Tomin in The Alien World



It was hard to say whether or not Jin Xuan was the youngest among the Divine Pool Elders, but she definitely looked the youngest.    


When Jin Xuan was invited to the front of Tang Yin's car by the Guard of Feng Army, even Tang Yin was shocked.    


She looked to be in her early thirties, and instead of saying that Cheng Lian was her disciple, it would be more accurate to say that the two of them looked more like sisters.    


She wore a bright red dress that had a fine texture. It was obvious that she was made of fine silk. Her style was also open. Her large collar revealed a deep cleavage, and her impressive figure was completely exposed.    


Looking at her face, even though it was a light makeup, it gave off a gorgeous and radiant feeling. Her eyebrows were beautiful, her eyes were large, her nose was tall, and her mouth was small. Her skin was snow-white, and her facial features were deep.    


There was not a single wrinkle to be found on her face. From what Ren Xiao had said, since she was an elder, she was most likely already forty to fifty years old. However, looking at her charm, she looked like a beautiful woman in her early thirties.    


Other than the things that he could see on the surface, Tang Yin could still feel the powerful Spirit Pressure that was emitting from her body. Although it was not as strong as Huangfu Xiutai's, it was not by much.    


As if she had long been accustomed to people's gazes, Jin Xuan walked in front of the carriage in a graceful and graceful manner, paid her respects to Tang Yin who was on the carriage, and said with a smile: "Divine Pool Elder Jin Xuan greets Feng King."    


Then, she turned to Ren Xiao and said: "Greetings Seventh Young Master."    


Her neckline was already wide open, and when she bent down, it revealed a large portion of his snow-white skin. Ren Xiao could not stay still any longer, he anxiously dismounted and cupped his hands in return: "Elder Jin, there is no need to be courteous."    


One must know that the position of an Divine Pool Elder is not inferior to that of a Young Noble.    


Jin Xuan looked around at Tang Yin's carriage. After looking around, she seemed to have thought of something and suddenly burst out laughing. It was precisely the so-called "Hibiscus" being defeated by a hundred flowers in one go. Jin Xuan's laughter made many of the surrounding guards stare blankly.    


Tang Yin was obviously not confused by her smile. He blinked his eyes and asked in confusion: "What is Elder Jin smiling about?"    


Jin Xuan laughed and said: "I almost thought that the one I was seeing now was not the Feng King, but the monarch of my Divine Pool!" Saying that, she looked around at the people around Tang Yin.    


Following her line of sight, Tang Yin looked to his side and immediately understood her meaning. was one of them, Ren Xiao was one of them, was one of them, Cheng Lian and the other six were the only one who was a pure wind person.    


Sigh! Tang Yin sighed secretly. He had always been lowering his Divine Pool, trying his best to look down on Divine Pool, but unknowingly, the influence of Divine Pool had already seeped into every corner of his body. However, there was nothing he could do about this.    


If not for knowing Elder Jin's identity beforehand, this king would probably think that some wine girl had come to give me a hug! "    


The underlying meaning of his words was also mocking at how Jin Xuan's clothes were too revealing, and was incompatible with his identity as a Divine Pool Elder.    


This was her usual style. Not to mention Tang Yin, even if the king of Divine Pool objects, she would not make any changes to it.    


She smiled and said, "I always thought that Feng King was a man who excelled in the mortal world. I never thought that she was also just a normal person who could judge a person by her appearance."    


Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed as the guards on both sides of the hall retracted their minds. Just as they were about to reprimand Tang Yin, Tang Yin shook his hand first and then, looked at him from head to toe.    


After pausing for a moment, he smiled and asked, "I presume Elder Jin didn't coincidentally bump into this king here, right? I wonder what business does Elder Jin have? "    


"Why do Feng King have to pretend to be ignorant?" Jin Xuan spoke without holding back at all, she raised her hand and pointed at Cheng Lian, and said: "I have specially come this time to retrieve a sick disciple."    


In front of Jin Xuan, Cheng Lian was like a mouse that had seen a cat. She kept her head down, not daring to even breathe.    


Tang Yin looked at Cheng Lian, laughed, and said: "Your disciple feels refreshed, it does not look like he is sick!"    


Jin Xuan snorted, and spoke with certainty: "Of course she's sick, she's suffering from mental madness, if not why would she say that it was her Divine Pool that harmed her family, and why would she come to the Feng King to seek protection?"    


Cheng Lian still kept her head down, not daring to say a single word. Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and said: "That is only one side of your words, regardless of whether your disciple is sick or not, or if she is sick, she has already pledged her allegiance to me, Windy, and that is my person, so whether I stay or not is up to her to decide. If anyone wants to forcefully bring her away, I will be the first one to refuse!"    


Jin Xuan met Tang Yin's gaze and her gentle voice revealed a dangerous aura. She asked slowly: "So that means, Feng King is prepared to forcefully detain this seer's disciple?"    


