Tomin in The Alien World



At this time, Jiang Mo was already injured internally, the spirit sword had flown out of his hand, and blood was flowing out of his nose and mouth due to the spirit armor.    


When the two General of Savage Army's heavy blades whistled over, he no longer had the strength to dodge or defend, but the ultimate skill of the Dark Element Spiritual Martial Force, the Shadow Shift had become his lifesaver. He used the remaining remnant of her will to cast the Shadow Shift, and instantly returned to the back of the arrow stack on the city wall.    


The Feng Army on the city wall were startled by Jiang Mo's sudden appearance, but seeing that he was bleeding profusely, his face pale white and his eyes tightly shut, he immediately rushed forward and dragged him to the city gates to find a military doctor for treatment.    


Although Jiang Mo had successfully destroyed the Thunderbolt Car s with Savage Soldier, he had only dealt with the tip of the iceberg. It was simply unable to reverse the disadvantage of Fringe City as a whole.    


The encirclement of the Savage Soldier s from all four sides grew fiercer and fiercer. Seeing that the defending troops of Fringe City were unable to resist, at this time, another group of people came from the rear of the Savage Soldier s camp.    


Just like the Savage Soldier, this group of people did not carry any banner, nor did they have any infantry, but their speed was very fast. Looking from afar, one could see how many people there were and which country's army they came from.    


Hearing his subordinate's report, the general of Savage Soldier was stunned. He didn't know which group of people were coming. He turned around and looked for a while, but still couldn't find anything. He then ordered the subordinates who came to report to him to check on the identity of this group of people.    


The Savage Soldier minor head left, and in the end, he never came back.    


The group of people that came were no strangers, they were precisely the two thousand Feng Army s that Tang Yin had set up an ambush at the Wangwang Town.    


When the Savage Soldier attacked the city, Tang Yin was the first to receive reports from his spies. He immediately gathered all the soldiers scattered throughout the town and rushed to Fringe City.    


They hadn't even arrived yet, but they could already see from afar how the flames were raging in Fringe City. Everyone was shouting and shouting, and without even thinking, one could already tell that a fierce battle was underway.    


Tang Yin knew that he had a lot of Savage Soldier, and was afraid that his side wouldn't be able to hold on. He anxiously ran to the front with full speed, leaving Brother Shangguan, Cheng Jin, Ao Qing and the two thousand soldiers far behind.    


He was rushing forward when he suddenly saw a Savage Soldier approaching from the front. Tang Yin was clever, he immediately understood that this was the person from Savage Soldier who came to investigate. He did not react, but his speed became faster.    


The moment he saw's attire, he could tell that he was a man from the wind. There was no need to ask, since Feng Army were following closely behind him.    


The Savage Soldier Academy didn't dare to go forward, and hastily reined in the horses' reins. They turned the horses around, intending to go back and report.    


He was fast, but not as fast as Tang Yin's Shadow Shift. Just as he turned his horse around, Tang Yin had already appeared on the horse's back, standing right behind the school. The two of them were practically stuck together.    


"Ya!" Just as he was about to draw his blade and cut Tang Yin, who was mounted on his horse, down, the latter grabbed his wrist first, while his other hand firmly grabbed onto the school's neck.    


Following the flash of the black flames, the young officer didn't even make a sound. His body turned into smoke, and the armor that had lost its owner fell to the ground one by one.    


Tang Yin did not say a word, he took the chance to ride his horse, and with a slap on the horse's butt, he urged the horse to ride, and rushed straight towards the Savage Soldier faction.    


He felt that it was indeed the case. Although the war horse was galloping, when one sat on it, they would not feel much of a jolt. The only drawback was that the horse was too slow, especially when compared to the Ru Ying, the horse he rode on was extremely slow.    


Without much time to appreciate the situation, Tang Yin had already urged his horse to the end of the Savage Soldier camp, and the Savage Soldier guarding the back of the formation had thought that it was his own school coming back, so they did not pay much attention. When Tang Yin rode the horse to their front, the Savage Soldier suddenly realised that the horse was their own war horse, but the people on their horses had changed, and the person riding on the horse was actually a windman.    


"It's the enemy!" "Mo Yu)" A Savage Soldier cultivator screamed in shock.    


Just as he shouted out, Tang Yin had already arrived in front of him. He let go of the reins, unsheathed his twin blades, and used them to slice open Savage Soldier 'throat when the warhorse passed by him.    




As the saber light appeared, blood spurted out. The Savage Soldier used both hands to stagger backwards while holding onto his throat that had been cut off, he plopped down on the ground and twitched a few times. The rest of the Savage Soldier, seeing the situation, were startled and rushed forward, all of their spears and axes stabbing towards Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin released his spirit energy, and his body instantly condensed into a set of spirit armor. He then merged with his two blades, and completed Spirit Materialization of Weapon, and the two blades merged into one, becoming a long sickle. As his arms shook, with a woosh, the surface of the sickle became covered with a layer of dense black flames.    


"Kill ?"    


shouted from the horse as the sickle swept out, causing all of the Savage Soldier to raise their spears to parry the attack. However, how could ordinary spears withstand a spirit weapon?    


The spear had been broken, and there were still remnants of the broken spear. Sadly, not even a single strand of hair remained after the person had been cut off. Their bodies had been completely burnt by the Fire of Darkness attached to the sickle, turning them into strands of spirit energy.    


When Savage Soldier saw this scene, he seemed to have been electrocuted. He opened his eyes wide and was tongue-tied, someone unknown screamed: "Sickle! With the sickle of the Black Fire! "    


This shout caused the Savage Soldier members to involuntarily retreat.    


