Tomin in The Alien World



Wind camp. Central Army Tent. In this siege, not only was Tang Yin injured, many of the generals from the Feng Army had also been affected, including Shangguan Yuan and Jiang Fan.    


At this time, all the generals were gathered within the Central Army Tent, but the scene was absolutely silent, silent and repressed.    


"The King has arrived ?" Following the singing of the guards, Tang Yin walked in from outside. All the generals stood up, interposed, and bowed as they spoke in unison, "Your Majesty!"    


Tang Yin gently waved his hand at everyone, and then, with Yin Lan's support, he slowly sat down behind the handsome table. He first looked around at the crowd and asked, "What do you think of today's battle? So what if you have profound strength? "    


Shangguan Yuan and Jiang Fan looked at each other, bowed their heads, and said nothing. Although the two of them had attacked the city walls, just like Tang Yin, they were eventually pushed back by the security forces. Naturally, the two of them felt ashamed of themselves.    


Qi Heng scratched his cheek and said in a deep voice, "The defense of the Ann Army is too strong. I followed the new army in a forceful attack, but I didn't even reach the edge of the city. I charged through several times and was pushed back by the Ann Army ?"    


Tang Yin took a deep breath and said seriously, "The defense of the Ann Army s are indeed very strong. The inner and outer two walls are so man-made that it is difficult to defend against.    


"Yes, my lord!" Qi Heng had a deep understanding of the situation, and continued, "The Ann Army's defensive resources seem to not only be used no matter what, the arrows, stone bullets, rolling wood, stone slabs, and Pyretic Oil s are all thrown out desperately. Adding to that, the Ann Army s are all wearing Exquisite Steel Armor s, and there are still so many Rangers among them, it's really too difficult for our army to forcefully attack them."    


Tang Yin nodded his head. If he did not personally participate in the battle, he would have thought that Qi Heng was just giving him an excuse. But in reality, it was just as Qi Heng said, taking down this insignificant Guankou City was much more difficult than he thought.    


He turned his head and looked at Yin Lan, and waved at her. The latter quickly took out a scroll from her sleeve. Tang Yin raised his head and indicated that she should let everyone read it. Yin Lan agreed and showed the scroll to Xiao Muqing.    


Tang Yin explained: "This is the map I drew earlier, everyone take a look first!"    


Ouch! This was important information! Everyone's eyes lit up, they all stretched out their necks and looked at the scroll in Xiao Muqing's hands.    


After Xiao Muqing opened the scroll, he lowered his head and looked carefully. Seeing that all the generals were looking at him, he waved and said, "Everyone, let's take a look together!"    


Everyone left their seats and gathered around Xiao Muqing. The city wall was a straight line, and inside the city, there were many circles drawn on the wall, each of them marked by Tang Yin.    


Among them, the biggest circle was right in the middle of the town, which Tang Yin had especially thickened and marked with the words' Mayor Palace '.    


As the generals were watching with rapt attention, Tang Yin explained, "According to the information I have obtained, the Guankou City s food and resources for city defense are all stored in the Mayor Palace. What do you all think?"    


Hearing this, everyone frowned. Xiao Muqing carefully asked: "Great King, may I ask, how big is the Mayor Palace in Guankou City?"    


Tang Yin said expressionlessly: "The pass is only a small town made of bullets, how big can the Mayor Palace be? Compared to the other Mayor Palaces, I think this place is probably a little smaller. "    


Xiao Muqing said as he gave a wry smile, "The size of the Mayor Palace was never big to begin with, and the size of the Guankou City was even smaller than normal. Is the King's message... Was there a mistake? "    


Tang Yin said indifferently: "You should understand that the information I have obtained is absolutely correct." This information was not obtained through the enemy's confession, but directly from the memories of the enemy soldiers he had ingested. How could it be false?    


Of course, how could a small Mayor Palace store the food and resources of a hundred thousand strong army and the entire Guankou City? This was also something that Tang Yin couldn't figure out, and through the memories of the Generals And Soldiers of Ann Army s, he simply couldn't find the answer.    


"If that's the case, then the Guankou City is too strange." Xiao Muqing shook his head and muttered. He was well aware of how powerful the Fire of Darkness was. If the news about the King was not wrong, then it basically could not be explained.    


After thinking for a while, Zi Ying opened his mouth and asked: "Great King, are there any signs of a shortage of rolling logs, striking stones, and arrows for the Guankou City?"    


Tang Yin shook his head and said: "It's very abundant, at least this is what County Head of the Chuankou County said. He has orders for the Ann Army, while defending the city, there is no need to save, even if it is spent day and night, the city defense resources of the Guankou City will be sufficient for several months or even several years."    


"How is that possible?" Zi Ying and the other generals looked at each other in disbelief.    


"What's even more unbelievable is that there are actually many living things in the Mayor Palace. The various divisions of Ann Army eat meat vegetables and drink meat soup almost every day, so the food is even better than ours!"    


Tang Yin was amused, it was anger that made him happy. Could it be that the Palace was actually a Cosmic Bag? Was there another world inside?    


