Tomin in The Alien World

C2002 Final volume

C2002 Final volume

The Final Volume    


Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang had personally come to the Zhen Country during this expedition. Compared to when the five nations were fighting against chastity, the Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country this time was much more civilized. There were no wanton massacres or plundering in the Zhen Country, nor were there massacres or destruction of the city.    


Even Li Shu, who committed suicide, would be buried according to the etiquette of a king. As for the New Capital built by Li Shu ? Xi Tang, they would not burn it down like they did in the past.    


Right now, Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang were both at the Xi Tang, and were discussing the final destination of the Zhen Country, as for the Feng Army and Chuan Army that were fighting everywhere outside the Xi Tang, they became their bargaining chips at the table.    


Xi Tang, palace, main hall. Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang sat in the upper seats, while the generals and advisers of the Feng Country And Chuan Country sat below.    


Of course, Tang Yin hoped that the Feng Country could devour the entire Zhen Country. In this way, not only would the population and land of the Feng Country receive a promotion from the first mate, it would also form a trap for the entire population.    


During the discussion, Tang Yin didn't waste any words, and went straight to the point: "Sister Wang, Chuan Army has already conquered eight counties of Zhen Country, I wonder when Chuan Army will be able to retreat, and when we can hand over the counties we have occupied to our country?"    


Xiao Xiang almost burst out laughing after hearing this, and asked in reply, "Why must our troops withdraw their Zhen Country? And why give the prefectures that you have occupied to the Royal Brother? "    


Without waiting for Tang Yin to speak, she immediately said: "I think the one who should withdraw should be the Royal Brother right? Royal Brother should not forget, my Zhen Country has long ago entered the river, and my Zhen Country has long been a part of the river. "    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin was amused, and said: "Since Sister Wang has said so, then we might as well get to the point! Firstly, your People of Chuan Country cannot suppress the People of Zhen Country at all, and cannot suppress the People of Zhen Country as well. This time, Li Shu's rebellion is a living example, if you continue to push your Zhen Country further, it will be difficult to ensure that there won't be a second, third, or even more Li Shu appearing in the future.    


Before he finished speaking, Xiao Xiang waved her hand again and again, and interrupted: "I think the reason why Li Shu is able to make his power grow stronger is extremely clear in my heart. If not for your Feng Country secretly assisting Li Shu, his power would have been levelled up by my Chuan Army a long time ago.    


Xiao Xiang's words showed no mercy at all, and all the generals and strategists grinned when they heard it.    


Fortunately, the main generals and strategists from the two Feng Country and Chuan Country armies were out in battle, and those present had relatively low statuses and positions. When Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang spoke with him, they did not dare interrupt.    


On Li Shu's matter, Tang Yin was indeed in the wrong. Hearing Xiao Xiang's words, he did not say anymore, and changed the topic: "Let's not talk about Li Shu for now, right now, Sichuan has already returned the Son of Heaven, the Chuan Country is no more, and Royal Sis is is only holding the title of King Chuan, why must we go through with it, why must we occupy the Zhen Country and not let go? "This is of no benefit to you, sister Wang."    


"Ha ha!" Xiao Xiang laughed, and said: "How can there be no benefits? Moreover, if we were to give away the Zhen Country to the Royal Brother, it will increase their power and influence greatly, causing the ambition of the Royal Brother to expand. If one day I find the Son of Heaven an eyesore, if I were to take his place, wouldn't the Son of Heaven who possesses the land of Sichuan would not even have the strength to resist? "    


I told you long ago that I had no intention to replace the Son of Heaven!    


Who knows what the Royal Brother is thinking? " Xiao Xiang faintly said: "Besides, even if Royal Brother doesn't have that kind of thought right now, it's not certain that he won't have one in the future. As your subject, I naturally have to consider everything for Son of Heaven."    


"In that case, does Sister Wang insist on going against me?" Tang Yin squinted his eyes and stared at Xiao Xiang.    


Others may be afraid of Tang Yin, but Xiao Xiang was not afraid of him. She said slowly: "Royal Brother has always liked to use the title of the Son of Heaven to get rid of the thorn in my heart, but now that I am the Son of Heaven, I'm afraid that the Royal Brother's tricks will no longer work on me!"    


Tang Yin looked at Xiao Xiang, and was speechless for a long time. It was only now that he felt that Xiao Xiang's move to return the Chuan Chuan back to Yu Tian Zi was really brilliant. He was originally trying to take advantage of the heavens to order the dukes around, but now Xiao Xiang could actually do the opposite to him.    


After a long while, he took a deep breath and said: "Tell me, what kind of condition do you want for you to be willing to give up your Zhen Country?"    


Xiao Xiang shrugged her shoulders and said firmly: "No matter what condition Royal Brother gives me, I will never give my Zhen Country to Royal Brother. On this point, I hope that Royal Brother can give up as soon as possible!"    


Tang Yin nodded his head, he suddenly stood up and walked towards the exit with large strides. At the same time, he said without looking back: "The Zhen Country rebellion has not yet ended, there is chaos and bandits have all over the place. Little sister Wang should be more careful in the future, otherwise, it would be hard to avoid getting hurt!"    


