Tomin in The Alien World

C2020 Final volume

C2020 Final volume

Article 135 of the Final Volume    


The ministers of the Feng Country were also happy to see the competition come to an end. Moreover, the dispute would have to be ended by the marriage of the kings of both countries. No matter what, this would be beneficial to the Feng Country.    


In the imperial court, no one raised any objections, they were all optimistic about this matter. On the other side, Xiao Xiang also mentioned this matter to the ministers of the Chuan Country. Just like the Minister of Feng Country, all the ministers of the Chuan Country also expressed their support.    


If one were to say that Feng Country was no longer willing to face off against Chuan Country, then Chuan Country was even more so. The current Chuan Country was no longer the same as it was before. The battle between Feng Zhen and Feng Zhen had caused a great loss in Chuan Army and many deaths and injuries, as well as the consumption of strength of the nation.    


The only thing that had to do with it was that Xiao Yuan, who had escaped from the sect, was still wreaking havoc in the south. The current situation of the Chuan Country could be said to be an internal disaster, it was in a precarious situation, and marriage to the Feng Country would at the very least be able to resolve the urgent situation the Chuan Country was in right now, and it would also be able to save the Chuan Country from both water and fire.    


Of course, this marriage couldn't be said to be perfect, at least it was very unfair to the Chuan Country. After all, after Xiao Xiang married Tang Yin, she could only get the title of Madam and had to be Tang Yin for the future. In this way, the relationship between the Feng Country And Chuan Country would naturally become the main focus of the wind, and it would also become the supplementary function of the river. In the future, Chuan Country would not be slowly eaten by and assimilated by the Feng Country.    


Three days later, Xiao Xiang sent someone to the Feng King Palace and invited Tang Yin to meet them. Receiving Xiao Xiang's invitation, Tang Yin was very clear that she wanted to discuss the marriage with him.    


There were too many aspects to be covered in this marriage between two nations, and it was even between two monarchs. Of course, it would require Tang Yin, Xiao Xiang and the ministers of the Feng Country And Chuan Country to negotiate repeatedly.    


Tang Yin accepted Xiao Xiang's invitation and left for the King Chuan Manor.    


The King Chuan Palace was built after Xiao Xiang submitted the Chuan Country Jade Seal to him. The Feng King Palace was located to the north of the imperial palace, and the King Chuan Palace was coincidentally located to the south of the imperial palace. Because the construction of the King Chuan Palace was a little rushed, the scale was not too big for the time being. Compared to the Feng King Palace, the area of the palace was smaller by more than half. Tang Yin had thought that other than Xiao Xiang, there were also those important officials of the Chuan Country waiting for him in the King Chuan Palace.    


Xiao Xiang invited Tang Yin into her own chamber. Inside, there were only two tables, and the dishes and wine were already prepared. It was not very sumptuous, but it was extremely tasty.    


The two of them were already very familiar with each other. They didn't speak any false words. They only exchanged a few simple words of greeting before the host took his seat. Ever since the construction of King Chuan Palace, it was Tang Yin's first time coming here. Sitting up and down, he raised his head and looked around.    


The decorations and decorations here were almost no different from Xiao Xiang's Princess Mansion. The style was completely the same, making Tang Yin feel like he was in the midst of Princess Mansion.    


Seeing Tang Yin looking around, Xiao Xiang laughed and asked, "Is Royal Brother worried that I will have an ambush here?"    


Tang Yin was startled, then he released a burst of candid laughter, much less there being an ambush from outside the hall, even if there was, he was not afraid at all. He laughed and said, "I just think that this place is extremely similar to the Princess Mansion."    


Xiao Xiang shrugged and said, "This Duke Palace was built to imitate Princess Mansion anyway."    


"So that's how it is!" Tang Yin nodded and did not speak further. Xiao Xiang asked curiously: "What, does Royal Brother not like it here?"    


"That's not true. Moreover, this is King Chuan Palace. As long as Sister Wang likes it, it's fine." Tang Yin said indifferently.    


Xiao Xiang changed the subject and asked sternly: "Royal Brother has already... Have we announced our impending marriage to the Minister of Feng Country s yet? "    


The reason she asked this was because she wanted to understand the Minister of Feng Country's reaction to this matter. But more importantly, she wanted to probe out Tang Yin and see if he had any intentions of going back on his words.    


Tang Yin didn't think too much into it, and truthfully said: "I've already told them, and everyone is in favor of it."    


Hearing that, Xiao Xiang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, Tang Yin did not intend to go back on his words, and with the support of the Minister of Feng Country, it looked like, it was just as Zhang Xin had said, once the marriage alliance between the two nations was proposed, it would immediately become a guarantee.    


She smiled and said, "It's the same for me. All the ministers in the court agree with us ? Marriage. "    


Tang Yin laughed leisurely and said: "It seems that only the Son of Heaven does not understand the situation. We need to find a day to explain this to the Son of Heaven."    


Xiao Xiang nodded her head repeatedly, and said shyly: "Everything will be decided by Royal Brother."    


Xiao Xiang, who always liked to go against her words, suddenly became more gentle, which actually made Tang Yin feel uncomfortable. He subconsciously looked at Xiao Xiang and found that the latter's face had two patches of red on it, like a ripe apple.    


If one looked carefully, she seemed to have purposely made up for it today. Her black hair was tied into a princess bun, her hair was cut into tassels, her skin was soft and smooth like brocade, her eyebrows were as long as a painting, her eyes were twinkling like the stars, and her smile was as beautiful as a flower.    


