Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C137 Lina's Request

C137 Lina's Request

Just as Ann Sudong walked to the princess' palace, he saw the King Charlie and Queen Ellie guarding the Princess Lina beside his bed.    


"Dr. Ann, are you alright? What happened?"    


King Charlie looked at the exhausted Ann Sudong and asked concernedly.    


"We ran into an assassin with a incendiary bomb. All four guards died and I let Princess Lina return first. That assassin was killed by me."    


Ann Sudong used this reason to say it again. Actually, the reason why he came here was to make arrangements for the Princess Lina to not let her tell him the truth about this matter.    


Oh, that's good, thank you Dr. Ann, I heard that many people in China know martial arts, it seems like it's true, but the killer didn't have a gun, how could you kill him?    


The king felt that no matter how good his skills were, he could not avoid the bullet.    


"I know how to shoot. I took a gun from a dead guard and hurt him. Then I killed him with a knife."    


In any case, there was a hole in that Magus' body, it made sense even if he was shot.    


"Dr. Ann is truly a young man, at such a young age, he is already proficient in medicine, fighting techniques and firearms. He's really amazing!"    


King Charlie truly admired the young man in front of him. He did not know that there was such an outstanding talent in Hua Xia, but it seemed that there was a reason why Hua Xia would be so strong in the recent years.    


Queen Ellie continued to smile at Ann Sudong, the gratitude in her eyes obvious.    


"Dr. Ann, you're back. Are you hurt?"    


The moment Princess Lina opened her eyes, she saw Ann Sudong seated on a chair, and immediately sat up in excitement. Seeing her parents still by her side, there were many things she could not say, and could only say this.    


Hehe, it's fine Princess Lina, I told you just now, I will definitely be fine, I'm not lying to you right?    


Ann Sudong looked at the Princess Lina who was a little embarrassed and joked around with her like this.    


"I am relieved to see that all of you are fine. Colonel Walker has already brought people to watch the scene, this place is very safe, don't worry Dr. Ann."    


King Charlie thought that Ann Sudong did not know about his visit, which was why he said that.    


"I know of the King Charlie. I have something to tell you."    


When Ann Sudong saw that the King Charlie was also here, he decided to tell his everything.    


"What is it, Dr. Ann? As long as there is anything that requires my help, I will definitely spare no effort."    


Charlie thought that Ann Sudong would have some sort of request. After all, Chinese was a different kind of lifestyle than that of Larry's.    


"I'm going back tomorrow. I still have a lot of things to do in Hua Xia, so I'll come over after I'm done with it."    


After Ann Sudong finished speaking, he saw that the King Charlie and Queen Ellie were a little disappointed.    


"Dr. Ann, you said that Lina will only be effective after a month or so, can you delay your time in China a little? If you can use money to settle the problem, tell me how much you need it, I will immediately get someone to transfer it to you from the Swiss Bank."    


When King Charlie thought of using this method to keep Ann Sudong, he felt that Ann Sudong would probably agree. After all, at Ann Sudong's age, there was nothing especially important to him.    


"It's not King Charlie, it's not a matter of money. I still have a company in China, and I have to participate in its Master Chef Competition. I have to go back."    


Ann Sudong had already promised Hong Zixiao, and he still had to return to participate in the Master Chef Competition. As long as Lina did not leave the palace, she would definitely not be in any danger to her life, but after he leaves, he did not know whether the Evil Qi in her body would continue to increase.    


Even now, he still did not know much about wizards. From Zach's memory, he discovered that wizards were all different. Some used fire, some used lightning, some even water.    


The Kyle in Zach's memories was a Curse Mage. As long as he obtained what the spellcaster gave him, he would be able to cast a Curse, and if he stood by your side, he would be able to curse you to death.    


"Then will interrupting the treatment affect Lina?"    


Seeing that Ann Sudong was determined to leave, Charlie could only ask him about the topic he was most concerned about right now.    


"It will have some effect, but it won't have much of an effect. As long as I don't go out during this time and wait for my return, it'll be fine."    


Ann Sudong knew that he wouldn't be affected, but he didn't know if Karl would continue to increase the Evil Qi in Princess Lina's body.    


"Father, mother wants to follow Dr. Ann back to China. Didn't you say that China is very safe? It's a civilized country. I will follow you back then."    


It was just that Ann Sudong had never mentioned when he would leave or whether he would leave tomorrow. She felt that today was an exceptionally good opportunity because Dr. Ann had saved her life.    


"This... You have never gone far, and now that you are going abroad, your mother and I are worried. Stay here and wait for Dr. Ann to finish working and then you will come back. "    


King Charlie didn't want his daughter to follow him back to Hua Xia. How could she do this, for an unmarried princess to follow a young man out of the country, it would be a joke if word were to spread.    


That's right, Lina, it's not suitable for you to leave with Dr. Ann like this. Listen to your father, wait for Dr. Ann to come back.    


Ellie also advised the Princess Lina. This was too inappropriate.    


I don't want to live like a dead person every day. I don't want to live like this for even a day, if you don't let me go back with Dr. Ann to Hua Xia, then I will go on a hunger strike until Dr. Ann returns. You all know my personality.    


The Princess Lina knew that this was his only chance. If he missed this chance, who knows when Ann Sudong would return, and if he doesn't see Ann Sudong now, she would go crazy! He would really go crazy!    


"Aiya, why is Lina not obedient? If you go with Dr. Ann like this, people will gossip."    


King Charlie continued to console her daughter as she looked at her resolute and determined daughter.    


Just tell me, in order to treat my illness, I will bring along my palace maids. For the sake of your daughter's well-being, you can promise me that. Dr. Ann's medical skills are excellent, his fighting skills are equally excellent as well as his guns.    


Lina tried her best to help herself.    


"King Charlie, please let Her Highness Princess Lina follow me to Hua Xia. After I finish my work, she will be back. There will be no danger in China, you can rest assured, my king."    


Ann Sudong thought about it for a while, then decided to let Lina follow him. He didn't know what that Karl would do next, and if Lina was in danger, he felt that he wouldn't forgive him.    


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