Tomin in The Alien World

C1945 Final volume

C1945 Final volume

Nie Ze stared at Xun Xiu, and after a long while, he smiled and waved his hand: "Mr Xun, please take a seat!"    


After hearing that, Xun Xiu's heart dropped. He cupped his hands and bowed deeply. Then, he sat down on his knees to the side.    


Nie Ze said with a stern expression: "This commander cannot decide whether or not Feng Country can ally with your side. This requires the approval and consent of the king."    


"This is precisely the reason why this little one has come to see General Nie." Xun Xiu said straightforwardly: "I hope that General Nie can speak up for my general in front of Feng King and only benefit my side with this matter, and also benefit Feng Country greatly."    


Nie Ze rubbed his chin, deep in his thoughts. Xun Xiu continued to speak: "No matter where General Nie went, no matter how his thoughts changed, he is still a People of Zhen Country, and now that People of Zhen Country wants to restore his country, General Nie should give him a hand, whether it is in the public or the private!"    


His words moved Nie Ze somewhat. Just as he had said, no matter how high Nie Ze's position in the Feng Country was, he was still a People of Zhen Country, and his very bones flowed with the blood of the People of Zhen Country. If Li Shu was truly able to bring the People of Zhen Country back to its homeland, then even if he chose to stay in the Feng Country, he would feel happy for the People of Zhen Country from the bottom of his heart.    


Nie Ze pondered for a long time before nodding, and said: "This commander will report this matter to the imperial government as soon as possible, and at the same time write a letter to the king, telling him to seriously consider this matter."    


Xun Xiu's eyes turned, and he said with difficulty: "General Nie, if it was only mentioned in the letter, I am afraid that Feng King would not pay much attention to it."    


Nie Ze tilted his head and asked: "Mr Xun means..."    


Xun Xiu said seriously: "I wish to pay my respects to Feng King, I hope that General Nie can fulfill my wish."    


So it was like that, Xun Xiu did not come to see him to discuss something, he just wanted to use him to meet the King. Although understanding this point made Nie Ze a little unhappy, he still felt that there was a need to recommend Xun Xiu to the King.    


An alliance of Feng Country and Li Shu's forces was indeed beneficial to. At least, it would allow his Feng Country to have one more chess piece that could restrict his Chuan Country. On the other hand, Nie Ze himself was also willing to help the cause of this situation.    


After thinking about it, he nodded his head and said, "Alright, this marshal will personally make a trip to Shang Jing to introduce you to the King!"    


The moment he said that, Xun Xiu was extremely excited, the latter anxiously stood up and cupped her hands in a respectful salute, her voice trembling: "I thank General Nie for your help."    


Nie Ze squinted his eyes and took a deep breath in before speaking faintly: "This commander has already done his best on the road that I can pave for you. As for whether or not you can accomplish great things in the future, that will depend on Li Shu and your own abilities."    


The next day, Nie Ze brought Xun Xiu and left the Battle-tested Army campsite, and set off for Shang Jing. As it was not the time of war, Nie Ze's movements was relatively free, he did not need to receive any orders from Tang Yin or the imperial government to return to the capital.    


When Nie Ze and Xun Xiu returned to Shang Jing, it was already half a month later. The day that they arrived at Shang Jing was really unfortunate, Tang Yin was not in the city, but was out of the city to hunt. As for when he would return, it was hard to say.    


Although Tang Yin was not there, Qiu Zhen, Shangguan Yuanji and the other ministers were in Shang Jing. Nie Ze brought Xun Xiu to visit the Minister of the Left, Qiu Zhen. Upon hearing the news of Nie Ze coming to the capital, Qiu Zhen was slightly surprised. Everything was fine, why did he run back from the Huan Country?    


Qiu Zhen received Nie Ze, and when the latter explained his intention of returning to the capital, Qiu Zhen could not help but take a deep breath.    


Amongst the ministers of the Feng Country, Qiu Zhen's sharp thinking could be said to be outstanding. Just as Nie Ze finished speaking, he realized that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, if he took this opportunity, Li Shu would definitely become a breakthrough in his Feng Country.    


He suggested to Nie Ze that they should not wait inside the city for the King to return, and immediately take Xun Xiu outside the city to find the King to report this matter to him. If nothing unexpected happened, the King would definitely pay attention to this matter.    


Qiu Zhen's words were exactly what Nie Ze wanted, and after the latter left Qiu Zhen's temporary residence, he brought Xun Xiu out of the city without stopping to look for him.    


The place Tang Yin was hunting was not close to Shang Jing, it was around twenty miles to the east. It was a vast mountain area, but the mountain terrain was not steep. It was indeed a good place to hunt.    


This time, there were Shangguan Yuanyang, Jiang Fan and a few other general of Feng Country that were traveling with Tang Yin. Furthermore, there were also Tang Yin who came out with Tang Yin to relax.    


By the time Nie Ze and Xun Xiu had rushed over, it was already evening.    


After hunting for an entire day, Tang Yin had a great harvest. In total, he had hunted down two deer, three pheasants, and four wild rabbits, but the prey he had hunted was a lot worse than Shangguan Yuanzhong. It was not that Shangguan Yuan had a lot more prey than him, but he had actually hunted down an adult black bear.    


