Tomin in The Alien World



Xiao Xuan was very clear that his body was getting worse and worse, and he was already starting to make plans for the future of Chuan Country.    


He intentionally imparted this information to Xiao Xiang, and obviously did not wish for a relationship between Tang Yin and himself to develop. This was because, for Chuan Country, it would bring about disastrous consequences, allowing them to follow in the footsteps of Yu Country. However, at the same time, he did not wish for Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang to be too unfamiliar with each other, and thus affecting their hard-won friendship.    


The reason he was willing to be Xiao Xiang's lobbyist this time was because he wanted to use this opportunity to improve the relationship between Xiao Xiang and him.    


Two days later, Xiao Xiang came to find Tang Yin early in the morning. She was dressed in a neat pair of short pants, riding boots and a simple set of armor. He had a dexterous and gorgeous sword hanging from his ribs, and a bright red cape was fluttering behind his back. He looked radiant, heroic, and charming.    


However, her haughty arrogance did not change due to her disguise.    


At this time, Tang Yin had also just woken up and had breakfast. Xiao Xiang still had not come in, but her voice had already traveled in, and she asked loudly: "Today we have agreed to go hunting outside the city, how are your preparations going?"    


Tang Yin was sitting on the collapsed ground, leisurely drinking tea. She rolled his eyes and said: "What are you waiting for, let's go quickly!"    


Tang Yin ignored her and sat there motionlessly, as if he thought Xiao Xiang was transparent. After he finished drinking the tea in the cup, he slowly stood up and turned to look at Xiao Xiang.    


When Xiao Xiang heard this, her jade face immediately flushed red. With curled lips, she glared at him again, and then didn't say anything as she turned around and walked out.    


Yin Lan asked Tang Yin in a low voice while he was changing Tang Yin's clothes, "Is the King really going to accompany Xiao Xiang, the unruly princess, to hunt?"    


"Otherwise?" Tang Yin shrugged and said casually: "King Chuan has already invited me, how can I refuse?"    


Yin Lan asked: "Should I invite Mister Huangfu and Mister Jin to go together?"    


Tang Yin thought for a while, then said: "There's no need, I'm just going there to hunt."    


"What if we meet an assassin ?" Yin Lan said worriedly.    


"Could it be that I can't go out without the two of them?" Tang Yin laughed as he looked at Yin Lan, before asking in reply.    


Yin Lan lowered her head, and did not speak further. She could feel that although Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan had joined the King's hands, the King had never treated the two of them as her own people.    


Not long after, Tang Yin changed into a set of white casual clothes. Although the texture and cut were still fine, it no longer looked as luxurious as before. When he walked out of the hall, Xiao Xiang, who was already impatient, couldn't help but give him a few more glances.    


Honestly speaking, Tang Yin was not the most handsome man she had ever seen. Just based on his appearance, there were not many that could compare to her third brother Xiao Yu.    


Seeing that her gaze was focused on him, Tang Yin laughed and asked: "What, do I look bad in my clothes?"    


Xiao Xiang snorted nonchalantly and muttered: "This set of clothes looks much better than your usual lifeless black clothes."    


As the saying goes, if you want to be charming, you should dress in filial piety. Tang Yin, who was wearing plain clothes, did indeed look much younger and more handsome than when he was wearing the black royal uniform.    


"Are you praising me or mocking me?"    


Xiao Xiang rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever you think."    


Tang Yin accompanied Xiao Xiang to hunt, and didn't bring too many followers. There were only Ah San and Yin Lan. On the other hand, there were quite a few attendants on Xiao Xiang's journey. Just the number of personal guards numbered in the tens, and with the addition of the maids and Imperial Court guards, there were at least a few hundred people.    


Outside of the royal palace, there was still the etiquette of a princess. There were even more soldiers inside. Looking around, there was an uncountable number of them.    


At the gates to the palace stood a large group of people. They all looked to be in their twenties or thirties, and each one of them was dressed elegantly and elegantly, far beyond what ordinary people could compare with.    


Seeing Xiao Xiang coming out, the group of youths immediately rushed forward, cupped their hands, and greeted him in unison: "Princess!"    


"Yes!" Xiao Xiang calmly replied as she sat on the horse.    


"How did the princess just come out? We've been waiting here for almost two hours." A handsome youth complained in a low voice.    


Tang Yin sized up these people. Just by looking at their attire, he could guess that most of these youths were the offspring of nobles without even needing to ask.    


At this time, a young man also noticed Tang Yin, and asked with a surprised expression: "Princess, this is ?"    


"He ? He is ?"    


"Tang Yin!" Tang Yin did not like it when others came to introduce him, so he reported his name first.    


Tang Yin? Everyone was startled at first, but then their expressions changed as they exclaimed: "Feng King?"    


"The city hasn't been peaceful recently, so Feng King can't be at ease with my safety. Therefore, she decided to accompany me this time to hunt."    


When he said that, Xiao Xiang's face showed an reluctant expression, as if Tang Yin shamelessly wanted to follow her to hunt.    


Yin Lan was annoyed hearing this, how could there be such a shameless woman in the world! Just as she was about to expose her, Tang Yin smiled at her and shook her head. Xiao Xiang had a lot of face, she'll do whatever she wants.    


