Tomin in The Alien World



Increasing cultivation might not always be a good thing, for example, right now. If his cultivation was below the Spirit Transformation realm, he wouldn't need to consume the Spirit-dispersed Pill at all right now, and the little bit of Spirit Pressure he emitted wouldn't be noticed by others.    


But his cultivation had already reached such a terrifying level, so no matter how much he restrained the Spirit Pressure he released, it would still be sensed by the nearby Spirit Cultivator. The only thing he could do was consume the Spirit-dispersed Pill and completely disperse the spirit energy in his body.    


Tang Yin walked for a while, stopped for a while, and walked slowly. There were some narrow streets that were being guarded by soldiers, he was unable to pass through, so he could only climb to the rooftops and silently sneak past them.    


When Tang Yin finally got close to the main hall, half an hour had already passed. He walked around to the back of the main hall, saw that no one was around, lowered his body slowly, and took a deep breath. Then, his body suddenly shot up into the air, reaching a height of more than three meters.    


As soon as he reached the roof, he immediately crouched down. First he looked around but didn't see his own sentry. Then he slowly crawled forward.    


He came to a stop near the top of the roof. Carefully, he pulled out a piece of tile beneath him, revealing a gap. Squinting, he peered down.    


The hall was brightly lit as if it was bright. Tang Yin could see everything clearly, only to see that the person sitting in the middle was Xiao Xiang, and the people sitting on the two sides were her guards who were dressed casually, including Xing Yuan and Qian Nan.    


Amongst everyone present, only County Head Zhou Cong was wearing his Official Robe clothes, laughing beside Xiao Xiang as if he was sitting on pins and needles.    


The banquet seemed to have just been cancelled as Xiao Xiang sat there calmly drinking her tea to clear her throat.    


When Xiao Xiang put down the teacup in her hand and sighed in satisfaction, Zhou Cong finally found an opportunity to speak.    


He did not laugh as he squeezed out a smile and asked, "Your Highness, the dishes were cooked by the best chefs within the Provincial Capital, are they in line with the princess' taste?"    


"Although compared to the chefs in the palace, it's still slightly lacking, but it's still not bad."    


Xiao Xiang said in a calm and gentle voice, but following that, she had a gloomy expression. She gritted her teeth and said sinisterly: "Don't think that you can get rid of me just by eating a meal. I won't let you off for today's matters."    


As the head of a county, Zhou Cong could be considered a high official in the State of Sichuan. He had 'had the privilege' of meeting this Fifth Princess several times, and had also heard many rumors about her. He did not laugh or squeeze into laughter as he nodded his head and replied, "Yes, yes, yes, this lowly one deserves to die a thousand times for this crime. I failed to protect Your Highness and gave her a fright, and even caused Her Highness' double to meet with a calamity ?    


"Where is Xiao Yu's corpse now?" After hearing him mention his substitute, Xiao Xiang finally remembered the 'wronged bastard' that had been stabbed in her place.    


"Xiao Yu?" Zhou Cong was startled, and immediately cupped his hands together and replied: "Reporting to Your Highness, this lowly one has already placed Miss Xiao Yu's body in the backyard of County Head's Mansion, and had sent people to take care of it, sealing the news, and now the officials and citizens of the city think that the person who was assassinated is Her Highness the Princess herself!"    


"Yes!" Xiao Xiang was noncommittal to his actions, she merely replied lightly, then said: "Little Yu is pitiful too, you should be in charge of burying her."    


"Yes, yes!" Zhou Cong replied, "Your Highness, do you want to go take a look?"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Xiao Xiang's eyes suddenly widened, and he said with a deep voice: "A dead ghost, what else do you want me to look at? Do you want me to know how badly I would have died if I hadn't used a substitute today? "    


Zhou Cong's sweat poured down like rain, he wanted to slap himself twice. His mouth had too many words, he continuously shook his head, and anxiously said: "No, no, no, this little one has no such intention, absolutely no way!"    


"Humph!" Xiao Xiang sneered, rolled her eyes, and muttered: "Even you wouldn't dare to."    


In that strict level era, as a princess who stood above thousands of people, as far as she was concerned, the people around her were just toys, so how could she give herself away to true feelings? Even if that maid died in her place, of course, this had nothing to do with whether Xiao Xiang's personality was good or bad.    


Seeing that Xiao Xiang's expression had more or less eased up, Zhou Cong gathered up his courage and said: "Your Highness, this subordinate has already investigated.    


"Was it done by a man of wind?" Xiao Xiang raised her eyebrows and stared at Zhou Cong.    


"Yes, yes!" Zhou Cong replied while wiping his sweat.    


"Then I'll have to ask you, Lord Zhou, how did you find out it was done by Feng Zhenren?" Xiao Xiang raised her chin and laughed.    


