Tomin in The Alien World



Xiao Xiang forced herself to remain calm, she puffed out her chest, and looking at Tang Yin who was walking straight towards him, she raised her head and asked: "What do you want?"    


Tang Yin was overjoyed, facing Xiao Xiang's gaze, he said vaguely: "It's exactly what Princess's heart is thinking!"    


Hearing the ridicule in his words, Xiao Xiang subconsciously clenched her fists, as her eyes unconsciously looked around at her surroundings.    


She was not only afraid of Tang Yin, he was also a Feng King. Since he was staying in the County Head Palace, then it meant that there was definitely an ambush in the County Head Palace, and there were even more Feng Army and guards hiding in the shadows.    


When he was still five steps away from Xiao Xiang, Tang Yin stopped and looked at him. Compared to Xiao Xiang, he was much more interested in Chang Feng.    


He withdrew his smile and said faintly: "Since Mr Chang doesn't dare to make a move against this Young Master Ren, then when you make a move against this king, you won't have any more worries, right?"    


Chang Feng did not say anything, and no one could see his expression, but the action of him slowly raising the bamboo in his hand was already enough to explain everything.    


Seeing that, Ren Xiao's heart trembled, he quickly walked to Tang Yin's side and said sternly: "Your Highness, please do not!"    


Tang Yin laughed, and said in a low voice: "It's rare to meet an expert like Chang Feng, if I miss this chance, I will regret it for a long time."    


Ren Xiao laughed bitterly, in terms of being crazy, Tang Yin and Chang Feng were very similar, at least, the previous Chang Feng was like this.    


At the same time, he also said in a low voice, "Your Highness must not be careless. Although Brother Chang's eyes are blind, he still has the foundation of the Soul Martial Arts. It is not clear who will win in battle.    


Tang Yin waved his hand with a smile, interrupting Ren Xiao's words. He said: "I just wanted to have a spar with Chang Feng, it's not as if I'm going to fight to the death with him, Brother Ren need not be too worried." Saying that, he patted Ren Xiao's shoulders. Following after, he walked towards Chang Feng in large strides.    


The distance between the two wasn't far to begin with, so he had only taken two steps before entering Chang Feng's attack range.    


Without any warning, a ray of cold light appeared from Chang Feng's side, and swept straight towards Tang Yin's chest. At almost the same time, lightning flashed from Tang Yin's side, and collided with the incoming cold light.    


Clang! The sound of metal clashing was sharp and ear-piercing, making the surrounding people feel as if their eardrums were being pierced by needles. In this head-on clash of swords, neither Tang Yin nor Chang Feng had an advantage. Both of them retreated half a step.    


Steadying his body, Tang Yin took the initiative to attack first. Waving his hand, he conjured the treasured sword and at the same time, aimed the spirit armor towards Chang Feng.    


Fighting against Tang Yin, was completely different from fighting against Cheng Jin and the others. Chang Feng did not dare to have the slightest bit of carelessness, as he had also completed Spirit Materialization of Weapon and Spirit Armored Materialization at the very first moment.    


There was an unceasing sound of tinkling and tinkling as sparks exploded between the two of them. Seeing how fast Chang Feng's sword was, and how accurate was his sword, how did he look like a blind person? It was even better than a normal person's eyes.    


Chang Feng blocked all twelve of Tang Yin's strikes, but he was still forced to take six big steps back. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent had already used up all of his strength and not yet having enough strength, Chang Feng bellowed and began his counterattack.    


The long and narrow sword in his hand flew up and down, one after another cold light after another shot like a meteor, striking towards the vital parts of Tang Yin's body.    


What a fast sword! Tang Yin had never met someone who could strike so quickly. Not only was he not afraid, his body was even trembling from excitement. If it wasn't on the battlefield, the people around him would definitely be able to see that his hands and feet were trembling.    


He used all his strength to take the hit, and a series of loud and clear sounds came out, and when Tang Yin successfully blocked all of Chang Feng's quick swords, he was also forced to take three steps back.    


The two fought quickly, so the spectators couldn't even see their swords. All they could see was cold beams of light shuttling back and forth between them. At the same time, it was accompanied by ear-piercing golden cries.    


This was a battle between top-level experts that was hard for anyone to see.    


Ren Xiao, Cheng Jin, Xiao Xiang and the three middle-aged men beside her were watching intently. Even though they could not see the details of the battle clearly, they still stared wide-eyed, afraid that they would miss anything that happened on the stage.    


During the twenty rounds of battle between the bystanders, Tang Yin and Chang Feng had been going back and forth for more than a hundred rounds. Fighting against each other quickly required not only extremely strong explosive power, but also extremely strong stamina and endurance.    


After fighting with Tang Yin for a while longer, Chang Feng took the initiative to change his plans. He anxiously used three swords to force Tang Yin to retreat, and then, he jumped backwards. Just as Tang Yin pounced towards him, the spirit sword in his hand suddenly radiated with light.    


At such a close distance, with such a powerful ability, Tang Yin did not even think about it, and instinctively activated Shadow Shift to dodge. However, this was exactly what Chang Feng was waiting for. The moment the Black Fog appeared around Tang Yin, he suddenly released the powerful Spirit Pressure.    


