu advised on the side, "Chang Nian, speak properly, don't get angry."    


Bai Changnian said, "I came this time to warn you one last time. Don't look for Yaqi again. As for the child in her womb, I won't let her stay."    


Lu Lee stood up from the sofa: "Uncle, you can't do this."    


Bai Changnian said, "I did it for Yaqi's good. Didn't you say that you loved her? "Then give her a good living environment, a good living atmosphere, let her live a good life, don't pester her anymore."    


From his father's point of view, Bai Changnian was right. Not to mention that in Bai Changnian's eyes, Lu Lee was just a gangster hoodlum, even if Lu Lee told Bai Changnian his real identity, Bai Changnian might not agree with the marriage. After all, in his eyes, Lu Lee's job was full of danger, even more dangerous than being a gangster.    


Seeing that Lu Lee didn't say anything, Bai Changnian continued, "Besides, as far as I know, you have other women by your side. Say, do you think I can trust someone like you to give my daughter to you?"    


At this point, Lu Lee was at a loss for words. He couldn't argue, what Bai Changnian said was the truth. Lu Yu was standing on the side and it was not appropriate for Lu Lee to interrupt.    


Lu Lee was silent for a while, then said, "Uncle, no matter what, I love Yaqi. I hope you can help us."    


Bai Changnian snorted: "Are you threatening me?"    


Lu Lee said, "It's fine. What I said was the truth. You are Yaqi's father, and I respect you. I just hope that our relationship will come to a good conclusion."    


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