Dragon Emperor of Devildom



Half a day later.    


Loong Hao's figure appeared in front of an incomparably huge city gate. Above the city gate, the three big words "West Imperial City" were shockingly written there, and his demeanor was extraordinary.    


The entire area of the West Imperial City was one-third larger than the Midheaven Domain itself. Just this city alone occupied nearly a quarter of the entire Western Heavenly Domain.    


The city spanned for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and was the largest city in the entire Donghuang Realm.    


This city had existed since a million years ago and had always stood at the core region of the Western Heavenly Domain. After a million years of change, countless sects had fallen and countless cities had perished.    


It could be said that the West Imperial City was the most glorious period of the entire Divine Martial Realm, and at the same time, it was also the most tragic period of the entire Divine Martial Realm.    


Among them, the three great sects were all located in the center, with the power of three legs.    


Currently, even though Magic Beast had already infiltrated the Western Heavenly Domain, the truth was that only the top sects knew of this news in the entire West Imperial City.    


Even the slightly weaker sects knew nothing about Magic Beast. The entire West Imperial City was still in high spirits, with not the slightest bit of information regarding the appearance of Magic Beast being spread.    




The moment Loong Hao appeared at the West Imperial City city gate, a few guards that were in charge of guarding the city gate blocked Loong Hao from entering the city.    


"You aren't someone from the Western Heavenly Domain?"    


One of the city guards looked at Loong Hao and asked in a cold voice.    


"That's right."    


Loong Hao nodded.    


"There is an order from the Castellan Mansion. From today onwards, no one other than you can casually enter the West Imperial City. Who are you, and for what reason have you entered the West Imperial City?"    


the city guard asked coldly.    


The rest of the city guards were also looking at Loong Hao with a serious expression. They were on guard against Loong Hao and some of them had even quietly surrounded Loong Hao in the middle.    


"How can I enter the city?"    


Loong Hao did not answer the city guard's question, but asked directly.    


In fact, with his strength, entering the West Imperial City was an easy task, and not a single person would be able to notice it.    


However, the reason he came to the West Imperial City this time, was to find the Magic Beast which had a very high chance of infiltrating into the West Imperial City, so he did not want to make it too obvious, or else it would be very easy to alert the Western Heavenly Domain of the various great Hidden Sect experts, and it would be very easy to alert the enemy.    


"It's very simple. You only need to let us check and confirm that there are no problems before we can let you into the city."    


The city guard replied.    




Loong Hao asked.    


"I have a Soul Assessing Stone here. You only need to inject a wisp of Spiritual Consciousness into it."    


The city guard said.    


As he spoke, the city guard took out a purple Soul Assessing Stone from his storage ring. The Soul Assessing Stone continued to emit a dazzling purple light.    


"Soul Assessing Stone?"    


Seeing the Soul Assessing Stone in the hands of the city guard, Loong Hao smacked his lips, and then nodded his head lightly. Without wasting any time, he directly injected a wisp of Spiritual Consciousness into the Soul Assessing Stone.    




As Loong Hao stared at the Spiritual Consciousness, the Spirit Testing Stone in the city guard's hand immediately burst out with a resplendent rainbow light, causing the several city guards to be shocked. They looked at Loong Hao in disbelief.    


Even the surrounding people who wanted to enter the West Imperial City were attracted by this dazzling rainbow light, and their gazes all landed on Loong Hao's body.    


"What a formidable soul force!"    


Several city guards exclaimed in shock.    


To be able to be selected as the city guards by the Castellan Mansion, these city guards naturally weren't weak. The weakest had already reached the late stage of the Divine Martial Stage.    


Among them, there was even a late stage Ultima Stage expert and two middle stage Ultima Stage experts.    


At this moment, the person who was asking Loong Hao was this late stage Ultima Stage expert. His strength had already reached the peak of the seventh stage and he was only half a step away from the eighth stage of the Ultima Stage.    


However, even the soul power that he released could not burst out such a bright and dazzling light like Loong Hao. It meant that Loong Hao's strength was likely a lot stronger than him.    


"We are also alive. Please forgive us, Senior."    


After taking a deep breath, this late stage city guard respectfully said to Loong Hao, without daring to be the least bit negligent.    


He was afraid of offending Loong Hao.    


"Why did the Castellan Mansion suddenly order for the investigation of outsiders?"    


Loong Hao didn't care and asked the city guard.    


"Senior still doesn't know?"    


The city guard looked at Loong Hao strangely. In his opinion, since Loong Hao's strength had already reached the Ultima Stage and his strength was stronger than his, he should at least know some information.    


"Know what?"    


Loong Hao asked.    


Although he had already guessed the answer in his heart, he was still uncertain about it, so he pretended not to know.    


"A few days ago, a spatial crack appeared in the One Line Sky. Although three great sects had already sent experts to seal the spatial crack and kill over a hundred Magic Beast, they were still worried that a Magic Beast would sneak into the West Imperial City, so they investigated strictly."    


The city guard didn't hide anything and directly told Loong Hao about the news he got.    


"The three great sects killed hundreds of Magic Beast?"    


Loong Hao asked with a weird tone.    


He was very clear that even though Western Heavenly Domain had killed quite a few Magic Beast this time, they had definitely not killed as many as the hundred they were talking about.    


The majority of these hundreds of Magic Beast were killed by the group of ghosts from Devil Suppressing Hall, while the remaining portion were killed by him in secret.    


Only a small portion of them were killed by experts from the three great sects.    


And at this moment, from the city guard's mouth, it seemed that the killing of these hundred or so Magic Beast had all turned into the work of three great sects, and had nothing to do with Devil Suppressing Hall at all.    


However, Loong Hao understood after he thought about it.    


No matter what, three great sects was a facade of Western Heavenly Domain. Even if one's strength was lacking, one could not lower his head to others as one pleases. Otherwise, if word of this spread, the reputation of three great sects would probably be ruined.    


As for the group of Ghost Clan members in the Devil Suppressing Hall, they simply did not bother to pay attention to the humans in the Divine Martial Realm that came in contact with them. As a result, if the people in the three great sects did not speak of the real news, no one would know.    


"That's right, three great sects Elder Sect Master personally acted and sent tens of thousands of disciples into the One Line Sky, which is why he killed so many Magic Beast!"    


The city guard proudly said.    


Therefore, as a member of the Castellan Mansion, he himself was a member of the three great sects.    


Therefore, how could he not feel proud after finding out that the three great sects experts had killed hundreds of Magic Beast?    


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