Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C31 Mysterious Lu Yu

C31 Mysterious Lu Yu

Lu Lee called the service desk and asked them to book a plane ticket to Shenzhen.    


Lu Yu, who just came to the hotel, happened to hear all of this while the reception desk was on the phone.    


Lu Yu gave him a tip and had the service desk book the same ticket. Inwardly, he rejoiced that he had come at the right time, so it would be difficult to find him after this Lu Lee fellow had flown away his Shenzhen.    


Lu Lee and Bai Yaqi reluctantly said their goodbyes. They didn't expect that this little girl's demand was that high. She pestered him to go crazy with her again before letting him go.    


After getting on the plane, Lu Lee found his seat. Beside him was a middle-aged man in his forties.    


Lu Lee first put away his luggage, then very politely said to the middle-aged man: "Please let me pass."    


Smiling, the man swung his legs into the hallway to let him in, and he said thank you again. Then he sat down, fastened his seat belt, and tilted his head to look out the window.    


The Middle-earth slowly became smaller in his line of sight, and then completely disappeared.    


He missed Bai Yaqi in his heart. He had never thought that after walking among the flowers for so many years, he would be moved by such a pure and innocent little girl.    


To be honest, Lu Yu had a pretty good first impression of Lu Lee, especially the way Lu Lee dealt with things. He was polite and respectful, and seeing Lu Lee's attachment to Middle-earth, Lu Yu guessed that it must have something to do with Bai Yaqi.    


Therefore, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Lu Lee: "Brat, is this your first time at Middle-earth?"    


Lu Lee turned his head and looked at him. He smiled lightly and did not answer.    


Lu Yu said: "Are you going on a business trip to Shenzhen?"    


Lu Lee replied casually, "Go play."    


Lu Yu noticed that he wasn't interested in talking much, so he didn't say anything more. "Oh." He waved for the flight attendant to bring him a newspaper and slowly read it.    


During the flight, Lu Yu wanted to chat with Lu Lee a few times, but Lu Lee always acted very coldly, not giving Lu Yu the chance to break the silence.    


After getting off the plane, Lu Lee took a taxi and rushed to the address Little Wolf told him. Although Little Wolf didn't tell him the specific time, but Little Wolf said that it was still very urgent.    


Lu Yu also took a taxi and followed far behind. He had been in the detective business for a long time, so he didn't notice the tail behind his butt in a short time.    


When he got to the address given by Little Wolf, Lu Lee pressed the doorbell and an old voice came from inside: "Who is it?"    


"I'm Chen Fei, Elder Brother Wolf told me to come."    


The door opened and an old man with gray hair and a white beard let Lu Lee in.    


Closing the door, the old man said, "My name is Li Fu. You must call me Uncle Fu, just like everyone else."    


Lu Lee said, "Uncle Fu, Elder Brother Wolf said that you have something you want me to do?"    


Uncle Fu nodded his head and said: "There is something I need you to help me with. The Hall Master of the East Star Flying Eagle Hall, Zheng Jiu, has arrived at Shenzhen. You should also know that East Star is Hong Xing's sworn enemy.    


"How do we find him?" Lu Lee asked.    


Uncle Fu said, "Stay here with me for now. They will send some news over later. However, you have to be mentally prepared. You don't have any helpers for this operation."    


Lu Lee nodded. "No problem. I can handle it myself."    


Lu Yu saw Lu Lee enter the building and didn't come out for a long time. He then went into a teahouse opposite the building. He ordered a random cup of tea and stared at the entrance of the building.    


Under Uncle Fu's hospitality, Lu Lee ate whatever he wanted and then sat on the sofa to watch TV. Uncle Fu also sat on the sofa to smoke without saying anything.    


About two hours later, Uncle Fu answered the phone and said, "Tonight at 8: 30, Zheng Jiu will go to the 'Splendid Star'."    


He wrote a line of words on the paper: "This is the address and the room number. There is a bed in the room. You can rest for a while or go out and take a look."    


Lu Lee looked at the time. It was just past 3 in the afternoon, so he went to his room to rest.    


At this point, Lu Yu, who was watching them from downstairs, drank a few glasses of his drink. He wanted to go to the toilet, but he was afraid that he would miss Lu Lee.    


He sat for too long, afraid that the others would be suspicious, so he left the teahouse and found a place to lean on to the side of the street. The entrance to the building had never left his sight.    


At 7: 30 in the evening, Lu Lee finally came out. He wore a black shirt, black trousers, black leather shoes, a black windbreaker and a pair of sunglasses.    


Lu Yu almost didn't recognize him.    


Lu Lee took a taxi and left. Lu Yu also took a taxi and followed until he saw Lu Lee's car stop in front of the "Brilliant Stars" nightclub. Lu Yu told the driver to drive before he got off at the corner of the street.    


This time, Lu Lee found that someone was following him, but he remained calm.    


When Lu Yu's car turned the corner, he quietly followed. He had already guessed that the car that was following him would stop at the turn. When he saw Lu Yu getting off the car, he was surprised, wasn't this the man he met on the plane? Why did he want to follow me?    


Lu Lee walked in front of him: "Why are you following me?"    


Lu Yu was prepared for this. He took out a business card from his bag. "I'm the director of the fine arts film industry. This is my business card and I think you're quite suitable for our new movie. You want me to invite you."    


What he said wasn't all a lie. Even if Lu Lee did investigate the company, he would still get such an answer.    


Because this film company was also owned by the Bai Family, Lu Yu came here to fake this identity for fear of Lu Lee discovering it.    


Lu Lee looked at the name card, then looked at Lu Yu. However, he didn't feel any danger from Lu Yu, and he could hear that Lu Yu had the same accent as Bai Yaqi. This made him feel a sense of familiarity.    


He said coldly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested. "Also, don't follow me anymore, otherwise it will be very dangerous."    


When Lu Yu saw the killing intent in Lu Lee's eyes, he became a little nervous. He had a feeling that his life was in Lu Lee's hands, and his life was in Lu Lee's hands.    


He suddenly regretted agreeing to Bai Changnian's investigation of Lu Lee. Only now did he realize that this was a mission filled with danger.    


Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lu Lee said, "Remember what I said to you, don't follow me anymore."    


Then he took a taxi and got Lu Yu on the car. Then he said to him, "Let's go as far as we can."    


Lu Yu quickly gave the driver an address and the car drove off. Lu Lee then walked towards the nightclub.    


Lu Yu still didn't listen to him. The car turned around and came back, but this time, he was well-behaved and hid very well as he stared closely at the nightclub's door.    


Lu Lee didn't go straight to Zheng Jiu's room after entering the nightclub. Instead, he found a seat in the hall and drank two glasses of cold beer.    


He was waiting, waiting for them to start drinking and playing, and then all their guard would drop.    


Looking at the red male and green female in the field, Lu Lee thought to himself, "What is Lu Yu's background?" He said he was the director, and it was unlikely...    


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