Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C44 Lifestyle

C44 Lifestyle

After saying that, Liu Tie moved. He rushed to the front of Ji Feng and pulled him to his side. Ji Feng's men wanted to make a move, but were stopped by Hee Xiao and Xiao Dao. Qian Meng, Xu Jing, Sun Jifeng, they would've never expected the Hall Master s to suddenly attack Ji Feng. Xu Jing shouted, "Chen Fei, don't!"    


However, he was too late. Lu Lee raised one of Ji Feng's hands while his left hand smashed down heavily on the elbow.    




Accompanied by a scream, one of Ji Feng's hands was destroyed. Lu Lee kicked Ji Feng's lower abdomen, which sent him flying a few meters away. Qian Meng quickly said, "Chen Fei, forget it."    


How could Lu Lee listen? He already had the intention to kill, he wouldn't leave anyone behind who would want to be his enemy even in their dreams.    


His hand shook and a thin, shiny knife appeared in his palm. Xu Jing no longer tried to persuade him. She knew that once Lu Lee moved his knife, he would never be able to persuade her again. However, Ji Feng didn't realize that he was about to meet with the King of Hell. He looked at Lu Lee arrogantly and said, "You f * cking Chen Fei, if you have the guts, then kill me. Otherwise, I'll make you suffer!"    


Lu Lee said softly, "Thanks for the reminder."    


His Willow Leaf Knife shook and disappeared from his hands. He walked in front of Mo Zhigang and said: "Scram, otherwise, you would end up like him."    


At this moment, Ji Feng was standing there dumbly. After a short period of time, he realized that blood was slowly seeping out from his throat. Then, his body fell onto the ground.    


Mo Zhigang shook his head, he knew that with Lu Lee's means, it would be very easy to kill him. In the end, he could only helplessly take her away. Everyone present were stunned, including the Hall Master. Never in their dreams would they have imagined that Lu Lee would be so domineering as to actually kill a Hall Master with Wolf Hall in front of everyone's eyes.    


Master Fu held his tea cup and said softly, "Aji, tell me, what will happen to Chen Fei if I leave?"    


Li Aji said, "He will definitely give Ji Feng some color and make him restrain himself."    


Master Fu shook his head and said, "If I was still sitting there, perhaps this would be the result, but once I leave, Ji Feng is dead for sure."    


Li Aji was shocked, and the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground.    


Master Fu said, "This Ji Feng is too narrow-minded. This time, Chen Feng has retracted his Kowloon Tong and subdued Hee Xiao, which laid the foundation stone for him to succeed in Hong Xing. However, this Ji Feng is playing with fire."    


Li Aji asked with a puzzled expression, "Master Fu, what are you doing?"    


Master Fu said, "Aji, think about it. Is a monsoon more important or Chen Fei and Hee Xiao more important?"    


Li Aji thought for a moment and said, "Master Fu is wise, whether it is Chen Fei or Hee Xiao, none of them are comparable to Ji Feng."    


Master Fu nodded. "If he wants to establish his might, I'll give him the chance."    


Li Aji said, "Master Fu, I have some concerns."    


Master Fu said, "Tell me, what kind of riddle is it?"    


Li Aji answered, "I'm worried that when Chen Fei and Hee Xiao are together, the club's bosses won't be able to sleep."    


Master Fu said, "I've already thought about this. Alright, let's go back and take our seats. We can't wait for them to disperse."    


Master Fu's reappearance confused everyone, but a few Hall Master s were bleeding in their hearts. They suspected that Master Fu was the one who arranged the killing of Ji Feng.    


Master Fu sat down and began to talk, "Ji Feng, as the leader of the society, you actually play such underhanded tricks. It has a serious impact on the unity within the society. This time, Chen Fei helped us clean up Hong Xing's door and did a great thing. Next, I want to announce two things, the first is that Chen Fei, as the society's twin red stick, will also be in charge of Wolf Hall. From today onwards, Chen Fei is my Hong Xing Wolf Hall's Hall Master. "    


Master Fu drank a mouthful of wine and continued: "In addition, I have decided to set up the Hong Xing External Clan, with Brother Hee Xiao as the leader of the Hall Master. I hope that everyone will be of one mind, I do not want to hear anyone speak ill of Brother Hee Xiao, remember this well, if anyone dares to disobey, don't blame me for turning hostile."    


Master Fu then said, "As for the grudge from before, it's because everyone has different positions. Since we are a family now, we should write it off."    


Master Fu's words were tantamount to setting a tone for this matter. The few bosses remained silent. Actually, Qian Meng and Sun Jifeng had some thoughts in their hearts. They knew that Lu Lee's move was just to show them his might. However, they felt that they didn't have the strength to fight against Lu Lee, not to mention that Master Fu had spoken.    


Qian Meng quickly said, "Master Fu is right. I will definitely control my men and stop causing trouble."    


The other Hall Master s also joined in.    


It seemed natural for Master Fu to promote Hee Xiao to the position of the Outer Palace Hall Master, but Lu Lee knew that this was to take away his control over Hee Xiao and the rest. Liu Tie silently cursed the old fox in his heart.    


That was why people had already started to leave early. Master Fu called Lu Lee and Hee Xiao to the resting room, he said to Lu Lee: "Hoodlum, I heard that you plan to move to Kowloon Tong?"    


