Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C130 Double Beauty Entanglement

C130 Double Beauty Entanglement

Huang Dongfeng said, "Travel, I don't have a job." Jenny nodded her head: "I know, there are many women in your China who become full-time wives after marriage, especially when it comes to your Xiangjiang." Huang Dongfeng laughed. "Oh?" it seems like Miss Jenny does understand China quite well. " Jenny said, "I've been to Huaxia. Although I haven't been there for a long time, I still have some understanding of its local customs and traditions."    


Huang Dongfeng said, "Unfortunately, what Miss Jenny said isn't entirely true. I'm not married yet." Jenny asked, "You're not married yet?" Huang Dongfeng nodded. "I'm not interested in men, but I do like women like Miss Jenny." Jenny smiled noncommittally. Huang Dongfeng asked for another cup of coffee and Jenny said, "You don't drink?" Huang Dongfeng said, "If I don't drink it, I'd already be drunk." Jenny laughed, "Is this what your Chinese often says? Is everyone drunk because they aren't drunk?"    


Huang Dongfeng leaned closer to Jenny. Jenny's heart shuddered, but she did not dodge. Huang Dongfeng leaned close to Jenny's ear and whispered, "You should have heard of the next line, it's just that it's unattractive!" Her lips intentionally moved closer to Jenny's earlobes. She stuck out her tongue and tapped on them, then sat up straight.    


Huang Dongfeng's teasing made Jenny's heart beat really fast. Her face was already burning. Jenny lowered her head and did not look at Huang Dongfeng. Huang Dongfeng saw that her teasing had not been rejected, and her originally tense state of mind was slowly replaced by another kind of wondrous state of mind. Her courage grew as she stretched out her hand and gently held Jenny's hand. Jenny wanted to pull out, but Huang Dongfeng tightened her grip. Jenny said in panic, "Huang, don't!"    


Huang Dongfeng knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed. Although she easily beat Faang Shaojun, Jenny was different from Faang Shaojun. She sat down and let go of Jenny's hand, then smiled and said, "Miss Jenny, forgive my Meng Lang. You're too beautiful, and your eyes are very charming and confusing."    


For some reason, Jenny actually had an inexplicable good impression of Huang Dongfeng. She shook her head and said with a red face, "We don't know yet." Hearing her words, Huang Dongfeng knew that she did not reject him, so she was not anxious. She waved her hand and ordered a latte, then clinked it with Jenny. "Cheers for our acquaintance!" Jenny also raised her cup and the two of them downed the wine in one gulp.    


She asked for another glass of whiskey, then looked at Huang Dongfeng, as if asking her what she wanted. Huang Dongfeng was afraid that if she drank too much she would get drunk, which would be bad for her, so she ordered latte as usual. Jenny also asked for three glasses of wine this time, and Huang Dongfeng finally understood that Jenny sincerely wanted to get drunk today.    


Huang Dongfeng didn't try to persuade her. Instead, she drank with her in a very generous manner. After drinking three cups of wine, Jenny still wanted to drink. Huang Dongfeng made an excuse to stop her, but she didn't stop her. Huang Dongfeng advised, "Jenny, don't drink so much. It's not good for your health." Jenny naturally wouldn't stop because of Huang Dongfeng's words. She lifted her glass and clinked it against Huang Dongfeng's glass. "Huang, come. Let's drink. We won't have any more worries when we're drunk."    


Huang Dongfeng raised her glass, but only touched her lips symbolically. She still had a mission to take care of. Moreover, she found that Jenny was a real beauty, so she gently hugged Jenny to comfort her, "Jenny, don't be sad. If you have anything to say, just say it. You'll feel a lot better." Jenny was already seventy percent drunk. She looked at Huang Dongfeng with a wry smile, sipped her wine, and said, "Huang, you don't know that I'm really going crazy because of them."    


Huang Dongfeng's hands started to become dishonest, sliding from Jenny's shoulders to her waist. She gently pulled Jenny into her embrace. Jenny, oh, no, my darling, don't be like this, there's nothing you can't solve, don't think too much. Come, let me drink with you. Although she said she was drinking with Jenny, she didn't touch her own cup. Instead, she raised Jenny's cup and fed it to Jenny's lips. Jenny, without a doubt, drank it all in one gulp.    


Jenny finally lost consciousness from the alcohol.    


Huang Dongfeng paid the bill, helped Jenny up, and left. During this time, she sent a text message to Yutang, who had been waiting outside the whole time. Yutang had already booked a room for them at a nearby hotel. Huang Dongfeng didn't take the lift, instead, she just took a taxi. Although it was just a detail, it often determined the success or failure of the business.    


After helping Jenny into the hotel room, Huang Dongfeng locked the door.    


Huang Dongfeng was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her silently. She was so beautiful, Huang Dongfeng lifted Jenny's hair to cover half her face, then she lowered her head and kissed Jenny lightly on the cheek. Who knew that Jenny would be so fast?    


