Tomin in The Alien World

C1941 Final volume

C1941 Final volume

Xiao Xiang struggled to sit up, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't support her heavy body. With a trembling voice, she said, "Brother Rong, even if I ascend to the throne, we can still act like this ?"    


"No, that won't happen. At that time, you were king and I was a subject. How could I be like this?" Xiao Rong raised his head and gently caressed Xiao Xiang's face, then said softly, "I like Sister Xiang the most, I like the most ?"    


As he spoke, he lowered his head. She even suspected that she was in the middle of a nightmare and Xiao Rong actually kissed her on the lips.    


Xiao Xiang was stunned for a moment before reacting, and started to struggle violently. Unfortunately, the Ginger Tea that she had just drank had already been scattered about by the Cartilage. No matter how hard she tried to struggle, to Xiao Rong, she could only resist him like a little kitten.    


Xiao Xiang was ashamed, angry and pained at the same time.    


Xiao Rong finally let go of his cherry lips that had been kissed by him. He blinked his innocent eyes as he wiped away the tears on Xiao Xiang's face and asked puzzledly, "Sis Xiang, why are you crying?"    


"Are you crazy!" Xiao Xiang's head was buzzing as she cried. She kept looking around and wished that someone would jump out to stop the crazy Xiao Rong, but no one came out to save her. Even the maids in the hall had retreated silently.    


In the future, I will be the Great General, and hold the military power of the entire country. Killing him will be as easy as turning his hand, and then, I will be the King, and Sis Xiang will be the imperial concubine.    


As he spoke, he carefully lifted her neck again.    


Crazy! Xiao Rong had completely gone mad! Xiao Xiang painfully closed his eyes, his tears constantly dripping to the ground. She had never thought that he could be so frivolous.    


When he was young, he liked to stay by Xiao Xiang's side, and eat, sleep, bathe, and play games with her. But as he grew older, he gradually became bound by etiquette, and was no longer able to do anything that he could do when he was young. This became a regret that he could never erase in Xiao Rong's heart. But now the chance had come.    


"Brother Rong ?" Xiao Xiang's cherry lips opened slightly as she called out Xiao Rong's name with a soft and trembling voice.    


At that moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the courtyard. Then looking at the Nine Young Master Mansion's big gate, it was forcefully opened by someone from the outside, following that, a large group of soldiers flooded in. The one leading them was General of Chuan Country Yuan, with a white helmet on her head and white armor on his body. Even the sword on her waist was wrapped in white satin, it could be said that his entire body was white. This General of Chuan Country was no ordinary person, she was none other than the Chief General from the Chuan Country.    


Seeing Bu Ying and the large group of soldiers suddenly rushing into the residence, the Domestic Servant s and guards immediately went up to welcome them.    


"How could the Nine Young Master Mansion allow you to randomly barge in? Get out! " A middle-aged man who looked like a butler shouted at the troops.    


Bu Ying parted the soldiers on his side, walked out, and clasped his hands at the middle-aged man: "I heard that Fifth Princess is here, and this marshal is here specifically to seek an audience with Fifth Princess!"    


"Fifth Princess is having a meal with my young master, we're not getting any guests. General Bu, please go back!" The middle-aged man recognized Bu Ying, and his attitude towards him was relatively polite.    


Bu Ying frowned, he was considering what he should do next, but suddenly, a person rushed out from behind the Domestic Servant and the guards. This person was covered in blood, and his spirit armor had been broken into countless pieces, he shouted: "Xiao Rong tried to murder the princess, General Bu Ying, quickly save the princess!"    


Before this person could finish his words, another person rushed up from behind him and slashed his back. Pow! This slash sent the remnants of the spirit armor flying far away. With a muffled groan, that person fell forward onto the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


It was Xing Yuan, the princess' personal guard! Bu Ying was stunned for a moment before recognizing the man's identity. He took a deep breath and turned his gaze, subconsciously looking at the middle-aged man in front of him. However, what he saw was a sword that was fiercely thrusting towards him.    


Bu Ying was not a civil servant, he himself had a good spirit weapon, his reaction speed was very fast, his body turned to the side, and in the nick of time, he dodged his opponent's killing move. Without waiting for his opponent to retract his sword and attack again, his body rushed forward with all his strength, and with a bang, the middle-aged man opposite him took a few steps back with his sword in hand.    


"Charge in and save the princess! Those who resist will be killed without mercy!" After confirming that the information was correct, Xiao Xiang was indeed in danger, Bu Ying's eyes were red as she shouted to the Bu Clan soldiers behind him.    


Following his order, the entire Bu Clan shouted, and everyone took off their Crossbow, and started to shoot at the Domestic Servant guards.    


The Crossbow s of the Bu Jia Army were simply imitating the might of the Feng Army, they were powerful and could fire continuously, which made them a sharp weapon in mid and close combat.    


Although the majority of the Domestic Servant s' guards were all Spirit Cultivator s, the difference in numbers between the two sides was just too great. Very quickly, dozens of Domestic Servant s and guards were killed by the arrows of the Bu Family Army.    


After killing the Domestic Servant Protectors, the Bu Clan Army took the opportunity to charge in, and with soldiers, they dragged the heavily injured Xing Yuan to the side for first aid.    


In front of the valiant and battling regular army, the Domestic Servant s of Young Master Mansion, the guards and the Spirit Cultivator s that were secretly nurtured seemed too insignificant, they were simply unable to contend against the regular army. The Bu Family Army soldiers' force was like a hot knife through butter, as they charged into the courtyard outside the main hall.    


Standing guard outside the great hall were the dozens of elite Spirit Cultivator s under Xiao Rong's command. However, compared to the thousands of soldiers standing on the opposite side, these dozens of people seemed way too pitiful.    


"Kill ?" However, facing so many soldiers, none of the Spirit Cultivator s ran away. Instead, they took the initiative to attack.    


"Release the arrows!" As the commander-in-chief of the Bu Clan Army gave the command, arrows were fired from the sides. More than half of the Spirit Cultivator soldiers that were charging over fell in an instant.    


The remaining people were all wounded by the arrows as well. They gritted their teeth and charged into the Bu Fang Army's camp, starting a close combat with the surrounding soldiers.    


He was a human after all, not a god. Although he could kill ten or a hundred enemies, he could not kill a thousand or a hundred enemies. Very quickly, the remaining Spirit Cultivator s were split up and surrounded by the Bu Clan troops.    


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