At this time, Tang Yin had decided to camp here and continue his hunt tomorrow.    


The In Camp was very lively. Tents after tents and bonfires piled up one after another. Groups and groups of Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army were gathered around the bonfires, roasting the prey while chatting and laughing.    


Tang Yin, Yin Rou, Shangguan Yuanyu, Jiang Fan and the rest, just like the ordinary soldiers, sat beside the bonfire.    


As they chatted, Tang Yin would occasionally hear buzzing sounds of discussion from the surroundings. He raised his head and looked around, and seeing that the nearby guards were still whispering to each other, he laughed and asked, "What are you all sneaking around for?"    


Seeing that the King was looking her way, some of the guards quickly waved and said, "Reporting to the King, no ?" "Nothing ?"    


"Not telling the truth is the crime of deceiving the monarch!" Tang Yin deliberately tried to scare them with a cold face.    


The guard who had spoken trembled in fear and whispered, "Your Majesty, we ?" We will discuss whether it is better for General Yuan to shoot or General Jiang Fan to shoot. "    


"Oh?" Tang Yin blinked his eyes, and was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud with his head facing upwards, nodding his head, and said: "I am also very curious about it, how about ?" Saying that, he turned to look at Shangguan Yuanyu and Jiang Fan, and laughed: "How about the two of you compete?"    


Jiang Fan was not one to show off, not to mention that archery skills were his forte, with his own skill being shorter than others, he had always hated archery. He waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty, there's still no need ?"    


Without waiting for him to finish, Shangguan Yuan had already stood up and shouted with dissatisfaction: "What do you mean no need, do you mean I will definitely lose to you? Let's fight! Jiang Fan, get up!    


Without saying a word, he pulled Jiang Fan up from the ground. The latter shook his head again and again with a helpless look.    


Seeing that Shangguan Yuan and Jiang Fan were competing in archery, the surrounding General of Feng Country were all happy to watch the commotion. Some jeered, some applauded, and some even went up to cheer for them, whistling from all directions.    


Tang Yin pulled Yin Rou and stood up, then asked Ah San who stood beside him: "Did we catch a lot of wild rabbits?"    


"Yes, my lord!" Ah San replied with a smile.    


"I can use it now." Tang Yin first looked at the sky, then said to Shangguan Yuan and Jiang Fan: "The two of you just competed with shooting rabbits, see who shot more accurately, what about it?"    


"We'll fight when the time comes, we'll fight when the time comes. It doesn't matter to me why." Shangguan Yuan said nonchalantly.    


Jiang Fan was driven to the side, he laughed bitterly: "This general doesn't have any objections either."    


"Alright!" Tang Yin led the group to the edge of the camp and continued to walk further into the dense forest. He stopped and said: "Let's do it here!" As he spoke, he had the captive hare brought over.    


Very soon, the guards brought the wooden cages over and stacked them on the ground. At a glance, there were at least dozens of cages, and each cage contained one or more rabbits.    


The sky had already darkened, it was not as dark as it was now, but the light was already very limited. Tang Yin took the bow and arrows from the guard and said with a smile: "I'll try first!"    


He nocked an arrow and turned his head to whistle at the guards. The guard understood and quickly opened the cage. As soon as he opened the little door of the cage, the rabbits inside rushed out and ran crazily into the forest on the other side.    


Tang Yin replied: "Check the numbers!"    


The guard was stunned for a moment before reacting. He hurriedly chanted, "One, two, three, four ?"    


Only when the guard finished his chant did Tang Yin fiercely shoot out the arrow in his hand.    


With a swoosh, the arrow flew through the air like lightning into the woods. It struck the rabbit that had escaped into the forest. As the arrow was too powerful, it pierced through the rabbit's body and rolled for a few meters before stopping.    


At first, the scene was silent, but soon after, cheers filled the air and all the guards cheered, "My King is mighty! "Great King!"    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed out loud. He casually threw the bow to the guard beside him and took Yin Rou into her arms.    


Seeing his proud look, Yin Rou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She reminded him in a low voice, "It was obviously General Yuan who wanted to compete with General Jiang Fan!"    


The smile on Tang Yin's face became wider, and he said: "I was just putting on an act, the archery techniques of the two of them, are far superior to me!" Although he said that, Tang Yin was actually not very convinced in his heart. He was a competitive person in the first place, no matter what.    


Just then, a guard ran over, interposed and bowed, and said, "Great King, General Nie is here."    


"Nie Ze?" Tang Yin was startled, and muttered: "Isn't he supposed to be guarding the Huan Country, why would he come to Shang Jing?" After pausing for a moment, he laughed: "Nie Ze came at the perfect time, it's time to invite him over!"    


After the guards left, Tang Yin smiled evilly at Shangguan Yuanyu and Jiang Fan, "Yuanyu, Jiang Fan, Nie Ze is here, you two must try your best. You both don't want to be disgraced in front of Nie Ze, right?    


"Pu, pu!" Shangguan Yuan didn't say anything. He lowered his head and spat two mouthfuls of saliva into his palm, looking eager and eager to give it a try.    


Jiang Fan, on the other hand, didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How could they be so provocative in front of others?    


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