Tomin in The Alien World



"But what if the Holy King finds out? Night, you ? is because I know of the Holy King's methods ? " Zi Yue's face turned pale white.    


"As long as there's anything wrong, we can escape from the Divine Pool. After all, the Feng King has already prepared a path of retreat for us!"    


With that, Ling Ye took out the map that Tang Yin had given him. Pointing to the markings on it, he said: "These places are all at the border between Divine Pool and Peace, it's easy to escape to there. At that time, we can also leave behind our Feng Country righteously, although I don't care about wealth and prosperity, as long as we can obtain the protection of the Feng King, we can live a peaceful and peaceful life. I am very satisfied."    


Zi Yue's eyes immediately reddened, the warmth in her heart lessened the fear in her heart, and she heavily nodded her head, saying: "Ye, no matter what decision you make, I will listen to you!"    


Hearing this, Ling Ye took the opportunity to tightly hug Zi Yue in his arms.    


As for Tang Yin, after returning to the palace, he had a long secret conversation with Xiao Xuan, then finally returned to his own residence.    


Just as she sat in the hall, Xiao Xiang walked in from outside. Before sshe could even get close to Tang Yin, he asked loudly: "I heard that there was an assassin in the palace last night? Or did you capture the assassin yourself? "    


Tang Yin looked at her and said indifferently, "Yes."    


"What about the assassin?"    




"Dead?" Xiao Xiang quickly walked in front of Tang Yin and asked: "Who killed him?"    


"Elder Royal Brother Xiao executed the assassin." Tang Yin laughed and looked at her, then asked: "Why are you suddenly worried about the assassins?"    


"I heard that the assassin was the one who assassinated Madam Zhirong and Ronica!" I also want to see what kind of person has such great ability, able to sneak into the Tiger Prison and then sneak into the palace. " Xiao Xiang said with curiosity.    


"No matter how amazing he is, he's still a 'dead man' now." Tang Yin shrugged.    


Xiao Xiang curled her lips and deliberately sized Tang Yin up with one glance. After a while, she said: "You being able to capture him seems to mean that you are stronger than him."    


"I was just lucky." Tang Yin replied casually.    


"Tch!" Xiao Xiang sneered, feeling that Tang Yin was treating her coldly, as though she was someone who did not care about her, she could not stay here anymore, and was about to turn around and leave when Tang Yin suddenly called for her and reminded her: "During this period of time, it's best if you don't leave the palace, even if you have matters to attend to, you have to get Subordinate out as much as possible!"    


Xiao Xiang was startled, and asked: "Why is that?"    


Tang Yin laughed: "Your Zhaoyang hasn't been peaceful recently!" Guang Xuanling did not succeed in sending Ling Ye to assassinate Xiao Xiang. With Guang Xuanling's personality, who did not achieve his goal, he would not let this go. Although his impression of Xiao Xiang was not that great, her siblings were definitely more abnormal than him. If one of them were to succeed the throne, it would cause the Chuan Country to be filled with variables, and what Tang Yin hated the most would cause things to get out of his control.    


Xiao Xiang blinked her eyes, and then burst out laughing, asking back: "It sounds like you're concerned about me!"    


Tang Yin did not deny it and said with a smile: "Your understanding is also correct."    


The smile on Xiao Xiang's face became even wider, her eyeballs rolled around, as if she was plotting something. After pausing for a moment, she laughed: "In a few days, you will accompany me!"    


Tang Yin sighed secretly. There are people that like to push things an inch further, Xiao Xiang is clearly such a person. He forced a smile and asked, "Princess, shouldn't you make it clear? Where do you want me to go with you?"    


"Hunting!" Xiao Xiang boldly and naturally said: "In a few days, I will be out of the city to hunt. Since you are so worried about my safety and also have such powerful skills, I will permit you to go with me."    


As she spoke, her little head rose as if in gratitude.    


Hearing that, Tang Yin nodded his head, and smiled at her, then turned his gaze towards the door and shouted: "Ah San, send our guest off!"    


"Hey, you ?"    


"Princess, please!" Ah San quickly walked in front of Xiao Xiang, and at the same time, reached out her hand towards outside of the door, not giving her a chance to continue speaking.    


"Humph!" Xiao Xiang glared at Tang Yin and stomped his feet in anger. Then, she pushed Ah San away and walked out in big strides. Once she was outside, she abruptly stopped and turned around to shout, "This is my palace ?"    


Clang! Ah San had already closed the hall door.    


In the next few days, Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan spent the entire time scheming a plan to deal with Divine Pool, to discuss the most effective way to do so. There were also a few of Xiao Xuan's trusted aides and officials present. Other than Ren Fang, there were also Zhang Situ, Yang Zhao, Lv You and the rest. Among them, the one with the most outstanding reputation was Bu Ying. In the Chuan Country, the only one who possessed a Family Army and grasped a heavy weapon was Bu Ying, so it could be seen how much trust Xiao Xuan had in him.    


Bu Ying's father and uncle were the two famous general in Chuan Country, Bu Gui and Bu Ting. Bu Ying was the son of a noble father, he was honest and low-key, but on the battlefield, it was as if he had changed into a different person.    