Unfortunately, the Ann Soldier General of Ann Country s that he had ingested were not at a sufficient level to be able to enter the interior of the Mayor Palace, and he was also unable to understand the situation inside.    


"Great King, it looks like Ann Army is truly well-prepared. They are going to fight a long and drawn-out battle with our army in Guankou City."    


"That's right!" However, our army cannot afford to delay the Ann Army any longer. The situation in the safe zone must be settled as soon as possible, there must not be any remnants of the Ann Army left. " Tang Yin clenched his fist and said: "My thoughts are like this. Since the Ann Army has stored all of the food and materials in the Mayor Palace and Guankou City is a small city, can our army set up Trebuchet s below the city? Can we use the Trebuchet's stone bullets to directly destroy the Mayor Palace?!"    


When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up. Then, they all shook their heads, feeling that this wasn't too realistic.    


First of all, their armies had used up all of their stone shells, and second of all, the most important part was that even if the pass was a small city, if they wanted to use Trebuchet to directly smash into the Mayor Palace in the center of the town, they had to at least push their way into the vicinity of the walls of the Guankou City.    


At such a close distance, the defensive formation could completely cover the Trebuchet on their side. If they used a rocket, then the number of Trebuchet that their side pushed forward would be destroyed. There was no possibility for them to even stand firm, let alone shoot a stone bullet.    


Seeing that all the generals were shaking their heads, Tang Yin pulled himself together and said: "Regardless of whether it is a success or not, we should still give it a try!"    


"But my king, my army's stone shells have been used up in the siege battle a few days ago ?" Qi Heng replied in embarrassment.    


Also, not far from our army's main camp is Mu Ye Mountain and Black Head Mountain, can't we organize our brothers to gather them on the spot? Do not find excuses with me, and immediately go and do it! "    


Qi Heng nodded his head repeatedly in agreement after being scolded by Tang Yin, and did not dare to say another word.    


Xiao Muqing, Zi Ying and the others thought hard, and it seemed that they could only do that, to treat this as if he was alive, even if it meant destroying all of the Trebuchet on their side, as long as they could destroy the Palace, the following battle would be easy.    


Just as Tang Yin was about to disperse the accounts, Qi Heng suddenly thought of something and asked: "Has the King received any news about that Mr Yu from the Ann Army?"    


Pfft! Tang Yin laughed, shook his head and said: "Generals of Ann Army, have only heard of this Mr. Yu by name, and have not seen him before. Yu, the unnecessary person, may not even exist as a Mr. Yu, but that is only the alias of someone who cannot afford to see the light of day! "    


Qi Heng blinked and asked, "Who does the king think this person is?"    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "They can be anyone or a group of people that can't get along with me. The most important thing is for you to break through the Guankou City as soon as possible! "    


The battle for An Yue had already been delayed long enough, Tang Yin didn't want to waste any more time, if he was unable to defeat the Guankou City in a long time, the several hundred thousand Chuan Army at the borders of the Chuan Country would no longer stand guard, and he might be able to counterattack at any time to seize the main strategic point of the Guankou City.    


The Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army followed Tang Yin's orders and gathered stone bullets on the battlefield. There were also a large number of soldiers who split up and headed towards the Mu Ye Mountain and the Black Head Mountain to gather stone stones to make the stone bullets.    


Although there were a lot of people in the Feng Army, it would still take a long time to create a large amount of stone balls.    


During this time, Feng Army gave up attacking the city, and the entire army rested peacefully in the camp. The scouts of the Feng Army did not idle around. They would often go around the Guankou City and hide at the border between the and the safe haven of the to monitor the movement of the Chuan Army.    


In the past few days, Tang Yin and the General of Feng Country had done some detailed research on the internal topographic map of the Guankou City, but they could not find anything different about it.    


In other words, it was a large military fortress with no citizens or residences. All of them were in the same army camp, and the ones who would normally stay in the Mayor Palace would be the generals leading the troops.    


Ever since Zhang Murong had taken up residence, the Mayor Palace had become abnormally tight. Other than a few of Zhang Murong's trusted aides, no one else could enter the Mayor Palace.    


Tang Yin was a hundred percent sure that there was something fishy within the Mayor Palace, but he had no idea where it came from. After thinking about it carefully, he still felt that it was the easiest and most effective way to destroy the Mayor Palace.    


Of course, there was also a lot of difficulty in doing this. How to push the Trebuchet near the city walls and then block the Ann Army with his arrows became the most troublesome problem.    


After discussing with the other generals, they finally thought of a rather good idea. They would wrap the Trebuchet with the iron sheet in order to defend against the possibility of being used by the enemy.    


It was impossible for him to find that much iron at the last minute, but Tang Yin did have a way, and he directly requisitioned the Steel Armor s that the Pingyuan Army wore.    


Back then, when the Pingyuan Army was aiding the Ann Country to resist the Huan Army, the entire army had received support from the Ann Country in the form of steel helmets and Steel Armor, which were now just in time to be put to use.    


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