Tomin in The Alien World

C1910 Final volume

C1910 Final volume

Final Volume XXV    


Hearing Xia Yao's words, Lv Jian was clapping his hands in his heart, and praised in his heart: Well said! In critical moments, it was the Holy Maiden who had to protect the dignity of Divine Pool.    


Xiao Xuan's face turned ugly at her words. He frowned and did not say anything for a long time.    


Tang Yin smiled slightly, and took the chance to speak: "The Divine Pool sends talents to all the countries under the heaven, and it is only natural for them to provide supplies for the Divine Pool. Before, the Feng Country was weak, and was unable to maintain its self-sufficiency, thus it has not been able to provide any supplies to the Divine Pool, but the situation is different now, the Feng Country is flourishing day by day, the nation is rich and the people are strong, so it should do their own duty, and in the future, the entire supply of Divine Pool will be borne by the Feng Country, I believe the Feng Country can afford it too."    


The meaning in his words was that if Chuan Country was no longer used to nourish the Divine Pool, then Feng Country could completely replace Chuan Country. It could still let people of Divine Pool not have to worry about their food and clothing, and continue to live a comfortable and peaceful life.    


Indeed. When Tang Yin finished speaking, all of the elders present couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. The current strength of their Feng Country wasn't as strong as his, but it wasn't too far off either.    


However, Xiao Xuan's expression became even uglier. Tang Yin was using this as an excuse to take action, as he wanted to use this opportunity to thoroughly expel the influence of his Chuan Country.    


He secretly clenched his teeth, what a cunning and agile Tang Yin! I hope the Holy Maiden and the elders do not take offense to this matter and provide the Divine Pool with the supplies. It is an agreement between the Former King s, and no matter what, I will not do anything that would go back on my words. However, I still have to say that choosing Ren Xiao as my Holy King really dishonors the dignity of Divine Pool, and this matter cannot be ? "    


Without waiting for Xiao Xuan to finish speaking, Xia Yao interrupted him and said, "We are already clear about King Chuan's intentions, and we will also carefully consider King Chuan's suggestion. As for who she would choose as the New Holy King, in the end, it's still an internal matter of the Divine Pool, I hope that King Chuan can take that as well."    


Tang Yin understood Xia Yao's intention, but he still pretended to be stunned. After pausing for a while, he slowly nodded and said, "Alright! What the Holy Maiden said was right, this is an internal matter of your Divine Pool after all. As he spoke, he nodded to the Elders around him, then strode out.    


He was the first to make his decision and chose to avoid it, making it difficult for Xiao Xuan who was standing at the same place.    


Logically speaking, Tang Yin should have left, but the matter of choosing the Divine Pool Holy King was extremely important, which directly affected the strength and weakness of the two nations, as well as the initiative and passivity of them. How could he leave the stage at such a crucial time?    


Xiao Xuan stood in place, not moving for a long time, and also not saying a word for a long time. Seeing that, Xia Yao turned his head and said: "Elder Chen, Elder Lu, please send us off!"    


The ones she chose were Chen Hua and Lv Jian. The two of them had the deepest relationship with Dong Fang Ye Huai, and because of this layer of relationship, their relationship with Xiao Xuan was not bad. The reason why Xia Yao had them stand out to send his guests away was because he did not want to give Xiao Xuan any leeway.    


Through Xiao Xuan's previous threatening, Lv Jian was already dissatisfied with him. Hearing that Xia Yao had pointed at her head, he did not hesitate, immediately standing up and walking to Xiao Xuan, waving her hand: "King Chuan, please!"    


Chen Hua's face was filled with difficulty. He also stood up, cupped his hands, and said to Xiao Xuan: "King Chuan, you ? Let's avoid it for now! "    


The other party had already said this much, and he was about to ask him to leave. No matter how thick-skinned Xiao Xuan was, he could not stay any longer. He nodded, shook his head, let out a long sigh, and walked out. Chen Hua and Lv Jian followed behind him and sent him out.    


When walking out, Xiao Xuan said in a low voice: "Elder Chen, Elder Lu, no matter what, I cannot elect Ren Xiao as Holy King. Ren Xiao and the Feng King have a very close relationship, if he were to become the Holy King, it would be hard for him to be biased towards the other party. In the future, his Divine Pool will definitely leave a bad reputation in everyone's hearts, so, I hope that the two elders can give it their all and stop this matter! "    


No matter what you say, you are afraid that your Divine Pool will be on good terms with your Feng Country, and yet alienate you instead! Lv Jian coldly snorted in his heart, Feng King Tang Yin was obviously not a righteous man, but Xiao Xuan was not that strong either, so he had a stomach full of schemes.    


Now, Lv Jian had understood that Feng Country and Chuan Country were both small marten at the same time, both wanting to profit for himself through Divine Pool.    


Chen Hua did not think that far, he nodded his head and said softly: "Don't worry King Chuan, this old man will definitely try her best to prevent Feng King's scheme from succeeding!"    


"Ai, I'll be depending on the two elders then!" Before leaving the gate, Xiao Xuan had even specially cupped his hands and bowed to Chen Hua and Lv Jian. Lv Jian did not have any reactions, he immediately bowed and returned the greeting, then said: "King Chuan has killed me."    