Tang Yin said: "This king has already said, whether your disciple goes or stays, will be up to your disciple." As he spoke, he cast another deep glance at Cheng Lian, and continued: "If she wants to stay in Feng Country, this duke can guarantee that no one can take her away, nor can they hurt her. Of course, if she doesn't want to stay in Feng Country, this duke definitely won't force her either."    


His words were directed towards Jin Xuan, and were even meant for Cheng Lian to hear, reminding her not to be afraid, as he had the ability to protect her.    


Jin Xuan nodded towards Tang Yin and did not say anymore. She turned to Cheng Lian and said gently, "Lian'er, come over here, follow me back!"    


It was laughable to hear her arrogantly address Cheng Lian as Lian'er, because she looked to be even younger than Cheng Lian.    


But Cheng Lian couldn't laugh, she shivered and could not help but take a step back, her head drooping even lower.    


She took a step back while Jin Xuan took two steps back, not giving her any space to retreat. She said faintly: "You've already embarrassed yourself to the point of losing face at Feng Country, how much longer are you planning on messing around for?"    


Others may not understand Jin Xuan, but how could Cheng Lian not understand his own master? As long as she followed his master back to the Divine Pool, there would only be one result, and that was death. This time, he would be the one to die.    


She was so scared that she took a few steps back again and again while shaking her head. Her legs were shaking as she said in a trembling voice, "Master, on account of the many years of friendship between master and disciple, you ? "Please spare Lian'er this time ?"    


Jin Xuan laughed and said gently: "My foolish disciple, why would Master blame you? You were just distracted for a moment, as long as you follow me back, I can let bygones be bygones."    


Cheng Lian shook her head like a rattle drum, and pleaded as she retreated: "Master please spare Lian'er, Master will let Lian'er go this time ?"    


Jin Xuan didn't listen to her at all and continued to walk towards Cheng Lian, the smile on her face became even wider and more beautiful.    


The people in the distance might not have felt anything, they could only see the scene of their master persuading his disciple to return home, while the people around them could clearly feel the powerful pressure being emitted from Jin Xuan's body. The formless pressure seemed to have frozen the surrounding air, and the people in the surroundings found it difficult to even breathe.    


This was the tyranny of peak Spirit Cultivator s. They could already harm others without even needing to make a move.    


Under this incomparably powerful Spirit Pressure, Cheng Lian was even more the one to bear the brunt of the attack. At this time, she already had no way out, or it could be said that her feet could no longer move, and with a thump sound, Cheng Lian suddenly knelt down. The sweat on her forehead had frozen on her face and turned into a big drop, but was unable to continue dripping down.    


It was obvious that even if Cheng Lian wasn't scared to death by her master's Spirit Pressure, she would still be suffocated to death by her master's Spirit Pressure. Tang Yin could not hold it back anymore, and slapped the chair hard. He stood up and said solemnly: "Elder Jin, are you going to torture your disciple to death in front of me? Do you think This King is dead? " As he spoke, he also released his Spirit Pressure, sweeping towards Jin Xuan.    


The dust and dirt on the ground surrounding the carriage suddenly rose up, as if they had turned into a yellow dragon and quietly pounced towards Jin Xuan. A surprised look flashed across Jin Xuan's face, it was clear that she was surprised by Tang Yin's cultivation.    


She retracted the Spirit Pressure that was suppressing Cheng Lian, and changed her mind to fight against Tang Yin's Spirit Pressure. When the dust and dirt were five steps away from Jin Xuan, they were unable to enter her body again. The sand circled around her, forming circles on the ground, like layers of water halos.    


The corner of Jin Xuan's mouth lifted, and sshe did not even look at Tang Yin, but her gaze was still on Cheng Lian, and he said slowly: "Obtained the protection of the Feng King, and indeed have become different. You can even not take my words to heart anymore.    


"Master, Feng King treats Lian'er very well, and has even made an exception to promote Lian'er as the deputy general of the Directly Subordinate Army. Master will let Lian'er stay in the Feng Country ?"    


Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Jin Xuan interrupted her and said, "Could it be that I'm not good to you? If you follow me back today, I can pretend that nothing happened, but if you insist on staying in the Feng Country, then the relationship between us as master and disciple will end here. Lian, Master will ask you one last time. Do you want to leave or stay? "    


Cheng Lian finally raised her head slowly. She first took a bold look at Jin Xuan, then looked at Tang Yin who was standing on top of the carriage with his eyes narrowed, and lastly looked at the people who were staring at each other with wide eyes. She steeled his heart, and said: "Master, please forgive Lian'er for being unfilial, Lian'er is willing to stay in Feng Country."    


"Ha ha ? ?" Jin Xuan suddenly laughed upon hearing this. She started out with a chuckle, very quickly becoming a laughter with her head facing the sky. She repeatedly nodded her head and said: "You really are my 'good disciple'! Forget it, this is the end of our relationship as master and disciple. However, the things that you owe me, will be returned to me today. "    


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