Tomin in The Alien World



There was still some distance between them and the Beast King Town, so Tang Yin ordered the troops to stop. After that, he called Xiao Muqing and Cheng Jin over and said: "Army of Xiao, lead a thousand of your cavalrymen to bypass the Beast King Town and head to the predetermined ambush place!"    


"This subordinate understands!" Xiao Muqing cupped his hands together on his horse and without delay, he led the way with Le Tian and led the one thousand cavalrymen. They did not dare approach the Beast King Town, but rather took a big detour, heading towards the northwest direction of the Beast King Town.    


After Xiao Muqing left, Tang Yin turned to Cheng Jin and said: "General Cheng, lead your hidden arrows and lurk near the Beast King Town. Take care of the sentry posts outside the town.    


"Yes!" "My Lord!" Cheng Jin lowered his emphasis and dismounted from his horse. He gathered the Dark Arrow members and walked towards Beast King Town.    


After sending Xiao Muqing and Cheng Jin away, Tang Yin then ordered the entire army: "Pu Ma!" As he spoke, he took the lead to dismount, take out the prepared cloth, and tightly cover the four hooves of the warhorse. This was to minimize the sound of the warhorse charging.    


Upon seeing this, all of the Feng Army followed suit and wrapped the hooves of the horses carefully. At the same time, they also tied up the mouths of the horses with cloth.    


Everything was in place, except for the east wind. Right now, Tang Yin only needed to wait for the hidden arrows to clean up the sentries outside of Beast King Town and then he would be able to rush over.    


Tang Yin and Ai Jia both climbed onto a crater, and they happened to be able to see the entire picture of the Beast King Town from where they were standing. Upon closer inspection, the city's outer walls were not very tall, and there were no sentries patrolling on top of the walls either. It was obvious that Savage Soldier's vigilance was very low, and could be said that he was not on guard at all.    


Tang Yin's gaze shifted downwards as he searched for Hidden Arrow Crew s that were moving stealthily.    


However, before his eyes was a vast wasteland filled with weeds, which were close to the height of half a person. Hidden Arrow Crew were lurking within, and even with Tang Yin's eyesight, he was unable to find them.    


This time, Cheng Jin did not bring out all three squads of Hidden Arrow, but only brought the strongest squadron out.    


They spread out and searched for the sightings of the Beast King Town according to the map that Ai Jia had drawn.    


Cheng Jin had chosen the most dangerous and most important target to attack, the town gate. There were five Savage Soldier guards standing right in front of them.    


These five Savage Soldier had guarded the place for an entire night, and right now, it was just in the early morning, when they were at their most tired and listless, the five people were sitting around together, hugging their spears, and napping.    


Cheng Jin slowly approached without a sound. After he clearly saw the situation, the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a cold smile.    


He was originally lying on the grass, but his body instantly appeared beside the five guards. At the same time, his body was covered in spirit armor, and the steel blade in his hand became a long and thin Spiritual Knife.    


Cheng Jin used the Shadow Shift to approach the five of them. Without stopping for a moment, he stabbed the Spiritual Knife in his hand directly into one of the guards' hearts.    


A fatal blow.    


The Spiritual Knife was sharp, and it directly pierced through the heart of the guard, causing him to not even have the chance to make a sound as his body fell flat on the ground. As the five of them were sitting together, if one of them were to fall, the other four would also be awakened. Cheng Jin took the initiative and stopped the four guards before they fell, and then looked at the other four, who were still sleeping soundly without realizing it.    


He was too fast. He had killed five guards in a row, in the blink of an eye. He dragged the corpses of the five guards into a pile of grass. After patrolling for a while, he didn't find any other Berserker Soldiers. Only then did he hide back into the bushes.    


After confirming that there were no more sentries, Cheng Jin got closer to the walls of the Beast King Town and continued to remove the guards on the walls.    


The city walls were not high, so regardless of using Shadow Shift s or climbing up directly, it was easy. However, there were too many Savage Soldier up there, and even if the opponent was not prepared, it would still be unrealistic to kill them all with just a sound.    


After observing for a while, Cheng Jin was unable to find an opportunity to make a move.    


As for the Savage Soldier on the city wall, Tang Yin did not care that much. He quickly mounted his horse and shouted an order while cutting through gold: "Brothers, follow me and kill as many barbarians as you can who can move!"    


Finished speaking, he kicked the horse's belly with his feet, and with the understanding of the horse, he threw off his four hooves and galloped straight towards Beast King Town.    


The two thousand Feng Army s below also urged their horses to ride as they followed closely behind Tang Yin.    


The two thousand cavalrymen were extremely fast. Because their horses' hooves were wrapped, the galloping war horses didn't make much noise. However, the trembling of the ground caused by the two thousand cavalrymen wasn't something that could be canceled out by just the wrapping of the cloth.    


When the cavalry was still more than two hundred meters away from the Beast King Town, the Savage Soldier on the city wall finally detected something, but as the sky was hazy, the Savage Soldier on the city wall saw a group of cavalry rapidly approaching, but the other party did not put up a flag, and their clothes were unclear, making it impossible to determine if they were enemies or their own people.    


A tall and sturdy Savage Soldier crawled on top of the wall and shouted loudly: "Who are you people? Report your name! "Mo)"    


Tang Yin, who was rushing at the very front, replied without thinking: "We're on our own! "Mo)" At this time, the Basa language he learned became effective, and his reply caused the other party's wariness to drop.    