After sending King Chuan out of the elder's courtyard, the gate to the elder's courtyard slowly closed.    


Seeing Xiao Xuan pacing back and forth in front of the gate, Tang Yin, who had already been out for a while, walked forward with a smile and asked: "Elder Royal Brother Xiao, who do you think the elders of the Divine Pool will elect this time around?"    


Seeing Tang Yin, the anxiety in Xiao Xuan's eyes disappeared. He seemed to be indifferent and confident, casually saying with a calm expression: "Actually, no matter who is the Holy King, as long as they can guide their Divine Pool to the peak, they won't have to repeat the same mistake."    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head, and laughed out loud: "Elder Royal Brother Xiao is right, Elder Royal Brother Xiao is right!"    


When GuangHan heard that they were still alive, they had a common enemy in the Feng Country And Chuan Country, and if they wanted to face the pressure brought by the Divine Pool together, they could be said to be their closest and most intimate ally. But now that GuangHan heard it was already dead, there were no longer any common interests between the two nations anymore.    


Even though Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan were happily chatting away, in reality, they couldn't wait for the other party to disappear from this world!    


In the Clan Elder's courtyard, after Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan had left, the Clan Elders once again fell into an endless debate.    


The elders, led by the Holy Maiden Xia Yao, supported Ren Xiao, while the elders, led by Chen Hua, were strongly opposed to it.    


It was just that there were fewer elders on Chen Hua's side, while the elders on Xia Yao's side occupied the majority of the people. And it was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that Lv Jian, who was sitting beside him, had not spoken the entire time.    


He frowned and reminded Lu Li in a low voice, "Brother Lu, say something."    


"What did I say?" Lv Jian looked at Chen Hua and revealed a wry smile.    


"King Chuan has already asked you to help us just now ?"    


"You did, but I didn't." Lv Jian said word by word.    


"Huh?" Chen Hua's eyes widened in shock, and he asked in disbelief: "Brother Lu, you wouldn't also support Ren Xiao becoming a Holy King, right? You have always opposed this matter! "    


In the matter of choosing a Holy King, his Divine Pool was unable to reap the benefits that came with being able to either side. That was, making his Feng Country satisfied, and also making his Chuan Country satisfied, but being unable to offend both sides, he could only choose to curry favor with one of them. Since that was the case, then why not try to please Feng Country instead of Chuan Country? There was no difference at all, rather than arguing over a new candidate, it would be better to just choose Ren Xiao as the Holy King.    


Firstly, to the satisfaction of the Feng King and secondly, to the knowledge of the entire Feng King. Even though Ren Xiao had a deep relationship with the Feng King, he was not a bad person and was loyal, easygoing, and honest person. Even if he could not lead his Divine Pool to great heights, at least he would not let his Divine Pool become worse than it is now.    


This was Lv Jian's current thoughts. He said faintly: "Forget it, Brother Chen, it's better not to compete anymore. Since the Holy Maiden has already decided that the Young Master Ren is a suitable candidate, then, let's just recommend the Young Master Ren!"    


"Brother Lu, you ?" Chen Hua even wondered if he had heard wrongly, how could Lv Jian's attitude suddenly change so drastically? He frowned, and said in a low voice: "Brother Lu, then how will we explain this to King Chuan?"    


After hearing that, flames of anger rose in Lv Jian's heart. He clenched his fists, looked straight at Chen Hua, and asked solemnly: "Me and the rest of the Divine Pool Elders are choosing a Holy King. Is Brother Chen an elder of the Divine Pool, or an elder of the Chuan Country? "    


His merciless reprimand caused Chen Hua's face to turn red, and the latter stuttered: "Brother Lu, we ? We are not with the King Chuan... "    


"King Chuan is the King Chuan, we are us! Brother Chen, we cannot forget our identities!" With that, he stood up, looked at the people around him, and said with a trembling voice: "This old man respects the views of the Holy Maiden, and agrees that the Young Master Ren should be the New Holy King of my Divine Pool!"    


Lv Jian's attitude suddenly took a 180 degree turn, causing everyone to be surprised, even Xia Yao revealed a face of surprise, suspecting that Lv Jian had taken the wrong medicine.    


However, she was very clear about Lv Jian's influence among the elders, she was only slightly startled, and immediately followed up: "Now even Elder Lu thinks that Young Master Ren is the best candidate to be the Holy King, Elders, do you guys still have any objections?"    


The current Chen Hua was like a deflated balloon, sitting there motionlessly. He did not say a single word, and the other elders who were opposed to Ren Xiao also became speechless for a moment. They looked at each other in dismay, and in the end, all lowered their heads, not saying a single word.    


"Alright, since none of the elders have any objections, then, Young Master Ren Ren Xiao will take over the position of Divine Pool's new Holy King!" Xia Yao suppressed the joy in her heart and tried her best to act indifferent.    


The clan elders had finally chosen the candidate for Holy King, and the meeting came to an end. After that, the clan elders stood up one after another and walked out.    


When Xiao Xuan who had been impatiently waiting outside saw the gate of the Clan Elder's Courtyard open, and the elders filed out, he quickly walked forward and found Lv Jian and Chen Hua. He asked anxiously: "Elders, what's the result?"    


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