Xiao Xiang was not a fool, she could hear the threat in Tang Yin's words, and said with a smile: "Thank you Royal Brother for your reminder, I, Wang'er, have long been more careful! Oh right, there's something I forgot to tell you, Royal Brother. "    


Tang Yin stopped in his tracks, but did not turn back. Of course, the elders will not participate in the battle of the Chuan Army, they will only be able to protect me. Now, the promised reply from the Holy King is here, and the elders of the Divine Pool are also on the way, if there really are 'bandits' who want to harm me, then it would be better for me to hurry up and take care of them, if not, I will not have another chance in the future. "    


Ren Xiao had sent an elder of the Divine Pool to protect Xiao Xiang? How come he didn't know about this? Tang Yin frowned slightly, but did not take what he said to heart. What he had just said was just to scare Xiao Xiang, he did not really intend to send people to assassinate her.    


He coldly snorted and didn't stay any longer as he walked out of the hall. Following Tang Yin's departure, all of the Feng Country Generals and strategists stood up, cupped their hands and bowed to Xiao Xiang, and then walked out together.    


After Tang Yin brought the Feng Country Generals s and left, some of the General of Chuan Country s couldn't help but bow and ask: "Great King, did the Divine Pool Holy King really send elders to protect the Great King?"    


The confident smile on Xiao Xiang's face turned into a wry smile.    


She had indeed written a letter to ask for Ren Xiao's help, and had also guaranteed that she would not use the Divine Pool elders for the army's battles. It was just that Ren Xiao had not replied to her with words just now, it was just a bluff that she was unwilling to admit defeat.    


To Xiao Xiang's complete surprise, after a few days, Ren Xiao actually personally came to the Xi Tang, accompanied by several elders from the Divine Pool. With regards to Ren Xiao's sudden arrival, Tang Yin was also very surprised, but of course, he was also pleasantly surprised.    


It had been more than a year since the start of the competition. When Ren Xiao had just ascended the throne, he was filled with fear and trepidation.    


After meeting up with Ren Xiao, they couldn't help but exchange pleasantries. After that, Tang Yin brought him to the rear garden of the Chastity Palace, drinking and chatting at the same time.    


In the midst of eating wine, Tang Yin got down to business, and asked with a smile: "I believe that Brother Ren came all the way to the Xi Tang because of an important matter, right?"    


Ren Xiao did not immediately reply. Instead, he took out a letter from his sleeves and handed it over to Tang Yin. The latter took it, unfurled it, smiled, and muttered: "This girl really wrote you a letter asking for help!"    


"What, does Your Highness know of this as well?" Ren Xiao was a little surprised. This letter, was the letter that Xiao Xiang had written to him a while ago, requesting for his help.    


"Not only do you know, Xiao Xiang also said that Brother Ren agreed to help her, and even specially sent a few clan elders to protect her." Tang Yin was really curious about this matter, and asked: "Brother Ren, is this true?"    


Ren Xiao shook his head, then nodded and said: "One of my goals in coming to Xi Tang is to take care of this matter."    


After he finished speaking, he sighed and said, "As the king, the people who protect King Chuan are as numerous as the clouds. What kind of bandit need to be used on the Divine Pool Elders? Thinking about it, the only person Xiao Xiang is worried about is you, your highness! "    


After Tang Yin heard this, he smiled and waited for Ren Xiao to continue.    


Ren Xiao said: "Now, Chuan Country has already become the direct subordinate of the Son of Heaven, and King Chuan will gradually become a reputed duke. Moreover, King Chuan is only a woman, Your Highness can't care less about her!"    


"I originally meant no harm to her, but she was just being too preoccupied with her own matters."    


Hearing that, Ren Xiao laughed, and said: "Since Your Highness has said this, I am relieved."    


"Are those elders you brought with you the ones who were sent to protect her?"    


"Not really." Ren Xiao continued: "King Chuan is a duke after all, and he is an official of the Imperial Court now. Since he has already spoken, it would not be good for me to reject her. Your Highness won't mind, right? "    


Tang Yin smiled and shook his head, then said: "It's just a small matter, isn't it impossible for Brother Ren to come all the way here for this matter?"    


Ren Xiao said: "As I said earlier, this matter is only one of the purposes of this trip. In addition, we haven't seen His Highness for a long time, so I really miss him! "    


Tang Yin laughed, and said: "Isn't it easy to meet them? The Divine Pool and Shang Jing are separated by an inch, and we can meet at any time.    


"Indeed, nothing can be hidden from His Royal Highness." Ren Xiao nodded his head, his face revealing a look of awkwardness. Seeing that, Tang Yin was puzzled: "What difficulties did Brother Ren encounter?"    


"To be honest, I have been a Holy King for more than a year. This is not what I wanted to do, Your Highness, I think ? "Give way to the Sage ?"    


Everything else could be discussed, but once he heard that Ren Xiao wanted to give up his position, and that Zen was in the vicinity, Tang Yin's nerves immediately tensed up, and his face immediately turned serious.    


He said, "It's fine, why did you suddenly think of giving up your seat to someone else? Is there anyone within the Divine Pool who is unconvinced with you and is secretly trying to obstruct you? "    


"No, no, no, Your Highness has misunderstood!" Ren Xiao immediately waved his hand, and said: "Right now, from the Divine Pool to the elders, to the commoners, they all have great respect for me, and no one disobeys me, and is secretly making trouble for me."    


"Isn't that good? Why did you suddenly give up your seat? " Tang Yin frowned as he looked at Ren Xiao.    


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