Sitting there, she was calm like a virgin, moving like a rabbit. She was dignified and elegant, completely different from her usual arrogant appearance.    


Although he knew that Xiao Xiang was a beautiful lady, it was as if he had always ignored her, and only saw Xiao Xiang's background and identity.    


Under Tang Yin's gaze, Xiao Xiang felt her heart beating faster, and her blushing face became even redder. She was nervous inside, but she did not show it on her face at all. She leisurely picked up her wine cup and smiled at Tang Yin: "I toast to Royal Brother!"    


Tang Yin regained his senses, and unconsciously revealed an awkward expression, he also raised his wine cup and laughed: "Sister Wang is being too courteous." With that, he finished the wine in his cup in one gulp. When the wine entered his stomach, it was as sharp as a knife, as if it had been cut from the throat all the way to the stomach.    


Waiting for the maid at the side to pour him some wine, Tang Yin curiously picked up the cup, put it under his nose and took a whiff, then spoke with some surprise: "It's Pure Wine!"    


At that time, there were two types of the strongest wines. One was wind wine, and the other was chaste wine. The reason for this was not only related to the temperament of the citizens, but also to their national circumstances.    


The two countries were both poor countries with scarce resources, so they did not have much food to brew wine. This made wind wine and chaste wine famous for being strong, and people would often fall drunk after a few drinks.    


Xiao Xiang pretended to be shocked and asked: "Royal Brother doesn't like it? Then I will call someone to change the wine! " As she spoke, she raised her hand, indicating for the maidservants on her left and right to exchange wine.    


Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "No need, as long as it's Pure Wine, I'll go straight to the Chastity Bar!" Compared to the White Water River Wine, Tang Yin was more willing to accept the spiciness of the Wine.    


Seeing that, Xiao Xiang then called out passionately: Royal Brother, try the delicacies on the table more. These are all famous dishes that have characteristics of the land!    


Tang Yin smiled as he picked up his chopsticks and tasted every dish on the table. As soon as he ate it, he could tell that the chef who cooked it must have been brought over from the Chuan Country by Xiao Xiang. It was very authentic, not much different from the delicacies he had tasted in the King Chuan Palace.    


The two of them ate and chatted as they exchanged cups. Unknowingly, they had already eaten for more than two hours.    


During this period, one pot of the dishes was taken, and the other one was taken up once again. After finishing one pot of the wine, another pot was immediately filled, and Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang had already finished three bottles of wine.    


Xiao Xiang looked drunk on the outside, her skin was soft and tender, her eyes were misty, without the aura of a monarch, she looked cute and charming.    


It was unknown if it was because of the alcohol, but Tang Yin felt that a clear fragrance was drifting in the air, the scent of Xiao Xiang's body.    


Borrowing the alcohol from the wine, Xiao Xiang was not as shy as she was at the start. She took the cup and toasted to Tang Yin while asking, "Royal Brother, when should we set a date for our marriage?"    


After drinking three jugs of wine in a row, Tang Yin felt a little dizzy. He thought for a bit before replying, "About this ? "I haven't thought about it yet, but I'll have to discuss it with the ministers before making a decision!"    


Xiao Xiang slowly stood up, walked around his table, and came to Tang Yin's table. She sat down beside him and said: "Marriage is a matter between you and me, so how can Royal Brother discuss the date of marriage with the ministers?"    


As she spoke, she finished the wine in her glass in a huff.    


Tang Yin shook his head and laughed, after that he also finished drinking the wine, and then asked while smiling: "Then, which day does sister Wang think it is best for the date of the marriage to be set?"    


Xiao Xiang blinked her eyes, following that, she laughed out loud and said happily: "I think it's best to fix it in four days!"    


"Four days later?" Tang Yin looked at her, puzzled.    


"Four days later, it will be the ten days promised by the Son of Heaven, which is the day the Son of Heaven will make me his future master. But at that time, the one who will marry me will be the Royal Brother, isn't that interesting, it will also let the Son of Heaven understand who is the true ruler of Haotian!"    


"Ha ha!" Hearing that, Tang Yin laughed out loud, and said: "That's a good idea, I think Yin Zhun will go crazy from anger."    


Xiao Xiang's eyes lit up as she said: "Since Royal Brother thinks it's good too, then this matter is settled!" As she said that, she naturally leaned towards Tang Yin and poured wine for him.    


As Xiao Xiang got closer, Tang Yin could feel the refreshing fragrance become even stronger, and looking back at the close proximity of Xiao Xiang, who was so beautiful that it seemed as if it could drop at any moment, he couldn't help but be distracted, and an urge to embrace her arose in his heart.    


He took a deep breath and subconsciously retreated. But very quickly, Xiao Xiang came close to him again with the wine cup still in her hand, and said with a smile: "Royal Brother, please!"    


Tang Yin who was feeling parched did not even look at it. He took the wine cup and finished it in one gulp. The wine did not extinguish the lust in his body, but instead made it burn even hotter.    


Just as he was trying hard to suppress his desire, Xiao Xiang suddenly whispered into his ear, "Do you still remember the words that Master Zhang said?"    


At this moment, Tang Yin's mind was in a mess. Moreover, Zhang Xin had said too many things, how could he know which sentence Xiao Xiang was referring to. He asked with a slightly hoarse voice, "What does Sister Wang want to say?"    


Xiao Xiang did not immediately reply as she raised her head to look at the maids on her left and right. Without needing her to say anything, the maids automatically left the room. After the servants left, other than Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang, there were only two people left in the room who were 'eyesore', Ah San and Ah Si.    


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