Although the scale of the last battle at the Wangwang Town was not big, Tang Yin had left a deep impression on the Savage Soldier. There was a rumor that there was a general at the Bessa City who held a scythe in his hand, and was exceptionally powerful. When they saw Tang Yin and that strangely shaped sickle that was covered with Black Fire, the Savage Soldier disciples immediately thought of this rumor and instinctively retreated.    


They retreated, while Tang Yin closed in. He had already made up his mind, taking advantage of the lack of Savage Soldier to block the attack, he would first kill the enemy commander and then think about.    


No matter how fast the infantry were, they wouldn't be able to outrun the war horses. When the Savage Soldier retreated in fear, Tang Yin rode his horse and charged forward. As he brandished the sickle, the Black Fire spread out and drew many strange lines of black light in the air. More than half of the hundred Savage Soldier guarding the back of the formation disappeared in the blink of an eye. The floor was littered with armor and weapons.    


The remaining Savage Soldier s were completely scared out of their wits. No one dared to take the initiative and block them, and no one dared to stand in front of Tang Yin's war horse either. Dozens of Savage Soldier s all moved to the side.    


They gave way, just in time to give Tang Yin a path. His two legs fiercely grabbed onto the horse's abdomen, and entered the Enemy's Camp, charging straight towards the center of the army.    


The Central Army was the place where the main general resided and was the command center of the entire camp. Of course, it was also the most important place in the camp, so it should have been guarded well, but with the Savage Soldier's main force having been thrown into the city battle, the camp had very few Savage Soldier s left, adding Tang Yin who was extremely vicious, he charged into the Savage Soldier camp as if he was in a place where no one was around. The Savage Soldier that came out sporadically, but before they could even get close to the horse, they were already killed by his sickle.    


Soon after, Tang Yin rushed to the center of the Savage Soldier camp and saw a middle-aged General of Savage Army in the crowd from afar. Just by looking at his gorgeous clothes and the crowd around him, Tang Yin immediately determined that this person's position in the Savage Soldier was not simple, and was most likely the main general of the Savage Soldier camp. Without even thinking, he immediately urged his horse to rush over.    


These Savage Soldier s were all from Spirit Cultivator, and all of them had a profound cultivation level. Their fighting techniques were also well-trained, and more than twenty of them used Spirit Materialization of Weapon at the same time.    


Just as the two sides came into contact with each other, Tang Yin already took the lead and waved the sickle in his hand. At the same time, a long and narrow crescent-shaped Spirit Wave shot out.    


The guards could sense that Tang Yin had a deep cultivation, so they did not dare to take the attack head-on. After the Spirit Wave, all the guards rushed forward. Some attacked Tang Yin, some attacked the warhorses, and more than twenty spirit weapons came from all directions.    


Not only in terms of cultivation level, but fighting techniques, no one could compare to Tang Yin.    


The opponent may have a lot of people, but Tang Yin did not put them in his eyes. Calmly, he brandished the scythe and easily dispelled all of the opponents' attacks, but before they could launch their second round of attacks, Tang Yin's scythe had already pierced through them.    


A jumping guard was still in the air, his lower abdomen was stabbed by a sickle, he only had time to let out a short scream, and then his body was melted by the Fire of Darkness on top of the sickle, and ownerless clothes and weapons scattered down from the sky.    


These guards were all Death Soldier s, and according to the rules of the Bessa City, the moment the master was killed, these personal guards would have to put them all to death as well. Therefore, when they watched their comrades die miserably before their eyes, even though they knew that they were no match for the other party, none of them dared to take a step forward.    


Tang Yin did not take the guards seriously, but during the battle, he could see that the middle aged general of Savage Soldier was urging his horse to gallop forward, and looking ahead, it was the large group of Bastille Knights.    


This should be the Heavy Armored Cavalry of the legends, and from top to bottom, they were all dressed in heavy armor, with only two small holes appearing on their iron masks. They were not Spirit Warrior, but their attire was enough to match the Spirit Warrior who was wearing Spirit Armor, and looking down below, even their horses were covered in thick iron armor. When the two armies fought, they were like movable steel fortresses, and the fighting strength they displayed could be imagined.    


If the master of Savage Soldier were to escape into the ranks of the Heavy Armored Cavalry, it would be even harder to kill him.    


Tang Yin panicked and shouted: "All of you, scram!" As he spoke, he waved the sickle in his hand, releasing several sharp Spirit Wave s.    


He had originally thought that he could force the Savage Soldier guards to retreat, but unexpectedly, these guards acknowledged that they were cut and wounded by the Spirit Wave, and didn't even take a step back, continuing to pester him to the death.    


Seeing that the Savage Soldier general was about to enter the ranks of the Heavy Armored Cavalry, Tang Yin snorted and took a deep breath. The horse he was riding suddenly disappeared, transforming into a faint Black Fog, as if it had evaporated in the air, and appeared behind the side of the spirit stallion.    


"Come down!"    


Tang Yin roared out, the sickle swept out, and with two cracking sounds, the two legs of the horse that the middle aged man dismounted from the horse broke. The horse lost the support of its legs and fell back due to the force, the middle aged general who was riding on the horse also fell down.    


Every day, it would update by 2 chapters. Every day, it would update by 100 chapters. Every day, it would update by 2 chapters from Monday to Friday, and every day, it would update by 3 o'clock. The flowers were not only updated!    


After everyone finished reading < Tang Yin in the Other World >, they could also take a look at Liu Dao's other two complete books, < How Scoundrel Forged 2 > and < Encyclopedia of Medicine >! There was a link on the work page!    


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