When Tang Yin rode his horse to the city gate, the Savage Soldier on top of the city gate suddenly realised that the person was actually wearing Feng Country armour.    


"It's the enemy ?" The face of the burly Savage Soldier changed, as he subconsciously let out a scream, but just as he shouted out, the sound suddenly stopped, and an arrow accurately nailed his throat.    


Plop! Without waiting for the surrounding Savage Soldier to react, arrows fell from the sky like rain, the momentum of the two thousand cavalry arrows was also extremely terrifying, in an instant, a large portion of the Savage Soldier s on the city wall fell.    


"Enemy attack!" It was an enemy attack! Close the city gates! The Savage Soldier leader on the city wall suddenly woke up, and shouted with all his might.    


However, it was too late to close the city gates.    


Tang Yin stepped down from the Ru Ying and was the fastest, being the first to rush into the cave entrance. After coming here, he swung the scythe in his hands left and right, kacha kacha! Following two flashes of cold light, the Savage Soldier that was trying to close the city gates fell down in a row.    


Seeing that, the other Savage Soldier s were shocked, raised their blades, and rushed towards Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin snorted as he slashed his sickle horizontally, causing the Spirit Wave to shoot out. The few Savage Soldier s that were rushing towards him were struck by the Spirit Wave, as miserable cries sounded out in all directions, and several Savage Soldier s were simultaneously cut in half at the waist, spitting out fresh blood all over the ground.    


Right now, his cultivation was at the Spirit Origin Realm, so the Spirit Wave that he released was even more powerful, sharp and unstoppable. Even with the thick armor on his body, the Spirit Wave was still able to cut through Savage Soldier like vegetables.    


As a few Savage Soldier s fell to the ground, not only did the number of enemy troops not decrease, instead, it rapidly increased. More and more Savage Soldier s ran out from the city walls, gathering at the city gate.    


If this continued, our own forces would all be blocked outside the city gate, and after a long time, we would all lose the ability to sneak attack. By the time the Savage Soldier had reacted and turned into offensive and defensive battles, it would be very difficult to take down the Beast King Town again.    


Thinking about that, Tang Yin became anxious and shouted loudly, the blade of the scythe ignited with Fire of Darkness s, he then used his strength to slash as he rushed forward.    


When Tang Yin's sickle came slashing down, the Savage Soldier disciples did not even have the space to dodge. The blade tore apart the armor on the Savage Soldier, causing the Fire of Darkness to burn the Savage Soldier's body and Tang Yin's war horse only advanced one meter forward, but the Savage Soldier that transformed into Spirit Fog actually numbered more than a hundred people.    


"Master, get out of the way!"    


At this time, Brother Shangguan's shout came from behind Tang Yin.    


Although he did not know what was going on, Tang Yin still drove his horse out of the city gate.    


Right at the moment when he retreated, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao both brandished their spirit spears, and used the consummate technique of the Spirit realm, Crosscut Slash. The Cross Slash was a large area of effect skill, being unleashed by two Spirit Cultivator of the Spirit Origin Realm, it was extremely powerful, with two cross shaped Spirit Wave s sweeping across, causing the gathered Savage Soldier in the hole in the city gate to instantly fall by more than half, while the remaining Savage Soldier s were so scared that their faces changed, as they all staggered backwards.    


This was a rare opportunity, how could Tang Yin miss it, at the same time he urged his horse to rush in, he turned his head and shouted: "Attack!"    




Tang Yin led the cavalrymen and rushed into the Beast King Town in one go.    


The most important thing about infantry fighting against cavalry was their numbers. Only with sufficient numbers would they be able to withstand the enemy's charge. If their numbers were insufficient, the cavalry would not even need to fight; they would only need to rely on their warhorses' charging and trampling to kill the enemy.    


They did not even have the chance for the remaining people to escape, as they were knocked onto the ground by the cavalry soldiers who had rushed in. Before they could get up, the cavalry soldiers behind them had also fallen, and the iron hooves of their war horses had mercilessly trampled on them, and in an instant, they were stomped into pieces, turning them into meat paste.    


After entering the town, there was still room for the cavalry's charge. Two thousand cavalry soldiers would cut down anyone they saw, kill anyone they saw, and directly kill all the scattered Savage Soldier that blocked them until they cried for their parents.    


Tang Yin did not care about the others, and rushed towards the center of the town with all his might. The concept of 'attack the snake and attack the snake, capture the king first' had already become the norm in his battles. As long as he kills the enemy leader, the rest of the Savage Soldier would become chaotic.    


Savage Soldier s were indeed not well-prepared, and upon hearing the sounds of battle, many Savage Soldier s who were awakened from their dreams and ran out from their living quarters without wearing any armor, without any weapons in their hands, and until they reached the streets, before they could even clearly see what had happened, they were met with the head-on attack from the Feng Army Cavalry soldiers who had charged over, whom they had yet to figure out how they had killed their way over.    


Soon enough, Tang Yin arrived at the center of the town where a lot of Savage Soldier s were gathered. Some of them were wearing armor, some of them were wearing only shorts, and the weapons they were holding were all kinds of different weapons. There were blades, spears, sticks, and iron hooks. Most of the Savage Soldier s revealed blank expressions, looking all around, searching for the traces of their enemies.    


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