"I have proof!" As he spoke, Zhou Cong bowed towards Xiao Xiang, then stood up and waved outside, urging: "Take it up, quickly take it up!"    


Following his voice, a middle-aged man dressed as a servant carried a tray in his hand and ran over to Zhou Cong's side, handing it over to him.    


Zhou Cong received it, and just as he was about to put it in front of Xiao Xiang's eyes, Xing Yuan, who was at the side, suddenly stood up. He quickly took the tray and examined it carefully before respectfully placing it in front of Xiao Xiang.    


On the tray, two blood-stained steel arrows were placed. Xiao Xiang frowned, and asked: "What is this?"    


"This is how assassins kill their enemies ?" Princess, please take a look. The arrows both have Military Weapons Division words engraved on them, according to my investigation, only Feng Country has this name, which is a place where Feng Country specializes in the research and production of special weapons, so ? "    


"So, based on this point, you already know that the assassin is a man of the wind!" Xiao Xiang grabbed a steel arrow and stood up slowly. She walked in front of Zhou Cong and said with a smile: "The Wind Man is going to stab me, I'm afraid that the others might not know it's because of the Feng Country, and even intentionally left an arrow for my Feng Country. Do you think I'm an idiot?" As she spoke, the smile on her face disappeared, she raised the steel arrow and aimed straight for Zhou Cong's head and smashed downwards.    


Crack * A crisp sound came out as the steel arrow struck Zhou Cong's fat face, causing him to scream in pain. Then, he fell to his knees and kowtowed like he was on the ground, screaming: "Princess mercy, Princess mercy!"    


"Pig!" Even a pig breeder is smarter than you! " Xiao Xiang looked at Zhou Cong whose face was drenched in blood, still unable to vent his anger, he raised his leg and kicked Zhou Cong, who was kowtowing nonstop, then threw the steel arrow in his hand onto the ground forcefully and said: "If Feng Ren wants to kill me, why do you need to wait until now?" When she was at the Feng Army Camp, when she was trapped with Tang Yin in the tunnel, she had already died thousands of times.    


Zhou Cong was kneeling on the ground, his face was in so much pain that it had become numb. Sweat mixed with blood, causing half of his face to be covered in sweat. His voice trembled as he said, "Right, right, right! Your Highness' analysis is extremely correct. It's because I'm stupid, it's because I'm incompetent. Oh ?" "Only, I wonder who your highness thinks assassins are ?"    


"Humph!" Of course, those people who saw me as an eyesore and wanted to start a war in the river immediately! " Xiao Xiang laughed coldly. Seeing Zhou Cong who was kneeling on the ground and trembling, she thought of something, and walked forward, grabbing the clothes on his shoulders, and said while pulling: "Get up, the reason I hit you is also to teach you a lesson. I'll teach you a lesson, so that you'll become smarter in the future. Sometimes what the eyes see may not be real, do you understand now? "    


Zhou Cong heard his words and tears started rolling down his face. He couldn't even say what he felt towards Xiao Xiang now, and didn't know whether to hate her or feel grateful towards her, but he only had a single impression of Xiao Xiang, and that was change. He had never seen such a capricious woman before.    


"Yes, yes. Your Highness has taught me well. This lowly one knows my wrongs, and this lowly one will remember your teachings." As he spoke, he stood up shakily.    


"I did strike a bit too hard." Xiao Xiang looked at the bloody scar on Zhou Cong's face and clicked his tongue twice. She turned her head and said: "Xing Yuan, come and help Master Zhou apply the medicine. Use the medicine bestowed to me by the King Father! "    


Hearing this, Zhou Cong who had just gotten up felt his legs go soft, and knelt back down. Was the princess trying to reward him or kill him?    


Xiao Xiang did not care about his reaction anymore, and turned around to return to her seat, her arms supporting her body, she supported herself on the table, supporting her cheeks, and muttered: "King Father sent me back to the capital, I did not want to go back, and originally planned to move the flowers and receive the trees, make a fake return to the capital, and to fool the King Father, but this kind of thing happened, it looks like I will not be able to return even if I did not want to."    


So that's how it was! Listening to Xiao Xiang muttering to herself, Tang Yin, who was right above her head, almost laughed out loud, the corners of her mouth unconsciously lifted upwards. So it turns out that Xiao Xiang wasn't prophecy, but wanted to deal with Xiao Xuan's transfer order, which was why she got a substitute to muddle through, but was suddenly hit by her.    


However, she was still smart, she had to eliminate the fact that the assassin was a man of the wind, and listening to Xiao Xiang's hidden meaning behind her words, she more or less knew who the assassins were.    


After Xing Yuan gave the medicine to Zhou Cong, Xiao Xiang said: "Tomorrow, I will be returning to the capital. During this period of time, the safety of my Bianyang County will be in your hands, Master Zhou. If my calculations are correct, the assassin will continue to assassinate me, but I do not want to find a second scapegoat.    


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