Lu Lee said: "So it's like this, thinking that Hee Xiao's matter needs time to be sorted out, and at the same time, I'm afraid that East Star would come looking for trouble, so I wanted to get closer so that I could lend a hand."    


Master Fu nodded and said, "Yes, it's good to be able to think of these things, but now that Wolf Hall is lacking a leader, you probably don't have that much energy to participate in the outer hall's matters."    


Lu Lee said: "Chen Fei understands, I will definitely properly take care of Wolf Hall."    


Master Fu said, "As for the place to stay, I have a villa that's free. It's not too far from where Lady Xu lives, so you should be able to walk around a lot after you've moved in."    


Lu Lee quickly said, "Then thank you, Master Fu."    


Master Fu said to Li Aji, "Aji, get someone to take care of the villa and find an old lady to take care of his life for the next two days."    


Master Fu then smiled and said to Lu Lee, "Do you want to find two girls to serve you?"    


Lu Lee shook his head and said, "No need."    


Master Fu said, "I forgot, you have two by your side."    


Without waiting for Lu Lee to speak, Master Fu turned to Hee Xiao and said: "Hee Xiao, I also know that you have always been used to freedom, so I won't have too many restrictions on you and me. It's the same for Hong Xing, only that I hope you can help Hong Xing out when something big happens."    


Hee Xiao hurriedly replied, "Master Fu is too serious. Although Hee Xiao is usually a bit undisciplined, he is not someone who takes the big picture into consideration."    


Master Fu nodded his head, "That's good. As for the drawing of Kowloon Tong, Chen Fei should have talked to you about it before. Do as he says."    


Hee Xiao said, "Yes."    


Master Fu waved his hand and said, "You guys go ahead, I'm tired too, I can't take this anymore if I'm old."    


Only then did Lu Lee and Hee Xiao get up to leave. Master Fu said, "Aji will bring you to the villa's matter after it's settled in two days. I'll leave it to Lady Xu for a few days."    


The two of them walked out. Xu Jing, Shuang Feng, Xiao Dao and Hee Xiao's two underlings were still waiting there. Hee Xiao also said goodbye to Lu Lee and the others before leaving with them. Lu Lee and Xu Jing also returned to their own residence.    


Ji Feng's death caused chaos within the Wolf Hall.    


Two days later, Lu Lee brought Xiao Dao and Shuang Feng to the "Golden Coast" in the afternoon.    


Nightclub, this was Wolf Hall's own business. Several of the stewards were waiting for the news. At the very least, many of his little brothers from Wolf Hall were talking about him. When they heard that Lu Lee had killed Ji Feng, there was actually someone who threatened to avenge Ji Feng, but when they truly saw Lu Lee, there was no anger left in them.    


Lu Lee did not have any expression on his face, but his eyes were filled with a cold light, like sharp blades. This was a gaze that could kill. Being stared at in this way caused a trace of fear to arise in their hearts.    


This time, Lu Lee did not act like Hee Xiao, but instead called over a few of the stewards to give a few simple words. This time, he had all the stewards of Wolf Hall and above gather together, that was to say, those with subordinates and subordinates were all summoned. Therefore, the entire hall was filled with people.    


Master Fu originally wanted Aji to accompany Lu Lee, but after thinking about the fact that Lu Lee was not someone who could suppress the situation, he didn't bring it up. Lu Lee called the several stewards into the room. After they entered, Lu Lee said, "Let's get to know each other before the meeting starts."    


A few of the overseers hurriedly introduced themselves, and only then did Lu Lee know that the one leading them was Wolf Hall's second in-charge, Brother Quan. The others were Wolf Hall's gold medal thugs, general ledger, and Grand Master.    


Lu Lee waited until they finished introducing me before slowly saying, "Chen Fei, you can call me Elder Brother Fei from now on. Even if everyone knows each other today, I won't say anything more. I hope you all can do your own things and not think of any tricks.    


He looked at them and continued, "Don't try to challenge my bottom line. I think you guys should know that I am not a person who gives people too many chances. We are all brothers after all. Whoever cheats him will get what they want. I will let him go and let him continue to be Ji Feng's little brother."    


His gaze swept across everyone's face, including Brother Quan, who couldn't help but shiver.    


Lu Lee said softly, "I don't want to care too much about business matters. You guys just have to worry about it, but one thing I don't care, but don't think I'm blind. Whoever wants to harm the interests of the society, do it for themselves. Also, from now on, Twin Phoenixes are my spokesperson, so what they say is what I mean.    


The few of them hurriedly replied, "Understood."    


When they returned to the main hall, the noisy hall immediately quieted down.    


Brother Quan stood on the stage: "Brothers, the main purpose of bringing everyone here today is to solemnly introduce our Wolf Hall's new Hall Master, Elder Brother Fei. From today onwards, Elder Brother Fei will be our boss, and we believe that under Elder Brother Fei's lead, our Wolf Hall will definitely grow and become more popular. "Now, Elder Brother Fei, please speak for everyone."    


Looking at the black mass below the stage, he said into the microphone, "Brothers, I'm not good at talking, much less talking nonsense. I'll just emphasize three points, first, don't be greedy, and second, don't be disobedient, and third, don't create rumors. Those who have these thoughts would like you to hold back a little and not let me catch you. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning hostile. "    


Lu Lee looked at everyone: "Do you understand what I'm saying?"    


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