Huang Dongfeng would never let go of such a good opportunity. She pressed her body against Huang Dongfeng's and kissed Jenny's lips deeply and intensely. Jenny felt suffocated as she snorted softly and moaned rapidly. Her hands, which were originally circling around Huang Dongfeng, also slowly peeled off Huang Dongfeng's outer garment.    


Huang Dongfeng had already removed all the restraints on Jenny's body. Her bright and clean jade-like body appeared in front of Huang Dongfeng. She swallowed her saliva, quickly took off her clothes, and hugged Jenny tightly, kissing crazily and intensely. Huang Dongfeng felt as if she was flying. She had never felt such a feeling before.    


She thought again of Faang Shaojun, if only Shaojun were there, and she had a sudden longing to see what Faang Shaojun had looked like when he had taken Jenny. Huang Dongfeng even imagined herself as Faang Shaojun, her hands moving up and down Jenny's body.    


Waking up in the morning, Huang Dongfeng looked at Jenny, who was naked in her arms, and smiled. She had finally been taken care of by him. More importantly, after her first bout of madness last night, Jenny had finally revealed all the problems she had gotten herself in. Knowing the crux of the problem was enough to cure it.    


Jenny opened her eyes and saw Huang Dongfeng smiling back at her. Huang Dongfeng gently caressed her head and said, "Darling, did I wake you up? Why don't you sleep a little more? " Jenny said, "I still have to work in a while." Huang Dongfeng asked softly, "How can you work in such a state? "Why don't you take a leave of absence? I'll accompany you properly today." Jenny looked at Huang Dongfeng with a moved expression, "No, my job is not to ask for leave. Sleep for a while longer, I will contact you later.    


Last night, Jenny had already told Huang Dongfeng everything about herself, including her work. Of course, she would not tell her the details about her work or the secrets involved. So when she said her job was not taken off, Huang Dongfeng gave her a smile of understanding.    


After Jenny left, Huang Dongfeng also got up. She didn't go straight back to her residence, but rather casually strolled around the streets for a long time. After confirming that there was no tail left, she took a taxi back.    


Seeing that Huang Dongfeng had finally returned, Faang Shaojun could not help but stand up. "Why did you come back so late?" Huang Dongfeng looked at Faang Shaojun's urgent gaze and said somewhat embarrassedly, "I left after she left." Faang Shaojun wanted to ask something, but he didn't. Little Wolf said softly, "Dongfeng, how is it?" Lili heard Little Wolf's question and said seriously, "Last night, I successfully connected with Jenny and gained her trust."    


Lu Lee, who was coming down from the second floor, heard Huang Dongfeng's words. He laughed, "Dongfeng, you are quite capable. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to complete this task. I've been worried about you for a long time." Lili said proudly, "Am I that bad?" Lu Lee glanced at Faang Shaojun. "Dongfeng, you don't know, Shaojun didn't get a good night's sleep. He was in the living room. He was afraid something might happen to you, wasn't he, Shaojun? "    


Faang Shaojun smiled embarrassedly.    


Lu Lee sat down on the sofa and slowly fiddled with the tea set to make tea. Little Wolf said to Huang Dongfeng, "Tell me, what did you get?" Huang Dongfeng said, "Jenny told me everything about her, which is exactly the same as the information she provided. It seems like she trusts me, and by the way, she and Jones are in trouble, someone grabbed their braids and threatened them with ten million dollars, otherwise their relationship with the lily would be made public."    


Faang Shaojun frowned and said: "The relationship between the Star State and lilies won't have much of an impact on their normal lives, why are they willing to be threatened?" Huang Dongfeng laughed. "I asked her that at the beginning. She said that not only was there a relationship between her and Jones, but she also used her position and Jones's special identity to collect a huge amount of money from a consortium. Of course, she also helped that consortium with a lot of things."    


Lu Lee nodded his head and said: "No wonder, this kind of thing is very sensitive in Star State. This matter is no longer only a threat to their lives and work, but also a serious threat to Jones's father. The current President of Star State, he might even have to step down because of this matter."    


Little Wolf said, "Originally, it was like this. Then what's the use of Jones going to find some hooligans last night?" She couldn't be trying to buy a murderer, right? If that's the case, then she's thinking too highly of those hoodlums. "    


Lu Lee lightly said, "She might be in desperate straits. Xiaoran!" Deng Rann hurriedly said, "Elder Brother Lee, what's the matter?" Lu Lee said, "We have to get online with Jones as soon as possible. We don't want her to do anything stupid and affect our plans." Liu Tie nodded and said, "I understand, Elder Brother Lee, what do we do after we connect to the line?" Lu Lee replied, "Help her solve her problem." Little Wolf asked, "Do you need the help from Catherine and the rest?"    


Lu Lee shook his head, "This matter must be kept a secret. We must not let anyone else know, this matter is of great importance, and is related to the future of Star State's president." Faang Shaojun also nodded: "We can only deal with this ourselves, but I feel that if we want to get involved, we have to let that president know about it. We have to let him know how much help we helped him, maybe he will need us to leave a favor behind."    


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