"So it turns out that Feng King was very concerned about the princess!" All the young men looked at Tang Yin with hostility and vigilance, as if their most beloved treasure was being coveted.    


Tang Yin, on the other hand, grinned as he moved closer to him. Approaching him, he said in a low voice: "Did you see that, I'm very welcome, they all like me." When he spoke, his pride was palpable.    


He looked up at the sun and said, "If we don't leave now, we probably won't be able to leave the city by noon!"    


Xiao Xiang rolled her eyes at him in great disappointment, then looked at the surrounding youths in anger, and spoke with an unkind tone: "What are you still gathered here for? Those who do not wish to go out to hunt, get lost and go home! "    


With just one sentence, she had the young masters on the left and right scatter and find their own servants to ride out of the city.    


When the princess went out, every street she passed was under martial law, and both sides of the street were filled with soldiers. Without saying anything on the way, the group smoothly left the Zhaoyang City area, and entered the East of City's royal hunting grounds.    


This entire mountain range was filled with hunting grounds. Normally, it was completely sealed off. With soldiers guarding it, ordinary people were unable to enter.    


It was late winter, a good time for deer hunting, and the deer that roosted in the hunting grounds were very large.    


After entering the hunting grounds, Xiao Xiang became abnormally cheerful, spurring her horse to gallop from time to time, and her bell-like laughter could be heard from far away. On the other hand, those noble disciples were tagging along behind Xiao Xiang, Tang Yin, Yin Lan and a few others were tailing them from behind.    


They looked around as they walked, and Yin Lan sighed: "King, the hunting grounds here seem to be even bigger than the Zhenjiang hunting grounds!"    


The Zhenjiang Hunting Ground of the Mo Country was very famous, it was just that it was not famous, at that time, King Mo Shao Ting was assassinated in the Zhenjiang Hunting Ground.    


Tang Yin smiled lightly and said: "Sichuan is indeed a good place!"    


Yin Lan looked ahead, her face showed disdain, and said: "Xiao Xiang is really a beauty that lures bees and lures butterflies."    


"Is that so?" Tang Yin did not think so. Xiao Xiang's ambition was to become the Throne of Chuan Country, and these noble sons and disciples would be the new generation noble ministers of Chuan Country. Pulling them over to her side now would increase Xiao Xiang's chances of obtaining the throne, and would also help her consolidate her position after she becomes a King Chuan.    


"Isn't it?" Yin Lan looked at Xiao Xiang who was surrounded by the aristocratic children as if they were stars surrounding the moon, and pursed her lips up and down, her face full of disapproval.    


Tang Yin said with a smile. "The children of the King Chuan are not simple, to be able to survive amongst them, and even obtain the King Chuan's favor, how can they be ordinary people!"    


Although he hated Xiao Xiang's personality, it didn't mean that he didn't admire her.    


"Can you be faster!" It was unknown when Xiao Xiang had already stopped, but she had already turned her head and shouted loudly towards him.    


Tang Yin unhurriedly urged his horse forward, and asked: "How's the princess's harvest?"    


"I've just entered the hunting grounds, how can I have any gains!" Xiao Xiang wiped the sweat on her forehead and said to Tang Yin: "Someone just reported that there's a herd of deer in the north. Let's go quickly and see who hunted the most deer!"    


As these words were spoken, the surrounding noble children immediately responded. Xiao Xiang looked up and down at Tang Yin, and asked: "Where are your bow and arrow?"    


"I didn't." Tang Yin answered straightforwardly.    


Hearing that, everyone could not help but laugh, it was just that because Tang Yin was a Feng King, they did not have the nerve to laugh.    


Xiao Xiang rolled her eyes and said unhappily: "You didn't even bring your bow and arrow with you, why are you hunting?" With that, she waved to the soldiers not far away and said: "Give Feng King a bow!"    


Immediately, soldiers rushed over and took down their bows and arrows, respectfully handing them over to Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin was willing to accompany Xiao Xiang out for a hunt because she was patient, she did not have the heart to hunt by herself. He shook his head and said: "I don't need it!"    


One of the young men by the side sneered, and muttered: "Could it be that Feng King doesn't even know how to use a bow?!"    


These words caused the surrounding people's face to change. Not to mention Ah San, Yin Lan and the other two, even Xiao Xiang's face became gloomy, and looked around at the people around him and asked with a cold voice: "Who said that? Stand out and say that again for me! "    


The youth who spoke also realized his slip of tongue and didn't dare to say anything else. He lowered his head and urged his horse to retreat.    


Tang Yin, however, did not mind. Looking at the Longbow that was handed to him, he extended his hand and received it. He pulled on the bowstring a little and asked: "Are there any that are harder?"    


The soldier handed him a five stone bow, which was already considered a hard bow, and ordinary people were unable to pull it off. If this was considered light, then he could only use Spirit Arrow Bowman's special steel bow.    


The soldiers all looked at each other, no one said a word. At this time, one of the guards rushed forward and took off the steel bow on his back, handing it over to Tang Yin, and said: "Feng King, why don't you try using this bow?"    


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