Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C34 Passing Through Lobby!

C34 Passing Through Lobby!

Xu Jing said, "Mother Wu, ask Xiao Hong to clean up his room. It'll be the room next door to mine."    


"Ah, alright!"    


Mother Wu then went to make the arrangements. Xu Jing asked Lu Lee to sit on the sofa in the living room. Xu Jing said, "Chen Fei, don't be shy. Coming here is like coming to your own home."    


Lu Lee nodded and said with a faint smile, "Since I agreed to let Elder Sister Xu stay here, I naturally won't be a stranger to her."    


Xu Jing asked, "What do you want to drink?"    


Lu Lee looked at the props on the table. "Elder Sister Xu likes to drink kung fu tea?"    


Xu Jing laughed. "Do you think that it's impossible for women to drink kung fu tea just because of that?"    


Lu Lee shook his head, "Of course not, I also like it a lot."    


"Can you bubble?"    


Lu Lee nodded.    


Xu Jing said, "Then let us siblings have a pot of tea. After that, you can rest. We still have to open the Fragrant Pavilion tonight! That's your life! "    




Before he opened the Fragrant Pavilion, Lu Lee arrived at the Gonggong Theatre an hour in advance, as Master Fu had requested.    


He knew that Master Fu had something he wanted to tell him before opening the Fragrant Pavilion.    


When he had arrived, Xu Jing had accompanied him. Many people were shocked to see him and Xu Jing together. They didn't understand why this icy beauty, Xu Jing, would be so close to a newbie this time.    


Inside the theater, Xu Jing led Lu Lee to the backstage, where Master Fu was waiting.    


Master Fu was also surprised to see Xu Jing and Lu Lee together. However, this expression disappeared in a flash. He said, "Lady Xu, why are you here so early?"    


Xu Jing smiled and said, "I accompanied him here. I'm afraid he doesn't know the way."    


Master Fu nodded and said, "Have you arranged the residence?"    


Lu Lee answered, "Elder Sister Xu told me to stay at her place for the time being."    


Master Fu said softly, "Very good."    


Lu Lee didn't know what Master Fu meant by 'very good'. Of course, he couldn't ask for more details, so he just stood there quietly, waiting for Master Fu to say something.    


Sure enough, Master Fu drank a mouthful of tea and said: "We need to pass through the hall with the double floral red stick. When the time comes, from the door to the incense table, both sides will be filled with the main members of the meeting, there will be thugs, Hall Master, and of course, there will also be three other double floral red sticks. You have to walk slowly from the outside to the inside, during which they will beat you up.    


Lu Lee groaned in his heart. This gate was the gate of the Grand Theater, it was at least dozens of meters away, and there were at least two to three people at most. From the looks of it, there were more than one people every meter, right? Wasn't that five or six hundred people beating him up?    


Xu Jing's expression changed. "Master Fu, pass the theater entrance. This is too dangerous!"    


Master Fu sighed, "Do you think I will? I don't want anything to happen to Chen Fei either, but he just joined the society and he wants to sit in this position.    


Lu Lee said softly, "It's fine."    


Master Fu said, "There's one thing that I must tell you. You can block it, but you can't dodge or fight back."    


Lu Lee nodded. "Understood."    


Xu Jing had a worried expression on her face.    


At 8: 30 AM, everyone had arrived.    


Lu Lee was already waiting at the entrance of the theater. He didn't hear what was being said inside clearly until he heard the sound of "Red Bars Entering the theater" coming from the inside. He raised his head and slowly walked inside step by step.    


At this time, two fists and toes rained down on his body.    


At first, he only took action for the usual beating. Perhaps he took into account that Lu Lee still needed to get along with him once he sat in this position, so his attack wasn't too heavy.    


However, the strength of the fist and the tip of his foot increased when he was halfway there. Lu Lee saw the knife not far in front of him. His eyes revealed a fierce look and a sly smile.    


At this moment, Lu Lee felt pain all over his body, his bones seemed to be on the verge of breaking, but he still clenched his teeth and held on. He couldn't retreat, he had to persevere to the end. Finally, he was less than a third of the way to his destination. Once again, he braced himself and moved forward.    


They wanted to beat Lu Lee to death, especially the knife, so they threw a punch right at Lu Lee's face, which just happened to land on the corner of his eye. Lu Lee's eyes flashed with a golden light, his body swayed, and he almost fell to the ground. But just as he was about to fall, his hands supported him on the ground, and he stood up shakily.    


Blood was leaking out of his nose and the corners of his eyes. He looked at the knife with a disdainful smile on his face as he thought to himself, "You idiot, just you wait. If I don't cut off your two eggs and feed them to you, I'll f * * king mess with you!"    


After walking past Xiao Dao and the rest, there were only a few Hall Master s left. These Hall Master s also had true lovers, so they gave Lu Lee a symbolic punch and kick. Lu Lee smiled gratefully.    


As he walked past Xu Jing, she merely lightly caressed his face. In her eyes, there was even a trace of heartache.    


He passed.    


When he stood in front of Master Fu, the smile on Master Fu's face became even wider.    


That's right, Lu Lee was much stronger than he had imagined. With Hong Xing being able to have such a person, he would definitely be able to do even more in the future.    


After that, Master Fu stood up and said, "Brothers, your proposal is over now. I don't think everyone will have any objections to Chen Fei becoming a Hong Xing Double Blossom Rod anymore, right? "From today onwards, I will hear some people talking nonsense again. Be careful of our family's laws."    


After saying that, he looked at Lu Lee and said, "Chen Fei, serve the incense!"    


Lu Lee endured the pain all over his body for three incense sticks of time. Next, he burned the yellow paper and drank the blood wine.    


After all the rituals were completed, everyone slowly dispersed. Master Fu said to Xu Jing, "Go back and wipe his wounds. He's been badly injured today."    


Xu Jing nodded and left while supporting Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee let out a sigh of relief only after he got on the car. He had suffered so much for so many years. He didn't stand there and let others beat him up for nothing.    


Xu Jing asked the driver to help Lu Lee into the room. When her mother saw Lu Lee's expression, she said in panic, "How did you get injured like this?"    


Xu Jing said flatly, "He will be in the lobby tonight."    


Mother Wu cried out in alarm, "Heavens!" Passing through the great hall? "    


Xu Jing nodded her head. "Mother Wu, please go and get some alcohol."    




Mother Wu brought the alcohol, then quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.    


Xu Jing looked at the unconscious Lu Lee and gently took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of boxers behind.    


When she was helping Lu Lee take off his clothes, her hand softly touched Lu Lee's skin. Her heartbeat gradually accelerated and her face also turned red. She poured the wine into her hands, but was unable to spread it over her for a long time.    


After a long while, she took a deep breath and started to wipe Lu Lee's wounds with medicinal wine. However, Lu Lee's body was covered with bruises, including his most secluded place. Xu Jing was a little worried that he might be injured there too.    


When this idea appeared, her face turned even redder. At the same time, an idea of sneaking a peek appeared in her heart.    


She used her index fingers and thumb to gently pull at the elastic band at her waist, slowly removing Lu Lee's last cover. Her eyes were fixed on him as if she were examining him seriously.    


Actually, she had already confirmed that there was no injury there, but her gaze was still unwilling to leave. She had been suppressing it with great difficulty. In her heart, she really wanted to gently caress it …    


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