When they were discussing how to deal with Divine Pool, it was Bu Ying who suggested that they do not fight, that they encircle and not attack, and that they draw the ground into a prison, trapping Divine Pool.    


His strategy was for the two countries of Chuanfeng to encircle the Divine Pool and at the same time, unrestrainedly proclaim Guang Xuanling's evil deeds, in order to shake the hearts of the people in the Divine Pool.    


If they could not help but launch an attack and counterattack from the Divine Pool side, then they would fall for them. In a battle on the plains, no matter how strong the experts of the Divine Pool were, they would not be able to stop the million strong army of the Chuan Feng two nations, and if the Divine Pool did not come out to counterattack, they would not be afraid. Under the encirclement of a million strong army, the Divine Pool would definitely change everyone's mind.    


It could be said that Bu Ying's strategy was exactly what Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan wanted to do. In their eyes, this was also the most effective method.    


In just a few days, the two of them had finalized a plan to deal with the Divine Pool. It was pretty much in accordance with Bu Ying's plan to surround and not attack him.    


Feng Army was responsible for surrounding the northern, north-eastern and north-west of the Divine Pool, while Chuan Army was responsible for surrounding the southern, south-eastern and south-western regions of the Divine Pool. The two great armies of the two countries formed a half encirclement, and when they combined their forces, they could surround the Divine Pool.    


As for the timing of the dispatch of the troops, the two had not set it yet. After the Son of Heaven summons them and announce Guang Xuanling's shameful deed to the world, they would have to see how the citizens of the two countries would react before setting a specific date for the dispatch of the troops.    


If the citizens believed in the Son of Heaven's edict, the two nations would naturally strike the iron while it was hot and send their armies out immediately. If the citizens did not believe in the Son of Heaven and chose to trust Holy King's words, the two of them would have to think of a way to create public opinion in their own countries so that the citizens could believe in Guang Xuanling's evils.    


After making an agreement regarding the Divine Pool, Tang Yin decided to head back to the Feng Country.    


That afternoon, he and Xiao Xuan had finished their lunch together before drinking tea in the pavilion in the backyard of the palace. It was already late winter, and although the Chuan Country was not as cold as the north, the cold wind still made people feel chilled.    


Although they said that they were drinking tea, it was actually only Tang Yin who was drinking, while Xiao Xuan was drinking wine.    


After interacting with him for the past few days, Tang Yin realised that Xiao Xuan almost never stopped drinking. He drank in the morning, drank at noon, drank in the afternoon and even drank at night.    


Now, Tang Yin could understand why Guang Xuanling took his time to get rid of Xiao Xiang. Although Xiao Xuan was not even fifty years old, if she continued to drink like this, her body would eventually collapse one day. Furthermore, it was very likely that she would reach her death in the near future.    


Xiao Xuan was well aware that his body would definitely not be able to take excessive drinking all day, but he couldn't control it even if he wanted to. As the ruler of a country, he had to endure too much pressure.    


At this time, he finished all the wine in the cup in one gulp, sighed comfortably, and put down the cup. He smiled towards Tang Yin and asked, "When does Younger Brother Wang plan to return?"    


"Probably within the next day or two." Tang Yin slowly drank the boiling tea and sighed in comfort.    


Xiao Xuan said: "Let's wait a few more days!"    


Tang Yin asked: "Does Elder Royal Brother Xiao still have something to discuss with me?"    


"Not really." Xiao Xuan laughed, and after the palace maid finished pouring the wine, he took up the cup and drained it in one gulp, and said: "In another two days, Xiang'er will be out of the city to hunt. Little Brother Wang also knows, recently her Zhaoyang has not been peaceful, and Little Brother Xiang'er hopes that Little Brother Wang can accompany her."    


He almost laughed out loud. This girl couldn't even talk about herself, yet she actually asked Xiao Xuan to act as a lobbyist. Moreover, Xiao Xiang was too arrogant and slow, he had too many schemes in mind, he did not like being in too much contact with her, or it could be said that he was not used to it.    


However, since Xiao Xuan had already spoken, there was no way he could refuse to give him face on the spot. He smiled indifferently and said: "Since Elder Royal Brother Xiao has already spoken, how can I delay this any longer? Since that's the case, I will trouble Elder Royal Brother Xiao for two more days. "    


"Brother Wang's words are too foreign." Xiao Xuan laughed towards the sky, and then asked seemingly casually: "What do you think of Xiang'er, Wang Di?"    


Tang Yin's heart stirred, and he said: "Very good!"    


"If I am to betroth Xiang'er to brother Wang, is brother Wang willing to accept it?"    


Not expecting Xiao Xuan to ask such a question, Tang Yin was greatly surprised. After being stunned for a moment, he finally regained his senses, and blurted out: "I can't take it anymore!"    


After saying that, he realized that he had been too impolite. Unexpectedly, when Xiao Xuan heard this, he started laughing loudly, and waved his hands over and over. "I was only joking with Brother Wang, don't take it to heart!" Even though he said this, Xiao Xuan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


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