In his previous battle with Tang Yin, he had never released his Spirit Pressure. Firstly, he wanted to test Tang Yin's true abilities, and secondly, he wanted to preserve his own spirit energy. Thirdly, he wanted to numb Tang Yin. Now that the opportunity had come, the foreshadowing had finally come in handy.    


The sudden appearance of a soul martial skill along with the sudden appearance of the Spirit Pressure was indeed out of Tang Yin's expectations. No one would have thought that Chang Feng would be able to unleash such a powerful Spirit Pressure when he was using the ultimate skill, Crosscut Cut.    


Tang Yin's Shadow Shift was forcefully sealed by the Spirit Pressure, and just as he was stunned for a moment, the Cross Medallion Slash also flew in front of him. Although in the large size of the Spirit Pressure, the Spirit Blade's flying speed would become slower, at the same time, Tang Yin's movement skills were also being suppressed.    


At the critical moment, he roared out, and his body shot out horizontally. At the same time, he slashed out with his Spirit Sword, releasing five Spirit Wave s in one breath.    


His five strikes of Spirit Wave were unable to resolve the Cross Slash. However, he was able to successfully block the Spirit Blade that was flying over.    


It was also because of this fleeting chance that Tang Yin was able to escape unscathed from the attack, not getting affected by the [Instant Blast Cross Cut].    


Before he could stand up, he had already released the Shadow-illusion Prison. Following the Shadow-illusion Prison's invasion of Chang Feng, it was obvious that his body shook, and the released Spirit Pressure also disappeared accordingly.    


Tang Yin slowly stood up, his eyes flashed with a strange green light as he looked at Chang Feng without blinking. He slowly raised the spirit sword in his hand.    


Right now, Chang Feng was trapped within the Shadow-illusion Prison. As long as Tang Yin walked forward, a single sword strike could easily take his life. However, Tang Yin did not do so. In his opinion, Chang Feng was a top talent that could be used by himself.    


Of course, it was also because Tang Yin did not rush over. Otherwise, it was not certain who would be the one to receive the fatal blow!    


Chang Feng who was trapped in the Shadow-illusion Prison suddenly turned around and walked towards Tang Yin. At first, Tang Yin thought that it was just a coincidence. But Chang Feng also turned around at the same time, and continued to face him.    


At this time, Tang Yin's eyes flashed with surprise. He could be sure that Chang Feng did not break through his Shadow-illusion Prison, then how was it possible for him to find his true body so accurately?    


Tang Yin couldn't figure out what was going on, but he was unconvinced and changed his position once again. On the other hand, Chang Feng only hesitated for a moment, but still turned around, and faced Tang Yin face to face with him with accuracy.    


He could not help but take a deep breath. Could it be that Chang Feng had some other special ability? Just as he was pondering, Chang Feng suddenly roared out, holding her sword and sprinting towards him. The spirit sword shot out rays of light, aimed straight at Tang Yin, releasing a chaotic aura.    


Tang Yin secretly sighed. In desperation, he had no choice but to remove the Shadow-illusion Prison from Chang Feng's body, recover its spirit energy, and use the Shadow Shift to dodge out of the way.    


Chang Feng also only gave him this one chance to unleash the Shadow Shift, the Spirit Pressure that had just dissipated once again condensed in the air, at the same time, the spirit sword in his hand shone even brighter, the long and narrow sword had already begun to ripple like water.    


That was the prelude to when he used the Spirit Transformation of Weapon.    


Of course, Tang Yin could tell, he did not dare be careless, and also released the Spirit Transformation of Weapon. Right at that moment, Ren Xiao suddenly shouted from the side: "Stop! Your Highness, Brother Chang, please stop! "    


did not want anything to happen to either Tang Yin or Chang Feng, and he also did not want to see both of them suffer. At the critical moment, he did not care about the danger anymore and rushed into the battlefield, standing between Tang Yin and Chang Feng.    


As Ren Xiao rushed into the arena, Tang Yin and Chang Feng withdrew their Spirit Transformation of Weapon at the same time. The former frowned, and looked at Ren Xiao in confusion, and asked: "What is Brother Ren doing?"    


"Don't fight anymore, Your Highness, if you keep fighting, the two of you will either suffer heavy injuries on both sides or die together, why must you suffer?!" Ren Xiao turned and looked at Chang Feng, and said sternly: "Brother Chang, just exchanging pointers is good, why fight to the death?"    


When Chang Feng used the Spirit Transformation of Weapon, it was completely subconscious. It had been a long time since he had this kind of intense battle with others, and he had not experienced the thrill of death for a long time either. The crazy feeling he had towards the Spirit Force back then had unknowingly returned into his body through his battle with Tang Yin.    


He raised his head and exhaled a long breath of impure air. Then, without saying a word, he scattered the spirit sword and armor and sheathed his sword back into its scabbard before turning around and returning to Xiao Xiang's side.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin kept his sword and smiled at Chang Feng: "Today's battle, the victor has not been decided. When we meet in the future, the two of us will have to determine who is stronger."    


After Chang Feng, who never spoke to anyone else, heard what Tang Yin said, he nodded his head heavily and answered with a determined tone, "Okay!"    


Hearing that, Tang Yin's mouth raised into a smile. If someone were to rip off the veil on Chang Feng's head, he would be surprised to discover that he was actually smiling too.    


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